March 23, 2020

Letter from FMU Residence Life to students – March 23, 2020
Dear FMU Residential Students,
The situation with regard to the coronavirus outbreak continues to evolve in the United Sates and across South Carolina. Federal and state officials are taking increasingly strident measures to control the contagion. Many of these measures are directed at keeping populations as sparse as possible. This is the primary reason FMU is moving to online instruction on Wednesday, March 25.
As a precaution, we are again urging all residential students to vacate campus housing.
But we understand that some students may have no other accommodations. Students who need to remain on campus should return the Intent to Remain on Campus form as quickly as possible. Of course, the possibility of future directives from the state or federal governments may mean that FMU cannot guarantee that students will be allowed to stay for the remainder of semester.
Residents who vacate campus will receive partial reimbursement for housing and dining fees. At present, the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education is working with the public colleges and universities across the state to develop the model for reimbursement. To facilitate this process, students who are leaving campus housing should complete the Intent to Leave Campus form. Students leaving campus housing should remove all belongings and turn their key into the Housing Office by 5 p.m. on Monday, March 30.
Students who remain on campus will not be allowed to have off-campus guests. Meals will be provided on a carryout basis only, per Governor McMaster’s executive order. Most campus buildings will be closed for the remainder of the semester.
We are taking these steps in the interest of safety of our students and community, and of the community at large. Please contact us with any questions or concerns at 843-661-1330 or