December 4, 2018

FMU hosts 42nd Pee Dee Regional High School Mathematics Tournament
For the past 39 years, the equation “Francis Marion + the Pee Dee’s top math students” has always equaled the Pee Dee Regional High School Mathematics Tournament.
The tournament, sponsored and presented the FMU Department of Mathematics, has grown from a small affair, to something high school students train for far in advance.
The tournament’s 42nd iteration took place on Tuesday, Dec. 4 in the McNair Science Facility on the FMU campus.
The Pee Dee Regional High School Mathematics Tournament – sponsored by Francis Marion University, Mu Alpha Theta, and the Pee Dee Education Center – consists of two portions: a written competition, and a stage competition.
Eighteen schools and 292 students from throughout the Pee Dee took part in this year’s tournament.
The winners of the written competition were: First place – Dashiell Stevanovich, Scholars Academy; Second place – Ryan Bao, Scholars Academy; Third place – Henry Hein, Scholars Academy. Honorable mention was given to Cameron Ball, Scholars Academy; Justin Fuentes, Georgetown High School; Hudson Hok, Scholars Academy; Justin Indla, Scholars Academy; Marcos Mann, Scholars Academy; Ryan Moss, Scholars Academy; Dylan Ortuno, Scholars Academy; Ruth Player, Trinity-Byrnes Collegiate School; and Genna Rivers, Central High School.
The winners of the high school division competitions were: Division I – First place – Green Sea Floyds High School; Runners up Marion High School and Mullins High School. Division II – First place – The King’s Academy; Runner up – West Florence High School.
The Top Tetrad champions were Scholars Academy and Trinity-Byrnes Collegiate School was the division’s runner up. Central High School and Georgetown High School were also finalists.