April 19, 2019

FMU professors honored for teaching, service, research, governance
Four Francis Marion University faculty members were honored for outstanding individual work during the past year at the University’s annual faculty awards dinner Thursday night.
Assistant Professor of Nursing Dr. Tracy P. George received the Award of Excellence in Scholarship and Research; Associate Professor of Management Dr. Hubert H. Setzler III received the Award of Excellence in Teaching; and Professor of Sociology Dr. Russell E. “Rusty” Ward received the Award of Excellence in Service.
Dr. Fred Carter, president of FMU, said the three University award recipients are exemplars of the overall excellence of the university’s faculty.
“Tracy, Hubert and Rusty are among the finest members of this faculty, which in turn is one of the best college faculties in South Carolina,” Carter says. “Their work reflects the very highest standards for research, teaching and service- the essence of our life as academicians. I enormously proud of their accomplishments and the excellence represented in their work.”
Associate Professor of English Dr. Shawn Smolen-Morten was also honored with the Charlene Wages Shared Governance Award, a special award presented by the FMU chapter of the American Association of University Professors. The shared governance award is given to a faculty member who has made significant contributions to shared governance — the balance between faculty and administrative leadership at a university — at FMU.
Carter said Smolen-Morten is the personification of the cooperation that’s present at the University.
“Shawn epitomizes the spirit of collaboration that exists across this campus,” Carter says. “He invests himself fully in ensuring that the faculty is represented in all essential decisions related to the governance and operation of this university, and he does it in a way that sustains the confidence of his colleagues with securing the respect and admiration of the administration. It’s something easy to discuss, but it’s tough to do. Shawn does it as well as anybody that I know.”
George earned an undergraduate degree from Davidson College, a B.S. and an M.S. from the Vanderbilt School of Nursing, and her DNP from the Medical University of South Carolina.
Setzler earned his B.A. from Newberry College, his M.B.A. from the University of North Carolina Charlotte, and his Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina Charlotte.
Ward earned both his B.A. and M.A. from Bowling Green State University and his Ph.D. in sociology from Kent State University.
Smolen-Morten earned his B.A. from the University of Illinois and his Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts.
The University also honored retiring professors emeriti Ms. Joyce Durant and Dr. Ken Williams. Durant and Williams have dedicated the majority of their careers to Francis Marion, serving 65 years combined at the University.