January 20, 2020

“Post Secrets” coming to the FMU PAC
Frank Warren has a lot of secrets.
And he’s bringing them to Francis Marion University.
Warren, who’s engaged millions across the globe with his captivating “Post Secret” project, will be at FMU’s Performing Arts Center for a one-night show on Thursday Feb. 13 at 7:45 p.m.
The public is invited to attend.
Post Secret is a 14-year-old social experiment-turned-cultural phenomena based on the willingness of millions of individuals to share personal secrets — anonymously — with a man (Warren) they’ve never met. Warren began asking that secrets be mailed to him back in 2005, through a blog dedicated to that project. He was stunned when thousands and eventually millions responded.
The secrets, delivered to Warren’s (now former) Maryland home, cover a variety of topics. Many are lavishly decorated with art work and other special effects. Some are humorous, some are poignant and some are very sad. Because of the nature of some of the secrets shared, Warren’s work has embraced mental health issues and suicide prevention.
Warren has written six “Post Secrets” books – essentially books of secrets with some commentary. He’s published thousands more online (www.postsecret.com). And he’s engaged a worldwide speaking tour. His engaging style has charmed audiences across the nation and around the globe.
Francis Marion University students have been crafting their own secrets ahead of the Feb. 13 show at special Post Secret creation stations on campus. Some of those secrets — again, they’re always anonymous — will be shared at the show and around campus in the months ahead.
Members of the public can bring Post Secret cards with them to the event, or can prepare them there with materials that will be provided.
Tickets will be available to the public — while they last — at no charge from the PAC Ticket Office beginning Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2020 at noon. Tickets not picked up from the box office by 7:30 p.m. the night of the performance will be released to individuals waiting on tickets.
To obtain tickets, contact the PAC Ticket Office at 843.661.4444 or go by the ticket office in person, Monday through Friday, noon to 5 p.m. The PAC is located in downtown Florence at 201 S. Dargan Street.
Frank Warren will be available to sign copies his books after the event, and FMU and area mental health experts will be present to distribute materials on available services.