Saturday, Nov. 16th, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

STEM Saturday: Land and Sea Engineering Design Challenges for Autistic Youth

Come learn about the scientific and design process while working to make the best puff cars and penny boats!  How far can your car go?  How much weight can your boat hold?  Prizes for the best vehicles!  Located at Francis Marion University’s new Freshwater Ecology Center, 3742 North Williston Road. 

The camp is for current 3rd through 6th graders.  A midmorning snack will be provided.  Drop-off begins at 8:45 and campers must be picked up by 12:15. Cost for the day is $25.

We are very excited to be offering STEM Saturdays for the first time this year. Come learn about the scientific and design process while working to make the best puff cars and penny boats!  How far can your car go?  

The camp is for current 3rd through 6th graders and will be offered on Saturday, October 26th , 9 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.  A midmorning snack will be provided.  Drop-off begins at 8:45 and campers must be picked up by 12:15. Cost is $25.

STEM Saturday Camp Forms & Payment

Your child is not considered registered until:

  • Payment has been received.
  • The application form has been filled out and the liability form has been signed.

You can find the registration form and liability form below:


If you have any questions before registering, please contact Dr. Jeff Steinmetz, Director of the Freshwater Ecology Center, at 843-661-4470 or