Referral of Students to Services Addressing Personal Issues: (A3.10)

The FMU Physician Assistant Program has defined and published written procedures for timely access to services addressing personal issues that may impact student progress. These procedures are consistently applied and readily available in the PAP Student Handbook (Student Services Section, page 36-37). All students receive this handbook and are informed of these policies during new student orientation.

The Francis Marion University – Office of Counseling and Testing offers free counseling services by qualified psychologists to all FMU students upon request. Students may contact the counseling office at any time from the provided link. For more information, visit

Faculty and Staff of the FMU Physician Assistant Program may contact University Human Resources for direction on counseling contacts at any time from the provided link below:

PA Program Website Link – Student Services / Referrals – Link:

Faculty Procedure Guidelines for Student Counseling Referrals:

  1. When students express interest in or need for counseling services, faculty will provide:
    1. University Counseling Services contact information
    2. Names of relevant counseling staff
    3. Website link for additional resources
    4. Document resource recommendations in the student advising record.
  2. With the student’s explicit consent, faculty will:
    1. Forward the student’s name and contact information to University Counseling Services contact.
  3. Upon request, faculty will provide information about local community counseling resources,  including but not limited to:
    1.  McLeod Behavioral
    2. HealthHope Health Behavioral Services
    3. Other accredited local providers