Faculty Chair

  • Dr. O'Kelley Sharon K.
    Dr. Sharon K. O'Kelley Professor of Mathematics, Undergraduate Program Coordinator for Secondary Mathematics, Chair of Faculty sokelley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1579 Departments
    OfficeLSF 402
    Additional information


    Ph.D. in Mathematics Education from The University of Georgia

    photo of sharon okelley

Faculty Vice-Chair

  • Dr. Gause Jessica M.
    Dr. Jessica M. Gause Associate Professor of Chemistry, Tutoring Center Coordinator jmccutcheon@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1715 Departments
    ChemistryTutoring Center
    OfficeLSF 303A
    Additional informationJessica N. McCutcheon

    Photo of Jessica McCutcheon

Faculty Secretary

  • Dr. Fries Karen
    Dr. Karen Fries Professor of Education kfries@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1438 Departments
    School of Education
    OfficeSOBE 258 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.
    Additional information

    Faculty Secretary

    Areas of Specialization

    Learning Disabilities


    Photo of Karen-Fries

 2022-2023 Committees (final, revised after Oct. election)


Faculty Awards In Teaching, Research/Scholarship, and Service

The Vice Chair of the Faculty Life Committee will solicit nominations for these awards early in the Spring Semester. Once nominated, each candidate for an award will receive a letter from the Vice Chair of the Faculty Life Committee requesting supporting materials.