December 10, 2024

OTD : Occupational Therapy Doctorate

OTD : Occupational Therapy Doctorate

OTD : Occupational Therapy Doctorate

By Anna Todd | Fall/Winter 2024 | FMU Focus Magazine Fall/Winter 2024

Francis Marion University welcomed the first class of students to its new Occupational Therapy Doctoral (OTD) program this fall. The three-year program will give graduates the necessary skills and credentials to enter the OT profession. It’s yet another opportunity in FMU’s growing School of Health Sciences, and another way the university can serve its community by providing the healthcare providers it needs. Here’s a look at a few of the faces of the first class.

Emily Vining – Manning, SC

Undergraduate Degree: Public Health, University of South Carolina, May 2024

Why OT? I always knew I wanted to work in healthcare, but after seeing the positive impacts occupational therapy had on my brother who has ADHD and my foster brother with Cerebal Palsy, I knew I found my calling. Being an occupational therapist will allow me to help others gain independence in ways that best suit their interests.

Why FMU? I was hooked on FMU after attending the first informational session with Dr. Rachelle Lydell (the director of FMU’s OTD program). I could see her enthusiasm for the program and for me as a potential student. FMU felt like the right place for me from my first interaction through the interview process. It was also exciting to be part of the first cohort of the OTD program.

FMU is so different from the other programs I considered because of the hands-on approach it takes. The program itself is very strenuous, but the faculty provide an incredible support system. I know I will be ready to treat patients on my first day in practice because of all of the experience I will have treating actual patients as a student.

Future Goals: I would like to start a practice primarily working with children. In my home county, there are very few occupational therapists, but the need is great. I’d also like to take occupational therapy services to the independent schools in my area who are currently unable to provide these types of services to their students.

Ashley Jones – Charleston, SC

Undergraduate Degree: Exercise Science, University of South Carolina, December 2023

Why OT? I have no personal connection to occupational therapy, but I love the practicality of it. With OT, you are not tied to a particular setting, which is something that is attractive to me. The prospect of incorporating activities that are meaningful to different individuals to help them succeed is what excites me about this field.

Why FMU? The personal connection I felt upon my first visit to FMU’s OTD program is unmatched. I could immediately tell that I was going to be valued as an individual and a student. Coming from a large high school (Wando High School in Mount Pleasant) and university, I really appreciate the smaller size of the program we have at FMU and how it allows all of us to receive personal attention. I also knew I wanted a doctoral program with evidenced-based practice. FMU was just the right fit. When I graduate, I know I’ll be a well-rounded practitioner because of this program.

Future Goals: Right now, I am leaning towards working in geriatrics. I know I want to have a private practice because I like the relational aspect of having clients for longer periods of time and seeing their growth.

Brianna Howell – Lexington, SC

Undergraduate Degree: Biology, Francis Marion University, May 2024

Why OT? In high school, I was in a job shadowing program at Lexington Medical Center and was introduced to occupational therapy for the first time. I was drawn to it because it was unlike any other healthcare profession. I was intrigued by the assessments and the way each patient’s treatment plan varied based on their needs.

Why FMU? When looking at OT programs, FMU really stood out to me because not only am I learning the science behind everything, it is also competency-based, meaning it’s more hands-on. I really like this model because I am receiving the academic training needed while learning how to work with patients through the creative curriculum provided in the program. In just the first few months, I have already learned so much about the psychological side of the patient and how it is crucial in the physical treatment.

Future Goals: After graduation, I want to be a provider in my home community and advocate for those who need occupational therapy services.

Kamryn Cox – Tabor City, NC

Undergraduate Degree: Music Therapy, East Carolina University, May 2023

Why OT? I was not familiar with OT until my grandmother suffered a stroke. When I visited her in a rehab center and saw the work occupational therapists did with her, I knew that the field was something I wanted to pursue. I love how occupational therapy is so personalized and unique.

In undergrad, I majored in music therapy specifically because I wanted to one day be able to meld that passion (music) with occupational therapy. I’ve already seen how things I learned in music therapy can be transferred to my current studies in occupational therapy.

Why FMU? FMU was really appealing to me because it is a smaller program and I really appreciate the out-of-the-box approach the curriculum takes. It was important to me to enroll in a program where I can earn a doctorate because I know that it will give me more field experience and also the knowledge I need to operate my own practice in the future.

Future Goals: After graduating, I would like to open a practice where occupational therapists can work with speech, physical, and music therapists. I am also interested in discovering ways OT can help treat people with OCD.

O’Connor Boykin – Pinewood, SC

Undergraduate Degree: Biology, Pre-Med, Francis Marion University, May 2023

Why OT? OT stood out to me because I am really drawn to the idea of helping patients get back to their normal and determining what is meaningful and purposeful to them. During my undergrad at FMU, I participated in a job shadowing program at McLeod Health which first introduced me to this field. Seeing how providers in OT help patients put the puzzle pieces back together really appealed to me. 

Why FMU? I had a wonderful experience as an undergraduate student at FMU, so I was very interested in being part of the first cohort of OTD students. I also knew I wanted to pursue a doctorate of OT because of the breadth of knowledge it provides. The culture and community at FMU is just so distinct. 

Future Goals: After graduating, I would like to open a local clinic so that more people can have access to occupational therapy services. There is a large deficit of OTs in this area. It’s important to me to give back.


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