
The governing board of the institution is responsible for the selection and the periodic evaluation of the chief executive officer. (CEO evaluation/selection)

Compliance Judgment

X     In compliance     Partially compliant     Non-compliant


The Bylaws of the Board of Trustees specifies that the Board has the power and duty, “to appoint the President as the chief executive officer of the University; to delegate his responsibilities, evaluate his performance, provide for his leadership and welfare, and set appropriate conditions of employment, renewal, or termination” [1].

Evaluation of Administrators by the Faculty

Each year the Faculty Executive Committee (i.e., Chair of the Faculty, Vice Chair of the Faculty, and Secretary) oversees the administration of a faculty survey to evaluate the President, Provost, deans, and chairs [2]. The results for the President are sent to the President and the Chair of the Board of Trustees. The survey and results for the 2015-2016 academic year were highly favorable, with the mean ratings ranging between 4.23 and 4.79 on a 5 point scale [3].

Agency Head Performance Evaluation

The Agency Head Annual Evaluation is an evaluation of the President conducted annually by the Francis Marion Board of Trustees and reviewed by the South Carolina Agency Head Salary Commission. The evaluation is mandated by SC Code Section 30-4-70 (a) (1) (1976), and the evaluation document includes two sections: a Planning Document, which is submitted to the Commission in September, and an Evaluation Document, which is submitted to the South Carolina Agency Head Salary Commission in July of the next year. The Planning Document sets forth six of the President’s Objectives for the upcoming academic year; the Evaluation Document includes data to evaluate the extent to which the objectives were met.

The Vice President for Administration produces the document by compiling information from a variety of sources: the Institutional Research Office; the faculty survey of the President; the President’s curriculum vitae; and verbal or written reports of the President’s activities during the evaluation year. The President and the South Carolina Agency Head Salary Commission Chair discuss the report, and it is then submitted to the South Carolina Agency Head Salary Commission   [4].


  1. FMU Website, Board of the Trustees Bylaws
  2. Faculty Handbook 2016, Policies and Procedures for the Evaluation of Academic Administrators, p. 46-48
  3. President Evaluation 2016
  4. Agency Head Annual Evaluation