Abdur-Rahim Courtney P.Courtney P. Abdur-Rahim Assistant Vollyball Coach Courtney.AbdurRahim@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1240 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC234
Agyapong Afua M. PhD, CCC-SLPAfua M. Agyapong PhD, CCC-SLP Assistant Professor of Speech Language Pathology Afua.Agyapong@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1888 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesSpeech Language PathologyOfficeLMEC 305More info
Allen MorganMorgan Allen Production Manager morgan.allen@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1687 DepartmentsCommunicationsMultimedia ServicesOfficeCEMC 101A
Dr. Almeida Richard A.Dr. Richard A. Almeida Professor of Political Science, Associate Co-Director of Baruch Institute for South Carolina Studies ralmeida@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1631 DepartmentsBaruch InstitutePolitical ScienceOfficeFH 139More info
Amerson HannahHannah Amerson Campus Technology Office Manager & Telecommunications Coordinator hamerson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1335 DepartmentsCampus TechnologyOfficeSACC 108
Anderson Lawrence P.Lawrence P. Anderson Emeritus Professor of Visual Arts landerson@fmarion.edu DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeMore info
Anderson ReneeRenee Anderson Executive Director Renee.Anderson@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1413 DepartmentsPee Dee Medical and Health Sciences Education ConsortiumOfficeCCHS 358
Dr. Aniello JoeDr. Joe Aniello Emeritus Faculty of Management, Years at Francis Marion University: 2003-2024 janiello@fmarion.edu DepartmentsHuman Resource ManagementSchool of BusinessOfficeMore info
Dr. Araujo Ken M.Dr. Ken M. Araujo Associate Professor of Computer Science karaujo@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1377 DepartmentsComputer ScienceSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 238More info
Dr. Arroyo FangjunDr. Fangjun Arroyo Professor of Mathematics farroyo@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1594 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409PMore info
Atkinson MarionMarion Atkinson Special Trades Supervisor matkinson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1648 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Austin Bryan J.Bryan J. Austin Mail Center Supervisor baustin@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1337 DepartmentsMail CenterOfficeMail Center
Dr. Baker Brittany B.Dr. Brittany B. Baker Associate Professor of Physics bbaker@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1655 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeLSF L103-E
Baker CatherineCatherine Baker Reference Librarian/Archivist Catherine.Baker@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1319 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRL
Baker MeggieMeggie Baker Instructor of Business meggie.baker@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1414 DepartmentsBusiness AdministrationSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 216More info
Dr. Banister Lindsey E.Dr. Lindsey E. Banister Associate Professor of English, Director of the Writing Center lbanister@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1857 DepartmentsCenter for Academic Success and AdvisementEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyWriting CenterOfficeFH 122More info
Dr. Barbeau Tamatha R.Dr. Tamatha R. Barbeau Professor of Biology, Coordinator of Veterinary Studies and Pre-Veterinary Programs tbarbeau@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4651 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 204JMore info
Barr Brittany M.Brittany M. Barr Administrative Assistant Brittany.Barr@fmarion.edu Phone843-319-4403 DepartmentsRegional and Community ProgramsOfficeRCC
Barrett Summer M.Summer M. Barrett Student Services Coordinator Summer.Barrett@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1221OfficeSAB 113
Dr. Baswani SiddharthDr. Siddharth Baswani Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems SBaswani@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1102 DepartmentsInformation Systems ManagementSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 226
Bauder Alexander PAlexander P Bauder Electrician Alexander.Bauder@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1154 DepartmentsFacilities ManagementOfficeWHSE
Dr. Bauer Vernon W.Dr. Vernon W. Bauer Professor and Chair of Biology vbauer@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1409 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 204CMore info
Baufield LaurenLauren Baufield Head Women's Volleyball Coach lbaufield@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1246 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234
Dr. Baumgartner TrevorDr. Trevor Baumgartner Assistant Professor of Chemistry Trevor.Baumgartner@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1384 DepartmentsChemistryOfficeLSF 303H
Bazen Carolyn MS, LPC/ACarolyn Bazen MS, LPC/A Assistant Director of Counseling and Testing Carolyn.Bazen@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1842 DepartmentsCounseling and Testing CenterOfficeEFB
Beard Cody D.Cody D. Beard Part-time Instructor of Biology Cody.Beard@fmarion.edu DepartmentsBiologyOffice
Bell ChrisChris Bell Executive Chef Christopher.Bell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1266 DepartmentsDining ServicesOffice
Bell TammyTammy Bell Custodian Tammy.Bell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Bellamy Jazmin L.Jazmin L. Bellamy Accountant-Accounts Payable Jazmin.Bellamy@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1125 DepartmentsAccountingOfficeSAB 103
Bender Tyler J.Tyler J. Bender Assistant Baseball Coach Tyler.Bender@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1811 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234
Bennett Meagan MSN-APRN, FNP-CMeagan Bennett MSN-APRN, FNP-C Instructor of Nursing meagan.bennett@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1607 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 357More info
Bessenger AngieAngie Bessenger Mail Services abessenger@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1271 DepartmentsMail CenterOffice
Bessenger WilliamWilliam Bessenger Supervisor of Residence Buildings, Housing Maintenance wbessenger@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1367 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWarehouse
Best D. KeithD. Keith Best Chair, Department of Fine Arts, Professor of Theatre Arts dbest@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1549 DepartmentsFine ArtsMusic IndustryOfficeHFAC 102More info
Bevan AshleyAshley Bevan Academic Advisor in CASA ashley.bevan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1257 DepartmentsCenter for Academic Success and AdvisementOfficeFH 220More info
Mr. Binchik MatthewMr. Matthew Binchik Administrative Assistant - Biology matt.binchik@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1382 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLFS 204
Birge Alex M.Alex M. Birge Assistant Men's Basketball Coach Alex.Birge@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1811 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 204
Blackburn DeanDean Blackburn Director of University Center dblackburn@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1189 DepartmentsCampus Recreation ServicesStudent LifeOfficeUC 214
Dr. Blackwell J. MarkDr. J. Mark Blackwell Professor of Philosophy & Religious Studies, Director of International Programs jblackwell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1657 DepartmentsEnglish and PhilosophyInternational ProgramsPhilosophy & Religious StudiesOfficeHC 107
Blackwell LaurenLauren Blackwell Part-time Instructor of Psychology lblackwell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-K
Bland Mary K.Mary K. Bland Assistant Director of Financial Assistance Mary.Bland@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1268 DepartmentsEnrollment ManagementFinancial AssistanceOfficeSAB 117
Bluman MarkMark Bluman Men's and Women's Cross Country Coach, Athletics Department Business Manager mbluman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1239 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234
Dr. Boatwright PatriciaDr. Patricia Boatwright Associate Professor of Education, Coordinator of Elementary Education Program, Co-Coordinator for Teaching Fellows Program, Education Club Advisor PBoatwright@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1439 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 267 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Bolles Jeffrey R. PhD, MBA, MAJeffrey R. Bolles PhD, MBA, MA Associate Professor of Public Health Jeff.Bolles@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4656 DepartmentsHealthcare AdministrationSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 105More info
Dr. Bolt William K.Dr. William K. Bolt Chair, Department of History, Suzanne Lucas and Benjamin Pratt Gasque Chair in History, Professor of History wbolt@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1469 DepartmentsHistoryOfficeFH 202More info
Boone Brian K.Brian K. Boone Custodian Brian.Bo@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Bostic ReginaRegina Bostic Senior Administrative Assistant-Financial Assistance Regina.Bostic@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1190 DepartmentsEnrollment ManagementFinancial AssistanceOfficeSAB 117
Bradford Freddie A.Freddie A. Bradford Trades Specialist freddie.bradford@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWarehouse
Brand LaTasha D.LaTasha D. Brand Vice President for Student Life lbrand@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1229 DepartmentsCampus Recreation ServicesStudent ConductStudent Health ServicesStudent LifeOfficeUC 205
Brantley Rita MARita Brantley MA Administrative Assistant - Physician Assistant Studies Rita.Brantley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1348 DepartmentsPhysician Assistant StudiesSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 327More info
Dr. Brauss K. DanielDr. K. Daniel Brauss Associate Professor of Mathematics dbrauss@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1477 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409C
Dr. Brauss MinervaDr. Minerva Brauss Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Instructor of Mathematics MBrauss@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1559 DepartmentsAdministrationInstitutional Planning, Research, and EffectivenessMathematicsOfficeSAB 105 FMore info
Braveboy RustyRusty Braveboy Craftsman - Maintenance Mechanic rbraveboy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Brayboy Jessica V.Jessica V. Brayboy Teaching Assistant-RCC Jessica.Brayboy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1900 DepartmentsRegional and Community ProgramsRichardson Center for the ChildOfficeRCC
Dr. Breazeale William H.Dr. William H. Breazeale Professor Emeritus of Chemistry DepartmentsChemistryOfficeMore info
Bridges Darryl L.Darryl L. Bridges Executive Vice President dbridges@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1201 DepartmentsExecutive Vice President's OfficeFinancial Services & Budget OfficeOfficeSAB 107
Briggs Gary L.Gary L. Briggs Custodian Gary.Briggs@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeCP
Dr. Britton JohnDr. John Britton Emeritus Faculty of History jbritton@fmarion.edu DepartmentsHistoryOfficeMore info
Brogdon Rhonda DNP, RN, MBARhonda Brogdon DNP, RN, MBA Chair, Department of Nursing, Associate Professor of Nursing rbrogdon@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1674 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 122More info
Brown H. VashonH. Vashon Brown Director of Network Operations & Systems hvbrown@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1335 DepartmentsCampus TechnologyOfficeSACC 108
Brown Rachel L.Rachel L. Brown Lead Teacher Toddler Classroom Rachel.Brown@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1906 DepartmentsRegional and Community ProgramsRichardson Center for the ChildOfficeRCC
Brown RocioRocio Brown Instructor of Spanish rocio.brown@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1371 DepartmentsModern LanguagesOfficeFH 155
Dr. Brown Scott S.Dr. Scott S. Brown Professor of Geography ssbrown@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1611 DepartmentsGeographyOfficeFH 132More info
Bryant MaryMary Bryant Part-time Instructor of Psychology mary.bryant@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-K
Dr. Bryngelson GingerDr. Ginger Bryngelson Professor of Physics gbryngelson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1553 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeLSF 103AMore info
Dr. Bullock ChristopherDr. Christopher Bullock Assistant Professor of Psychology, ABA Option Coordinator Christopher.Bullock@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1638 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-DMore info
Dr. Burke Jessica L.Dr. Jessica L. Burke Professor of Sociology jburke@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1656 DepartmentsSociologyOfficeFH 244More info
Burkett Taylor A.Taylor A. Burkett Custodian Taylor.Burkett@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1108 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFAC
Burnett LorraineLorraine Burnett Custodian lburnett@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Burns Frances PhD, CCC-SLPFrances Burns PhD, CCC-SLP Chair of Speech-Language Pathology, Assistant Professor of Speech-Language Pathology Frances.Burns@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1897 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesSpeech Language PathologyOfficeLMEC 306More info
Dr. Butler JeniferDr. Jenifer Butler Assistant Professor Mass Communication Jenifer.Butler@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1686 DepartmentsMass CommunicationOfficeCEMC 111 A
Cady Kent Jr.Kent Cady Jr. Craftsman kcady@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Calcutt BrendaBrenda Calcutt Acquisitions Coordinator bcalcutt@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1303 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Calcutt MorganMorgan Calcutt Library Specialist-Serials Morgan.Calcutt@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1315 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRL
Dr. Caldwell WendyDr. Wendy Caldwell Emeritus Faculty of Spanish wcaldwell@fmarion.edu DepartmentsModern LanguagesOfficeMore info
Campbell AliciaAlicia Campbell Director of Campus Applications and Data Services acampbell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4680 DepartmentsCampus TechnologyOfficeSACC 102
Campbell LeonLeon Campbell Lead Custodian lcampbell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Campbell Lorenzo D.Lorenzo D. Campbell Custodian Lorenzo.Campbell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Dr. Camper Jeffrey D.Dr. Jeffrey D. Camper Professor of Biology jcamper@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1418 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 204EMore info
Capotosti LeeLee Capotosti Project Manager Lee.Capotosti@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1108 DepartmentsFacilities ManagementOfficePPLT 103
Carmichael DanielDaniel Carmichael Sergeant dcarmichael@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1109 DepartmentsCampus PoliceOfficeCampus Police
Carmichael Emily G.Emily G. Carmichael Director of Institutional Research and Associate Director of Human Resources Emily.Graham3@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1145 DepartmentsAdministrationEnrollment ManagementHuman Resources OfficeInstitutional Planning, Research, and EffectivenessOfficeSAB 105
Dr. Carpenter Charles G.Dr. Charles G. Carpenter Emeritus Faculty of Accounting, Years at Francis Marion University: 2005-2018 ccarpenter@fmarion.edu DepartmentsAccounting-School of BusinessSchool of BusinessOfficeMore info
Dr. Carswell WillDr. Will Carswell Associate Provost, Director of Graduate Programs, Assistant Professor of Fine Arts Will.Carswell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1281 DepartmentsFine ArtsProvost's OfficeOfficeSAB 115
Dr. Carter FredDr. Fred Carter President of Francis Marion University, Professor of Political Science lcarter@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1210 DepartmentsPolitical SciencePresident's OfficeOfficeSAB 110More info
Mrs. Cason JenniferMrs. Jennifer Cason Administrative Coordinator - SOE jcason@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1460 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 149
Cates MadisonMadison Cates Associate Co-Director of Baruch Institute for South Carolina Studies mcates@coastal.edu Phone843-349-6624 DepartmentsBaruch InstituteOfficeMore info
Chandler SamSam Chandler Central Receiving/Warehouse Assistant schandler@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1156 DepartmentsMaterials ServicesWarehouseOfficeWHSE
Dr. Chang EunJungDr. EunJung Chang Professor of Art Education echang@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1533 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 206More info
Dr. Chapman RichardDr. Richard Chapman Faculty Emeritus of History DepartmentsHistoryOfficeMore info
Charping LizetteLizette Charping Part-time Instructor of Psychology lizette.charping@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-K
Dr. Chinnes Anna C.Dr. Anna C. Chinnes Assistant Professor of Psychology AnnaCaroline.Chinnes@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1633 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-C
Dr. Choi SooyeonDr. Sooyeon Choi Assistant Professor of Marketing Sooyeon.Choi@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1807 DepartmentsMarketingSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 242More info
Cimney Kelly A.Kelly A. Cimney Trades Specialist kelly.Cimney@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1148 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Dr. Cintron-Gonzalez LornaDr. Lorna Cintron-Gonzalez Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering, Coordinator of Industrial Engineering lcintrongonzalez@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1463 DepartmentsIndustrial EngineeringPhysics and EngineeringOfficeMSB 101DMore info
Dr. Clabo AllenDr. Allen Clabo Professor of Chemistry dclabo@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1457 DepartmentsChemistryOfficeLSF 303E
Dr. Clark Delilah D.Dr. Delilah D. Clark Assistant Professor of English, Assistant Director of the Writing Center Delilah.Clark@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1387 DepartmentsCenter for Academic Success and AdvisementEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyWriting CenterOfficeFH 118More info
Mrs. Clouse Kelly E.Mrs. Kelly E. Clouse Part-Time Instructor of Biology Kelly.Clouse@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1382 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF
Coker Sidney E. MSSidney E. Coker MS Administrative Assistant - Nursing Sidney.Coker@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1690 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 120More info
