Dr. Bolt William K.Dr. William K. Bolt Chair, Department of History, Suzanne Lucas and Benjamin Pratt Gasque Chair in History, Professor of History wbolt@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1469 DepartmentsHistoryOfficeFH 202More info
Dr. Britton JohnDr. John Britton Emeritus Faculty of History jbritton@fmarion.edu DepartmentsHistoryOfficeMore info
Dr. Chapman RichardDr. Richard Chapman Faculty Emeritus of History DepartmentsHistoryOfficeMore info
Dr. de Montluzin E. LorraineDr. E. Lorraine de Montluzin Faculty Emeritus, Part-Time Lecturer in History EdeMontluzin@Fmarion.edu DepartmentsHistoryOfficeMore info
Dr. Eskridge-Kosmach Alena N.Dr. Alena N. Eskridge-Kosmach Professor of History aeskridgekosmach@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1556 DepartmentsHistoryOfficeFH 203More info
Dr. Johnson EricaDr. Erica Johnson Associate Professor of History, Co-Director African & African American Studies ejohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1497 DepartmentsAfrican and African American StudiesHistoryOfficeFH 204More info
Dr. Kaufman ScottDr. Scott Kaufman Professor of History VKaufman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1550 DepartmentsHistoryOfficeFH 207More info
Dr. Kennedy Christopher M.Dr. Christopher M. Kennedy Director of Honors, Professor of History CKennedy@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1557 DepartmentsHistoryHonorsOfficeHC 104More info
Dr. Kirby Jason R.Dr. Jason R. Kirby Assistant Professor of History, Coordinator Secondary-Education History Track jason.kirby@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1555 DepartmentsHistoryOfficeFH 211More info
Dr. Nagata Mary LouiseDr. Mary Louise Nagata Emeritus Faculty of History, Years at Francis Marion University: 2005-2024 mnagata@fmarion.edu DepartmentsHistoryOfficeMore info
Dr. Nelson LarryDr. Larry Nelson Faculty Emeritus in History, Former Chair: Department of History DepartmentsHistoryOfficeMore info
Dr. Park HaeseongDr. Haeseong Park Assistant Professor of History Phone843-661-1554 DepartmentsHistoryOffice
Stone VeldaVelda Stone Administrative Assistant- History, Sociology and Political Science VStone@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1374 DepartmentsHistoryPolitical ScienceSociologyOfficeFH 271
Dr. Venters LouisDr. Louis Venters Professor of History lventers@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1593 DepartmentsAfrican and African American StudiesHistoryOfficeFH 273More info
Dr. Walton DavidDr. David Walton Assistant Professor of Archaeology David.Walton@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1376 DepartmentsArchaeologyHistoryOfficeFH 212More info
Dr. Bolt William K.Dr. William K. Bolt Chair, Department of History, Suzanne Lucas and Benjamin Pratt Gasque Chair in History, Professor of History wbolt@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1469 DepartmentsHistoryOfficeFH 202Additional information
A native of Buffalo, New York, Dr. Bolt began teaching at Francis Marion in 2009. He has published articles in American Nineteenth Century History and the Journal of East Tennessee History. For four years, Dr. Bolt served as an Assistant Editor at the James K. Polk Project where he researched, edited, and transcribed documents that appeared in volume 11 and 12 of the Correspondence of James K. Polk. His book, Tariff Wars and the Politics of Jacksonian America, was published by Vanderbilt University Press in 2017. He is also the coauthor of a textbook, The American Road Part I: Travelling the Early American Byways of a New Nation, which was published by Kendall Hunt in 2016.
PhD, University of Tennessee, 2010
Courses Taught:
- U.S. History to 1877
- U.S. History since 1877
- Economic History of the United States
- United States: Colonial and Revolutionary Periods, 1587-1789
- Civil War America
- U.S. Constitutional History to 1900
- Jacksonian Democracy
- Senior Thesis
Dr. Britton JohnDr. John Britton Emeritus Faculty of History jbritton@fmarion.edu DepartmentsHistoryOfficeAdditional information
Latin America, World. Part-Time Lecturer in History,
Dr. Chapman RichardDr. Richard Chapman Faculty Emeritus of History DepartmentsHistoryOfficeAdditional information
History; U.S. Economic and Former Provost
Dr. de Montluzin E. LorraineDr. E. Lorraine de Montluzin Faculty Emeritus, Part-Time Lecturer in History EdeMontluzin@Fmarion.edu DepartmentsHistoryOfficeAdditional information
18th- and 19th-Century Great Britain, Medieval Europe.
