Dr. Boatwright PatriciaDr. Patricia Boatwright Associate Professor of Education, Coordinator of Elementary Education Program, Co-Coordinator for Teaching Fellows Program, Education Club Advisor PBoatwright@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1439 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 267 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Mrs. Cason JenniferMrs. Jennifer Cason Administrative Coordinator - SOE jcason@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1460 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 149
Dr. Fries KarenDr. Karen Fries Professor of Education kfries@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1438 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 258 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Dr. Gunther JeanneDr. Jeanne Gunther Professor of Education, Associate Dean, Graduate Director for the School of Education, Coordinator of EDPD jgunther@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1871Phone 2843-661-1551 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeRCC119 & SOBE 146 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Dr. Haselden KathrynDr. Kathryn Haselden Professor of Education, Co-Director of the Center of Excellence for College and Career Readiness khaselden@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1472 DepartmentsCenter of Excellence-College and Career ReadinessSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 266 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Dr. Johnston CallumDr. Callum Johnston Professor of Emeritus Faculty of Education cjohnston@fmarion.edu DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeRCC 113 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Dr. Kaur DaljitDr. Daljit Kaur Professor of Education dkaur@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1478 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 257 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Dr. Li RongzhiDr. Rongzhi Li Assistant Professor of Education Rongzhi.Li@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1480 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 259
Dr. Lowry ErikDr. Erik Lowry Dean of the School of Education, Professor of Education elowry@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1523 DepartmentsCenter for Autism StudiesCenter of Excellence for Teachers of Children of PovertyCOE - Teacher Retention & Induction in the Pee Dee (TRIP)School of EducationOfficeSOBE 151 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Dr. McCuiston KimberlyDr. Kimberly McCuiston Associate Professor of Education, Director of Field and Clinical Experiences, Certification Officer, Co-Director - Teacher Retention and Induction in the Pee Dee (TRIP) KMcCuiston@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1462 DepartmentsCOE - Teacher Retention & Induction in the Pee Dee (TRIP)School of EducationOfficeSOBE 145 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Dr. Midcalf LisaDr. Lisa Midcalf Associate Professor of Education, Co-Coordinator For Teaching Fellows, Education Club Advisor lmidcalf@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1467 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 256 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Dr. Pawloski TammyDr. Tammy Pawloski Director, Center of Excellence for Teachers of Children of Poverty, Professor of Education tpawloski@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1510 DepartmentsCenter of Excellence for Teachers of Children of PovertySchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 265 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Dr. Ritter JamesDr. James Ritter Associate Professor of Education, CAEP Accreditation Coordinator, CREATE Center Director for FMU, M.A.T. - Multi-Categorical Program Coordinator James.Ritter@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1468 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 144 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Dr. SaizdeLaMora KitDr. Kit SaizdeLaMora Assistant Professor of Education, Coordinator of Early Childhood Education Program, Coordinator of Montessori Education Graduate Programs Kit.Saizdelamora@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1487 DepartmentsGender StudiesSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 255 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Dr. Simmons LindsayDr. Lindsay Simmons Associate Professor of Education, Co-Director COE - Teacher Retention and Induction in the Pee Dee (TRIP) lsimmons@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1466 DepartmentsCOE - Teacher Retention & Induction in the Pee Dee (TRIP)School of EducationOfficeSOBE 264 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Dr. Williams KrystinDr. Krystin Williams Assistant Professor of Education, Coordinator for Teacher Cadets (region 4) Krystin.Williams@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1465 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 268 - Office hours are posted on course syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Dr. Boatwright PatriciaDr. Patricia Boatwright Associate Professor of Education, Coordinator of Elementary Education Program, Co-Coordinator for Teaching Fellows Program, Education Club Advisor PBoatwright@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1439 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 267 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Areas of Expertise
Elementary Education Program
Educational Technology
Dr. Fries KarenDr. Karen Fries Professor of Education kfries@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1438 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 258 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Faculty Secretary
Areas of Specialization
Learning Disabilities