Dr. Coleman Mary FrancesDr. Mary Frances Coleman Associate Professor of Music Industry, Director of Voice and Choral Activities mcoleman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1537 DepartmentsFine ArtsGender StudiesOfficeHFAC 112More info
Collins Ashleigh H. MSP, CCC-SLPAshleigh H. Collins MSP, CCC-SLP Clinical Supervisor Ashleigh.Collins@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1628 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesSpeech Language PathologyOfficeLMEC 004More info
Collins Rachel M.Rachel M. Collins Lead Teacher-Child Care Center Rachel.Collins@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1906 DepartmentsRegional and Community ProgramsRichardson Center for the ChildOfficeRCC
Conyers NicoleNicole Conyers Office Manager Nicole.Conyers@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1260 DepartmentsDining ServicesOfficeEDH
Dr. Cooper Antonio M.Dr. Antonio M. Cooper Assistant Professor of Psychology Antonio.Cooper@fmarion.edu Phone(843) 661-1636 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 236-B
Cordova KyleKyle Cordova Police Officer Kyle.Cordova@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1109 DepartmentsCampus PoliceOfficeCP
Dr. Couch ToddDr. Todd Couch Associate Professor of Sociology, Co-Director African & African American Studies todd.couch@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1917 DepartmentsAfrican and African American StudiesSociologyOfficeFH 238More info
Covington AveryAvery Covington System Support Technician, Rogers Library acovington@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1305 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Covington ChaceChace Covington Instructor of Mathematics chace.covington@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1570 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409v
Dr. Cowles DavidDr. David Cowles Professor of English dcowles@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1504 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 104More info
Crawley ShayShay Crawley Instructor of Spanish shay.crawley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1604 DepartmentsModern LanguagesOfficeCEMC 223More info
Cross KellyKelly Cross Graphic Artist kelly.cross@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1223 DepartmentsCommunicationsOfficeSAB 101
Cyrus Ta’ReishTa’Reish Cyrus Admissions Coordinator Tareish.Cyrus@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1236 DepartmentsAdmissionsEnrollment ManagementOfficeSAB 116
Klistine Daniels A.Klistine A. Daniels Custodian Klistine.Daniels@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1102 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Daniels CathyCathy Daniels Custodial Superintendent cdaniels@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Daniels Taylor P.Taylor P. Daniels Senior Accountant-Financial Reporting Taylor.Daniels@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1126 DepartmentsAccountingOfficeSAB 103B
Daugherty D. LeeD. Lee Daugherty Director of Alumni Affairs and Annual Giving ddaugherty@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1228 DepartmentsAlumni AffairsEducation FoundationOfficeSAB 111
Dr. David Fred R.Dr. Fred R. David Emeritus Faculty of Business Administration, Years at FMU: 1988-2022 fdavid@fmarion.edu DepartmentsHuman Resource ManagementSchool of BusinessOfficeMore info
David Maya N.Maya N. David Student Services Program Coordinator-Registrar Maya.David@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1172 DepartmentsEnrollment ManagementRegistrarOfficeSAB
Davis ColeCole Davis Fine Arts Part Time Instructor Cole.Davis@fmarion.edu DepartmentsFine ArtsOffice
Davis Dominic J.Dominic J. Davis Network and Systems Administrator Dominic.Davis@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1339 DepartmentsCampus TechnologyOfficeSACC 108
Davis DougDoug Davis Craftsman - Plumber dedavis@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Davis Greta M.Greta M. Davis Library Specialist – Acquisitions Greta.Davis@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1312 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Davis JeremyJeremy Davis Laboratory Specialist Physics & Engineering Phone843-661-1451 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeMSB 117
Davis RalphRalph Davis Vice President for Construction and Facilities RDavis@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1101 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceCustodial ServicesFacilities ManagementGrounds MaintenanceMaterials ServicesMotor PoolWarehouseOfficeFM CP
Dr. Day Cooper P.Dr. Cooper P. Day Assistant Professor of English Cooper.Day@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1524 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 106
Dr. de Montluzin E. LorraineDr. E. Lorraine de Montluzin Faculty Emeritus, Part-Time Lecturer in History EdeMontluzin@Fmarion.edu DepartmentsHistoryOfficeMore info
Decoster JenniferJennifer Decoster Custodian Jennifer.Decoster@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1152 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM/CP
Dr. DeVincenzo MarieDr. Marie DeVincenzo Palmetto Professor of Business, Area Coordinator of Marketing, Associate Professor of Marketing mdevincenzo@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1417 DepartmentsMarketingSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 229More info
Dr. Diel StanDr. Stan Diel Chair, Associate Professor of Mass Communication sdiel@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1532 DepartmentsMass CommunicationOfficeCEMC 111CMore info
Dr. Dike SomtochukwuDr. Somtochukwu Dike Assistant Professor of Management Somtochukwu.Dike@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1391 DepartmentsHuman Resource ManagementSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 248More info
Dr. Diop LayireDr. Layire Diop Assistant Professor of Mass Communication Layire.Diop@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1621 DepartmentsMass CommunicationOfficeCEMC 111EMore info
Dittman MaryMary Dittman Assistant Professor of Business mdittman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1495 DepartmentsBusiness AdministrationSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 222More info
Dixon BriceBrice Dixon Laboratory Specialist Brice.Dixon@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1640 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-J b
Dixon JohnJohn Dixon Chief Information Officer jdixon@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1335 DepartmentsCampus TechnologyOfficeSACC 101
Dr. Doan CalebDr. Caleb Doan Assistant Professor of English Caleb.Doan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1511 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 123
Dobbins DouglasDouglas Dobbins Part Time Instructor: Mass Communication douglas.dobbins@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1435 DepartmentsMass CommunicationOfficeCEMC 111-F
Dr. Doll Jason C.Dr. Jason C. Doll Associate Professor of Fisheries Biology, Coordinator of Environmental Science Program Jason.Doll@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1481 DepartmentsBiologyFreshwater Ecology ComplexOfficeLSF 204IMore info
Dr. Doucet Jessica M.Dr. Jessica M. Doucet Chair, Department of Sociology, Professor of Sociology, Coordinator of Sociology, Criminal Justice, and Anthropology jdoucet@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1802 DepartmentsSociologyOfficeFH 239More info
Doughty Richard G.Richard G. Doughty Instructor of Political Science and Geography rdoughty@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1612 DepartmentsGeographyPolitical ScienceOfficeFH 144More info
Dowdy A. ReneéA. Reneé Dowdy Instructor of Mathematics adowdy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1582 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 401More info
Dowdy Monica C.Monica C. Dowdy Instructor of Mathematics Monica.Dowdy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1577 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF L409T
Dubose Kira E.Kira E. Dubose Administrative Assistant Counseling and Testing Kira.DuBose@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1840 DepartmentsCounseling and Testing CenterOfficeEFB
Dr. Dungan IvanDr. Ivan Dungan Associate Professor of Mathematics ivan.dungan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1491 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409K
Dungan Melissa E.Melissa E. Dungan Assistant Coordinator for International Programs, Honors and McNair Melissa.Dungan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1647 DepartmentsHonorsInternational ProgramsRobert E. McNair Center for Research and ServiceOfficeHC 103
Dunst Nelson Kinsey R.Kinsey R. Dunst Nelson Head Athletic Trainer Kinsey.DunstNelson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1358 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC139
Dupree ErnestineErnestine Dupree Advising Director, Center for Academic Success and Advisement edupree@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1990 DepartmentsCenter for Academic Success and AdvisementOfficeFH 220
Eaddy StephanieStephanie Eaddy Custodian Stephanie.Eaddy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Dr. Eargle Lisa A.Dr. Lisa A. Eargle Professor of Sociology, Board of Trustees Research Scholar leargle@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1653 DepartmentsSociologyOfficeFH 240More info
Eason KristleKristle Eason Custodian Kristle.Eason@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM
Edwards Deon T.Deon T. Edwards Head Strength and Conditioning Coach Deon.Edwards@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1243 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 203
Dr. Edwins Jo AngelaDr. Jo Angela Edwins Professor of English jedwins@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1499 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 101More info
Ellis Adalia B.Adalia B. Ellis Part-Time Instructor: Mass Communication aellis@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1629 DepartmentsMass CommunicationOfficeCEMC 104A
Ellis Jennifer Y.Jennifer Y. Ellis Director of Financial Services and Student Accounts jennifer.ellis@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1123 DepartmentsAccountingOfficeSAB 104
Dr. Engelhardt Larry P.Dr. Larry P. Engelhardt Professor of Physics lengelhardt@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1452 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeLSF 103BMore info
Dr. England CatherineDr. Catherine England Associate Professor of English, Interim Composition Coordinator cengland@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1527 DepartmentsComposition ProgramEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 119More info
Dr. Eskridge-Kosmach Alena N.Dr. Alena N. Eskridge-Kosmach Professor of History aeskridgekosmach@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1556 DepartmentsHistoryOfficeFH 203More info
Etlicher Haley A.Haley A. Etlicher Administrative Specialist-Continuum Haley.Etlicher@fmarion.edu Phone843-374-4219 DepartmentsContinuumOffice
Evans Marion MeadeMarion Meade Evans Manager of Material Services Meade.Evans@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1113 DepartmentsWarehouseOfficeWHSE
Falck LarryLarry Falck Director of Multimedia Services lfalck@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1251 DepartmentsCommunicationsMultimedia ServicesOfficeCEMC 101FMore info
Fallaw MackenzieMackenzie Fallaw Coordinator of Orientation and Admission Events Mackenzie.Fallaw@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1235 DepartmentsAdmissionsEnrollment ManagementOfficeSAB 116
Dr. Fallon Lochran C.Dr. Lochran C. Fallon Associate Professor of English Lochran.Fallon@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1512 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 113
Dr. Faykus SueDr. Sue Faykus Part-time Lecturer in Psychology sfaykus@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-KMore info
Fenimore Dawn E.Dawn E. Fenimore Gallery Coordinator Dawn.Fenimore@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-4637 DepartmentsPerforming Arts CenterRegional and Community ProgramsSteven F. Gately GalleryOfficeUniversity Place, 1st Floor
Fenters Roblin C. OTD, MSOT, OTR/LRoblin C. Fenters OTD, MSOT, OTR/L Academic Fieldwork Coordinator, Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy Roblin.Fenters@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1920 DepartmentsOccupational TherapySchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 352More info
Finley Wesley J.Wesley J. Finley Custodian Wesley.Finley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Dr. Fisher BryanDr. Bryan Fisher Emeritus Faculty of Speech, Years at Francis Marion University: 2003-2024 bfisher@fmarion.edu DepartmentsMass CommunicationOfficeMore info
Dr. Fitzkee ThomasDr. Thomas Fitzkee Chair, Department of Mathematics, Professor of Mathematics tfitzkee@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1572 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409MMore info
Dr. Flannagan RebeccaDr. Rebecca Flannagan Emeritus Faculty of English, 2018-2019 Distinguished Faculty, Years at Francis Marion University: 1995-2024 rflannagan@fmarion.edu DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeMore info
Flemming JenniferJennifer Flemming Teaching Assistant-Part Time Jennifer.Fleming@Fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1908 DepartmentsRegional and Community ProgramsRichardson Center for the ChildOfficeRCC
Flowers NathanNathan Flowers Systems Librarian, Professor nflowers@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1306 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Mrs. Floyd Jennifer P.Mrs. Jennifer P. Floyd Laboratory Manager, Biology JFloyd@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1661 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 206B
Flynn Elizabeth CurryElizabeth Curry Flynn Teaching Assistant Curry.Flynn@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1630 DepartmentsRegional and Community ProgramsRichardson Center for the ChildOfficeRCC
Fowler ChristinaChristina Fowler Assistant Data Coordinator-Admissions Chrissy.Fowler@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1233 DepartmentsAdmissionsEnrollment ManagementOfficeSAB 113
Dr. Franck David P.Dr. David P. Franck Emeritus Faculty of Economics, Years at FMU: 2001-2022 dfranck@fmarion.edu DepartmentsEconomicsSchool of BusinessOfficeMore info
Freeman LeeLee Freeman Custodian lfreeman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Dr. Fries KarenDr. Karen Fries Professor of Education kfries@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1438 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 258 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Fry Gregory G.Gregory G. Fry Professor of Fine Arts - Graphic Design GFry@Fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1684 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFACMore info
Fulmer JonathanJonathan Fulmer Electrician Jonathan.Fulmer@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHRS
Dr. Fulmer Philip C.Dr. Philip C. Fulmer Professor of Physics pfulmer@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1443 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeMSB 108AMore info
Gardner J. CliffJ. Cliff Gardner Part-Time Instructor of Instrumental Music jgardner@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1595 DepartmentsFine ArtsMusic IndustryOfficePAC A211More info
Garris EricEric Garris Associate Vice President Financial Services EGarris@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1136 DepartmentsFinancial Services & Budget OfficeOfficeSAB107
Gary EvrikEvrik Gary Director of Admissions Evrik.Gary@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1318 DepartmentsAdmissionsEnrollment ManagementOfficeSAB 113
Dr. Gause Jessica M.Dr. Jessica M. Gause Associate Professor of Chemistry, Tutoring Center Coordinator jmccutcheon@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1715 DepartmentsChemistryTutoring CenterOfficeLSF 303AMore info
Gause Tina T.Tina T. Gause Custodian tgause@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1120 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Gaynor MarkMark Gaynor Golf Coach mgaynor@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1352 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234
George Tracy P. DNP, APRN-BC, CNETracy P. George DNP, APRN-BC, CNE Associate Professor of Nursing, Coordinator of Bachelor of General Studies Program, J.L. Mason Endowed Chair for School of Health Sciences tgeorge@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1683 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 351More info
Gibson Johanna H.Johanna H. Gibson Instructor of Mathematics jgibson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1569 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409UMore info
Gilbert BrittanyBrittany Gilbert Assistant Professor of Fine Arts Brittany.Gilbert@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1534 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 214More info
Gittings Karen DNP, RN, CNE, CNEcl, CCRNKaren Gittings DNP, RN, CNE, CNEcl, CCRN Dean, School of Health Sciences, Professor of Nursing kgittings@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1688 DepartmentsHealthcare AdministrationNursingOccupational TherapyPhysician Assistant StudiesSchool of Health SciencesSpeech Language PathologyOfficeCCHS 231AMore info
Glass Kate G.Kate G. Glass Event Supervisor-Performing Arts Center Kate.Glass@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1880 DepartmentsPerforming Arts CenterRegional and Community ProgramsOfficePAC
Dr. Goff Brandon D.Dr. Brandon D. Goff Professor of Music Industry bgoff@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1540 DepartmentsFine ArtsMusic IndustryOfficePAC A209More info
Gonsalves ZionZion Gonsalves Police Officer Zion.Gonsalves@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1109 DepartmentsCampus PoliceOfficeCP FAC
Gore Adam L.Adam L. Gore Benefits and Leave Coordinator Adam.Gore@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1143 DepartmentsAdministrationHuman Resources OfficeOfficeSAB 105G
Gourley A. Glen Jr.A. Glen Gourley Jr. Professor of Theatre Arts - Directing, Director of University Theatre agourley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1538 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 222More info
Dr. Gower Drew B.Dr. Drew B. Gower Assistant Professor of Biology Drew.Gower@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1899 DepartmentsBiologyFreshwater Ecology ComplexOfficeMSB 301AMore info
Graham Cierra L.Cierra L. Graham Administrative Assistant Cierra.Graham@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1284 DepartmentsProvost's OfficeOfficeSAB 115
Bernard Graham J.Bernard J. Graham Custodian Bernard.Graham@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Graham JessicaJessica Graham Part-Time Women's Volleyball Coach jgraham@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1240 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234