FMU Distinguished Professor
Dr. Eskridge-Kosmach Alena N.Dr. Alena N. Eskridge-Kosmach Professor of History aeskridgekosmach@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1556 DepartmentsHistoryOfficeFH 203Additional information
Originally from the former Soviet Union, Dr. Eskridge-Kosmach has taught in Belarus, Canada, and the United States. She has written numerous articles in the field of Eastern European history and U.S.-Eastern European relations, co-authored Tragedy of the Idols of Russian Revolution: Political Portraits of L. Trotsky (Belarussian State University Press, 1994). She is also the author of Foreign Policy of the USA toward Yugoslavia: Problems and Approaches(Belarussian State University of Education Press, 2003) and Russian Press and the Policy of Russia Towards China in 1881-1904 (Palmetto Publishing Group, 2019).
PhD, Belarusian State University, 1985
Courses Taught:
- European History since the French Revolution
- Russia and Eastern Europe Europe, 1814-1914
- History of Modern Germany
- Europe in the Era of the World Wars, 1914-1945
- Europe and the World since 1945
- Twentieth Century Communist Societies
- The Holocaust
Dr. Johnson EricaDr. Erica Johnson Associate Professor of History, Co-Director African & African American Studies ejohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1497 DepartmentsAfrican and African American StudiesHistoryOfficeFH 204Additional information
A native of Oklahoma, Dr. Erica Johnson specializes in the history of the Atlantic World. She is author of a monograph, Philanthropy and Race in the Haitian Revolution, part of the Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018). She has published articles in The History Teacher, the Southern Quarterly, the Journal of Transnational American Studies, and the Journal of Western Society for French History. Her research interests include race, religion, and revolution in the greater Atlantic World. She is the faculty coordinator for FMU's Universities Studying Slavery initiative.
PhD, Florida State University, 2012
Courses Taught:
European History to the French Revolution
The Historian's Craft
Medieval Europe
Native American History and Culture
Atlantic World
Dr. Kaufman ScottDr. Scott Kaufman Professor of History VKaufman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1550 DepartmentsHistoryOfficeFH 207Additional information
Dr. Kaufman, Former Chair of the department is a Francis Marion University Board of Trustees Research Scholar, joined the Francis Marion University staff in 2001. He is the author, co-author, or editor of twelve books on diplomatic, presidential, and military history, including Project Plowshare: The Peaceful Use of Nuclear Explosives in Cold War America (Cornell University Press, 2013), Ambition, Pragmatism, and Party: A Biography of Gerald R. Ford (University Press of Kansas, 2017), and The Environment and International History (Bloomsbury, 2018). Currently, he is working on a comparative history of the Panama and Suez canals.
PhD, Ohio University, 1998
Courses Taught:
- U.S. History to 1877
- U.S. History since 1877
- The United States in the Era of World War II
- The Vietnam War
- The History of the United States in World Affairs
- U.S. Military History
- The History of the Future
Dr. Kennedy Christopher M.Dr. Christopher M. Kennedy Director of Honors, Professor of History CKennedy@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1557 DepartmentsHistoryHonorsOfficeHC 104Additional information
Dr. Kennedy joined the Francis Marion University faculty in 2006. He became Chair of the History Department in 2012, and Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, and Director of Graduate Programs in 2016. Dr. Kennedy became the Vice President for Student Life July 2019, then the Director of Honors 2024.
Dr. Kennedy was awarded the Faculty award for Excellence in Teaching 2016.
Dr. Kennedy was the advisor for Alpha Theta Zeta, the FMU chapter of the history honors society, Phi Alpha Theta 2007-2018. During that time, Alpha Theta Zeta was awarded Best Chapter in the Country 10 years in a row.
Dr. Kennedy has presented papers both nationally and internationally, including, New England Historical Association, Portugal, Hungry and at Saint Patrick's College, the Marino Institute in Ireland. Additionally, he has published a number of book reviews including for the journal Providence: Studies in Western Civilization as well as a book, Genesis of the Rising 1912-1916: A Transformation of Nationalist Opinion (Peter Lang, 2009). His main research interests are in early modern, modern Irish history and the history of the British Empire.
When not teaching, Dr. Kennedy enjoys traveling, camping, fishing, hiking, running, kayaking, and spending time with his family.