Dr. Gunther JeanneDr. Jeanne Gunther Professor of Education, Associate Dean, Graduate Director for the School of Education, Coordinator of EDPD jgunther@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1871Phone 2843-661-1551 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeRCC119 & SOBE 146 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Areas of Specialization
Early Childhood Education Literacy
Dr. Haselden KathrynDr. Kathryn Haselden Professor of Education, Co-Director of the Center of Excellence for College and Career Readiness khaselden@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1472 DepartmentsCenter of Excellence-College and Career ReadinessSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 266 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Areas of Specialization: Special Education, Cross-Categorical Disabilities
Co-Director of Center of Excellence and Career Readiness
Dr. Johnston CallumDr. Callum Johnston Professor of Emeritus Faculty of Education cjohnston@fmarion.edu DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeRCC 113 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Areas of Specialization
Early Childhood Education
Dr. Kaur DaljitDr. Daljit Kaur Professor of Education dkaur@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1478 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 257 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Areas of Specialization
Instructional Technology
Qualitative Research
Dr. Lowry ErikDr. Erik Lowry Dean of the School of Education, Professor of Education elowry@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1523 DepartmentsCenter for Autism StudiesCenter of Excellence for Teachers of Children of PovertyCOE - Teacher Retention & Induction in the Pee Dee (TRIP)School of EducationOfficeSOBE 151 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Areas of Specialization
Elementary/Middle Level Education
Methods of Research
Educational Leadership
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm during Fall and Spring semesters
Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 5:30pm during summer sessions
Dr. McCuiston KimberlyDr. Kimberly McCuiston Associate Professor of Education, Director of Field and Clinical Experiences, Certification Officer, Co-Director - Teacher Retention and Induction in the Pee Dee (TRIP) KMcCuiston@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1462 DepartmentsCOE - Teacher Retention & Induction in the Pee Dee (TRIP)School of EducationOfficeSOBE 145 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Areas of Specialization
Instructional Planning and Assessment
Middle Level Education
Dr. Midcalf LisaDr. Lisa Midcalf Associate Professor of Education, Co-Coordinator For Teaching Fellows, Education Club Advisor lmidcalf@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1467 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 256 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Areas of Specialization
Qualitative Research
Dr. Pawloski TammyDr. Tammy Pawloski Director, Center of Excellence for Teachers of Children of Poverty, Professor of Education tpawloski@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1510 DepartmentsCenter of Excellence for Teachers of Children of PovertySchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 265 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Areas of Specialization
Early Childhood Education
Children of Poverty
Dr. Ritter JamesDr. James Ritter Associate Professor of Education, CAEP Accreditation Coordinator, CREATE Center Director for FMU, M.A.T. - Multi-Categorical Program Coordinator James.Ritter@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1468 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 144 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Office hours are posted on each course syllabus.
Dr. SaizdeLaMora KitDr. Kit SaizdeLaMora Assistant Professor of Education, Coordinator of Early Childhood Education Program, Coordinator of Montessori Education Graduate Programs Kit.Saizdelamora@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1487 DepartmentsGender StudiesSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 255 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Areas of Specialty
Early Childhood Education
Dr. Simmons LindsayDr. Lindsay Simmons Associate Professor of Education, Co-Director COE - Teacher Retention and Induction in the Pee Dee (TRIP) lsimmons@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1466 DepartmentsCOE - Teacher Retention & Induction in the Pee Dee (TRIP)School of EducationOfficeSOBE 264 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Areas of Specialization
Elementary Education
Middle Level Education
Dr. Williams KrystinDr. Krystin Williams Assistant Professor of Education, Coordinator for Teacher Cadets (region 4) Krystin.Williams@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1465 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 268 - Office hours are posted on course syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Office hours are posted on each course syllabus.
School of Education Faculty Emeriti
Shirley Carr Bausmith
Ph.D., University of South Carolina
Jane “Janey” Brandis
M.S., University of South Carolina
Albert C. Bickley
Ed.D., University of Georgia
Makram A. Bishara
Ph.D., Cairo University
Ed.D., University of South Carolina
Kenneth R. Dye Jr.
1972-1997; 2002-2012
Ph.D., University of Georgia
James R. Faulkenberry
Ed.D., University of South Carolina
Leslie E. Figa
Ph.D., University of Georgia
Dorothy M. Harris
Ed.D., University of Georgia
Belva H. High
Ph.D., University of South Carolina
Jackson F. Lee, Jr
Ed.D., Duke University
Susannah M. McCuaig
Ed.D., Boston University
Marjorie B. Pace
Ph.D., University of South Carolina
Kenneth W. Pruitt
Ed.D., Duke University
Thomas D. Sawyer
Ed.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Barbara M. Thayer
M.S., Florida State University