Graham Trayton K.Trayton K. Graham Residence Life Coordinator-Residence Halls Tray.Graham@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1375 DepartmentsHousing and Residence LifeOfficeSHO
Prof. Gray DougProf. Doug Gray Professor of Visual Arts - Ceramics/Sculpture dgray@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1535 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 205More info
Green Eric J.Eric J. Green Eric.Green@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1152 DepartmentsGrounds MaintenanceOfficeWRHS
Greene Michelle R.Michelle R. Greene Part-Time Instructor of Mathematics mgreene@darlington.K12.sc.us Phone843-661-1590 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409HMore info
Grigg JenniferJennifer Grigg Director of Investor Relations-NESA Jennifer.Grigg@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1170 DepartmentsNorth Eastern Strategic AllianceOffice
Grubbs Susan B.Susan B. Grubbs Emeritus Professor of Nursing sgrubbs@fmarion.edu DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeMore info
Dr. Gualdi Paolo A.Dr. Paolo A. Gualdi Professor of Music Industry pgualdi@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1801 DepartmentsFine ArtsMusic IndustryOfficeRS 108More info
Dr. Gunther JeanneDr. Jeanne Gunther Professor of Education, Associate Dean, Graduate Director for the School of Education, Coordinator of EDPD jgunther@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1871Phone 2843-661-1551 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeRCC119 & SOBE 146 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Dr. Haggard MeganDr. Megan Haggard Chair of the Psychology Department, Associate Professor of Psychology, Chair of the Institutional Review Board mhaggard@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4685 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-GMore info
Dr. Hagler MatthewDr. Matthew Hagler Assistant Professor of Psychology, Clinical/Counseling Option Coordinator Matthew.Hagler@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1574 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-BMore info
Hall RonRon Hall Materials Services Assistant rhall@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1153 DepartmentsMaterials ServicesWarehouseOfficeWHSE
Hamrick Ferrell "Tripp'"Ferrell "Tripp'" Hamrick Assistant Baseball Coach Tripp.Hamrick@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4624 DepartmentsAthleticsOffice234
Hanberry Chanelle I.Chanelle I. Hanberry Student Services Counselor Chanelle.Hanberry@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1221 DepartmentsEnrollment ManagementFinancial AssistanceOfficeSAB 113B
Dr. Hanson LynnDr. Lynn Hanson Emeritus Faculty of English, Years at Francis Marion University: 1998-2020 LHanson@fmarion.edu DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeMore info
Hanson Timothy L.Timothy L. Hanson Associate Professor of Mass Communication thanson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1560 DepartmentsMass CommunicationOfficeCEMC 111-BMore info
Dr. Harding George E. IIIDr. George E. Harding III Faculty Emeritus gharding@fmarion.edu DepartmentsModern LanguagesOfficeMore info
Dr. Harness Nathan C.Dr. Nathan C. Harness Associate Professor of Biology, Coordinator of Biology: Secondary Education Program Nathan.harness@fmarion.edu Phone(843) 661-1405 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeMSB 219B
Harrington SavannahSavannah Harrington Student Services Counselor-Financial Assistance Savannah.Harrington@Fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1194 DepartmentsFinancial AssistanceOfficeSAB 117
Hartzler MurrayMurray Hartzler Director of Athletics, Coordinator of Physical Education Program mhartzler@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1237 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234
Harwell KimberlyKimberly Harwell Ticketing Services Manager - Performing Arts Center kharwell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1896 DepartmentsPerforming Arts CenterRegional and Community ProgramsOfficePAC
Dr. Haselden KathrynDr. Kathryn Haselden Professor of Education, Co-Director of the Center of Excellence for College and Career Readiness khaselden@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1472 DepartmentsCenter of Excellence-College and Career ReadinessSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 266 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Hawkins MichaelMichael Hawkins Associate Athletics Director for Media Relations and Marketing mhawkins@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1222 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234
Hazelwood William M. MDWilliam M. Hazelwood MD Medical Director, Physician Assistant Program William.Hazelwood@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4676 DepartmentsPhysician Assistant StudiesSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 360
Heavner Kelly MEdKelly Heavner MEd Coordinator of Nursing Student Services Kelly.Heavner@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1226 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 144More info
Henley William P.William P. Henley Assistant Basketball Coach Billy.Henley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4624 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC
Hennegan MelodyMelody Hennegan Teacher Assistant Melody.Hennegan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1900 DepartmentsRegional and Community ProgramsRichardson Center for the ChildOfficeRCC
Henry Ashley J.Ashley J. Henry Part-Time Instructor of Music ashley.henry@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1539 DepartmentsFine ArtsMusic IndustryOfficeHFAC 109More info
Henry Elizabeth M.Elizabeth M. Henry Senior Library Technical Assistant Elizabeth.Henry@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1314 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Herbert KarenKaren Herbert Chemistry Lab Manager Karen.Herbert@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1446 DepartmentsChemistryOfficeMSB 301 E
Herlong Chad A.Chad A. Herlong Electrician Chad.herlong@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1651 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Dr. Herzog Teresa K.Dr. Teresa K. Herzog Professor Emeritus of Psychology therzog@fmarion.edu DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeMore info
Hester JenniferJennifer Hester Director of Purchasing jdhester@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1161 DepartmentsPurchasingOfficeSAB 102
Dr. Hilb BenjaminDr. Benjamin Hilb AssociateProfessor of English, Interim Assistant Composition Coordinator Benjamin.Hilb@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1718 DepartmentsComposition ProgramEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH-149
Dr. Hill-Chapman Crystal R.Dr. Crystal R. Hill-Chapman School Option Coordinator, Professor of Psychology chillchapman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1721 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCCHS 238More info
Hinson Terri M. BSTerri M. Hinson BS Administrative Assistant - Occupational Therapy terri.hinson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1531 DepartmentsOccupational TherapySchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 346More info
Dr. Holliman BarbaraDr. Barbara Holliman Associate Professor of Chemistry bholliman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1449 DepartmentsChemistryOfficeLSF 303B
Holmes Sam T.Sam T. Holmes Head Women's Soccer Coach Sam.Holmes@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1244 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeGAC
Honaker SandraSandra Honaker Instructor of English shonaker@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1809 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 154
Hopla Deborah DNP, APRN-BC, FAANP, FAANDeborah Hopla DNP, APRN-BC, FAANP, FAAN Professor of Nursing, Director of the MSN/DNP Family Nurse Practitioner Tracks dhopla@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1693 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 359DMore info
Dr. Hossain Maisha M.Dr. Maisha M. Hossain Assistant Professor of English Maisha.Hossain@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1517 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 120
Dr. Houle AdamDr. Adam Houle Assistant Professor of English adam.houle@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1519 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH150
Dr. Houle Landon L.Dr. Landon L. Houle Associate Professor of English lhoule@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1509 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 107More info
Houston DanielDaniel Houston Grounds Maintenance Daniel.Houston@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1148 DepartmentsGrounds MaintenanceOfficeWRHS
Dr. Howell Samuel H.Dr. Samuel H. Howell Assistant Professor of Art History showell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1543 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 209More info
Hruska MeaganMeagan Hruska Part-Time Instructor of Psychology mhruska@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-K
Hucks Julia Marty MN, APRN-BC, CNEJulia Marty Hucks MN, APRN-BC, CNE Assistant Professor of Nursing jhucks@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1695 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 108More info
Hucks Taylor L.Taylor L. Hucks Project Manager Taylor.Hucks@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1488 DepartmentsFacilities ManagementOfficeFM CP
Huggins JamesJames Huggins Craftsman - Electrician jhuggins@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Dr. Hughes MichaelDr. Michael Hughes Professor of Finance mhughes@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1422 DepartmentsFinance-School of BusinessSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 133More info
Hume George J.George J. Hume Grounds Maintenance George.Hume@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1152 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeWHSE
Dr. Hunter Laurie S.Dr. Laurie S. Hunter Associate Professor of Psychology Laurie.Hunter@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1642 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 236 C
Hunter Rex L.Rex L. Hunter Part-time Instructor of Music rlhunter@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1385 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 101
Dr. Hunter Will PsyD.Dr. Will Hunter PsyD. Director of Counseling & Testing Will.Hunter@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1841 DepartmentsCounseling and Testing CenterOfficeEFB
Hutson DanielleDanielle Hutson Housing Office Manager dhutson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1672 DepartmentsHousing and Residence LifeOfficeHousing OfficeMore info
Hyman RoyRoy Hyman Craftsman - Painter rlhyman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4628 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Dr. Iglesias AnaDr. Ana Iglesias Associate Professor of Management & Forrest S. Williams Professor of Entrepreneurship Ana.Iglesias@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1421 DepartmentsHuman Resource ManagementSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 244More info
Isgett Joshua L.Joshua L. Isgett Grounds Maintenance Joshua.Isgett@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1148 DepartmentsGrounds MaintenanceOfficeWHRS
Jackson DonaldDonald Jackson Accountant - Accounts Payable djackson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1128 DepartmentsAccountingOfficeSAB 103
Jackson Steven L. JrSteven L. Jackson Jr Access Services Coordinator steven.jackson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1338 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Jackson Steven Sr.Steven Jackson Sr. Director of Facilities, Support Group Services sjackson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4640 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesFacilities ManagementGrounds MaintenanceMaterials ServicesWarehouseOfficePPLT FM CP
Jackson William M.William M. Jackson Trades Specialist William.Jackson2@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1626 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOffice
James David L. DMSc, MPAS, PA-CDavid L. James DMSc, MPAS, PA-C Director of Physician Assistant Studies Program DLJames@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4426 DepartmentsPhysician Assistant StudiesSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 359BMore info
James Genien D. BSGenien D. James BS Administrative Assistant-School of Health Sciences Genien.James@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4625 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCarter Center 231B
Jardin BiancaBianca Jardin Part-time Instructor of Psychology bjardin@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-K
Jeffcoat Charles E.Charles E. Jeffcoat Professor of Visual Arts - Graphic Design, Peter D. Hyman Professor of Fine Arts cjeffcoat@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1679 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 104More info
Jenkins DianaDiana Jenkins Instructor of Chemistry DJenkins@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1264 DepartmentsChemistryOfficeLSF 303-I
Jenkins JennJenn Jenkins Catering Manager jjenkins@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1262 DepartmentsDining ServicesOfficeEDH
Johnson AprilApril Johnson Director of Dual Enrollment & Continuing Education aljohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-374-4215 DepartmentsContinuumEnrollment ManagementOfficeContinuum
Johnson Benjamin M. BABenjamin M. Johnson BA Simulation Laboratory Specialist bmjohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4697 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 336More info
Johnson BernadetteBernadette Johnson Reference/Government Documents, Associate Professor bjjohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1313 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Dr. Johnson Brad R.Dr. Brad R. Johnson Professor of Accounting, Area Coordinator of Accounting bjohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1427 DepartmentsAccounting-School of BusinessSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 227More info
Dr. Johnson Christopher D.Dr. Christopher D. Johnson Professor of English cjohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1518 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 151More info
Johnson Dwayne A.Dwayne A. Johnson Trades Specialist Zone Maintenance Dwayne.Johnson@fmarion.edu Phone834-661-1159 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Dr. Johnson EricaDr. Erica Johnson Associate Professor of History, Co-Director African & African American Studies ejohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1497 DepartmentsAfrican and African American StudiesHistoryOfficeFH 204More info
Johnson KellyKelly Johnson Craftsman - Plumber krjohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Dr. Johnston CallumDr. Callum Johnston Professor of Emeritus Faculty of Education cjohnston@fmarion.edu DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeRCC 113 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Dr. Jokisch DerekDr. Derek Jokisch Chair, Department of Physics and Engineering, Professor of Physics djokisch@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4653 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeLSF 103CMore info
Dr. Jones Brian E.Dr. Brian E. Jones Assistant Professor of Music Industry Brian.Jones@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1595 DepartmentsFine ArtsMusic IndustryOfficePAC A211More info
Jones JustinaJustina Jones Dispatcher Justina.Js@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1109 DepartmentsCampus PoliceOfficeCampus Police
Jones VerneedaVerneeda Jones Custodian vjs@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Dr. Jordan Jesse J. '"Mike'"Dr. Jesse J. '"Mike'" Jordan Professor Emeritus DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeMore info
Jordan ThomasThomas Jordan Grounds Maintenance Thomas.Jordan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsGrounds MaintenanceOfficeWHRS
Jordan WallaceWallace Jordan Attorney-Part-Time Jay.Jordan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1181 DepartmentsGeneral CounselOfficeSAB 111
Dr. Kaminski Kathleen A.Dr. Kathleen A. Kaminski Assistant Professor of Accounting Kathleen.Kaminski@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1501 DepartmentsAccounting-School of BusinessSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 251More info
Dr. Kanaparthi MarkDr. Mark Kanaparthi Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Mark.Kanaparthi@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1548 DepartmentsMechanical EngineeringPhysics and EngineeringOfficeMSB 108 BMore info
Dr. Kaufman ScottDr. Scott Kaufman Professor of History VKaufman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1550 DepartmentsHistoryOfficeFH 207More info
Dr. Kaur DaljitDr. Daljit Kaur Professor of Education dkaur@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1478 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 257 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Kellar HallsyHallsy Kellar Part-time Instructor of Psychology hallsy.kellar@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-K
Keller FaithFaith Keller Head of Reference, Associate Professor fkeller@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1399 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Keller JohnathonJohnathon Keller Programmer Johnathon.Keller@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4681 DepartmentsCampus TechnologyOfficeSACC 108
Dr. Kelley JenniferDr. Jennifer Kelley Chair, Department of Chemistry, Professor of Chemistry jkelley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1492 DepartmentsChemistryOfficeLSF 303-C
Kelly C. AnnC. Ann Kelly Administrative Manager ckelly@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1894 DepartmentsPerforming Arts CenterRegional and Community ProgramsOfficePAC
Kelly DarrylDarryl Kelly Custodian dkelly@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Kelly Rachel A.Rachel A. Kelly Administrative Manager – Education Foundation Rachel.Kelly@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1295 DepartmentsEducation FoundationOfficeSAB 111
Kennedy Brigid E.Brigid E. Kennedy Human Resources Manager BKennedy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1144 DepartmentsAdministrationHuman Resources OfficeOfficeSAB 105More info
Dr. Kennedy Christopher M.Dr. Christopher M. Kennedy Director of Honors, Professor of History CKennedy@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1557 DepartmentsHistoryHonorsOfficeHC 104More info
Kennedy Colleen E.Colleen E. Kennedy Part Time Instructor of Fine Arts Colleen.Kennedy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1385 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFACMore info
Kennedy Lynn D. MN, RNLynn D. Kennedy MN, RN Emeritus Assistant Professor of Nursing lkennedy@fmarion.edu DepartmentsNursingOfficeMore info
