July 5, 2023

Donors and Contributors

Donors and Contributors

Donors and Contributors

June 2023  |  FMU Donor Report 2020-2022

Donors and Contributors

The FMU Education Foundation is pleased to recognize the individuals, businesses and other groups listed below who have generously supported the University through their financial contributions between Jan. 1, 2020 and December 31, 2022. This list reflects total gifts to the University made to any of the following funds: The FMU Fund, Swamp Fox Club, Scholarships, The FMU Education Foundation and gifts-in-kind. These donors provide the necessary resources that make it possible for FMU to continue providing excellent educational opportunities to deserving students. Donors to FMU are honored friends,  and we are grateful for their support. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this listing; if an error is discovered, please contact the Education Foundation at (843) 661-1225 so records may be corrected.



> Heritage Society – $100,000 +

> Carolinians – $20,000 +

> Francis Marion Society – $10,000 +

> Pee Dee Society – $5,000 +

> Founders Club – $2,500 +

> Crescent Society – $1,000 +

> President’s Club – $500 +

> Leadership Club – $250 +

> Century Club – $100 +

> Patrons – $50+

> Donors Class Year = Alumni

> * = Trustee

> ** = Faculty/Staff

> *** = Education Foundation

Board Member


Heritage Society

Aiken Foundation

James ’77 & Candace ’92 Brown

Edward Ervin

City of Florence

Drs. Bruce & Lee Foundation

Duke Energy Foundation

Drs. Sompong & Suwanee Kraikit***

McLeod Health

MPD Electric Cooperative

Timothy ’78 & Anne Norwood***

Sunshine Foundation

The Darla Moore Foundation


American Chemical Society – FMU Student Chapter

Kathleen L. Baskin

Audrey Croshaw

Dr. Lorraine de Montluzin

Duke Energy

Enterprise Holdings Foundation

Fidelity Charitable Gift

Greg Garvan

R. Gerald Griffin

Governor Jim and Rachel Hodges

Roger Hux & Dr. Julia Krebs**

Dr. Panos & Debi Kalaritis

Lisa E. Toporek Foundation

Marion County Healthcare Foundation

Marion Mullins Rotary Club 6249

John J. Odorisio ’83

Pepsi Cola Bottling Company

Donald F. Poston

Ronald C. Scott

Sidearm Sports, LLC

Rebecca Smarr

David R. and Helen Smith

Sonoco Products Company

Samuel F. Sparrow ’83

Barbara Terry ’76

Dr. Neal Thigpen & The Honorable Patsy S. Stone ’77

William B. Douglas Trust

Phyllis H. Wittschen ’79

Francis Marion Society 

ACS Technologies

Kevin & Donna Barth***

Thomas L. Beaty ’74

Scott Brown & Alex Fitzpatrick

Carolina Wildlands Foundation

Circle Park Behavioral Health Services

The Clouse-Elrod Foundation, Inc.

Dr. Morgan & Helen Coker

CVS Health Foundation

F&J Foundation, Inc.

Florence Regional Arts Alliance

Florence Symphony Guild

J. Parks Garrison

Kay R. Hanson

Health Care Partners of South Carolina, Inc.

Dr. Carlanna L. Hendrick

Rives Hogan

Honda of South Carolina Mfg., Inc.

Dr. Deborah L. Hopla**

James E. Clyburn Scholarship & Research Foundation

Charnisse T. Kelly ’96

Patheon API, Inc.

Pee Dee Education Center

Paul ’89 & Ashley C. ’89 Reardon

Santee Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Sonoco Foundation

Pee Dee Society


Rob ’98, ’16 & Shannon ’98 Ardis


Darryl & Kris Bridges**

Carolina Bank

Dr. L. Fred & Folly Carter**

City of Bennettsville


Daniel S. Dukes

Eastern Carolina Community Foundation

Florence School District 2

Anthony L. Hayes ’89

Dr. Joseph & Evelyn ’75 Heyward

HHF, Inc.

Art & Kimberly ’06 Inabinet**

Ken ’84 & Debbie ’80 Jackson*

Bobby Jordan

Floyd L. Keels*

Dr. Peter & Annie King**

Marion Physical Therapy, LLC

Medical University Hospital Authority

Dr. Jacquelyn Odell & Col. John Odell

Otis Elevator Company

Raines Hospitality Group, Inc.

