June 20, 2019

FMU Trustees approve budget, freeze tuition
Francis Marion University’s Board of Trustees approved a $62.2 million budget for the 2019-2020 fiscal year on Thursday that included no increase in tuition or campus residence hall fees.
The action came at the board’s regular quarterly meeting on the FMU campus.
FMU’s decision to hold the line on student costs comes after the South Carolina Legislature increased funding to state universities with the understanding that universities would freeze tuition. That agreement was amended slightly in the final state budget, giving universities the flexibility to raise tuition or fees slightly, but FMU’s board and leadership decided the appropriate course was to adhere to the legislature’s original intent.
Not every state university has set tuition rates for the coming year, but it appears FMU will be one of just a few to forego an increase.
Dr. Fred Carter, FMU’s president, says the University’s action comes during a time when concerns over the rising cost of college are increasing.
“By holding the line on tuition and other costs we’re acknowledging the concerns of students and families about the cost of higher education,” said Carter. “We also hear and understand the message from the General Assembly. Senate and House legislative leaders fulfilled their promise by providing more funding this year. Now they expect the state’s public universities to join them and do our part in keeping the cost of a university degree affordable.
“So we’re doing just that. FMU has worked diligently for years to keep our tuition one of the lowest in the state. We’ll continue to work with our legislative friends improving access to a great college education. It’s still one of the best investments any individual or family can make.”
Francis Marion has been recognized repeatedly for the educational value it provides and its low net cost, most recently being named as one of America’s 50 Most Affordable Colleges or Universities by study.com, a leading online evaluator of higher education.
For the 2019-2020 academic year, FMU’s tuition remains at $5,192 per semester for full-time, in-state students, well under the South Carolina state average.