Kershner Sarah PhD, MPHSarah Kershner PhD, MPH Chair, Healthcare Administration, Associate Professor of Public Health skershner@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1694 DepartmentsHealthcare AdministrationSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 128More info
Dr. Kiely Kristin A.Dr. Kristin A. Kiely Professor of Spanish, Coordinator of Modern Languages - Spanish Program KKiely@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1714 DepartmentsModern LanguagesOfficeCEMC 113 EMore info
Dr. King Peter D.Dr. Peter D. King Emeritus Professor of Biology, Former Provost PKing@fmarion.edu DepartmentsBiologyOfficeYears at FMU: 1996-2023More info
Kirby Jamie E.Jamie E. Kirby Part Time Spanish Instructor jamie.kirby2@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1605 DepartmentsModern LanguagesOfficeCEMC 113C
Dr. Kirby Jason R.Dr. Jason R. Kirby Assistant Professor of History, Coordinator Secondary-Education History Track jason.kirby@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1555 DepartmentsHistoryOfficeFH 211More info
Dr. Kirby Jordan E.Dr. Jordan E. Kirby Assistant Professor of Mathematics Jordan.Kirby@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1587 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409G
Prof. Knowles Travis W.Prof. Travis W. Knowles Associate Professor of Biology, Director of Wildsumaco Biological Field Station, Shirley Malloy Chair in Biology tknowles@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1408 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeMSB 201H
Kocz Jillian J. Ed.D., MSOT, OTR/L, CLWT/COREJillian J. Kocz Ed.D., MSOT, OTR/L, CLWT/CORE Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy Jillian.Kocz@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1843 DepartmentsOccupational TherapySchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 354
Dr. Koomson PaulDr. Paul Koomson Asssistant Professor of Mass Communication Paul.Koomson@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1617 DepartmentsMass CommunicationOfficeCEMC 111D
Dr. Krebs Julia E.Dr. Julia E. Krebs Emeritus Professor of Biology DepartmentsBiologyOfficeYears at FMU: 1977-2010
Dr. Kunka Jennifer L.Dr. Jennifer L. Kunka Associate Provost for Advising, Professor of English jkunka@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1520 DepartmentsCenter for Academic Success and AdvisementEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyProvost's OfficeOfficeFH 220More info
Dr. Kyer Ben L.Dr. Ben L. Kyer Emeritus Faculty of Economics, Distinguished Faculty 1992-1993, Years at Francis Marion University: 1989-2024 bkyer@fmarion.edu DepartmentsEconomicsSchool of BusinessOfficeMore info
Lane RachelRachel Lane Executive Director of the Kelley Center for Economic Development Rachel.Lane@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4606 DepartmentsEconomic DevelopmentKelley Center for Economic DevelopmentOfficeUniv 207
Dr. Lasher Kevin J.Dr. Kevin J. Lasher Emeritus Faculty of Political Science, Years at FMU: 1993-2022 klasher@fmarion.edu DepartmentsPolitical ScienceOfficeMore info
Law TamaraTamara Law Assistant Professor Reference/Instruction Librarian Tamara.Law@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1302 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Dr. Lawrimore-Belanger KayDr. Kay Lawrimore-Belanger N.B. Baroody Professor of Marketing klawrimore@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1424 DepartmentsMarketingSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 243More info
Dr. Lee WonjaeDr. Wonjae Lee Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering Wonjae.Lee@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1659 DepartmentsIndustrial EngineeringPhysics and EngineeringOfficeMSB-101B
Leiter LaszloLaszlo Leiter Head Women's and Men's Tennis Coach Laszlo.Leiter@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1185 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234
LeMaster Lauren StanleyLauren Stanley LeMaster Accountant - Payroll Assistant llemaster@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1124 DepartmentsAccountingOfficeSAB 103
Dr. Lemke TobiasDr. Tobias Lemke Assistant Professor of Political Science Tobias.Lemke@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1440 DepartmentsPolitical ScienceOfficeFH 130
Lester TonyTony Lester Assistant Superintendent of Grounds ALester@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1152 DepartmentsFacilities ManagementGrounds MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Dr. Li RongzhiDr. Rongzhi Li Assistant Professor of Education Rongzhi.Li@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1480 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 259
Dr. Lipford Jody W.Dr. Jody W. Lipford Associate Professor of Economics Jody.Lipford@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1650 DepartmentsEconomicsSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 249More info
Lisenby BreannaBreanna Lisenby Digital Media Coordinator Breanna.Lisenby@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1253 DepartmentsCommunicationsOfficeSAB 101
Locklear Jimmy D.Jimmy D. Locklear Trades Specialist Jimmy.Locklear@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHRS
Dr. Long Gerald W.Dr. Gerald W. Long Emeritus Professor of Biology DepartmentsBiologyOfficeYears at FMU: 1993-2024
Dr. LoPresto KevinDr. Kevin LoPresto Associate Professor of Mathematics Education klopresto@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1592 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409DMore info
Dr. Love MeredithDr. Meredith Love Chair of English and Philosophy, Professor of English mlove@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1522 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 110More info
Lowry Andrew T.Andrew T. Lowry Admissions Counselor – Upstate Counties: Abbeville, Anderson, Cherokee, Chester, Chesterfield, Fairfield, Greenville, Greenwood, Kershaw, Lancaster, Laurens, McCormick, Marlboro, Newberry, Oconee, Pickens, Spartanburg, Union, York Andrew.Lowry@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4636 DepartmentsAdmissionsEnrollment ManagementOfficeSAB 112
Dr. Lowry ErikDr. Erik Lowry Dean of the School of Education, Professor of Education elowry@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1523 DepartmentsCenter for Autism StudiesCenter of Excellence for Teachers of Children of PovertyCOE - Teacher Retention & Induction in the Pee Dee (TRIP)School of EducationOfficeSOBE 151 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Lucas Felicity V.Felicity V. Lucas Administrative Assistant Felicity.Lucas@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1300 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRL
Lufkin Sylvia PhD, RNSylvia Lufkin PhD, RN Emeritus Professor of Nursing DepartmentsNursingOfficeMore info
Lundy Howard G.Howard G. Lundy Instructor and Administrative Manager hlundy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1214 DepartmentsAccounting-School of BusinessSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 231More info
Lydell Rachelle G. OTD, MSOT, OTR/LRachelle G. Lydell OTD, MSOT, OTR/L Director of the Occupational Therapy Program, Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy Rachelle.Lydell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1667 DepartmentsOccupational TherapySchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 348More info
Dr. Lyles Jennifer K.Dr. Jennifer K. Lyles Associate Professor of Biology, Coordinator of Pre-Physician Assistant Program jlyles@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1401 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeMSB 201AMore info
Lynch MichaelMichael Lynch Superintendent of Grounds Maintenance Michael.Lynch@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1152 DepartmentsFacilities ManagementGrounds MaintenanceOfficeWRHS
MacDonald PaulPaul MacDonald Assistant Vice President of Contractual Services pmacdonald@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1134 DepartmentsFinancial Services & Budget OfficeOfficeSAB 107
MacNeil ChuckChuck MacNeil Foundation Assistant – Part Time Chuck.MacNeil@fmarion.edu Phone843-250-5088 DepartmentsEconomic DevelopmentEducation FoundationOfficeSAB 111
Ms. Majors Jennifer L.Ms. Jennifer L. Majors Part-Time Instructor of Biology jmajors@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1382 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 204
Manglass LisaLisa Manglass Assistant Professor of Physics Lisa.Manglass@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1580 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeLSF 103I
Dr. Marley JasonDr. Jason Marley Associate Professor of English jmarley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1493 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 148More info
Marsh Blake P.Blake P. Marsh Craftsman Locksmith Blake.Marsh@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4629 DepartmentsFacilities ManagementWarehouseOfficeWRHS
Martin Kevin D.Kevin D. Martin Assistant Men's Soccer Coach kevin.martin@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1245 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234
Mason PaulPaul Mason Grounds Maintenance Paul.Mason@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1148 DepartmentsGrounds MaintenanceOfficeWRHS
Dr. Masters-Wheeler ChristineDr. Christine Masters-Wheeler Associate Professor of English, Professional Writing Program Coordinator cmasters@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1806 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 102More info
Matthews FisherFisher Matthews Student Life Specialist for Student Development Fisher.Matthews@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1183 DepartmentsStudent ConductStudent Health ServicesStudent LifeOfficeUC 205 C
McAllister OsbeyOsbey McAllister Grounds Maintenance Osbey.McAllister@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1152 DepartmentsGrounds MaintenanceOfficeWRHS
McCandrew DebiDebi McCandrew Instructor of Mathematics debi.mccandrew@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1526 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409B
McCarty MatthewMatthew McCarty Assistant Baseball Coach Matt.McCarty@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4624 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC
McClam Tracy A.Tracy A. McClam Administrative Associate-School of Business Tracy.McClam@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1420 DepartmentsSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 127
McClam Mack Marilyn E. M.A., CCC-SLPMarilyn E. McClam Mack M.A., CCC-SLP Coordinator of Clinical Education-Speech Language Pathology Marilyn.McClamMack@fmarion.edu Phone834-661-1664 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesSpeech Language PathologyOfficeLMEC 020More info
McClintock AdrienAdrien McClintock Student Life Specialist Adrien.McClintock@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1188 DepartmentsStudent LifeOfficeUC
McCormick A. MariaA. Maria McCormick Administrative Assistant -Mathematics amccormick@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1589 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409Y
McCoy KathyKathy McCoy Instructor of Mathematics KMcCoy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1578 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409IMore info
Dr. McCuiston KimberlyDr. Kimberly McCuiston Associate Professor of Education, Director of Field and Clinical Experiences, Certification Officer, Co-Director - Teacher Retention and Induction in the Pee Dee (TRIP) KMcCuiston@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1462 DepartmentsCOE - Teacher Retention & Induction in the Pee Dee (TRIP)School of EducationOfficeSOBE 145 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Dr. McCumber Larry J.Dr. Larry J. McCumber Emeritus Professor of Biology DepartmentsBiologyOfficeYears at FMU: 1982-2015
McElveen Suzette R.Suzette R. McElveen Part-Time Instructor of Psychology smcelveen@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-KMore info
McElveen William D.William D. McElveen Part-Time Instructor of Psychology Phone(843) 661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-K
McGee BrandiBrandi McGee Part-time Instructor of Psychology brandi.mcgee@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-K
McGee Hunter O.Hunter O. McGee Director of Facilities and Event Operations Hunter.McGee@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-4627 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234
McKelvie DeandriaDeandria McKelvie Student Services Counselor Deandria.McKelvie@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4675 DepartmentsEnrollment ManagementRegistrarOfficeSAB 118
McKithen NickNick McKithen Motor Pool Supervisor nmckithen@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1106 DepartmentsFacilities ManagementMotor PoolOfficeWHSE
Dr. Medaugh MelissaDr. Melissa Medaugh Assistant Professor of Managment Melissa.Medaugh@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1436 DepartmentsHuman Resource ManagementSchool of BusinessOfficeSOEB 240More info
Melton Madison T.Madison T. Melton Administrative Coordinator Madison.Melton@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1110 DepartmentsExecutive Vice President's OfficeFinancial Services & Budget OfficeOfficeSAB 107
Mr. Meyer Dustin M.Mr. Dustin M. Meyer Assistant Professor of English Dustin.Meyer@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1514 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 152
Dr. Midcalf LisaDr. Lisa Midcalf Associate Professor of Education, Co-Coordinator For Teaching Fellows, Education Club Advisor lmidcalf@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1467 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 256 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Middleton Kellie LaVaun DNP-NEL, MSN-NE, RNKellie LaVaun Middleton DNP-NEL, MSN-NE, RN Assistant Professor of Nursing, Skills Laboratory Coordinator kellie.middleton@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1907 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 130More info
Miller CindyCindy Miller Media Cataloging Librarian, Assistant Professor cprice@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1354 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Dr. Miller Shawn E.Dr. Shawn E. Miller Associate Professor of English smiller@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1716 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 145More info
Mitchell NeshaNesha Mitchell Desktop Support Technician Nesha.mitchell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1397 DepartmentsCampus TechnologyOfficeSACC 108
Mixon Julie S.Julie S. Mixon Associate Professor of Art - Photography jmixon@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1541 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 208More info
Moahammadi Arash DehghaniArash Dehghani Moahammadi Grounds Maintenance Phone843-661-1152 DepartmentsWarehouseOfficeWRHS
Dr. Molinari KileyDr. Kiley Molinari Assistant Professor of Anthropology kiley.molinari@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1813 DepartmentsSociologyOfficeFH 241More info
Montgomery JamiaJamia Montgomery Clinical Coordinator of Behavioral Health Jamia.Montgomery@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1666 DepartmentsBehavioral Health ClinicPsychologyOfficeLEMC 018
Moore ChristopherChristopher Moore Captain cmoore@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1109 DepartmentsCampus PoliceOfficeCampus Police
Moore Michael J.Michael J. Moore Admissions Counselor – Lowcountry/Coastal Counties: Beaufort, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton, Dillon, Dorchester, Georgetown, Hampton, Horry, Jasper, Marion, Williamsburg Michael.Moore@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1221 DepartmentsAdmissionsEnrollment ManagementOfficeSAB 113B
Moore SharaShara Moore Director of Financial Planning smoore@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1132 DepartmentsFinancial Services & Budget OfficeOfficeSAB 107
Moore Sherrie Y.Sherrie Y. Moore Administrative Assistant - Mass Communication & Modern Languages Sherrie.Moore@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1605 DepartmentsMass CommunicationModern LanguagesOfficeCEMC 112
Moore WendyWendy Moore Technical Services Librarian, Assistant Professor wmoore@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1308 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Moore Whitney P. B.S.Whitney P. Moore B.S. Administrative Assistant-Speech Language Pathology Whitney.Moore@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1847 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesSpeech Language PathologyOfficeLMEC 307More info
Morgan Jeannine M.Jeannine M. Morgan Accountant-Accounts Receivable Jeannine.Morgan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1127 DepartmentsAccountingOfficeSAB 103
Dr. Morgan Kyle J.Dr. Kyle J. Morgan Assistant Professor of Political Science Kyle.Morgan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1615 DepartmentsPolitical ScienceOfficeFH 138More info
Morris CorettaCoretta Morris Lead Custodian CMorris@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Mouzon RebeccaRebecca Mouzon Office Manager Rebecca.Mouzon@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1286 DepartmentsProvost's OfficeOfficeSAB 115
Mumford-Durant CarolynCarolyn Mumford-Durant Building/Grounds Supervisor II, Motor Pool cmumforddurant@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1105 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceCustodial ServicesFacilities ManagementGrounds MaintenanceMaterials ServicesMotor PoolWarehouseOfficeFM CP
Mungo FalonFalon Mungo Custodian Falon.Mungo@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1108 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFAC
Munn Allison C. PhD, RNAllison C. Munn PhD, RN Associate Professor of Nursing amunn@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1898 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 127More info
Dr. Munn Johnathan G.Dr. Johnathan G. Munn Associate Dean of School of Business, Professor of Economics, Henry Booker Sparrow Chair of Economics & Economics Forecasting jmunn@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1496 DepartmentsEconomicsSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 130More info
Dr. Murphy Ron T.Dr. Ron T. Murphy Emeritus Faculty of Psychology, Years at FMU: 2006-2022 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeMore info
Murray NicholeNichole Murray Library Specialist – Cataloging navant@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1338 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Dr. Myers Jeannette M.Dr. Jeannette M. Myers Professor of Astronomy, Coordinator of Astronomy Program, Director of Dooley Planetarium jmyers@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1441 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeLSF 103FMore info
Dr. Nagata Mary LouiseDr. Mary Louise Nagata Emeritus Faculty of History, Years at Francis Marion University: 2005-2024 mnagata@fmarion.edu DepartmentsHistoryOfficeMore info