Schwab Charitable

Lucy C. Thrower

Victor’s Steak Wine and Seafood

Dr. Duane Myers & Dr. Charlene Wages**

Arthur Watts

Dr. John M. Whittington ’72

Founders Club

Richard J. Alford ’99


James ’78  & Teresa ’73, ’76 Anderson***


Fred C. Avent, Jr.

Ronald S. Banks ’85

Dr. Kay W. Belanger ’77**

Dr. Mark & Lisa Blackwell**

Dr. Kimberly Britt

Mark & Julia Buyck

Harry L. Carter III ’98

Ronald D. Carter, Jr. ’06, ’09

Dr. Richard & Marilyn Chapman


William W. Coleman ’71*

Comfort Keepers #469

Dr. Frank O. Cox

D. L. Scurry Foundation

Gale H. Dixon

Dr. and Mrs. H. Randall Dozier*

Dynamic Baseball

Dr. Frances L. Elmore

FBi Construction

First Bank

Fletcher Bay Winery, LLC

Florence County Medical Society

FMU African American Faculty Staff Coalition

Dr. Michael D. Frawley ’78

Sheila S. Garrett

Gaynor & Haslett, P.C.

Gary & Marjorie Gaynor

Eddie & Markie Gunn*

Murray G. Hartzler**

Thelma Hawkins ’89

Dr. William M. Hazelwood

Melinda Hydrick ’80

Dr. Chris D. Johnson**

Dr. Callum Johnston**

Stephen N. Jones ’88**

Kyle Foundation

Glenn J. Matthews ’83

Dana L. McClure ’99

George C. ’78 & Wendy B. McIntyre ’89*

John W. Miller

Mark S. Moore*

Dr. Robert W. Moore ’80

Drs. Johnathan and Alison Munn**

Pee Dee Electricom, Inc.


Realtor Association of the Greater Pee Dee, Inc.

Dr. Wendy C. Richardson**

SC State Federal Credit Union

Kreg A. Sherbine ’93

Lance A. Snyder ’85

AJ Soares

South Carolina Broadcasters Association

Lauren B. Stanton ’09, ’13**

Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Inc.

The Malloy Foundation

Thermo Fisher Pharma Services

Dr. Raymond L. Thomas

Toledo Carolina


Idette H. Tucker

Drs. Jim & Julie ’74 Von Frank**

Dr. & Mrs. Bill D. Whitmire**

Thomas W. Wyatt

Evon R. Zuppa

Crescent Society

A. Loran Adams ’83

Keith Allen

Dr. Roger W. & Kitty Allen

Dr. Joseph Aniello**


Marion J. Avent

Lauren Baufield-Edwards**

Dr. Shirley C. Bausmith ’91

Bay Country Consumer Finance, Inc.

Mark S. Bedenbaugh ’86, ’90

Mary K. Belissary ’81

Benevity Community Impact Fund

D. Keith Best**

Robert H. Bostick ’74

Bowen Media & Consulting, LLC

Janet Braddock

LaTasha D. Brand**

Dr. John A. Britton**

Greg Brown

The Honorable & Mrs. Wylie  Caldwell

Champion Embroidery & Screen Print

Jeff Chavis

Milton T. Coleman

Comfort Inn & Suites – Florence

Communities for Students of Dillon County

Travis E. Copeland ’95

Cormell, Street & Patterson

Courtyard by Marriott

Michael P. Cruikshank ’00

Kendal & Jennifer Danford

Douglas & Kimberly ’86 Davis

Ralph U. Davis ’83**

Dedicated Community Bank

John P. Degen ’96

Dr. Patrick Denton

Dilmar Oil Company

John B. Dixon**

H. Paul Dove*

E. S. Chappell & Son, Inc. Charitable Trust

Eagle Associates of Niagara Frontier, Inc.

