April 2, 2020

FMU schedule and facility availability as of April 1, 2020
In response to the governor’s order to move to online instruction and limit employees on campuses across the state, FMU’s campus is currently operating on a limited basis. Daily hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. A number of buildings that would ordinarily be open, both on FMU’s main campus and in downtown Florence, are closed. Those buildings include:
- The Smith University Center
- The Patriot Bookstore (closed as of Monday, April 6)
- The FMU Performing Arts Center (Staff is available by phone or email).
- University Place (Staff is available by phone or email).
- The Grille.
- Academic Department Offices (Staff is available by phone or email. Faculty may be on campus on occasion while preparing online instruction, etc.)