Narayan PadmaPadma Narayan Instructor of Mathematics pnarayan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1575 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409AMore info
Narciso AndreaAndrea Narciso Custodian anarciso@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Dr. Nelson LarryDr. Larry Nelson Faculty Emeritus in History, Former Chair: Department of History DepartmentsHistoryOfficeMore info
Dr. Nelson MatthewDr. Matthew Nelson Professor of English, Co-Director of the Center of Excellence for College and Career Readiness mnelson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1500 DepartmentsCenter of Excellence-College and Career ReadinessEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 109More info
Dr. Nery-Kjerfve TaniaDr. Tania Nery-Kjerfve Assistant Professor of Managment Tania.NeryKjerfve@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1431 DepartmentsHuman Resource ManagementSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 245More info
Nobles Mary J.Mary J. Nobles Custodian Mary.Nobles@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFMCP
Norman EmilyEmily Norman Academic Advisor in CASA emily.norman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1986 DepartmentsCenter for Academic Success and AdvisementOfficeFH 220More info
Norman Michele L. PhD, CCC-SLP, ASHA FellowMichele L. Norman PhD, CCC-SLP, ASHA Fellow Graduate Studies Coordinator, Professor of Speech-Language Pathology Michele.Norman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1885 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesSpeech Language PathologyOfficeLMEC 301More info
Norris JudyJudy Norris Administrative Assistant-Part Time-Center of Excellence-College and Career Readiness jnorris@fmarion.edu Phone(843) 661-1392 DepartmentsCenter of Excellence-College and Career ReadinessOfficeFG COE 120
Nunnally Adam D.Adam D. Nunnally Police Officer Adam.Nunnally@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1109 DepartmentsCampus PoliceOfficeCP
Dr. O'Kelley Sharon K.Dr. Sharon K. O'Kelley Professor of Mathematics, Undergraduate Program Coordinator for Secondary Mathematics, Chair of Faculty sokelley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1579 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 402More info
Odasco John B.John B. Odasco Admissions Counselor – Local Counties: Darlington and Florence John.Odasco@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1234 DepartmentsAdmissionsEnrollment ManagementOfficeSAB 113E
Odom Tiara X.Tiara X. Odom Procurement Manager Tiara.Odom@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1164 DepartmentsPurchasingOfficeSAB 102
Osik Tyler L.Tyler L. Osik Assistant Baseball Coach Tyler.Osik@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1240 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234
Owens AshleyAshley Owens Director of Financial Assistance aowens@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1193 DepartmentsEnrollment ManagementFinancial AssistanceOfficeSAB 117
Owens SherrySherry Owens Administrative Assistant - Chemistry, Physics and Engineering sowens@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1381 DepartmentsChemistryPhysics and EngineeringOfficeLSF 103
Dr. Padgett Caroliniana S.Dr. Caroliniana S. Padgett John Kassab Professor of Business, Professor of Economics, Area Coordinator of Economics cpadgett@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1442 DepartmentsEconomicsSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 235More info
Page Tyrese J.Tyrese J. Page Custodian Tyrese.Page@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Paison Courtney MHA, PA-CCourtney Paison MHA, PA-C Assistant Professor- Physician Assistant Program Courtney.Paison@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1922 DepartmentsPhysician Assistant StudiesSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 358
Dr. Panza NicoleDr. Nicole Panza Associate Professor of Mathematics, Coordinator of First Year Initiatives npanza@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1585 DepartmentsGender StudiesMathematicsOfficeLSF 409EMore info
Dr. Park HaeseongDr. Haeseong Park Assistant Professor of History Phone843-661-1554 DepartmentsHistoryOffice
Parker Anthony J.Anthony J. Parker Trades Specialist Anthony.Parker@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1651 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWRHS
Parrott Patricia E.Patricia E. Parrott Materials Services Assistant Patricia.Parrott@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsMaterials ServicesWarehouseOfficeWHRS
Pate Jerome Jr.Jerome Pate Jr. Supervisor of Custodial Services - Night Crew jpate@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Patrick Crystal D.Crystal D. Patrick Senior Accountant-Cash Manager Crystal.Patrick@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4630 DepartmentsAccountingOfficeSAB 103
Dr. Pawloski TammyDr. Tammy Pawloski Director, Center of Excellence for Teachers of Children of Poverty, Professor of Education tpawloski@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1510 DepartmentsCenter of Excellence for Teachers of Children of PovertySchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 265 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Payne ToriTori Payne Graphic Artist tori.payne@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1270 DepartmentsCommunicationsOfficeSAB 101
Dr. Perez Lauren K.Dr. Lauren K. Perez Assistant Professor of Political Science Lauren.Perez@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1613 DepartmentsGender StudiesPolitical ScienceOfficeFH 134
Dr. Peterson LeRoy Jr.Dr. LeRoy Peterson Jr. Professor of Chemistry lpeterson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1454 DepartmentsAfrican and African American StudiesChemistryOfficeMSB 301-FMore info
Phillips J. LeeJ. Lee Phillips Instructor of Mathematics jphillips@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1588 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409RMore info
Phillips Tiffany DNP, NP-CTiffany Phillips DNP, NP-C Associate Professor of Nursing tphillips@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1835 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 355More info
Pickett JohnJohn Pickett Estate Groundskeeper jpickett@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1152 DepartmentsGrounds MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Prof. Pike Lisa A.Prof. Lisa A. Pike Associate Professor of Biology lpike@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1411 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 204DMore info
Polite ErickErick Polite Warehouse epolite@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1152 DepartmentsWarehouseOfficeWHSE
Porter JeriJeri Porter Head Women's Basketball Coach jporter@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1249 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234C
Poston Ashley C.Ashley C. Poston Lead Teacher Three Year Old Classroom Ashley.Poston@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1630 DepartmentsRegional and Community ProgramsRichardson Center for the ChildOfficeRCC
Dr. Poston Kay M.Dr. Kay M. Poston Professor of Accounting kposton@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1476 DepartmentsAccounting-School of BusinessSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 250More info
Dr. Potter MichaelDr. Michael Potter Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Coordinator of Mechanical Engineering Michael.Potter@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1626 DepartmentsMechanical EngineeringPhysics and EngineeringOfficeMSB 101-AMore info
Poulsen Cory M.Cory M. Poulsen Assistant Baseball Coach Cory.Poulsen@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4624 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC234More info
Pressley Tiffany DNP, APRN, PMHNP-BC, CNE, CMSRNTiffany Pressley DNP, APRN, PMHNP-BC, CNE, CMSRN Assistant Professor of Nursing Coordinator of the MSN/DNP Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Tracks, & Post-Master’s Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Certificate Tiffany.Pressley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4659 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 359AMore info
Price Sydney A.Sydney A. Price Admissions Counselor – Midlands Counties: Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Calhoun, Clarendon, Edgefield, Lexington, Lee, Orangeburg, Richland, Saluda, Sumter Sydney.Price@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4692 DepartmentsAdmissionsEnrollment ManagementOfficeSAB 113
Prosser Evelyn E.Evelyn E. Prosser Student Life Specialist for Student Engagement Evelyn.Prosser@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1677 DepartmentsStudent LifeOfficeUC 205 F
Prosser Jeremy B.Jeremy B. Prosser Accountant-Student Receivables Jeremy.Prosser@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1320 DepartmentsAccountingOfficeSAB 104
Dr. Pryor Greg S.Dr. Greg S. Pryor Professor of Biology, Co-Coordinator of Medical Laboratory Science Program gpryor@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1403 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeMSB 301DMore info
Dr. Rae John G. IIIDr. John G. Rae III Emeritus Professor of Biology DepartmentsBiologyOfficeYears at FMU: 1988-2013
Rainwater Brianne N.Brianne N. Rainwater Lead Teacher Four Year Old Classroom Brianne.Rainwater@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1630 DepartmentsRegional and Community ProgramsRichardson Center for the ChildOfficeRCC
Dr. Rajagopalan HariDr. Hari Rajagopalan Dean of the School of Business, Eugene A Fallon Jr. Professor of Management HRajagopalan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1420 DepartmentsSchool of BusinessSupply Chain ManagementOfficeSOBE 125More info
Rao PadmajaPadmaja Rao Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Area Coordinator of Computer Science mrao@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1591 DepartmentsComputer ScienceSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 236More info
Razick DanageneDanagene Razick Associate Director of Human Resources- Administrative Services drazick@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1142 DepartmentsAdministrationHuman Resources OfficeOfficeSAB 105More info
Reeves ShaneShane Reeves Part-Time Instructor of Music sreeves@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1595 DepartmentsFine ArtsMusic IndustryOfficePAC A211More info
Dr. Reichmuth Jessica M.Dr. Jessica M. Reichmuth Assistant Professor of Biology Jessica.Reichmuth@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1388 DepartmentsBiologyFreshwater Ecology ComplexOfficeMSB 301
Dr. Rentsch Jeremy D.Dr. Jeremy D. Rentsch Associate Professor of Biology jrentsch@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1407 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 204I
Dr. Reynolds MeredithDr. Meredith Reynolds Professor of English mreynolds@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1568 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 121More info
Rhoads LauraLaura Rhoads Director of Accounting Services lrhoads@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1121 DepartmentsAccountingOfficeSAB 103
Dr. Richardson Cheri L.Dr. Cheri L. Richardson Director of Housing and Resident Life crichardson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1330 DepartmentsHousing and Residence LifeOfficeHousing OfficeMore info
Richey Jonathan M.Jonathan M. Richey Corporal Jonathan.Richey@fmarion.edu Phone(843) 661-1109 DepartmentsCampus PoliceOfficeCampus Police
Richey MikeMike Richey Director of Facilities Engineering & Maintenance mrichey@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1104 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceFacilities ManagementOfficePPLT
Rincon Luis H.Luis H. Rincon Head Men's Soccer Coach luis.rincon@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1241 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 230
Dr. Ritter JamesDr. James Ritter Associate Professor of Education, CAEP Accreditation Coordinator, CREATE Center Director for FMU, M.A.T. - Multi-Categorical Program Coordinator James.Ritter@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1468 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 144 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Robbins CristalCristal Robbins Dispatcher / Assistant Terminal Agency Controller crobbins@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1109 DepartmentsCampus PoliceOfficeCampus Police
Dr. Roberts TerryDr. Terry Roberts Coordinator of Music Program, Director of Instrumental Activities, Professor of Music troberts@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1681 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficePAC A210More info
Robinson Amiaya N.Amiaya N. Robinson Administrative Specialist- Nursing Amiaya.Robinson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1689 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 202
Robinson Carolyn C.Carolyn C. Robinson Caroline.Robinson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1906 DepartmentsRegional and Community ProgramsRichardson Center for the ChildOfficeRCC
Robinson J. DarrenJ. Darren Robinson Craftsman - Electrician jrobinson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Robinson NikkiNikki Robinson Custodian nrobinson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Rodriguez SaraSara Rodriguez Student Services Counselor Sara.rodriguez@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1178 DepartmentsRegistrarOfficeSAB 118
Dr. Rodriguez-Medina EdnalizDr. Ednaliz Rodriguez-Medina Assistant Professor of Biology, Coordinator of Pre-Medical Program ednaliz.rodriguez@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1627 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeMSB 301I
Rogers CarlaCarla Rogers Programmer crogers@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1398 DepartmentsCampus TechnologyOfficeSACC 102
Rogers RussellRussell Rogers Craftsman rdrogers@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Dr. Rooks Pamela A.Dr. Pamela A. Rooks Emeritus Faculty of English, Distinguished Faculty, Years at Francis Marion University: 1989-2020 prooks@fmarion.edu DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeMore info
Dr. Rowan JohnDr. John Rowan Vice President for Enrollment Management John.Rowan@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1287 DepartmentsAdmissionsContinuumEnrollment ManagementFinancial AssistanceRegistrarOfficeSAB 116
Dr. Rubin KonstantinDr. Konstantin Rubin Assistant Professor of Computer Science SRubin@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1542 DepartmentsComputer ScienceSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 234More info
Rueb Brittany T.Brittany T. Rueb Acrobatic and Tumbling Head Coach Brittany.Rueb@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1247 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC
Russ DarryDarry Russ Desktop Support Technician darry.russ@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1581 DepartmentsCampus TechnologyOfficeSACC 108
Russell Nina M. DNP, FNP-C, MSN-Ed., APRNNina M. Russell DNP, FNP-C, MSN-Ed., APRN Associate Professor of Nursing, Coordinator of the RN to BSN Track nrussell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1682 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 106More info
Sadler Michael RMichael R Sadler Grounds Maintenance Michael.sadler@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1152 DepartmentsGrounds MaintenanceOfficeWHRS
Dr. SaizdeLaMora KitDr. Kit SaizdeLaMora Assistant Professor of Education, Coordinator of Early Childhood Education Program, Coordinator of Montessori Education Graduate Programs Kit.Saizdelamora@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1487 DepartmentsGender StudiesSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 255 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Sallenger Joseph W.Joseph W. Sallenger Fine Arts Center Manager jsallenger@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1385 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 101More info
Samuel Kelsey C.Kelsey C. Samuel Purchasing Manager Kelsey.Samuel@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1160 DepartmentsPurchasingOfficeSAB 118
Sanderson Chelsea A.Chelsea A. Sanderson Administrative Assistant-Foundation Chelsea.Sanderson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1225 DepartmentsAlumni AffairsEducation FoundationOfficeSAB 111
Sanderson GraceGrace Sanderson Student Services Counselor Grace.Sanderson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1174 DepartmentsEnrollment ManagementRegistrarOfficeSAB 118
Dr. Sargent JesseDr. Jesse Sargent Professor of Psychology jsargent@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1634 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-EMore info
Sarmiento EmmanuelEmmanuel Sarmiento Systems Administrator esarmiento@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1336 DepartmentsCampus TechnologyOfficeSACC 108
Sauls PatsyPatsy Sauls Instructor of Computer Science psauls@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1425 DepartmentsComputer ScienceSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 233More info
Schaffer VickyVicky Schaffer Physical Operations Specialist vschaffer@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4684 DepartmentsHousing and Residence LifeOfficeHousing Office
Dr. Schnibben George E. Jr.Dr. George E. Schnibben Jr. Professor Emeritus gschnibben@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1576 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409FMore info
Dr. Schnibben ThomasDr. Thomas Schnibben Assistant Professor of Mathematics Thomas.Schnibben@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1573 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409L
Schwartz JohnJohn Schwartz Part-time Instructor of Psychology jschwartz@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1374 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeFH
Dr. Scofield Daniel R.Dr. Daniel R. Scofield Associate Professor of Mathematics Daniel.Scofield@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1583 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF L409J
Sconzo SierraSierra Sconzo Student Services Counselor Sierra.Sconzo@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1190 DepartmentsEnrollment ManagementFinancial AssistanceOfficeSAB 117
Dr. Scott DamonDr. Damon Scott Professor of Mathematics dscott@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1586 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409OMore info
Scott Gabrielle B. DNP-EHL, MSN-NE, RNGabrielle B. Scott DNP-EHL, MSN-NE, RN Instructor of Nursing GScott@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1691 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 129More info
Scroggins Jessica S.Jessica S. Scroggins Assistant Women's Softball Coach Jessica.Scroggins@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-4623 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeACSB 210
