February 9, 2017

FMU crowns 2017 Homecoming king and queen
Francis Marion University celebrated its 2017 Homecoming by crowing a new king and queen and awarding other honors during the festivities.
Elijah Moton III of North Augusta and Alexus Franklin of Georgetown were elected king and queen of Francis Marion University’s Homecoming.
Moton is a junior double majoring in Political Science and Psychology and was represented by the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., of which he is a member. He is also a member of the FMU Diplomats, FMU Student Marshals, serves as an Orientation Leader, and is President of the Gender Sexuality Alliance.
Franklin is a senior majoring in Elementary Education and was represented by the Young, Gifted, and Blessed Gospel Choir, of which is the Vice President. She is also a member of the FMU Diplomats, FMU Marshals, and serves as an Orientation Leader and Resident Assistant.
FMU also inducted four members into its Athletic Hall of Fame, including former Patriot women’s soccer standouts Katie Roberts Chapman (‘04) and Kerri Williams (‘00), former women’s volleyball player Crystal Poskey Ashley (’02), and former administrator and golf coach Dr. Rufus R. Hackney Jr.