September 13, 2019

Francis Marion to host 2020 presidential campaigns
Francis Marion University will host representatives from a number of 2020 presidential campaigns along with various other political organizations on Tuesday, Sept. 17 at its Constitution Day 2020 Presidential Campaign Fair.
The Constitution Day 2020 Presidential Campaign Fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Smith University Center Commons, located on FMU’s campus.
The event, hosted by FMU’s Department of Political Science and Geography, will serve as a place for FMU students, faculty and staff, along with residents of the Pee Dee region to interact with local and national grassroots political groups, as well as learn more about the 2020 presidential hopefuls and the process of voting.
Representatives and surrogates from the following Democratic presidential campaigns will be present: Joe Biden, Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, Tulsi Gabbard, Beto O’Rourke, Elizabeth Warren, Marianne Williamson, and Andrew Yang.
The Florence County Voter Registration and Election Office will provide attendees with a chance to experience voting by using a new voting machine.
Other organizations, such as the Florence County Democrats, Florence County Republicans, Francis Marion University College Democrats, and Francis Marion University College Republicans will be present as well.
FMU’s Department of Political Science and Geography will also be providing miniature copies of the U.S. Constitution.