Sears DorisDoris Sears Instructor of Mathematics dsears@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1564 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409S
Dr. Serrano Jan M.Dr. Jan M. Serrano Professor of Finance, Area Coordinator of Finance jserrano@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1620 DepartmentsFinance-School of BusinessSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 228More info
Dr. Setzler Hubert H. IIIDr. Hubert H. Setzler III Professor of Management, Nellie Cooke Sparrow Professor of Business, MBA Director, Area Coordinator of Management HSetzler@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1433 DepartmentsSchool of BusinessSupply Chain ManagementOfficeSOBE 131More info
Shannon Tawanda M.Tawanda M. Shannon Administrative Assistant- Facilities Tawanda.Shannon@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1100 DepartmentsFacilities ManagementOfficeFM-CP
Dr. Shannon Timothy E.Dr. Timothy E. Shannon Professor of Biology, Coordinator of Pre-Dental Program tshannon@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4652 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 204H
Dr. Sharer ElizabethDr. Elizabeth Sharer Professor of Management esharer@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1808 DepartmentsSchool of BusinessSupply Chain ManagementOfficeSOBE 132More info
Shefton ElizabethElizabeth Shefton Executive Assistant to the President eshefton@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1210 DepartmentsPresident's OfficeOfficeSAB 110
Shin Delaney Me-SunDelaney Me-Sun Shin Assistant Professor of Fine Arts Delaney.Shin@Fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1680 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 206
Dr. Shin Yong B.Dr. Yong B. Shin Professor of Management Information Systems, Area Coordinator of Management Information Systems yshin@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1426 DepartmentsInformation Systems ManagementSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 237More info
Shird TristanTristan Shird Administrative Assistant-Admissions Tristan.Shird@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1231 DepartmentsAdmissionsEnrollment ManagementOfficeSAB 113
Shockley Amy M.Amy M. Shockley Student Health Nurse Practitioner Amy.Shockley@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1844 DepartmentsStudent Health ServicesStudent LifeOfficeHealth Services: UC 2nd Floor
Short BrendaBrenda Short Lead Custodian bshort@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Simmons BudBud Simmons Director, Performing Arts Center bsimmons@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1720 DepartmentsPerforming Arts CenterRegional and Community ProgramsSteven F. Gately GalleryOfficePAC 101-A
Dr. Simmons LindsayDr. Lindsay Simmons Associate Professor of Education, Co-Director COE - Teacher Retention and Induction in the Pee Dee (TRIP) lsimmons@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1466 DepartmentsCOE - Teacher Retention & Induction in the Pee Dee (TRIP)School of EducationOfficeSOBE 264 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Dr. Sims HunterDr. Hunter Sims Associate Professor of Physics Hunter.Sims@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1445 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeLSF 103 H
Sims-Brewton StevenSteven Sims-Brewton Head of Access Services, Betty Jean Windham Greer Associate, Professor of Library Science ssims@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1299 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Singletary DeborahDeborah Singletary Custodian dsingletary@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Singletary HaieashaHaieasha Singletary Associate Director of Financial & Auxiliary Operations hsingletary@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4630 DepartmentsFinancial Services & Budget OfficeOfficeSAB 107
Singleton SuzanneSuzanne Singleton Emeritus Faculty, Former Head of Reference and Archivist, Years at Francis Marion University: 1988-2024 msingleton@fmarion.edu DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeMore info
Sistrunk Jessica B.Jessica B. Sistrunk Accountant Jessica.Sistrunk@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1130 DepartmentsAccountingOfficeSAB 104
Slocum Andrew T.Andrew T. Slocum Assistant Athletic Director for Compliance and Student Welfare aslocum@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1503 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234
Dr. Slone J. HenryDr. J. Henry Slone Professor of Biology jsl@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1406 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 204B
Smalls JustinJustin Smalls Desktop Support Technician Justin.Smalls@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1609 DepartmentsCampus TechnologyOfficeSACC 108
Smalls Rachael D.Rachael D. Smalls Custodian Rae.Smalls@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Smith Adellia C.Adellia C. Smith Accountant-Accounts Receivable Adellia.Smith@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1129 DepartmentsAccountingOfficeSAB 103A
Smith JaniceJanice Smith Administrative Assistant - CASA jsmith@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1676 DepartmentsCareer CenterCenter for Academic Success and AdvisementOfficeFH 220
Smith Michael W.Michael W. Smith Student Conduct Coordinator Michael.Smith3@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1836 DepartmentsStudent ConductStudent LifeOfficeUC 205 B
Dr. Smith R. SethfieldDr. R. Sethfield Smith Pee Dee Electric Cooperative Professor of Physics rsmith@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1453 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeLSF 103DMore info
Dr. Smolen-Morton ShawnDr. Shawn Smolen-Morton Chair, Modern Languages, Professor of English ssmolenmorton@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1508 DepartmentsEnglishModern LanguagesOfficeCEMC 113 BMore info
Snapp Isaac DMSc, MPAS, PA-CIsaac Snapp DMSc, MPAS, PA-C Clinical Coordinator-Physician Assistant Program Isaac.Snaap@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4668 DepartmentsPhysician Assistant StudiesSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 364
Sneed TammyTammy Sneed Administrative Assistant - English and Philosophy tsneed@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1371 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyPhilosophy & Religious StudiesOfficeFH 155More info
Soles Jesse H.Jesse H. Soles Assistant Sports Information Director and Internal Operations Manager Jesse.Soles@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1240 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC237
Dr. Spear Rachel N.Dr. Rachel N. Spear Associate Professor of English, Director of Gender Studies Program rspear@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1506 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyGender StudiesOfficeHC 109More info
Springs Christina MSN-NE, RNChristina Springs MSN-NE, RN Instructor of Nursing Christina.Springs@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4658 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 107More info
Squires John A.John A. Squires Communications Specialist John.Squires@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWRHS
Stack AmandaAmanda Stack Assistant Professor of English Phone843-661-1608 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 116
Stack MarkMark Stack Library Specialist - Access Services mstack@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1304 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Stanton Lauren B.Lauren B. Stanton Vice President of Institutional Advancement & Executive Director Lauren.Stanton@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1200 DepartmentsEducation FoundationOfficeSAB 111
Steadman Allison M.Allison M. Steadman Associate Provost, Professor of Theatre Arts - Costume Design, Administrative Liaison with the National Consortium of Universities Studying Slavery ASteadman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1685 DepartmentsAfrican and African American StudiesFine ArtsProvost's OfficeOfficeHFAC 225More info
Dr. Steinmetz Jeffrey A.Dr. Jeffrey A. Steinmetz Professor of Biology, Director of the Freshwater Ecology Center jsteinmetz@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1404 DepartmentsBiologyFreshwater Ecology ComplexOfficeMSB 201EMore info
Stephens CharlotteCharlotte Stephens Senior Administrative Assistant - Psychology cstephens@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1641 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-HMore info
Stewart MarthaMartha Stewart Part-time Instructor of Psychology martha.stewart@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-K
Stewart-Carr ConnieConnie Stewart-Carr General Manager Connie.Carr@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1261 DepartmentsDining ServicesOffice
Dr. Stoeckmann Ann M.Dr. Ann M. Stoeckmann Emeritus Professor of Biology astoeckmann@fmarion.edu DepartmentsBiologyOfficeYears at FMU: 2004-2024
Stone VeldaVelda Stone Administrative Assistant- History, Sociology and Political Science VStone@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1374 DepartmentsHistoryPolitical ScienceSociologyOfficeFH 271
Strickland BenjaminBenjamin Strickland Supervisor of Maintenance Support/Maintenance Pool bstrickland@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1151 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Dr. Stroup David J.Dr. David J. Stroup Emeritus Professor of Biology DepartmentsBiologyOfficeYears at FMU: 1987-2015
Stuckey Lashana C.Lashana C. Stuckey Lead Teacher Lashana.Stuckey@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1900 DepartmentsRegional and Community ProgramsRichardson Center for the ChildOfficeRCC
Suggs Betty N.Betty N. Suggs Marketing Coordinator Betty.Suggs@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1227 DepartmentsCommunicationsOfficeSAB 101F
Sullen Dennis M.Dennis M. Sullen Director of User Services & Desktop Support dsullen@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1333 DepartmentsCampus TechnologyOfficeSACC 108
Sullen LindaLinda Sullen Accountant-Payroll lsullen@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1396 DepartmentsAccountingOfficeSAB 111
Sumter KentrellKentrell Sumter Grounds Specialist Kentrell.Sumter@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1152 DepartmentsGrounds MaintenanceOfficeWRHS
Swartz CathyCathy Swartz Assistant Vice President for Accounting cswartz@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1122 DepartmentsAccountingOfficeSAB 103
Swedo Steven E.Steven E. Swedo Printing and Mailing Manager sswedo@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1282 DepartmentsMail CenterPrinting ServicesOfficeMail Center
Swilley Matthew S.Matthew S. Swilley Attorney-Part-Time Matt.Swilley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1181 DepartmentsGeneral CounselOfficeSAB 111
Tarbell DonaldDonald Tarbell Chief of Police dtarbell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1109 DepartmentsCampus PoliceOfficeCampus Police
Dr. Tatum Dillon S.Dr. Dillon S. Tatum Chair, Department of Political Science & Geography, Coordinator of Political Science and Criminal Justice, Associate Professor of Political Science dtatum@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1632 DepartmentsPolitical ScienceOfficeFH 129More info
Taylor Jennifer L.Jennifer L. Taylor Director of Sponsored Programs JTaylor@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1997 DepartmentsFinancial Services & Budget OfficeOfficeCCHS 345
Dr. Titanski-Hooper JenniferDr. Jennifer Titanski-Hooper Director of McNair Institute for Research and Service, Associate Professor of Geography jtitanskihooper@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1619 DepartmentsGeographyPolitical ScienceRobert E. McNair Center for Research and ServiceOfficeHC 108More info
Todd AnnaAnna Todd Vice President of Communications ATodd@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1332 DepartmentsCommunicationsOfficeSAB 101
Todd ErinErin Todd Academic Advisor in CASA erin.todd@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1987 DepartmentsCenter for Academic Success and AdvisementOfficeFH 220More info
Tolson TraceyTracey Tolson Lieutenant ttolson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1109 DepartmentsCampus PoliceOfficeCampus Police
Townsend Hal "Nick"Hal "Nick" Townsend Director of Events & Contractual Services Nick.Townsend@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1273 DepartmentsFinancial Services & Budget OfficeFreshwater Ecology ComplexOfficeSAB
Dr. Tracy Denise A. RangelDr. Denise A. Rangel Tracy Assistant Professor of Mathematics rangel.tracy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1584 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLFS 409N
Turner DonnaDonna Turner Data Coordinator dturner@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4634 DepartmentsAdmissionsEnrollment ManagementOfficeSAB 113
Dr. Turner Lorianne S.Dr. Lorianne S. Turner Professor of Biology, James B. Gray Chair of Microbiology, Coordinator of Pre-Physical/Occupational Therapy Program, Co-coordinator of Medical Laboratory Science Program lturner@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1670 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeMSB 201C
Dr. Turner Matthew W.Dr. Matthew W. Turner Associate Professor of Philosophy, Coordinator of Philosophy and Religious Studies Program mwturner@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4695 DepartmentsEnglish and PhilosophyPhilosophy & Religious StudiesOfficeFH 234
Turner Pamela P.Pamela P. Turner Assistant Professor of Accounting pturner@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1804 DepartmentsAccounting-School of BusinessSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 239More info
Dr. Tuttle JonDr. Jon Tuttle Emeritus Faculty of English, 2013-2014 Distinguished Faculty, Years at Francis Marion University: 1990-2024 jtuttle@fmarion.edu DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeMore info
Dr. Vacharasin JanayDr. Janay Vacharasin Assistant Professor of Biology Janay.Vacharasin@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1566 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 204JMore info
Vallee StaceyStacey Vallee Head Women's Softball Coach svallee@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1238 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC 234
Dr. Varazo KrisDr. Kris Varazo Professor of Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Pre-Pharmacy Advisor kvarazo@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1450 DepartmentsChemistryOfficeLSF 303D
Dr. Venters LouisDr. Louis Venters Professor of History lventers@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1593 DepartmentsAfrican and African American StudiesHistoryOfficeFH 273More info
Vinson Meranda M.Meranda M. Vinson Assistant Director of Admissions – Readmit, 2nd Degree, Non-Degree, Transfer, and Out-of-State Meranda.Vinson@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-4639 DepartmentsAdmissionsEnrollment ManagementOfficeSAB 112
Wada Rebekah E. PhD, CCC-SLPRebekah E. Wada PhD, CCC-SLP Assistant Professor of Speech Language Pathology Rebekah.Wada@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1887 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesSpeech Language PathologyOfficeLMEC 302More info
Dr. Wages CharleneDr. Charlene Wages Vice President for Administration and Planning, Hugh K. Leatherman Professor of Public Service, Professor of Psychology cwages@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1140 DepartmentsAdministrationCounseling and Testing CenterHuman Resources OfficeInstitutional Planning, Research, and EffectivenessOfficeSAB 105More info
Wagner AmandaAmanda Wagner Program Coordinator Amanda.Wagner@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1199 DepartmentsEducation FoundationOfficeSAB 111
Waiters KimerlyKimerly Waiters Custodian kwaiters@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Walker Demetra T.Demetra T. Walker Dean of the Library, Associate Professor demetra.walker@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1300 DepartmentsAfrican and African American StudiesRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Wallace AshleyAshley Wallace Part-time Instructor of Psychology ashley.wallace@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-K
Wallace RhettRhett Wallace Police Officer Rhett.Wallace@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1109 DepartmentsCampus PoliceOfficeCP
Walton DavidDavid Walton Assistant Professor of Archaeology David.Walton@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1376 DepartmentsArchaeologyHistoryOfficeFH 212More info
Ward MelissaMelissa Ward Center Director mward@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1630 DepartmentsRegional and Community ProgramsRichardson Center for the ChildOfficeRCC
Dr. Ward Russell E.Dr. Russell E. Ward Professor of Sociology, Joan and Garry Gladstone Professor of Sociology rward@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4632 DepartmentsSociologyOfficeFH 242More info
Dr. Warters T. AlissaDr. T. Alissa Warters University Provost, Dean of the Francis Marion College of Liberal Arts, Professor of Political Science twarters@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1286 DepartmentsPolitical ScienceProvost's OfficeOfficeSAB 115More info
Dr. Washington ChrisDr. Chris Washington Associate Professor of English cwashington@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1505 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 113More info
Dr. Wattles WillDr. Will Wattles Faculty Emeritus in Psychology, Former Chair: Department of Psychology, Former Walter D. Smith Professor of Psychology DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeMore info
Dr. Waymyers Sophia D.Dr. Sophia D. Waymyers Professor Emerita swaymyers@fmarion.edu DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeMore info
Wayne Megan S. PhD, MSN-Ed, RNMegan S. Wayne PhD, MSN-Ed, RN Instructor of Nursing mwayne@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4657 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 125More info
Weaver Dorie DNP, FNP-BC, PMHNP-BC, CNEDorie Weaver DNP, FNP-BC, PMHNP-BC, CNE Assistant Professor of Nursing, Coordinator of the MSN/Nurse Educator Track dweaver@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1692 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 110More info
Dr. Weldy LanceDr. Lance Weldy Professor of English lweldy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1513 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 103More info
Dr. White David R.Dr. David R. White Professor of Political Science, Coordinator of Pre-Law Programs dwhite@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1614 DepartmentsPolitical ScienceOfficeFH 136More info
White LennyLenny White Executive Chef lwhite@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1266 DepartmentsDining ServicesOffice
Wicker Evan H.Evan H. Wicker Associate Advising Director Evan.Wicker@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1978 DepartmentsCenter for Academic Success and AdvisementOfficeFH 220
