Facilities Management

Facilities Management provides a variety of services to the University community, including construction of new facilities and renovation to existing facilities, vehicle dispatch/rentals, setups for special events, facility keys, and/or shipping/receiving. For inquiries contact the main office at 843-661-1100. The receptionist will direct your call to the appropriate department.

Building Maintenance

Building Maintenance provides a number of services to the University which range from building repairs and renovations to existing facilities to support for events. The department consists of craftsmen, plumbers, electricians, a welder, a carpenter, a locksmith and a painter.

For building repairs or heating/cooling problems, contact The Work Order Center at 843-661-1150 or fill out this form:

Work Request Form

For renovations, remodeling, cabinetry, or other remedial work for your work space, you will need to fill out a Departmental Improvement Request.

You may also obtain a request form by contacting the Facilities Management office at 843-661-1104 or by emailing Mike Richey.


Current Projects:

H18-N095-SG – Village Apartments Interior Renovation

*Project Manual

*Construction Drawings

H18-9584-PD-B4 – Deferred Maintenance: Roads, Parking Lots, Sidewalks, Walkways – Parking Lot F

* Project Manual

* Construction Drawings

* Addendum One

* Addendum Two

* Memorandum

H18-9586-PD – Deferred Maintenance – McNair and Leatherman Roofs

*Construction Documents

*Addendum #1 and Q/A

*SE-370 Notice of Intent to Award – Design-Bid-Build Contract

H18-9592-PD-A – Environmental Sciences/Forestry BLDG – Construction – SLED Entrance Road and Water Line Extension

* Project Manual

* Construction Drawings

*SE-370 Notice of Intent to Award – Design-Bid-Build Contract

H18-9584-MJ-B3 – Deferred Maintenance: Roads, Parkings Lots, Sidewalks, Walkways – Sidewalks and Lot A

* Project Manual

* Construction Drawings

* Addendum One

* SE-370 Notice of Intent to Award – Design-Bid-Build Contract

H18-9584-MJ-B2 – Deferred Maintenance: Roads, Parking Lots, Sidewalks, Walkways – Roads and Lot E

* Project Manual

* Construction Drawings

* Addendum #1

* Addendum #2

* SE-370 Notice of Intent to Award – Design-Bid-Build Contract

H18-9583-SG-F – Deferred Maintenance: Other Refurbishments – Renovations Campus Wide – Exterior Refurbishment of Stokes Admin – Paint and Wood Repair

* Specifications

* Addendum #1

* SE-370 – Notice of Intent

H18-9592-PD – Environmental Sciences / Forestry Bldg – Construction

* Request for Qualifications

*Request for Proposals

*SLED SITE Geotech Data

*Addendum #1 Q/A and Presentation Schedule

*SE 770 Notice of Intent to Award – Design-Build contract (September)

*SE 770 Notice of Intent to Award – Design-Build contract (October)

H18-9583-SG-E – Deferred Maintenance: Other Refurbishments-Renovations Campus Wide – Entrance Gate Renovations – Gates 2, 3, and 4

* SE-310 Invitation for Design-Bid-Build Construction Services

* Project Manual

* Drawings 

* Addendum One

H18-9590-SG – Medical Education Facility

* SE-210 Invitation for Professional Services

* SE-212 Notification of Selection for Interview

* SE-221 Notice of Intent to Award – Professional Services Contract

* Request For Qualifications for Construction Management-at-Risk Services

* SE-491 Notice to Proceed – CM-R Pre-Construction Services

H18-9538-SG – School of Education / School of Business Construction (SEB)

* Request for Proposals (RFP) for Shortlisted Teams

* Shortlisted Design-Build Teams SE-712

* Request for Qualifications (RFQ)

* Answers to Submitted RFQ Questions

* Responses to the RFQ

H18-9582-SG – Smith University Center Renovations / Improvements

* Request for Qualifications (RFQ)

* SE-712 Short-Listed Firms

* Request For Proposals (RFP) for Short-Listed Firms

* SE-770 Notice of Intent to Award – D-B Contract

* SE-790 Notice to Proceed – D-B Contract

Custodial Services

Custodial Services is responsible for cleaning the interiors of all campus buildings including classrooms, lecture halls, theaters, laboratories, library, offices, halls, stairs, elevators and other public areas as well as cleaning and restocking building restrooms on a regularly scheduled basis. Most routine cleaning is scheduled once a day.

The Custodial Services Department is also responsible for:

  • Moving or replacing furniture in all campus buildings, when properly requested.
  • Moving items to the warehouse for storage or disposal, when properly requested.

There are two work shifts: day shift (7:30am to 4:00pm) and evening shift (3:00pm to 11:30pm). Custodial Services will also respond to emergency situations resulting from fire, flood, or vandalism 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. On weekends, holidays and after 11:30pm, Monday thru Friday, please call Francis Marion University’s Campus Police at 843-661-1109

Events Support/Setups

Facilities Services coordinates physical and personnel support for various University and Community sponsored events held on the campus of Francis Marion University.  We are able to provide tables, chairs, tents, stages, sound systems, and/or other such commodities as are available upon request.

Requests for support of your event should be initiated with the Space Coordinator at FMU at 843-661-1133 or by e-mail.

For more information regarding the coordination of campus space and use of University facilities, go to Campus Space Coordination. A Campus Event Service Request needs to be submitted three (3) weeks in advance for large events requiring special preparations or two (2) weeks in advance for other events.

If you need questions answered on what we can or cannot provide, feel free to contact the Supervisor of Custodial Services, Steve Jackson, at 843-661-4640.

If Steve is not available, please contact the Director of Facilities Services, Pat Boswell, at 843-661-1108.


The Warehouse is the primary location for all University equipment and supplies which are received and/or shipped out.

Shipping and Receiving provides daily shipping and receipt of goods through FED-X, UPS, Airborne, and other shipping providers as needed. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm.

For procedures regarding Surplus Property and Disposal go to the University’s Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines page, then select Facilities Management Inventory and Control.

Contact Manager of Materials Services Tim Freeman by phone at 843-661-1113 for assistance with shipping or receiving.

Vehicle Reservations/Rentals

Facilities Management Dispatch Services provides vehicle transportation to the University community traveling on University business.

Our professional staff coordinates vehicle delivery and return, and prepares information packets (what to do in case of a breakdown, an accident, fueling card, and contact numbers) in advance of your departure date. Upon return they total the vehicle rental fee and bill out monthly on the travel cost. This service is provided so that your trip will be less burdensome.

For transportation assistance, please Tawanda Shannon or Carolyn Mumford at 843-661-1100, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm.

Management Team