John Eckenstein

L. Franklin Elmore

Agustin Estefanell ’01

Farmers Telephone Cooperative

Dr. Ron & Edwina ’79, ’86 Faulkenberry

Dr. Wanda F. Fernandopulle ’94, ’97

Gary I. Finklea ’90

First Citizens Bank

Fitness Forum Occupational Testing Services

Florence Breakfast Rotary Club

Nathan E. Flowers ’03**

Allen Floyd ’76

Dr. Eddie Floyd

FMU Chemistry Club

Tommy M. Folk III ’86

Richard M. Frate

Mark G. Gaynor**

Alan L. Gibbons ’80

J. Glenn Godfrey ’92

Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce

Griffin Real Estate and Investment

Betty Grimsley

Lt. Col. Charles J. Guerry ’79

Kelly Hancock

Shannon E. Hardee ’89

James ’85 & Renee ’85 Harrell***

Larry B. Hatchell

Michael G. Hawkins ’85**

Rose C. Heitland ’00

Bebe A. Hennessy

William H. Hoylen ’75

Hyatt Place Florence

Robert F. Hyman III ’77

Dr. Stephen A. Imbeau

Arthenius Colvin ’09

Sarah Jergensen

Dr. Derek & Kelly Jokisch**

Denon & Liz Jordan

Robert L. Kilgo ’20

Jay & Cindy Kispert

Barry S. Koon ’82

Koppers Company, Inc.

Douglas C. Kurtz ’91

Dr. Ben L. Kyer**

Paul T. Larsen ’85

Dan ’01 & Rebecca ’01 Larson

Dr. Rebecca L. Lawson

Karen Leatherman ’80*

Sandra S. Levy

George W. Lindsay

Donald H. Lloyd ’06

Dr. Sylvia R. Lufkin

Mary P. Lundgren

Dr. H. Jane Madden

Carl W. Manco

O’Brien Matthews

P. L. McCall

Mr. & Mrs. D. Laurence McIntosh

Dr. Kris B. McWhite ’00

Walter Mead

Medtronic Foundation

Meritor, Inc.

Micky Finn’s

Aubrey M. Montrose ’78

Pearl F. Moore ’79

Henry B. Moree ’97

Sandra C. Morris

Dr. & Mrs. J. David Moss

Mothers on a Mission, Inc.

Mt. Elon Baptist Church

Network for Good

John S. Nichols ’78

Dr. Cynthia A. Nixon**

Dr. J. Kevin O’Kelly*

Eddie Oran ’73

Alexander Palkovich

Krunal S. Patel ’18

R. Weston Patterson

Pee Dee Chapter of SCACPA

Pee Dee Claims Association

Pee Dee Kiwanis Club

Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity

Carroll Player

Progressive Insurance Foundation

Psi Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma

Dr. Steve ’76, ’80 & Jane Quick

Dr. Tommy & Betty Ramey

Thomas H. Randall ’77

Michael W. Richey**

Dr. Brian Sang

SC Association Of Public Accountants

Joseph Sessions

Dr. Timothy Shannon**

Brenda Short**

John W. Sparrow

Springhill Suites Marriott

State Farm Companies Foundation

Misty A. Stathos

Dr. Parker Stokes

Stephen D. Tarkenton ’13

Jarett R. Taylor ’01, ’05


Dr. Joel H. Thayer

The Jeffords Agency

Thompson Turner Construction

Anita L. Throwe


Brent Tiller ’00***

Dr. Brittany V. Toole ’08

Dr. Jon Tuttle**

Dr. Krishnaraju Varadarajan

The Honorable Jerry D. Vinson ’81

Virtical Education, LLC

Waffle House

Tim Ward ’88

Dr. T. Alissa Warters**

James R. Watson

Dr. David R. White**

Jeanette E. Whiteley

Jamie Wiggins

Wilcox Office Mart, Inc.

A. Willard

Willoughby & Hoefer, P.A.

Robert Woodberry

President’s Club

Adams Outdoor Advertising

Aiken, Bridges, Elliott & Tyler and Saleeby P.A.