Wilds MelvilleMelville Wilds Grounds Maintenance Melville.Wilds@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1152 DepartmentsGrounds MaintenanceOfficeWRHS
Wilkes DeirdreDeirdre Wilkes Dispatcher Deirdre.Wilkes@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1109 DepartmentsCampus PoliceOfficeCP
Willard Angela M.Angela M. Willard Director of the Center for Autism Studies Angela.Willard@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1837 DepartmentsCenter for Autism StudiesOfficeCCHS 222
Williams AnnAnn Williams Registrar awilliams@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1171 DepartmentsEnrollment ManagementRegistrarOfficeSAB 118
Williams Bobby F.Bobby F. Williams Trades Specialist Bobby.Williams@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1152 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWRHS
Dr. Williams Kenneth B.Dr. Kenneth B. Williams Faculty Emeritus in Chemistry, Professor of Chemistry DepartmentsChemistryOfficeMore info
Dr. Williams KrystinDr. Krystin Williams Assistant Professor of Education, Coordinator for Teacher Cadets (region 4) Krystin.Williams@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1465 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 268 - Office hours are posted on course syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Williams Mary AnnMary Ann Williams Part-time Instructor of Psychology mary.williams2@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-K
Williams Robert F.Robert F. Williams Trades Specialist IV Bobby.Williams@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1152 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWRHS
Dr. Williams StephanieDr. Stephanie Williams Assistant Professor of Psychology Stephanie.Williams@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1639 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-I
Willis JessicaJessica Willis Fine Arts Center Adele Kassab Art Gallery Curator and Theatre Administrative Assistant/Assistant Technical Director Jessica.Willis@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1539Phone 2843-661-1385 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeFA109
Willis Russell F.Russell F. Willis Custodian Rusty.Willis@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeCP/PPLT
Dr. Wilson CaseyDr. Casey Wilson Assistant Professor of English Casey.Wilson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1921 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH125
Windham RobertRobert Windham Custodian rwindham@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Wise Tony C.Tony C. Wise Library Specialist Tony.Wise@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1269 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRL
Woodbury PaulPaul Woodbury Part-time Assistant Golf Coach pwoodbury@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1240 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC
Dr. Woosley-Goodman MeganDr. Megan Woosley-Goodman Associate Professor of English mwoosleygoodman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1623 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 117More info
Worley Toni P.Toni P. Worley Assistant Women's Soccer Coach Toni.Worley@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1248 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeAAVB
Dr. Wrighten Shayna A.Dr. Shayna A. Wrighten Professor of Biology swrighten@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1383 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 204AMore info
Dr. Young EricaDr. Erica Young Associate Professor of Psychology ejames@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1642 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 236-CMore info
Young Johnny LeeJohnny Lee Young Grounds Maintenance johnny.young@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1152 DepartmentsGrounds MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Dr. Zahnd Elizabeth A.Dr. Elizabeth A. Zahnd Professor of French, Coordinator of Modern Languages-French Program EZahnd@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1600 DepartmentsModern LanguagesOfficeCEMC 113EMore info
Zehnder Jacob T.Jacob T. Zehnder Head Men's Basketball Coach Jake.Zehnder@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4626 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC
Dr. Zwiers Paul B.Dr. Paul B. Zwiers Associate Professor of Biology pzwiers@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1654 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeMSB 201DMore info
James David L. DMSc, MPAS, PA-CDavid L. James DMSc, MPAS, PA-C Director of Physician Assistant Studies Program DLJames@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4426 DepartmentsPhysician Assistant StudiesSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 359BMore info
James Genien D. BSGenien D. James BS Administrative Assistant-School of Health Sciences Genien.James@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4625 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCarter Center 231B
Jardin BiancaBianca Jardin Part-time Instructor of Psychology bjardin@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-K
Jeffcoat Charles E.Charles E. Jeffcoat Professor of Visual Arts - Graphic Design, Peter D. Hyman Professor of Fine Arts cjeffcoat@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1679 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 104More info
Jenkins DianaDiana Jenkins Instructor of Chemistry DJenkins@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1264 DepartmentsChemistryOfficeLSF 303-I
Jenkins JennJenn Jenkins Catering Manager jjenkins@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1262 DepartmentsDining ServicesOfficeEDH
Johnson AprilApril Johnson Director of Dual Enrollment & Continuing Education aljohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-374-4215 DepartmentsContinuumEnrollment ManagementOfficeContinuum
Johnson Benjamin M. BABenjamin M. Johnson BA Simulation Laboratory Specialist bmjohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4697 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 336More info
Johnson BernadetteBernadette Johnson Reference/Government Documents, Associate Professor bjjohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1313 DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeRogers Library
Dr. Johnson Brad R.Dr. Brad R. Johnson Professor of Accounting, Area Coordinator of Accounting bjohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1427 DepartmentsAccounting-School of BusinessSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 227More info
Dr. Johnson Christopher D.Dr. Christopher D. Johnson Professor of English cjohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1518 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 151More info
Johnson Dwayne A.Dwayne A. Johnson Trades Specialist Zone Maintenance Dwayne.Johnson@fmarion.edu Phone834-661-1159 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Dr. Johnson EricaDr. Erica Johnson Associate Professor of History, Co-Director African & African American Studies ejohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1497 DepartmentsAfrican and African American StudiesHistoryOfficeFH 204More info
Johnson KellyKelly Johnson Craftsman - Plumber krjohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1150 DepartmentsBuilding MaintenanceOfficeWHSE
Dr. Johnston CallumDr. Callum Johnston Professor of Emeritus Faculty of Education cjohnston@fmarion.edu DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeRCC 113 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.More info
Dr. Jokisch DerekDr. Derek Jokisch Chair, Department of Physics and Engineering, Professor of Physics djokisch@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4653 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeLSF 103CMore info
Dr. Jones Brian E.Dr. Brian E. Jones Assistant Professor of Music Industry Brian.Jones@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1595 DepartmentsFine ArtsMusic IndustryOfficePAC A211More info
Jones JustinaJustina Jones Dispatcher Justina.Js@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1109 DepartmentsCampus PoliceOfficeCampus Police
Jones VerneedaVerneeda Jones Custodian vjs@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsCustodial ServicesOfficeFM CP
Dr. Jordan Jesse J. '"Mike'"Dr. Jesse J. '"Mike'" Jordan Professor Emeritus DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeMore info
Jordan ThomasThomas Jordan Grounds Maintenance Thomas.Jordan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1103 DepartmentsGrounds MaintenanceOfficeWHRS
Jordan WallaceWallace Jordan Attorney-Part-Time Jay.Jordan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1181 DepartmentsGeneral CounselOfficeSAB 111
Dr. Kaminski Kathleen A.Dr. Kathleen A. Kaminski Assistant Professor of Accounting Kathleen.Kaminski@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1501 DepartmentsAccounting-School of BusinessSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 251More info
Dr. Kanaparthi MarkDr. Mark Kanaparthi Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Mark.Kanaparthi@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1548 DepartmentsMechanical EngineeringPhysics and EngineeringOfficeMSB 108 BMore info
Agyapong Afua M. PhD, CCC-SLPAfua M. Agyapong PhD, CCC-SLP Assistant Professor of Speech Language Pathology Afua.Agyapong@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1888 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesSpeech Language PathologyOfficeLMEC 305Additional information
Afua Agyapong is an assistant professor of speech-language pathology at Francis Marion University in Florence, South Carolina. She received her bachelor’s degree in Linguistics from the University of Ghana, and earned her master’s and doctoral degrees in Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of North Dakota.
Dr. Agyapong is a certified speech-language pathologist with clinical experience working in diverse settings including a skilled nursing facility, an ENT clinic, and a public school. Her areas of teaching and clinical expertise are voice disorders, adult neurogenic communication disorders, school-age language disorders and multicultural issues in speech-language pathology.
Dr. Agyapong has taught undergraduate, post-baccalaureate and graduate students. Her research focuses on transgender voice and cultural diversity. She has published papers in peer-reviewed journals, and has presented locally and nationally.
Dr. Agyapong has been invited to give presentations on acoustic analysis of voice and to review voice disorders content with speech pathology graduate students preparing to take their praxis examination
Areas of Expertise and/or Research:
Voice disorders, adult neurogenic communication disorders, age-related decline in language abilities, multicultural issues and linguistic diversity
Ph.D., Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of North Dakota
Dr. Almeida Richard A.Dr. Richard A. Almeida Professor of Political Science, Associate Co-Director of Baruch Institute for South Carolina Studies ralmeida@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1631 DepartmentsBaruch InstitutePolitical ScienceOfficeFH 139Additional information
Ph.D. University of Missouri-Columbia
M.A. University of Memphis
B.A. University of Massachusetts
Dr. Almeida has been with the Department of Political Science and Geography since 2007. He specializes in American political behavior (interest groups and voting), formal political theory, and classical political thought. His primary research interest involves formal models of lobbying coalitions.
Dr. Almeida serves as a Associate Co-Director of Baruch Institute for South Carolina Studies at Hobcaw Barony, the historic 16,000-acre estate owned and operated by the Belle W. Baruch Foundation.
Anderson Lawrence P.Lawrence P. Anderson Emeritus Professor of Visual Arts landerson@fmarion.edu DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeAdditional information
M.F.A. Printmaking/Drawing - University of Kentucky, 1981. B.F.A. Printmaking - University of South Dakota, 1973.
- University of Louisville
- University of Kentucky
- University of Wisconsin Center
- University of South Dakota
Lawrence Anderson came to Francis Marion University in 2000 to serve as Professor of Visual Arts and Chair of the Department of Fine Arts and Mass Communications. His duties included coordination of the Department's majors in Art Education, Music Industry, Theatre Arts, and Visual Arts; chairing the FMU Artist Series Committee; and teaching in the Visual Arts program. In 2015, Professor Anderson retired from the chairmanship and continued to teach in the Visual Arts program until his retirement May 2021. Professor Anderson was born in Canby, Minnesota. He studied at the University of South Dakota, from which he earned his B. F. A. in 1973. Mr. Anderson began graduate studies at the University of Nebraska and received his MFA from the University of Kentucky in 1981. He was an Artist-In-The-Schools resident for the National Endowment for the Arts and the Kentucky Arts Commission from 1977-80. From 1987 through 2000 he taught at the University of South Dakota and served as Chair of the Department of Art. He has also been a professor at the University of Louisville, University of Kentucky, and the University of Wisconsin Center, Marsfield. His work has been included in over 159 exhibits, 40 invitational print portfolios, and more than 50 public and private collections.
Dr. Aniello JoeDr. Joe Aniello Emeritus Faculty of Management, Years at Francis Marion University: 2003-2024 janiello@fmarion.edu DepartmentsHuman Resource ManagementSchool of BusinessOfficeAdditional information
Ed.D., Vanderbilt University
M.B.A., Fordham University
B.S., Fairfield University
Areas of Expertise
Small Business Management
Human Resource
Organizational Behavior/Development
Dr. Joe Aniello joined Francis Marion University in 2003 and retired in 2024. He taught Non-Profit Management, Human Resources, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management and Organizational Behavior. He has international business experience in South America, Europe and Asia. His research has been published in journals and books and has appeared in Assessment of Student Learning in Business Schools: Best Practices and the Journal of Entrepreneurship Education.
Dr. Araujo Ken M.Dr. Ken M. Araujo Associate Professor of Computer Science karaujo@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1377 DepartmentsComputer ScienceSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 238Additional information
Adviser to FMU chapter of UPE, International Honor Society for the Computing and Information Disciplines
Ph.D., The University of South Carolina
M.S., The University of South Carolina
B.S., The University of South Carolina
B.S., Francis Marion College
Area of Expertise
Object-Oriented Modeling Design Patterns
Ken Araujo joined the Francis Marion faculty in 2008. From 1991 to 2008 he was a member of the department of mathematics at Florence-Darlington Technical College and taught as an adjunct instructor for Coker College. He was a member of the department of mathematics at Francis Marion College from 1986 to 1988. His research has been published in Proceedings of The Southeast Case Research Association (SECRA).
Dr. Arroyo FangjunDr. Fangjun Arroyo Professor of Mathematics farroyo@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1594 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409PAdditional information
Ph.D. in Mathematics from the City University of New York
Baker MeggieMeggie Baker Instructor of Business meggie.baker@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1414 DepartmentsBusiness AdministrationSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 216Additional information
J.D., University of South Carolina
B.A., The George Washington University
Prior to starting as Legal Counsel and Compliance Director for HopeHealth, Inc., a community health center, Ms. Baker worked for the US District Court and the South Carolina Supreme Court. A published author on appellate procedure, Ms. Baker's current work focuses on non-profit and for-profit business transactions and strategic planning.
Dr. Banister Lindsey E.Dr. Lindsey E. Banister Associate Professor of English, Director of the Writing Center lbanister@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1857 DepartmentsCenter for Academic Success and AdvisementEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyWriting CenterOfficeFH 122Additional information
Dr. Lindsey Banister recently completed her PhD in Composition and Cultural Rhetoric at Syracuse University. She received her MA in Rhetoric and Writing Studies from San Diego State University in 2012 and her BA in English from Pepperdine University in 2009. She specializes in sports and embodied rhetoric. Her research interests also include writing center studies, performance, and rhetorical historiography. In addition to teaching composition courses at FMU, Dr. Banister is also the Director of the Writing Center. In her free time, she participates on the Florence Masters swim team, travels, and enjoys drinking good beer with friends.
PhD, Syracuse University
MA, San Diego State University
BA, Pepperdine University
Dr. Barbeau Tamatha R.Dr. Tamatha R. Barbeau Professor of Biology, Coordinator of Veterinary Studies and Pre-Veterinary Programs tbarbeau@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4651 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 204JAdditional information
Ph.D. Zoology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. 2004.
M.Sc. Zoology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. 2001.
B.S. Biology, State University of New York at Oswego, NY. Cum Laude, 1992.
A.A.S. Veterinary Technology, State University of New York at Canton, NY. Magna Cum Laude, 1990.
I received my Associate's degree in Veterinary Science Technology at SUNY Canton, NY., Bachelor of Science degree at SUNY Oswego, and my M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Florida, Department of Zoology. Now I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Biology at Francis Marion University .
My research interests include reproductive anatomy and physiology, and also conservation and monitoring of reptile and amphibian populations. You can find more details regarding my research interests, teaching, and service on my webpage and my Curriculum Vitae.
If you are interested in undergraduate research within the Department of Biology, please go to the PURE Program page. To find more information about the Pre-Veterinary Program and advising, or the Pre-Vet Club, please go to the Pre-Veterinary Program page. For my Biology advisees, please go to my Academic Advising page.
Courses Taught:
- Biology of Sex (Biol 213)
- Gender Studies (GS 200)
- Human Anatomy (Biol 205)
- Human Biology (Biol 104)
- Human Physiology (Biol 236)
- Senior Seminar (Biol 499)
Dr. Bauer Vernon W.Dr. Vernon W. Bauer Professor and Chair of Biology vbauer@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1409 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 204CAdditional information
Ph.D. (1999, Genetics) - N.C. State University.
