February 3, 2020

Major Opportunities: English Liberal Arts
Do you enjoy thinking, learning, and discovering new things about not only yourself and the world? Are you passionate about connecting with others in the world and learning about new cultures and ideas?
If so, an English Liberal Arts Major is definitely for you! In our classes, you learn how to interpret books and stories, as well as the world around you, in new and exciting ways.
An English Liberal Arts degree prepares you for careers in obvious fields as teachers, writers, and editors, but there’s so much more! English majors go into journalism, research positions for medical and law professions, write grants for non-profits, become advertising specialists, travel guides, lawyers, fundraisers, librarians, executives, and directors of small and large companies.
Recent reports of what professions are looking for indicate that English Liberal Arts majors are in high demand in all fields and that they make MORE MONEY than those in other fields.
As it turns out, professions of all sorts want to hire people who can THINK, WRITE, and BE CREATIVE, because these are all things they cannot teach. Who could have thought that thinking can be both a moneymaker and a satisfying career?
In our courses, you will read and explore a wide range of British, American, and International literatures and cultures. You will also learn how to express yourself intellectually and creatively in various modes of writing and thinking. In short, an English Liberal Arts Major is about YOU! It’s about learning to express yourself creatively and critically; it’s about thinking more deeply about the cultures you live in and alongside; and it’s about learning the intellectual skills that will help you to understand, analyze, and solve the unique challenges of today’s workplace!
Please come by the English department in Founders Hall at any time to talk with professors and get even more information on the major!