School of Health Sciences
Educating healthcare professionals
The School of Health Sciences at Francis Marion University strives to provide the highest quality baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral degree programs that educate healthcare professionals from the Pee Dee Region, the state of South Carolina, and beyond who will provide quality care to diverse patients and families.
Read more about our programs in the Dean’s Welcome Address, or explore any individual program using the links below.
Academic Programs
Speech-Language Pathology
Healthcare Administration
Healthcare Executive Management
MBA with Concentration in Healthcare Executive Management is offered through the FMU School of Business
Physician Assistant Program
Health Sciences Facilities
FMU’s School of Health Sciences educates its students in the finest facilities in the region. With state-of-the-art buildings on the main campus and in downtown Florence, students experience the best of both modern classroom and laboratory learning.

Frank B. Lee Nursing Building
4822 E Palmetto St
Florence, SC 29506

Luther F. Carter Center for Health Sciences
200 W Evans St
Florence, SC 29501

Hugh and Jean Leatherman Medical Education Complex
201 W Evans St
Florence, SC 29501
Recruitment Opportunities
FMU provides recruitment and visiting opportunities throughout the year for students to learn about the educational and career paths available through the university’s School of Health Sciences.
If your school or organization is interested in a visit from or recruitment opportunities with FMU, please email Dr. Karen Gittings for more information.