PA Student Identification: (A3.06)

Students must always identify themselves as Physician Assistant students to patients and site staff, and never present themselves as physicians, residents, medical students, or graduate Physician Assistants.  If a patient or staff member misidentifies the student as any other discipline (such as medical student or physician) the student must immediately correct the error. At all times while on clinical rotations, students will be clearly identified in the clinical setting by wearing an FMUPAP lab coat with name tag identifying the student as an FMU-Physician Assistant Student. This is to distinguish the student from other health professions students and practitioners.   (unless the site prefers students not wear a lab coat in which case the student will wear their photo ID prominently displayed). While in the Program, students may not use previously earned titles (i.e. PT, RN, DC, Ph.D., etc.) for identification purposes.   Repeated failure of a student to wear proper identification will result in the student being placed on disciplinary warning status.

Soliciting Clinical Sites: (A3.03)

Students are not required to provide or solicit clinical sites or preceptors. The PA Program will provide clinical rotation sites for students during the clinical training period of the program. Students may make suggestions to the Clinical Coordinator, Clinical Faculty, or Clinical staff for sites that students have identified as potential clinical rotation sites, but students are not required to do so.

Students Not Working for Program: (A3.04)

Students will not be required to perform any clerical or administrative work or teaching on behalf of the PA Program. On occasion the faculty or staff of the program may make a request for a student to perform volunteer activity for the program (e.g., participate in a community health screening for the public). Students will not be obligated to volunteer and shall not be financially compensated for this activity.

Program Faculty providing Healthcare: (A3.09)

Principal faculty, the program director and the medical director may not participate as healthcare providers for students in the program.  (The only exception to this would be an emergent/life-threatening situation.) Students may utilize Francis Marion University (FMU) Student Health Services on-campus for healthcare needs (link) or seek care from their primary care provider.  If a principal faculty member, the program director, or the medical director is providing care at the FMU Student Health Services clinic, the student will see an alternate provider.

Students Cannot Function as Faculty or Staff: (A3.05)

Students will not be required to substitute for or function as instructional faculty or provide clinical or administrative staff functions on a regular basis for the program.

Policy for Student Employment: (A3.15e)

The Program discourages students from having outside employment while in the Program.  If a student feels it is necessary to work while in the Program, the student is advised to inform his/her faculty advisor, Academic Coordinator, and Program Director of this need.  Program expectations, assignments, deadlines and responsibilities will not be altered or adjusted to accommodate working students and it is expected student employment will not interfere with the students learning experience. Any conflict which arises  due to outside employment may be brought to the Student Affairs and Progression Committee (SAPC) for review and action consideration.