April 7, 2021

Francis Marion University names its newest McNair Scholar
Francis Marion University has named a student from Marion County as the recipient of the prestigious McNair Scholarship for the 2020-2021 school year.
Ronisha Genwright of Mullins High School in Mullins, S.C. is the newest scholar. She plans to major in Computer Science at FMU, but is looking forward to a broad academic experience.
“I wanted my college experience to be led by teachers who not only have a passion for teaching students, but a desire to see them succeed as well,” Genwright says. “Some of my past teachers who have made the greatest impact on my life have graduated from Francis Marion University, and I know that’s something I will find at FMU.”
The McNair Scholarship is FMU’s highest academic scholarship award and is highly competitive. It’s based not only on scholarship, but on community involvement as well. The University seeks to award the scholarship to students who desire to serve their community, and who have already exhibited a willingness and ability to do so.
Genwright separated herself from her peers through her many extracurricular activities at Mullins High School, including Yearbook Club, Academic Challenge, Marion-County All-Star Step Team, Science Honor Society, National Beta Club, Girls Who Code, and others.
Genwright’s interest in the field of computer science originates from her time as a member of the Marion County Robotics Team. The challenges and opportunities present within the field of computer science are exactly what she’s looking for in a career.
“I have always enjoyed solving problems and puzzles, because I am a solution seeker. No matter what the situation is, I will develop a strategy to solve it,” Genwright says. This career includes components of problem- solving and design, and at a certain level, it can help millions of people globally.”
McNair scholars are selected by a special committee made up of Francis Marion University faculty and administrators. The privately endowed scholarship was established in the 2009-2010 school year and is named in honor of former South Carolina Governor Robert E. McNair, who was instrumental in the creation of Francis Marion University. McNair’s own life of service is a model for the scholarship’s aims.
Throughout their academic careers, McNair Scholars will be encouraged to participate in community-centered activities, especially those that benefit the Pee Dee region. The scholarship covers tuition, fees, room and some book fees. It also provides McNair Scholars with several travel opportunities, including travel abroad.