March 9, 2020

Latest statement from Dr. Fred Carter, FMU President – March 9, 2020
Latest message from Dr. Fred Carter, president Francis Marion University to FMU faculty and staff.
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) has reported the first confirmed cases of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in South Carolina. They are being treated and monitored with the protocol established by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
Sunday’s Morning News contained an article detailing the various preparations being undertaken by McLeod, MUSC-Florence, and Hope Health should the virus spread within the Pee Dee region. It is reassuring to know that three of the most comprehensive health providers in the state are located within fifteen minutes of our campus, and that their efforts are focused fully on this developing situation.
On campus, all student study abroad trips have been cancelled for late spring and the summer. Additional sanitizing stations have been placed across campus and more should arrive within the next couple of weeks. Additional custodial staff have also been hired to increase the frequency and intensity of cleaning in classrooms, offices, and our dining facilities.
We have also developed procedures and sites to accommodate student quarantine needs should this become necessary- especially for students for whom traveling home may not be possible.
Over the past couple of weeks, the provost, deans and chairs have been discussing alternative instructional approaches should we be compelled to suspend classes or close the university temporarily. While none of this appears imminent, it’s sensible to be prepared.
Finally, I want to express my appreciation to those medical and nursing practitioners on our faculty and in the community with whom we’ve discussed many of these issues. Your knowledge and understanding is invaluable.
As always, don’t hesitate to call the University with any questions, concerns, or suggestions. 1-843-661-1212