Welcome to the COE-TRIP Grant at FMU

Center of Excellence

Teacher Retention and Induction in the Pee Dee

COE-TRIP will address chronic teacher turnover in targeted districts by strengthening connections across K-12, career, and postsecondary education to exemplify the profile of a South Carolina (SC) graduate. Further, COE-TRIP will benefit: 

  • FMU, by providing support to pre-service teachers (PSTs) and newly graduated FMU students. 
  • The targeted districts, by providing targeted comprehensive support to ECTs in the district and improving teacher retention rates.  
  • P-20 education in SC, by providing an effective model for teacher induction and retention in high-need rural areas.    

We will accomplish this through comprehensive year-round activities and support mechanisms to supplement current district-level mentoring and induction programs, including:

  • Coaching: Coaching relationships with other knowledgeable teachers are more  likely to remain in the classroom.1
  • Professional Development (PD): Ongoing PD plays an important role in teacher induction, retention, job satisfaction, and student achievement.2 
  • Professional Learning Communities (PLCs): PLCs are groups of teachers organized by similar setting or assignment that focus on active, collaborative, and reflective learning.3
  • Affinity Caucuses (ACs): ACs are groups based on any social identity (e.g., age, cultural background, gender, first-generation college status) and provide structured time for teachers who hold a common identity to share, listen, and learn in a separate forum.4

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The Center of Excellence for Teacher Retention and Induction in the Pee Dee (COE-TRIP) at Francis Marion University mission is to increase the retention rate of teachers in the Pee Dee region by improving the effectiveness, resilience, and well-being of early-career teachers (ECTs). 


The vision for the Center is to provide ongoing support for pre-service and early-career teachers that builds teacher resilience and self-efficacy through coach support, professional development, and collaboration with area school districts. By providing this support, it is the Center’s aim to increase teacher retention and effectiveness.


Francis Marion University: Center of Excellence for Teacher Retention and Induction in the Pee Dee (COE-TRIP) has partnered with Florence County School District 3 and Marion County School District.



CEMC, Room 205
4822 E. Palmetto St.
Florence, S.C. 29506


1. [Fan, X., Pan, F., Dickerson, T. S., Kunz, G. M., & Hodges, T. E. (2020). School-level factors associated with teacher retention in South Carolina. South Carolina Center for Excellence in Teacher Education Research.]
2. [García, E., & Weiss, E. (2019b). The teacher shortage is real, large and growing, and worse than we thought. Economic Policy Institute. https://files.epi.org/pdf/163651.pdf]
3. [Darling-Hammond, L., Hyler, M. E., & Gardner, M. (2017). Effective teacher professional development. Learning Policy Institute. https://learningpolicyinstitute.org/product/teacher-prof-dev]
4. [Darling-Hammond, L., Hyler, M. E., & Gardner, M. (2017). Effective teacher professional development. Learning Policy Institute. https://learningpolicyinstitute.org/product/teacher-prof-dev]