Human Resources

Department of Human Resources

Continually Voted Best Colleges to Work For

One of Francis Marion University’s greatest assets is its people. FMU’s staff and faculty strive daily to create a warm and vibrant educational environment for our students. Human Resources supports Francis Marion University’s faculty and staff by providing essential vocational information and services.

The Human Resources Department is located in the Stokes Administration Building, room 105.

Regular Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Summer Hours: Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Department Phone Number: (843) 661-1140

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For many years Francis Marion University has been recognized as a Great Colleges to Work For® Honor Roll School by The Chronicle of Higher Education, the leading journal of university and college life. FMU is one of 92 colleges or universities recognized by The Chronicle, and the only university in South Carolina recognized as an Honor Roll school — meaning FMU excelled in multiple categories of distinction.

FMU’s employees reported:

  • High satisfaction in collaborative governance
  • Confidence in senior leadership, facilities, workspace, and security
  • Job Satisfaction
  • Professional/Career development programs
  • Respect and appreciation
  • Supervisor/Department chair relationship
  • Teaching environment
  • Tenure clarity and process
  • Work/life balance

Employee Leave

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Resources for Current Employees


January 2, 2025, University Re-opens

Monday, January 20
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Monday, September 1
Labor Day

Thursday & Friday, November 27 – 28

Monday, December 22, 2025- Friday, January 2, 2026  

Winter Break

January 5, 2026, University Re-opens



January 5, 2026, University Re-opens

Monday, January 19

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Monday, September 7

Labor Day

Tuesday, November 3

Election Day

Thursday & Friday, November 26 – 27


Wednesday, December 23, 2026- Friday, January 1, 2027  

Winter Break

January 4, 2027, University Re-opens

Human Resource Links


South Carolina Public Employee Benefit Authority (PEBA) manages retirement plans, offers several insurance products/programs to more than 500,000 people (including spouses and dependents) throughout South Carolina. This site will allow state employees to access information regarding all of their state insurance and benefits.  To learn more about PEBA  and how it benefits you, visit their website at:  

FMU also offers supplemental insurance programs through AFLAC, Colonial Life and Accident Insurance Company, EMC National, and Merastar.  Some programs currently available are Life Crisis plans, Cancer Insurance, Life policies (Term and Universal Life), Hospital Income Insurance, Intensive Care Coverage and Short Term Disability, as well as automobile and homeowner’s coverages.


Colonial Life

EMC National

Kemper Corporation

Supplemental life insurance:  The amount of insurance through Mutual of Omaha for which an employee is eligible is 2 1/2 times salary rounded to the higher thousand, not to exceed $100,000 coverage.  The cost to the employee is $0.26 per thousand-dollar coverage; the Francis Marion University Foundation pays $0.07 per thousand-dollar coverage.  Dependent life coverage costs the employee $2.10 per dependent unit and $5,000 coverage for the spouse and $2,000 for each dependent child.  These rates are subject to change each fall, based on the average age of University employees and previous experience ratings.  This plan also has a Living Benefit that provides a payment equal to 50% of the face value of the policy to an insured employee who is diagnosed with a terminal illness.  Check further details.

An employee may choose to participate in South Carolina Deferred Compensation or other 403b annuity programs.  An employee could be eligible to defer up to $40,000 of his/her salary per year under plans 404(b), 401(k), and 457.

SCRS Plans

AG Fund Group

Citi Street Online

Retire Hartford Life



The South Carolina State Employees Association (SCSEA) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization established to advance the welfare of state employees and retirees and to promote efficiency in the administration of the business affairs and public services of state government. It is supported financially by the dues of those employees and retirees who choose to be members.

Retirement Age Increasing:  Full retirement age is gradually rising from 65 to 67, even though the age for early retirement remains 62 for everyone.  To find out exactly how old you need to be to get your full retirement benefit, simply access the Social Security Administration for your retirement age and type your year of birth into the online chart.

The SSA site has a number of other useful tools.

Plan Early for Retirement

Social Security benefits won’t run out.  Social Security will be there with monthly payments.  The Benefits Planner will help you find out more information about your SS retirement benefits.  Start planning for your future financial security at:

Payroll deductions for the South Carolina State Credit Union and Pee Dee Federal Credit Union are available upon enrollment with the preferred institution.

Pee Dee Federal Credit Union

South Carolina Credit Union

South Carolina has developed a portal to state government information.  This includes areas of interests — News, Government, Education, Business, Health, Public Safety, Environment and Tourism.   To learn more about state government initiatives, visit:

Human Resources Staff

  • Kennedy Brigid E.
    Brigid E. Kennedy Human Resources Manager Phone843-661-1144 Departments
    AdministrationHuman Resources Office
    OfficeSAB 105
    Additional information

    Maintains the classification and compensation program; supervises the applicant/ interview/ hire process for classified and unclassified employees; responsible for the evaluation program for classified and unclassified employees; responsible for on-line procedures to State OHR; serves as liaison with Administrative Computing Services in requesting internal programming requests; recommends policy changes; co-coordinates and maintains HR web pages.

    Photo of Brigid Kennedy
  • Razick Danagene
    Danagene Razick Associate Director of Human Resources- Administrative Services Phone843-661-1142 Departments
    AdministrationHuman Resources Office
    OfficeSAB 105
    Additional information

    Supervises payroll functions, personal services and fringe sections of the University budget, full-time and part-time faculty contracts, record retention, and various reports.  Monitors the classification, compensation, employment, and leave programs for Human Resources.

    Photo of Danagene Razick
  • Dr. Wages Charlene
    Dr. Charlene Wages Vice President for Administration and Planning, Hugh K. Leatherman Professor of Public Service, Professor of Psychology Phone843-661-1140 Departments
    AdministrationCounseling and Testing CenterHuman Resources OfficeInstitutional Planning, Research, and Effectiveness
    OfficeSAB 105
    Additional information

    Principal administrative officer with institutional responsibility for the supervision and overall management of Human Resources, administrative and academic computing, instructional technology, inventory, payroll, telecommunications, and institutional research.

    Charlene Wages