Annette Alston ’90

Andele Restaurant, LLC




Richard J. Austin

Dr. Kenneth M. Autrey

Ray B. Baggett ’75

Baker’s Sweets

John L. Barringer ’75

Glen B. Barron

Ronald Baxley

Roger Bazen ’80

Eric M. Belk ’99

William Benton

Charles R. Berry

Matthew ’01 & Amber ’01 Biviano

Karen E. Bonds ’84

Mr. & Mrs. James M. Booth

Dr. Curtis B. Boswell ’72

Deb Brinegar

Marcia E. Brown ’81

Kathleen Brungard

Dr. Ginger Bryngelson**

Benny J. Bryson*

Jody Bryson*

Dr. V. Callicutt ’79

Randy W. Carrier ’79

Gregory Cashion

Ann Rodgers T. Chandler

David J. Chapman ’10


Maria Clayton

Russell V. Conner

Dr. Jay & Kim Dowd III

Sam Dozier

Kevin Duffey

Dr. Timothy Duffey

Nathaniel ’73 & Joyce ’73 Durant

Evergreen Lawn Service LLP

Fairflo Hotel, LLC

First Citizens Foundation

Dr. Thomas & Mrs. Jill Fitzkee**

Florence Lions Club

Austin E. Floyd

Amy W. Futch

William J. Gainey ’77

Steven Gately

Tina Gause**

Jason R. Geddings ’95

William Geisen

Johanna H. Gibson ’86, ’94

Otto Gonzalez

Nolan A. Graham ’01

Charles A. Gray ’77

Greater Lake City Alliance

James C. Gregg

Griggs & Griggs Homebuilders, Inc.

Dr. V. Lynn Hanson

Heritage Home of Florence, Inc.

Larry Herndon ’91

Sloane S. Herring ’16

Don Herriott

Historic Marion Revitalization Association

Hoffman Mechanical Solutions, Inc.

Lou Y. Hoffmeyer ’75

Hollingsworth LLP

Dr. Stephen D. Hudson ’76

Dr. Michael P. Hughes

Dr. Timothy B. Hunter ’96

Dr. Randell A. Hyler ’93

IBM Corporation

Bernadette J. Johnson ’02

Mordecai C. Johnson ’88

Francis Jones

Dr. Jacqueline C. Jones**

Spencer R. Jordan

Susan L. Jordan ’74

Dr. V. Scott Kaufman**

W. Scotty Keefe ’92

Lydia Kellett

Deborah H. Kelley ’96

Tom Kleinhelter

Travis W. Knowles**

Gerald & Jean Lee

Love Jewelry

Gloria W. Lussier ’73

Michelle Marshall

Deborah McClary

H. T. McDuffie

Jeffrey D. McKay**

Jeff McNeely

Clay T. Mitchell

Toney Moore

George W. Mote

Tommy G. Mourounas ’80

Peter M. North

Jeffrey W. Nye ’98

Lynn R. Owens

Phillip G. Padgett ’03

Travis D. Palmer ’03

Palmetto Pulpwood & Timber

Chelsea Parker

Dr. S. Edward Parker

Roxanne Patterson

Taylor Patterson

Pee Dee Federal Credit Union

Pee Dee Fire & Safety, Inc.

Dr. LeRoy Peterson ’84**

Patricia T. Pigatt

Pinnacle Bank

Dr. T. Carroll Player

Charles P. Poag

Jeri Porter**

Donna R. Rabon

Hilda E. Rivenbark

Andrew R. Ross ’01

Thomas J. Rosson

Beth Roth

Farid Saintcyr

Kit SaizdeLaMora**

Don G. Sandifer ’14

Olin B. Sansbury

Christopher A. Schimmel ’93

Jenna L. Sexton ’07

Shepherd’s Center of the Pee Dee

Marc & Adrienne Shouse

Staci Smallwood

Judy Spruill

Virginia L. Stevenson

Mikeal A. Strickland

Dennis Sullen ’77

Dr. Scott D. Swain ’91

John P. Sweeney ’09

Dr. Stephen E. Taylor ’75

The Herron Law Firm

Dr. Kate Thirolf

Thompson Construction Group, Inc

Nick Townsend**

Andrea R. Tucker ’10

Chris Wakefield

Debbie Wall ’72

Karen C. West

Ted C. Whisnant ’90

Jeanne White

Robert White, Jr.

Whitt Law Firm, LLC

John Wiley

Mark H. Wilson ’95

Dr. Shayna Wrighten**

Kenneth H. Yaeger ’04

Kaki Zeigler

Leadership Club

Dr. C. R. Alexander

Jeannette Alston ’87

American Trophy Company, Inc.


