PANCE Report and Attrition

PANCE Report:  (A3.12c)

The first time Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam (PANCE) rates for the five most recent graduating classes as provided by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA) compared to the national average is published once information becomes available for each class year. The data for Francis Marion University’s first graduating class will be available Spring 2029, but no later than April 1st of each year.

Licensing Disclosure

Following successful completion of an ARC-PA accredited program, a graduate will be eligible to sit for the Physician Assistant National Certification Exam (PANCE). This examination is the minimum requirement for initial licensing eligibility and is administered by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA). The details for licensing and practice eligibility are determined by state law and can vary between states, including initial and maintenance licensing requirements.

Licensure requirements for each state are provided by the American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA). (Link)

Attrition:  (A3.12i)

Data will be made available in Spring 2029.

Graduation Rate ###

Pending ARC-PA Accreditation

Criteria Class of 2028 Class of 2029 Class of 2030
Maximum Class Size (ARC-PA)           32            32           32
Entering Class Size            #              #             #
Graduates            #              #             #
Attrition Rate            #              #             #


*Attrition rate calculation: Number of students who attritted from cohort divided by the entering class size.
**Graduation rate: Number of cohort graduates divided by the entering class size.

Multicultural composition of Matriculants:

  1. Measures and Benchmarks
    1. Gender: cohort composed of >= 15%
    2. Race/Ethnicity:
      1. African American: cohort composed of >= 5%
      2. Hispanic: cohort composed of >= 10%
      3. Asian: cohort composed of >= 12%
      4. Other: cohort composed of >= 3.5%
    1. Educationally 1st Generation: cohort composed of >= 10%
    2. Economically Disadvantaged: cohort composed of >= 10%
    3. Age > 30 years old: cohort composed of >= 15%
Measure Cohort 2028 Cohort 2029 Cohort 2030 Benchmark
Males 15%
African American  5%
Hispanic  7%
Asian  12%
*Others (PI, NA)  3.5%
First Generation  10%
Economic Disadvantaged  10%
Over 30 years old  15%

(*Other defined as: American Indian/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander and other)

Categories for which the Benchmark will be established after the first 3 cohorts have completed matriculation:

In-State Students
Out-of-State Students
Prior Medical Experience


*Benchmarks are determined by comparing similar state supported PA Program Class size and make-up then determining the average, this was cross-referenced with PAEA information from similar state schools across the Southeast region.