January 25, 2019

FMU, Post & Courier to co-host Jan. 28 forum on public education
Francis Marion University and the Post & Courier newspaper will host a special forum on public education reform in South Carolina on Monday, Jan 28 at 4:30 p.m. in the FMU Performing Arts Center in downtown Florence.
The forum, entitled “Minimally Adequate: Fixing South Carolina’s Schools,” is based on the Post & Courier’s recent, in-depth series highlighting issues and challenges in South Carolina elementary and secondary schools. Monday’s event is the fourth in a series of forums across the state on public education in South Carolina.
The forum at the FMU PAC will be moderated by some of the reporters who produced the “Minimally Adequate” series. The distinguished panel will include Lake City philanthropist and education advocate Darla Moore, FMU President Dr. Fred Carter, Laura Hickson, superintendent of Florence County School District 3, and Dr. Franklin Foster, superintendent of the Colleton County Schools.
The forum will run from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Mainstage hall at the PAC. The event is free and open to the public, but parties interested in attending should register online at tickets.postandcourier.com/e/fixscschools/tickets.
The event was originally scheduled in a smaller venue at FMU but was recently moved to the PAC to accommodate growing interest and demand.