Welcome to the COE-TRIP Grant at FMU
Center of Excellence
Teacher Retention and Induction in the Pee Dee
COE-TRIP will address chronic teacher turnover in targeted districts by strengthening connections across K-12, career, and postsecondary education to exemplify the profile of a South Carolina (SC) graduate. Further, COE-TRIP will benefit:
- FMU, by providing support to pre-service teachers (PSTs) and newly graduated FMU students.
- The targeted districts, by providing targeted comprehensive support to ECTs, Mentor Teachers, and Administrators in the district and improving teacher retention rates.
- P-20 education in SC, by providing an effective model for teacher induction and retention in high-need rural areas.
We will accomplish this through comprehensive year-round activities and support mechanisms to supplement current district-level mentoring and induction programs, including:
- Professional Development (PD): Ongoing PD plays an important role in teacher induction, retention, job satisfaction, and student achievement.2
- Professional Learning Communities (PLCs): PLCs are groups of teachers organized by similar setting or assignment that focus on active, collaborative, and reflective learning.3
- Affinity Caucuses (ACs): ACs are groups based on any social identity (e.g., age, cultural background, gender, first-generation college status) and provide structured time for teachers who hold a common identity to share, listen, and learn in a separate forum.4
Latest News

COE-TRIP hosted its 2nd Annual Summer Conference for Administrators and Mentor Teachers in July. Thank you to our wonderful presenters: Dr. Tammy Pawloski, Dr. Kimberly McCuiston, Dr. Lindsay Simmons, Dr. Lochran Fallon, and Dr. Karen Beaman. Also, a special thanks to Mrs. Janey Brandis and Grace Foxworth for all of their assistance and support throughout the day!

COE-TRIP hosted a two-day Mentor Training in the Summer, getting another 10 fabulous teachers ready for their roles as mentors in their districts. Congratulations to them for earning the SC Mentor Certification!

The Center of Excellence for Teacher Retention and Induction in the Pee Dee (COE-TRIP) at Francis Marion University mission is to increase the retention rate of teachers in the Pee Dee region by improving the effectiveness, resilience, and well-being of early-career teachers (ECTs).
The vision for the Center is to provide ongoing support for pre-service and early-career teachers that builds teacher resilience and self-efficacy through professional development and collaboration with area school districts. By providing this support, it is the Center’s aim to increase teacher retention and effectiveness.

Francis Marion University: Center of Excellence for Teacher Retention and Induction in the Pee Dee (COE-TRIP) is now partnered with five districts in the Pee Dee Region: Chesterfield County Public Schools, Florence County School District 3, Darlington County School District, Lee County School District, and Marion County School District.
CEMC, Room 205
4822 E. Palmetto St.
Florence, S.C. 29506
1. [Fan, X., Pan, F., Dickerson, T. S., Kunz, G. M., & Hodges, T. E. (2020). School-level factors associated with teacher retention in South Carolina. South Carolina Center for Excellence in Teacher Education Research.]↩
2. [García, E., & Weiss, E. (2019b). The teacher shortage is real, large and growing, and worse than we thought. Economic Policy Institute. https://files.epi.org/pdf/163651.pdf]↩
3. [Darling-Hammond, L., Hyler, M. E., & Gardner, M. (2017). Effective teacher professional development. Learning Policy Institute. https://learningpolicyinstitute.org/product/teacher-prof-dev]↩
4. [Darling-Hammond, L., Hyler, M. E., & Gardner, M. (2017). Effective teacher professional development. Learning Policy Institute. https://learningpolicyinstitute.org/product/teacher-prof-dev]↩