South Carolina Scholarships

FMU enrolls over 1,200 students annually who benefit from South Carolina’s Palmetto Fellows, LIFE, and HOPE scholarships. Individual students should work with guidance counselors at their high schools to apply for these scholarships, but FMU financial assistance counselors can assist if needed.

Palmetto Fellows Scholarship

The purpose of the Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Program is to recognize the most academically talented high school seniors in South Carolina and encourage them to attend eligible colleges or universities in the State. Palmetto Fellows scholarship recipients are selected by the Commission on Higher Education.



  • Have earned 30 hours each academic year (Fall, Spring, and Summer)
  • Have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA

LIFE Scholarship

The purpose of the LIFE Scholarship is to increase access to higher education, improve the employability of South Carolina students so as to attract business to the State, provide incentives for students to be better prepared for college, and to encourage students to graduate from college on time. THE LIFE SCHOLARSHIP IS DEPENDENT UPON THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS TO BE APPROPRIATED BY THE SOUTH CAROLINA LEGISLATURE. The award is contingent upon student meeting eligibility requirements when final high school transcript and/or college grades are received by FMU.


For all students:

  • Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • Be a legal resident of South Carolina at the time of high school graduation and college enrollment
  • Be a graduate from a SC high school, approved home-school program, or preparatory high school
  • Attend an eligible SC college or university as a full-time student
  • Must not be a Palmetto Fellow
  • Have not been convicted of any felonies or 2 or more alcohol/drug related convictions
  • Must not be in default, owe a refund, or a repayment on Federal or State financial aid

AND first time entering freshmen must have at least 2 of the following 3:

  • Score at least 1100 on the SAT (critical reading & math) or 22 on the ACT (beginning the 2023-2024 academic year) by June of the senior year in high school
  • Rank in the top 30% of the graduating class
  • Have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA on the Uniform Grading Scale

FMU offers hundreds of scholarships to help defray the costs of tuition for our students. Explore the scholarships below to see what you may be eligible for. Some university scholarships require an application, so be sure to submit the FMU Admission Scholarship application to be considered for these awards. The FMU Admission Scholarship application is due March 15.


  • After the initial year, have at least a 3.0 LIFE GPA and 30 earned hours
  • After the second year, have at least a 3.0 LIFE GPA and 60 earned hours
  • After the third year, have at least a 3.0 LIFE GPA and 90 earned hours

What is the difference between “Life GPA” and “Cumulative grade point average”?

Your Life GPA is calculated for the primary purpose for the awarding of the LIFE Scholarship. Your Life GPA includes all grades earned at any eligible institution, including courses that do not transfer and college courses taken while in high school.

Again, your LIFE GPA is only used to determine LIFE Scholarship eligibility. Your LIFE GPA is not recorded on your official transcript from FMU. A link to your LIFE GPA and Hours can be found under the ‘Helpful Links’ section on the Financial Assistance page of your Patriot Portal.

Your FMU cumulative grade point average is computed by dividing the total number of quality points by the total number of net hours taken at FMU. A cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher is required for graduation on all work attempted at FMU. In addition, a student must maintain an average of 2.0 or higher in his/her major courses in order to meet graduation requirements. Your cumulative grade point average will be reflected on your official transcript from FMU.

For additional information, please refer to the Commission on Higher Education website.

HOPE Scholarship

The purpose of the SC HOPE Scholarship program is to provide funding to students who graduate from high school with a 3.0 cumulative GPA, but are not eligible to receive the LIFE or Palmetto Fellows Scholarships. HOPE is available for the initial year of enrollment only. HOPE is not renewable. A student must meet the LIFE renewal requirements (refer to Code 12) after the initial year of enrollment to continue receiving a state funded scholarship.


Award is contingent upon student meeting eligibility requirements when final high school transcript is received by FMU.


  • Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • Be a legal resident of South Carolina at the time of high school graduation and college enrollment
  • Be a graduate from a SC high school, an approved home-school program, or a preparatory high school
  • Attend an eligible SC college or university as a full-time student
  • Must not be a Palmetto Fellow or LIFE scholarship recipient
  • Have not been convicted of any felonies or 2 or more alcohol/drug related convictions
  • Must not be in default, owe a refund, or a repayment on Federal or State financial aid
  • Have at least a 3.0 cumulative high school GPA on the Uniform Grading Scale



  • Must be a LIFE or Palmetto Fellows Scholarship recipient.
  • Must be in the second, third, or fourth year of full-time enrollment (based on initial date of college enrollment after high school)
  • Must be enrolled as a full-time, degree-seeking student in a declared major that is approved by the Commission on Higher Education.

