Sample Four-Year Plan

A typical student curriculum plan for first-year student desiring to enter the ME program is outlined below. There are many possible academic paths a student may take and the provided plan is meant to show one possible path (it does not represent the path each ME student must take).

Fall Semester Hrs Spring Semester Hrs
Freshman Year
Calculus I, MATH 201 3 Calculus II, MATH 202 3
Technical Physics I, PHYS 200 4 Technical Physics II, PHYS 201 4
General Chemistry I, CHEM 111 3 Rhetoric, Genre, & Research, ENG 102 3
General Chemistry I Lab, CHEM 111L 1 Introduction to Engineering, ENGR 101 3
Analysis & Argument, ENG 101 3 Engineering Graphics, ENGR 201 3
Total Semester Hours 14 Total Semester Hours 16


Fall Semester Hrs Spring Semester Hrs

Sophomore Year
Calculus III, MATH 203 3 Ordinary Differential Equations, MATH 301 3
Technical Physics III, PHYS 202 4 Multivariable Calculus, MATH 306 3
Literature (any) 3 Intro to Microeconomics, ECON 203 3
Computational Methods for Physics & Engineering, PHYS 220 3 Materials Engineering, ENGR 220 3
Engineering Mechanics, ENGR 301 3 Mechanics of Materials., ENGR 250 3
Total Semester Hours 16 Total Semester Hours 15


Fall Semester Hrs Spring Semester Hrs
Junior Year
Intro to Macroeconomics, ECON 204 3 Oral Communication, SPCO 101 3
History (any) 3 Art/Music/Theatre Appreciation 101 3
Electronics & Instrumentation, ENGR 310 4 Biology (any) 4
Statistics for Engineers, ENGR 320 3 Engineering Economy, ENGR 330 3
Manufacturing Processes, ENGR 350 4 Fluid Mechanics, ENGR 370 3
Total Semester Hours 17 Total Semester Hours 16


Fall Semester Hrs Spring Semester Hrs
Senior Year
Political Science, Pol 101 or Pol 103 3 Technical Communication, ENG 318 3
Humanities Elective 3 Thermo and Heat & Mass Trans, Engr 400 4
Design of Mechanisms, Engr 401 3 Sys. Dynamics & Controls, Engr 402 3
Design for Manf. & Assy., Engr 411 3 ME Senior Design, Engr 482 4
Production Planning, Engr 468 3
Total Semester Hours 15 Total Semester Hours 14