September 23, 2022

McNair Institute for Research and Service presents Teaching and Learning Seminar
In early 2022, The McNair Institute commissioned a study on the consequences of COVID-19 on student engagement and learning in the Pee Dee. On Wednesday, September 21, 2022, Drs. Megan Haggard, Kiley Molinari, Jared Stewart-Ginsburg, and Stephanie Williams shared preliminary findings from their “Covid Consequences” project at the FMU Faculty Teaching and Learning Seminar.
During their talk, “Incoming Student Profile: A Pandemic Portrait,” they shared data analyses from the South Carolina Report Card on students’ academic and college and career readiness outcomes before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. In the next phase of the project, they will continue analyzing quantitative data and begin focus groups with educators throughout the Pee Dee to. Stay tuned to see how this research develops in the coming months!