Eligible majors as of May 2021:  

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Engineering Technology
  • Environmental Science
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Math
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Middle Level Education- Math/Science
  • Nursing
  • Pharmaceutical Studies
  • Physics

Additional Requirements

  • Must be making significant progress towards completion of the declared major.
  • Must have earned credit for at least 14 hours of instruction in CHE approved mathematics and life and physical science courses by the end of the first year of college (based on initial date of college enrollment after high school).
  • Environmental Science (Initial college enrollment of Fall 2022 and beyond)
  • Mechanical Engineering (Initial college enrollment of Fall 2020 and beyond)

*Please contact the Office of Financial Assistance if you are unsure whether or not your major is Enhancement eligible.

Currently, any FMU math, Computer Science, Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Physics, or Physical Science course will count toward the 14 hour requirement. **This is subject to change at any time based on directives from CHE.

Current interpretation of the new legislation precludes students from ever becoming eligible for the Enhancement scholarship if the 14 hour requirement is not met by the end of the freshman year. AP credits and dual enrollment courses (college credit courses taken while still in high school) can satisfy the 14 hour rule.

The Enhancement scholarship amount is up to $2500 per year. The Enhancement scholarship is awarded in addition to the LIFE or Palmetto Fellows scholarship.

The Enhancement scholarship is based upon availability of funds to be appropriated for the program.

Application Materials:

  1. Completion of CASPA requirements
  2. Completion of Francis Marion University graduate application
  3. CV and/or resume
  4. Paragraph – Why Francis Marion University Physician Assistant Program
  5. Patient Care Experiences

Application Requirements:

Centralized Application Service for PAs (CASPA)

Francis Marion University Physician Assistant Department utilizes CASPA for processing applications.

  1. All applications and required documents must be submitted directly to CASPA.
  2. Students are also required to complete the Francis Marion University graduate school supplemental application. (Link)
  3. Current Resume or Curriculum vitae (CV)
  4. A minimum of 250 hours of direct patient care experience (PCE) is needed at the time of application. A more competitive applicant will have more than the minimum required PCE and this will be weighted more favorably in the application process.* (A3.13a)
  5. Applications must be completely verified by the application deadline; for the applicant to be considered for an interview.
  6. Allow additional time for CASPA to verify applications: (*It is the responsibility of the applicant to confirm that all application materials have been submitted and received by the deadline. The PA program and University are not responsible for notifying applicants of incomplete applications.)

Baccalaureate Degree

  • A bachelor’s degree must be completed from a regionally accredited institution.
  • The degree may be in any field of study, as long as all prerequisite coursework requirements are met.

GPA Requirements

  • Minimum requirement for both cumulative and prerequisite GPAs is at least a 3.0, on a 4.0 scale.
  • The program utilizes CASPAs overall GPA calculations for the cumulative GPA requirement; this includes all coursework taken.

Prerequisite Coursework

The following prerequisite coursework must be completed at a regionally accredited U.S. institution:

  • General Biology w/lab (4 credits)
  • Anatomy and Physiology w/labs (8 credits)
    • two combined anatomy & physiology courses w/labs, or
    • one anatomy course w/lab and one physiology course w/lab
  • Microbiology w/lab (4 credits)
  • General Chemistry w/labs (4 credits)
  • An additional Chemistry w/lab (4 credits) (these are acceptable: Gen Chem II, Organic, Biochemistry, Analytical, Inorganic, Quantitative)
  • Statistics or Biostatistics (3 credits)
  • Psychology (6 credits)
    • at least once course preferably in abnormal or lifespan development at 200 or above level
  • Medical Terminology (1 credit)

**On-line courses and labs are accepted but must be from a U.S. regionally accredited College or University.

Advanced Placement

The program does not grant advanced placement, accept transfer credit from a student previously enrolled in another PA program, nor does it accept experiential credit. All students accepted into the PA program must satisfy all requirements of the didactic and clinical years of study. (A3.13c)


If you have any questions regarding the admissions requirements, please contact