September 10, 2024

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering (24-94)

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering (24-94)

Francis Marion University and the Department of Physics and Engineering invite applications for a tenure track, Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering. The department has thirteen faculty members and is home to undergraduate degree programs in mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, engineering technology, computational physics, and health physics. The department benefits from close ties with local and regional industry. FMU’s Mechanical Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,, under the commission’s General Criteria and Program Criteria for Mechanical Engineering.

The department faculty are dedicated teacher-scholars committed to outstanding teaching, excellent scholarship, and the achievement of underrepresented student groups in physics and engineering. FMU’s student population is diverse in both background and academic preparation. We encourage applications from candidates with enthusiasm for teaching and working with our students.

Candidates with specialties in all areas of Mechanical Engineering are invited to apply. Preference will be given to those candidates with expertise in one or more of the following areas:  manufacturing, additive manufacturing, materials, engineering graphics, and engineering design. The successful candidate will support a variety of undergraduate engineering courses from the intro to upper levels.

More information on the department and its programs is available at the department’s website:

More information on the Mechanical Engineering program can be found at:

Qualifications: Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering or related field.

Responsibilities include:

  • Teaching 3 to 4 undergraduate courses and labs per semester. Courses and labs will primarily be taught in both introductory and upper-level engineering but may also include introductory physics laboratory instruction as loads and demand warrants.
  • Conducting impactful research, especially research involving undergraduate students.
  • Engagement in discipline-related service to the community, department, and/or university.

 Start Date: January 6, 2025, or August 16, 2025

Professional Development: Francis Marion University provides generous support for conference travel when presenting. Research stipends are available on a competitive basis.  Equipment grants are also available to further educational experiences and research with students.

Application Process:

Prepare an application packet submitted by the candidate containing:

  1. Letter of Interest (Referencing Position Number 24-94).
  2. Curriculum vitae.
  3. Copies of all transcripts (official transcripts will be required of the successful candidate prior to employment).
  4. FM Faculty Application; and
  5. Other pertinent materials.

Use the following URL to upload your application materials: Please address any questions to Ms. Sherry Owens via email (

Arrange to have three letters of recommendation submitted on your behalf. The authors of the letters may upload them using the following URL: Alternatively, letters may be sent directly to Ms. Sherry Owens via email ( Please note that candidate applications must be uploaded via the link in the preceding paragraph.

Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.

As Francis Marion University has continued to be recognized for its diverse student body, it especially welcomes applicants who can affirm and enhance its mission.

Applicants honorably discharged from a branch of the United States Armed Forces, who meet the minimum training and experience requirements, are given employment preference by all State agencies and higher education institutions in SC.

An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution