April 19, 2022

FMUPAC to host SC7 GOP primary debate May 5
A debate between candidates seeking the Republican nomination for South Carolina’s 7th Congressional District will be held at the Francis Marion University Performing Arts Center on May 5.
The debate is presented by the Florence County Republican Party, in partnership with Francis Marion University, Community Broadcasters, and WMBF-TV.
The debate will last two hours, from 7pm to 9pm.
This event is free and open to the public; however, tickets must be reserved ahead of time by visiting https://www.fmarion.edu/debate-tickets/ or by calling the FMUPAC box office at 843-661-4444 during normal business hours.
Tickets may be picked up at the box office located at 201 S. Dargan St. Florence, SC, Monday-Friday, 12pm to 5:00pm.
Moderated by Ken Ard, host of the Wake-Up Carolina morning radio show on WFRK 95.3 FM, the SC7 GOP debate will be simulcast in its entirety via WMBF-TV’s online streaming services, WFRK- Live 95.3 FM, and the Florence County Republican Party Facebook page.
WMBF-TV will carry the first hour of the debate live on their over-the-air broadcast.
Candidates were selected to participate in the May 5 debate by criteria set by the 7th Congressional District GOP based on total campaign funds raised according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC). The top five candidates in reported fundraising as of the April 15 FEC report were extended an invitation.
The following candidates have accepted invitations to participate: Congressman Tom Rice, Mr. Ken Richardson, S.C. Rep. Russell Fry, Dr. Garrett Barton, and Mrs. Barbara Arthur.
Doors to the FMU PAC will open at 6pm. Attendees must be in their seats no later than 6:45pm.
Campaign signs and materials are not permitted on university property, and audience members will not be permitted to bring noise makers or any other item into the FMUPAC theatre that may disrupt the evening’s proceedings.