August 13, 2020

FMU recognizes 2020 Outstanding Staff Service award winners
Francis Marion University recognized outstanding contributions by four of its employees at a special Staff Awards Dinner on campus Wednesday.
James Huggins received the John J. Kispert Leadership Award, and Linda Sullen was the recipient of the Marvin Lynch Humanitarian Award. Leon Campbell and Hannah Amerson were named winners of the University’s two Outstanding Staff Service Awards.
The award recipients were nominated by their colleagues, and a special committee consisting of past award winners and representatives of the University’s academic schools and colleges selected the winners from a list of nominees.
Huggins, the recipient of the Kispert Award, is FMU’s chief electrician. “Huggie-bear,” as he’s affectionately known to his co-workers, has been with the University for nine years. During his time with FMU, he’s overseen numerous major projects involving the University’s electrical infrastructure with great aplomb.
Sullen, who received the Lynch Award, is a payroll accountant and has been with FMU for 43 years. Linda is well regarded amongst her fellow employees for her soft spoken adherence to professionalism within the workplace. Outside of the office, Sullen is active as a community activist, and recently, she took the role of chair of the FMU African American Faculty Staff Coalition.
Leon Campbell is the University’s lead custodian, and has been with FMU for 15 years. Hannah Amerson is FMU’s campus technology office manager and telecommunications coordinator, and has worked at the University for five years. Both Campbell and Amerson were lauded for their cheerful dispositions, their cooperative spirit, and commitment to their jobs.