FMU campus dining services to operate on limited basis during closing- March 17, 2020
While Francis Marion University remains closed through this month per Gov. Henry McMaster's executive order, campus dining services will operate under limited hours of operation after spring break for students remaining on campus. Ervin Dining Hall will be open on Sunday (3/22/2020) from 5pm to 7pm. Starting Monday (3/23/2020), Ervin will be open for brunch [...]
Latest statement from Dr. Fred Carter, FMU President – March 16, 2020
Message from Dr. Fred Carter, president Francis Marion University, to FMU faculty and staff. As you recall, the governor’s executive order yesterday closed the university, while giving us the latitude to transition to online instruction. Today we met with our COVID-19 working group, the vice presidents and department directors, and the deans and chairs. We [...]
FMU closing campus, moving to online instruction on March 25, 2020
FLORENCE — Francis Marion University is officially closing through March 31, per South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster’s March 15 Executive Order related to the continuing spread of the coronavirus in the state. The governor’s executive order closed all public schools in South Carolina. But it does provide individual universities with the authority “to deliver virtual [...]
Statement on Governor’s Executive Order – March 15, 2020
South Governor Henry McMaster held a press conference late this afternoon and announced the closing of all public colleges and universities until March 31. The governor’s executive order can be found online here. You’ll note that Section 2 provides the authority for us “to deliver virtual instruction and remote learning” and to provide “housing for [...]
Latest statement from Dr. Fred Carter, FMU President – March 15, 2020
Message from Dr. Fred Carter, president Francis Marion University, to FMU faculty and staff. My email last to you Thursday afternoon outlined three conditions under which we would reconsider continuing on-campus instruction after spring break—if the COVID-19 situation escalates, if the state closes substantial parts of the K-12 school system, or if any other adverse [...]
Francis Marion’s final Open House of the semester coming in April
Francis Marion University’s final Open House of the spring semester will be held on Saturday, April 4.
Latest statement from Dr. Fred Carter, FMU President – March 12, 2020
Message from Dr. Fred Carter, president Francis Marion University, to FMU faculty and staff. Yesterday afternoon, the deans, chairs, senior staff, and I met and discussed a number of issues pertaining to COVID-19. Let me briefly summarize a few points. The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) has identified ten confirmed or [...]
Clinical psychologist alum honored by FMU’s Department of Psychology
An enterprising and trailblazing alumnus was honored by the Francis Marion University Department of Psychology Monday night.
Francis Marion’s AAFSC to host famed NASA scientist, Hidden Figure
Francis Marion University will host famed NASA scientist Dr. Christine Darden for a symposium on Tuesday, March 23 in the Chapman Auditorium.
Latest statement from Dr. Fred Carter, FMU President – March 9, 2020
Latest message from Dr. Fred Carter, president Francis Marion University to FMU faculty and staff. The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) has reported the first confirmed cases of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in South Carolina. They are being treated and monitored with the protocol established by the Centers for Disease Control [...]
FMU honors five distinguished alumni at Awards Gala
Francis Marion University honored five of its most distinguished alumni at its annual Alumni Award Gala at the FMU Performing Arts Center on Thursday night.
FMU likely to freeze tuition again in 2020-21
Francis Marion University President Dr. Fred Carter said FMU expects to freeze tuition and student fees next fall, marking the second straight year FMU has held the line on the primary cost of attending college.