Apex Health and Wellness

Adam Arceneaux

Rebecca W. Bacot ’80

Kenneth C. Baker ’12

Katherine B. Barnette ’12,  ’17

Timothy R. Barrineau

Edward Barton IV

Bernard H. Bastian 81

Brad J. Beatson ’95

Byron ’78 & Maggie ’73 Beck

Rick Bell

Daryll Bellai

Bruce ’72 & Mary Bennett

Dr. & Mrs. B. R. Blackwell M.D.

Daryl W. Blume ’80

Dr. Minerva Brauss**

Dr. William H. Breazeale & Dr. Marian Larisey

Joyce Britt

Tanya Britt

Howard V. Brown**

The Honorable Melissa J. Buckhannon ’91

Lorraine H. Burnett**

Eleanor K. Burns

Randall Burns

Sheila Cartrette

Steven S. Chapman ’74

Steve ’89 & Libby Cooper

Terry D. Coreno

Dr. Verne E. Cutler

Cathy A. Daniels**

Brian D. Davis ’16

Carrie O. Davis ’96

Yvonne G. Davis

Stephen A. DeBerry ’85

Curtis A. Derrick ’09

Dr. Layire Diop**

Marie A. Dompierre ’82

Marilyn C. Dooley

Dr. Thomas N. Dorsel

Kristle Eason**

James R. Ellard

Elliott Xpress Trucking, Inc.

Christopher W. Enzor ’17

Agustin Estefanell

Kevin W. Everhart ’89

Larry B. Falck**

Carlton ’95 & Princess ’95 Farr

Freda L. Ficklin ’98

Dr. Rebecca H. Flannagan**

Dustin A. Floyd ’08

Jennifer K. Floyd ’99

Francis Marion University Fine Arts Graphic Design

Frank Freeman

Gregory G. Fry**

Mr. Christian K. Gallman

Ashley Gordy

Elizabeth L. Gould ’76

Matthew D. Gourie ’08

Emerson & Jane Gower

Lemar Graham ’90, ’94

Paul B. Grich

Charley C. Griggs ’79

L. A. Ham

Thomas Hardy

Harper Lambert, P.A.

John M. Harvey ’92

Robert Hassold

Kenneth Hemingway

Michael D. Hemingway ’99

Viola K. Hendley ’80, ’84

James O. Herbert

Andrew T. Hewitt ’95

Henry L. Hill

Joe E. Hill ’84

Laddie G. Hiller

Michael A. Holmes

HomeLight, Inc.

Dr. Vera C. Hyman

Dr. Ronald R. Ingle

Brandon M. Jackson ’07

Tony James

Darrell P. Jameson ’95, ’02

George D. Jebaily

Michael A. Jeffords ’94

Chadwick G. Jenkins ’01

Jewelers Mutual Insurance

Gerry D. Johnson

Kathy C. Johnson

Erin ’04, ’06 & Sandra ’05 Jones

Verneeda Jones**

Andrew Kampiziones

Kim Kane

Deretha Karacson

Anna Kay

Gary C. Kemp

Dr. John ’72 & Vicki ’72 Kirby

Chele M. Lane ’85

Rebecca J. Larson ’01

Jay Lee

Robert E. Lee ’87*

Anthony W. Lester**

Elizabeth S. Littlefield

JR Llewellyn

James Logan

Dr. Erik A. Lowry ’95**

Kelvin P. Lynch ’90, 97

Levin Lynch

Amanda Lyons


Francis Marion University honored four of its distinguished alumni at its annual Alumni Awards ceremony on Thursday, March 6. Debbie Pollock-Berry (’88) of Ashburn, VA, was recognized as the university’s 2025 Outstanding Alumnus. Pollock-Berry has over 25 years of experience as a global and domestic Human Resources Executive with an extensive background leading culture transformation […]

Francis Marion University’s Board of Trustees held its quarterly meeting on Thursday afternoon at The Cottage on FMU’s campus. During the meeting, the Board approved a new undergraduate program, the naming of an atrium and garden, and a utility easement. The new Bachelor of Social Work degree program will address the growing workforce demand for […]

In the fall of 2014, a group of people got together to ensure their children and others with physical and mental challenges had a chance to do what just about every other kid in America gets to do – play baseball. And thus, the Miracle League of Florence County was born. The League was awarded […]