December 14, 2016

FMU’s Carter joins executive committee of SCRA board
Francis Marion University President Dr. Fred Carter was recently named to the South Carolina Research Authority (SCRA) board’s executive committee.
The SCRA, an applied research corporation based in Columbia, aims to enhance the development of the state’s innovative capabilities to further economic growth, and facilitate university research commercialization.
The addition of Carter to the board accentuates FMU’s rise among the ranks of research institutions in the state and region.
A recent report by report by the National Science Foundation’s Research and Development Survey illustrated that federal research funds received by the University have increased four years in a row, and the University is continually improving its standing as one of the state’s Comprehensive Teaching Universities.
Carter joins CEOs, state business leaders, elected officials, and the presidents of Clemson University and the University of South Carolina, on the executive committee, which represents the voting arm of the board, while the larger Board of Trustees has an advisory role and counsels the executive committee on the actions recommended by the board, ensuring that SCRA effectively executes its mission.
Since 2000, the university has continually increased internal funding to support research, and development efforts throughout the faculty. In addition, the university began honoring faculty members that have generated research of regional and national interest.