PhD., University College Cork, National University of Ireland
M.A, Providence College
B.A, Northern Michigan UniversityCourses Taught:
European History to the French Revolution
European History since the French Revolution
Medieval Europe
Modern Ireland
The British Empire
Modern British Isles
Europe 1814-1914
Senior Thesis
Dr. Kirby Jason R.Dr. Jason R. Kirby Assistant Professor of History, Coordinator Secondary-Education History Track jason.kirby@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1555 DepartmentsHistoryOfficeFH 211Additional information
Originally from Kentucky, Dr. Kirby joined the Francis Marion University faculty in the Fall of 2019. A certified South Carolina Social Studies/History teacher (grades 6-12), Dr. Kirby serves as the Coordinator of Secondary Education in Social Studies Program. He is currently finishing a book on General William Westmoreland. This work will place Westmoreland in the larger context of American military and political history.
PhD, University of Georgia, 2018
Courses Taught:
U.S. History since 1877
The New South, 1865 to present
America in the 1960s
The United States Between the Wars, 1918-1941
The American Civil Rights Movement
The Vietnam War
Social Studies Methods for Secondary Education
Directed Teaching for Student Teachers Completing Their Certification in History (9-12)
Dr. Nagata Mary LouiseDr. Mary Louise Nagata Emeritus Faculty of History, Years at Francis Marion University: 2005-2024 mnagata@fmarion.edu DepartmentsHistoryOfficeAdditional information
Dr. Nagata joined the History Department in 2005. She is the author of Labor Contracts and Labor Relations in Early Modern Central Japan (Routledge Curzon Press, 2005) and has published numerous articles in the field of East Asian history, with a focus on family life and labor issues in Japan.
In addition to her love of travel, she has a love for music, and is a trained concert violinist. Dr. Nagata plans to reside in Japan for her retirement.
PhD, University of Hawaii, 1996
Courses Taught:
- Introduction to Modern World History
- History of Traditional East Asia
- History of Modern China
- History of Modern Japan
- History of Family and Gender in Eurasian Perspective
- 20th-Century Communist States
- The Historian's Craft
Dr. Nelson LarryDr. Larry Nelson Faculty Emeritus in History, Former Chair: Department of History DepartmentsHistoryOfficeAdditional information
19th-Century U.S., American West.
Former Chair, Department of History.
FMU Distinguished Professor.
Dr. Venters LouisDr. Louis Venters Professor of History lventers@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1593 DepartmentsAfrican and African American StudiesHistoryOfficeFH 273Additional information
Dr. Venters began teaching at Francis Marion in 2007. He is a co-author of the award-winning public history study "African Americans in Camden, South Carolina" (2006), No Jim Crow Church: The Origins of South Carolina's Bahá'i Community (University Press of Florida, 2015) and A History of the Bahá'i Faith in South Carolina (The History Press, 2019). He is particularly interested in the history of race, religion, and social change in the United States, as well as issues of rural and urban planning and the intersection of cultural and environmental stewardship. A Pee Dee native, he has lived and traveled extensively in Africa, Central America, and Europe.
PhD, University of South Carolina, 2010
Courses Taught:
- U.S. History since 1877
- The New South, 1865 to the Present
- History of Black Americans Since 1865
- African History
- South Carolina History
Dr. Walton DavidDr. David Walton Assistant Professor of Archaeology David.Walton@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1376 DepartmentsArchaeologyHistoryOfficeFH 212Additional information
A native of Ohio along the shores of Lake Erie, Dr. Walton joined Francis Marion University in 2025 to conduct archaeological research in the Pee Dee Region of South Carolina. His research and teaching are focused on North America and Mesoamerica, specifically through the lenses of household archaeology, historical archaeology, ritual practices, and the study of ancient technologies. In addition to field surveys and excavations, he specializes in the study of stone tools through experimental archaeology and high-power use-wear analysis. Consequently, flint knapping lessons for students are included in his classes.
In addition to many technical reports completed for cultural resource management projects, his academic publications have appeared in journals such as Antiquity, Ancient Mesoamerica, Journal of Field Archaeology, and Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory. To help reach the popular audience, he has appeared on television episodes of The UnXplained on History and co-hosted a documentary special called Lost Pyramids of the Aztecs (2020).
PhD, Boston University, 2017
BA, The College of Wooster, 2009
Courses Taught:
Introduction to Archaeology
Archaeology of the Southeastern United States
Archaeology in South Carolina
Mesoamerican Archaeology
North American Archaeology