October 1, 2020

FMU professors honored for teaching, research, service, governance
Four Francis Marion University faculty members were honored for outstanding individual work during the past year at the University’s annual faculty awards dinner Thursday night.
Associate Professor of History, Dr. William K. Bolt received the Award of Excellence in Teaching; Assistant Professor of Nursing, Dr. Allison C. Munn received the Award of Excellence in Research and Scholarship; and Professor of English, Dr. Shawn R. Smolen-Morton received the Award of Excellence in Service.
Dr. Fred Carter, president of FMU, said the three award recipients are emblematic of the general distinction with which the University faculty exhibit themselves.
“These three professors — Will, Allison, and Shawn — are among the very finest faculty at FMU, an institution that is renowned for having an exceptional faculty,” Carter said. “These awards reflect their remarkable accomplishments in teaching, research and service, the core focus of all scholarly work. I am profoundly grateful for their efforts in enhancing the viability of the university and furthering the education of our students.”
Associate Professor of Education, Dr. Karen Fries was also honored with the Charlene Wages Shared Governance Award, a special award presented by the FMU chapter of the American Association of University Professors. The shared governance award is given to a faculty member who has made significant contributions to shared governance — the balance between faculty and administrative leadership at a university — at FMU.
Carter said Fries is the epitome of the collaboration and support that’s prevalent through the University.
“Karen’s collaborative accomplishments contribute substantially to the esprit de corps that’s so pervasive across this campus,” Carter said. “She has worked tirelessly to develop and sustain a strong sense of harmony among and between faculty, students, and administrators. It’s not always easy to bring accord to shared governance, but Karen makes it look effortless.”
Bolt earned his B.A. and M.A. from the University of Buffalo, and his Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee.
Munn earned her B.S.N. from Clemson University, and her Ph.D. from the University of South Carolina.
Smolen-Morton earned his B.A. from the University of Illinois and his Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts.
Fries earned her B.S. in Psychology from George Mason University, her M.S. in Special Education from the University of Albany, and her Ph. D. in Special Education from Pennsylvania State University.