September 9, 2019

What To Do If You Miss Class
- Check your syllabus for attendance, late work, and make-up policies. As we have mentioned before, the syllabus is important. It includes all of the important information that you will need for the class, including attendance, late work, and make-up policies.
- If you know you’re going to miss class, email your professor beforehand. If you cannot email before, class, do so afterwards. Last week, we gave you tips on how to email your professor. Use those tips to email your professor and let them know why you are not in class that day. This shows professionalism and keeps the lines of communication open.
- Never ask if you missed anything important. You did. Take our advice and never ask this question. Professors spend hours putting together lectures and presentations for the course material. If they are taking the time to lecture on it, it is important.
- Talk with your professor about upcoming assignments and questions you have about course material. These assignments may be listed in the syllabus, but the professor may have gone over more details about them in class. Make time to visit your professor during their office hours to make sure you understand the assignments.
- Use your classmates as references for lecture notes. Get to know people in your classes. If you missed class, work with your classmates to get lecture notes or copies of handouts.