Student Life - SGA E-Board and Senate Application I agree to allow certain elements of my application below to be used for the Election Process. * I agree Name * Name First First Last Last Student Email * Phone * Student ID * Current GPA * Class * FreshmanSophomoreJuniorSeniorSenior+ Anticipated Graduation Year * Which Position are you applying for? (Choose 1) * President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Senator E-Board/Senator Opt-In: If not selected for above Executive Board Position, I would like to be a Senator for the upcoming year. I agree Major * Tell Us About Yourself * 0 of 500 max words What makes you unique? What can you contribute to SGA? * 0 of 250 max words Campaign Statement to Student Body - Why should you be an SGA Leader? * 0 of 250 max words Captcha Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.