October 26, 2021

Francis Marion honors retirements of Kunz, Sellers
FLORENCE, SC — Francis Marion University faculty and staff gathered on October 20 to honor the retirement of Fred Kunz, Superintendent of Grounds and Maintenance, and Carlton Sellers, Grounds Maintenance Supervisor.
At a reception hosted at The Cottage on Francis Marion’s campus, FMU President Fred Carter recognized the two men with unique tributes commemorating their combined 85 years of service to the University.
Sellers has been a part of the FMU family for 41 years, serving in a variety of roles and earning a reputation as a kind and caring individual, who is well-liked and admired by his colleagues. On Wednesday, Sellers was presented with a framed certificate commemorating the creation of a $25,000 endowed scholarship named in his honor last week.
“Carlton Sellers leaves FMU with a reputation as the one of the hardest working and best-liked people on campus,” Carter said during remarks at the reception. “Now, subsequent generations of students will remember the work standard that he established while simultaneously receiving financial support from this scholarship.
Kunz served Francis Marion for 24 years. During that time, he developed and maintained the campus grounds while acquiring a reputation as one of the most creative horticulturists in the Pee Dee region. One of his most distinctive talents involved the ability to plan and build natural water features. Carter, who referred to Kunz as an “one of our finest artists,” presented him with a collage showcasing his “greatest horticultural hits at FMU.”
Carter closed by reminding the crowd that “after we are all gone, people will come here and still see the beauty and majesty of what Fred and Carlton worked so hard to create – the most beautiful college campus in South Carolina.”