May 22, 2019

Francis Marion hosts campus tours throughout the summer
What’s the best way to spend a late spring morning in the Pee Dee? There’s only one answer and it’s checking out the beautifully lush Francis Marion University campus during one of the University’s many campus tours.
Tours are available Monday through Friday beginning at 9:30 a.m. for individuals or groups. To register for a daily tour, visit or call 843.661.1231. Check-in for campus tours is done at the FMU Office of Admissions located in the Stokes Administration Building, Suite 113.
Too busy to visit FMU during the week?
Saturday tours are also offered during the summer months on June 29 and July 20. These tours begin at 10:30 a.m. Tour participants will begin check-in procedures at 10:15 a.m. at the Lee Nursing Building, located on FMU’s campus.
Francis Marion University’s compact, walkable campus is set on 468 wooded acres in the heart of South Carolina’s Pee Dee Region.