May 17, 2018

Francis Marion names “Heart of the Pee Dee” scholars
Francis Marion University has named five South Carolina students as Heart of the Pee Dee Scholars for the coming academic year. The recipients will pay no tuition during their FMU career as long as they maintain at least 3.0 grade-point average.
The Heart of the Pee Dee Scholarship is a long-standing program at FMU and a significant part of the University’s commitment to providing a superlative education to students from the Pee Dee.
The students are individuals who counselors believe might not attend college without the Heart of the Pee Dee assistance.
This year’s recipients were Samuel Georgia of Latta, Briana Wheeler of Lake View, Sabrina Stanley of Hartsville, Fantasia Toney of Hartsville and MyKenna Blankenship of Darlington.