B.S. (1992, Biological Sciences) - Clemson University.
Courses Taught:
- BIOL 105: Introduction to Life Science
- BIOL 220: Introduction to Molecular Biology
- BIOL 302: Developmental Biology
- BIOL 401: Genetics
- BIOL 499: Senior Seminar
Bennett Meagan MSN-APRN, FNP-CMeagan Bennett MSN-APRN, FNP-C Instructor of Nursing meagan.bennett@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1607 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 357Additional information
Meagan Bennett is an Instructor of Nursing for the School of Health Sciences at Francis Marion University. She graduated from Clemson University with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 2010 (summa cum laude). She completed her Masters of Science in Nursing to become a family nurse practitioner at Francis Marion University in 2017. She is a member of Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society.
Meagan has worked as a family nurse practitioner since 2018 in Cheraw, South Carolina and Florence, South Carolina. Prior to becoming a family nurse practitioner, she worked in the cardiovascular intensive care unit. Meagan practices locally at HopeHealth as a family nurse practitioner one day a week.
Meagan currently teaches in both the undergraduate and masters nursing programs while working to complete her DNP.
Best D. KeithD. Keith Best Chair, Department of Fine Arts, Professor of Theatre Arts dbest@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1549 DepartmentsFine ArtsMusic IndustryOfficeHFAC 102Additional information
M.F.A. Theatre Arts - Acting Focuses: Stanislavski-based acting process, Alexander technique, Linklater-based vocal training, and neutral and character mask work. University of Louisville, 1993. B.F.A. Theatre Arts Valdosta State College, 1986.
Professional Associations
Board Member, South Carolina Theatre Association Member, Southeastern Theatre Conference Member, South Carolina Scriptwriters, Inc. Member, Theatre Communications Group
Lion in Winter
Bevan AshleyAshley Bevan Academic Advisor in CASA ashley.bevan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1257 DepartmentsCenter for Academic Success and AdvisementOfficeFH 220Additional information
Dr. Boatwright PatriciaDr. Patricia Boatwright Associate Professor of Education, Coordinator of Elementary Education Program, Co-Coordinator for Teaching Fellows Program, Education Club Advisor PBoatwright@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1439 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 267 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Areas of Expertise
Elementary Education Program
Educational Technology
Bolles Jeffrey R. PhD, MBA, MAJeffrey R. Bolles PhD, MBA, MA Associate Professor of Public Health Jeff.Bolles@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4656 DepartmentsHealthcare AdministrationSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 105Additional information
Jeff Bolles joined Francis Marion University, in Fall 2024, as an Associate Professor of Public Health. Jeff received a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education Theory (Exercise Physiology) from the State University of New York, College at Cortland, a Master of Arts in Exercise and Sport Science (Exercise Physiology) from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a Master of Business Administration (Financial Services) from the University of North Carolina at Pembroke, a Graduate Certificate in Finance from East Carolina University, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Health Studies (Health Education and Administration) from Texas Woman’s University. Jeff’s research interests include Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS [Lou Gehrig’s disease, health behavior theory and application, epidemiology, and health advocacy.
Prior to his faculty appointment at Francis Marion, Jeff was the Assistant Director of the MBA Program and a lecturer in healthcare administration, business communication, and finance at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke, a position he held for five years. Jeff has also been an Associate Professor and Department Chair of Healthcare Administration at The University of Mount Olive, from 2016 to 2019, Assistant Professor and Health Promotion Coordinator at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke, from 2008 to 2016, and Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, NCAA Compliance Officer, and Lecturer at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke, from 2003 to 2008. Jeff is active in several professional healthcare administration and public health organizations, is a review editor for Frontiers in Public Health Education and Promotion, and has authored one book and several research articles, presented at many national and international conferences, delivered webinars, and has served on three advisory boards.
Originally from Western New York, Jeff transplanted in southeastern North Carolina in 2000 and currently lives in Lumberton, North Carolina with his wife, daughter, and son. In his spare time, Jeff enjoys running, cycling, reading, traveling, and attending/viewing sporting events, especially those that involve his beloved Buffalo Bills and Buffalo Sabres.
Dr. Bolt William K.Dr. William K. Bolt Chair, Department of History, Suzanne Lucas and Benjamin Pratt Gasque Chair in History, Professor of History wbolt@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1469 DepartmentsHistoryOfficeFH 202Additional information
A native of Buffalo, New York, Dr. Bolt began teaching at Francis Marion in 2009. He has published articles in American Nineteenth Century History and the Journal of East Tennessee History. For four years, Dr. Bolt served as an Assistant Editor at the James K. Polk Project where he researched, edited, and transcribed documents that appeared in volume 11 and 12 of the Correspondence of James K. Polk. His book, Tariff Wars and the Politics of Jacksonian America, was published by Vanderbilt University Press in 2017. He is also the coauthor of a textbook, The American Road Part I: Travelling the Early American Byways of a New Nation, which was published by Kendall Hunt in 2016.
PhD, University of Tennessee, 2010
Courses Taught:
- U.S. History to 1877
- U.S. History since 1877
- Economic History of the United States
- United States: Colonial and Revolutionary Periods, 1587-1789
- Civil War America
- U.S. Constitutional History to 1900
- Jacksonian Democracy
- Senior Thesis
Brantley Rita MARita Brantley MA Administrative Assistant - Physician Assistant Studies Rita.Brantley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1348 DepartmentsPhysician Assistant StudiesSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 327Additional information
Rita is the administrative assistant for FMU’s Physician Assistant Studies Program. Rita graduated from Horry Georgetown Technical College with an Associate in Applied Science degree in Business. Rita received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and Management from Coker College. She completed her Master’s degree in Human Resource Development and Management and Leadership from Webster University.
Prior to joining FMU, her professional experience consisted of over 20 years as the Director of Operations with Bell Burial Vault/Bell Burial and Concrete. Coordinating and supervisory experience with SC Department of Social Services, Division of Employment Services for the Healthcare Preparation for Employment grant. Career counseling experience with Workforce Development consisted of conducting comprehensive assessments to increase employment, retention, and improvement of self-sufficiency.
Rita specializes in tracking progress towards organizational and programmatic outcomes and deliverables. Generating progress reports that fully capture programmatic success to awarded grant projects. She has extensive experience in management, research, reporting, preparing, and maintaining expenditures and budgets.
She is also a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc.
Dr. Brauss MinervaDr. Minerva Brauss Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Instructor of Mathematics MBrauss@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1559 DepartmentsAdministrationInstitutional Planning, Research, and EffectivenessMathematicsOfficeSAB 105 FAdditional information
Ph.D. in Administration in Higher Education from Auburn University
Dr. Breazeale William H.Dr. William H. Breazeale Professor Emeritus of Chemistry DepartmentsChemistryOfficeAdditional informationFormer Chair 1970-1997
Dr. Bridger BobDr. Bob Bridger Professor Emeritus DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeAdditional information
Robert C. “Bob” Bridger completed his undergraduate degree at Coastal Carolina University in 1994 and his doctoral studies at The University of Georgia in 1999. He holds a Level III certification as a school psychologist through the SC Department of Education and is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist. His current interest include cross battery and school neuropsychological assessment and children with type 1 diabetes.
Dr. Bridger taught Child Development and Senior Seminar in the undergraduate program. He also taught a range of courses of courses in the graduate program (School Psychology) in addition to facilitating the student internship placements and intern seminars.
Dr. Britton JohnDr. John Britton Emeritus Faculty of History jbritton@fmarion.edu DepartmentsHistoryOfficeAdditional information
Latin America, World. Part-Time Lecturer in History,
Brogdon Rhonda DNP, RN, MBARhonda Brogdon DNP, RN, MBA Chair, Department of Nursing, Associate Professor of Nursing rbrogdon@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1674 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 122Additional information
Rhonda Brogdon is a tenured associate professor of nursing at Francis Marion University in Florence, SC. She is the Chair of the Department of Nursing. She has been a medical-surgical nurse for 30 years. She received her BSN degree from Clemson University, her MSN degree from the University of Phoenix, her MBA degree from Webster University, and her Doctorate in Nursing Practice (DNP) from Duquesne University. She received her certification in Online Instruction from Central Michigan University.
Rhonda began working in academia as a part-time clinical nursing instructor at the Medical University of South Carolina/Francis Marion University Satellite in 2001. During that time, she had instructed all levels of nursing students in the clinical setting. Her area of expertise is medical-surgical nursing with an emphasis in renal nursing. Rhonda had served as mentor and preceptor for over 16 years in bedside nursing and was consistently evaluated as a “role model” nurse. In academia, she has mentored and precepted faculty to their roles in course instruction. She had served as vice-president of the Francis Marion University Department of Nursing Honor Society, and a Phi Kappa Phi mentor for nursing students and a member of Sigma Theta Tau International. She was the recipient of the African-American Faculty and Staff Coalition Diversity Award from Francis Marion University in 2013.
Rhonda has contributed to the book entitled, Fast facts about developing a nursing academic portfolio: What to include in a nutshell and has presented on this topic at Drexel University Nursing Education Institute Conference. Rhonda is co-author of the book entitled Medical-surgical nursing test success: An unfolding case study review and has a reflection chapter in The new nurse educator: Mastering academia. She has served as an external abstract peer reviewer for the Annual Healthcare Informatics Symposium presented by the Center for Biomedical Informatics at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Rhonda’s Doctorate of Nursing Practice Capstone entitled: “A Self-Care Educational Intervention to Improve Knowledge of Dietary Phosphorus Control in Patients Requiring Hemodialysis: A Pilot Study” was published in the Nephrology Nursing Journal.
Dr. Broughton SamDr. Sam Broughton Professor Emeritus DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeAdditional information
Sam F. Broughton is a Licensed Psychologist, Nationally Certified School Psychologist, and South Carolina Level III School Psychologist. He received his B.A. in Psychology from Presbyterian College, and his M.S. in General-Experimental Psychology and Ph.D. in Psychology, with concentrations in Applied Behavior Analysis and School Psychology from the University of Georgia. Prior to retirement from FMU, he taught Child Behavior: Growth and Development, Adolescent Behavior: Growth and Development, Applied Behavior Analysis and Advanced Applied Behavior Analysis for the Psychology major. For the graduate program in School Psychology, he taught Behavioral Assessment and Intervention, Academic Assessment and Intervention, intervention practica associated with his graduate courses, and the introductory professional practicum in School Psychology. He also team taught a course and practicum in Learning Disabilities supporting the master’s degree programs in the FMU School of Education.
Dr. Broughton served as Coordinator of the Graduate Program in School Psychology from 1997 until 2014. From 2009 until 2015 he served as the Robert W. Williams Professor of School Psychology for the Richardson Center for the Child. After retirement he continued to teach Academic Assessment and Intervention, and Psychological Consultation in Schools and Agencies plus their associated practica in the School Psychology graduate program as an adjunct professor, and consult with staff and researchers at the Richardson Center for the Child until 2018. He served on the South Carolina State Commission for Disabilities and Special Needs, representing the Seventh Congressional District from 2016 to 2019. Dr. Broughton now resides in upstate SC and teaches Applied Behavior Analysis and Advanced Applied Behavior Analysis part-time as a Lecturer in Psychological Science at Lander University. He can be reached via his FMU email address.
Research Interests:
- Learning and Behavior Disorders in Children
- Functional Behavioral Assessment and Applied Behavior Analysis
- Curriculum Based Assessment
- Teachers’ Knowledge of Behavioral and Academic Interventions
Selected Publications:
- Broughton, S.F. (2017). Review of The ABCs of CBM (2nd) by Hosp et. al. In Communiqué, 46 (1), 38.
- Broughton, S.F. & Hill-Chapman. (2016). A simplified scan sampling procedure for evaluating behavioral effects of a group intervention. In Spink, A.J., et al, Proceedings of Measuring Behavior 2016 (25-26 May 2016), Dublin, Ireland: Measuringbehavior.org.
- Schwanz, K. A., Palm, L., Broughton, S. F. , & Hill-Chapman, C. R. (2016). Self-reliance and relations with parents as predictors of anxiety and depression in college students. Research in Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, 4, 24-27, doi: 10.12691/rpbs-4-2-2.
- Schwanz, K. A., Palm, L., Hill-Chapman, C. R., & Broughton, S. F. (2014). College students’ perceptions of relations with parents and academic performance. American Journal of Educational Research, 2, 13-17.
- Broughton, S. F. (2011). Review of Practical Handbook of School Psychology: Effective Practices for the 21st Century by G. G. Peacock, R. A. Ervin, E. J. Daly III, & K. W. Merrell (Eds.). In Communiqué, 39 (5), 35.
- Broughton, S. F. (June 2009). Review of Modular Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Childhood Anxiety Disorders by Bruce F. Chorpita. In Communiqué, 37 (8), 34.
Dr. Brown Scott S.Dr. Scott S. Brown Professor of Geography ssbrown@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1611 DepartmentsGeographyOfficeFH 132Additional information
Ph.D. Louisiana State University
M.S. Universidad de Costa Rica
B.A. University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Brown has taught a wide range of geography courses, including world regional geography, cultural geography, political geography, and regional geography courses covering Latin America, Europe, and Africa. His area of research specialization is Latin America. Dr. Brown’s research specifically focuses on folk housing and its context within both the cultural landscape and the natural environment of Mexico and Central America. Dr. Brown takes pride in helping students become geographically literate and appreciative of world cultures, and has taught several student field courses in Latin America. His greatest pastime is visiting Costa Rica, which is his wife’s home country, and traveling the world in order to bring his experiences in the field back to the classroom. He avidly enjoys cycling, which he often uses as his means of transportation to and from campus.
Dr. Bryngelson GingerDr. Ginger Bryngelson Professor of Physics gbryngelson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1553 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeLSF 103AAdditional information
B.S. in Physics, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 2006
M.S. in Physics, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, 2008
Ph.D. in Physics, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, 2012
Astrophysics, Thermonuclear (Type Ia) Supernovae
Recent Courses Taught
Technical Physics (both the Calculus and Algebra based sequences), Physical Science for Teachers, Astronomy
Dr. Bullock ChristopherDr. Christopher Bullock Assistant Professor of Psychology, ABA Option Coordinator Christopher.Bullock@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1638 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-DAdditional information
Recent Publications:
S.P. Gilroy, S. P., Kaplan, B. A., Bullock, C. E., and Waits, J. A. (2019). Current Use and Development of Foss In Behavior analysis: Modern Behavioral Engineering. In book: An Introduction to software development for behavior analysts 2nd Edition (Chapter 1). Brazilian Association of Behavioral Psychology and Medicine.
Bullock, C. E., Fisher, W. W. & Hagopian, L. P. (2017). Description and Validation of a Computerized Behavioral Data Program: “BDataPro.” The Behavior Analyst. doi:10.1007/s40614-016-0079-0.
Bullock, C. E.; Hackenberg, T. D. (2015). The several roles of stimuli in token reinforcement. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 103: 269–287. doi:10.1002/jeab.117.
Dr. Burke Jessica L.Dr. Jessica L. Burke Professor of Sociology jburke@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1656 DepartmentsSociologyOfficeFH 244Additional information
Ph. D. - Kent State University, 2013
Dr. Jessica L. Burke is an Associate Professor of Sociology at Francis Marion University. Her research focuses on examining interracial relationships from a stress process approach, applying identity theory to domestic violence, with a particular emphasis on female perpetrators, and using identity theory to examine the impact stigmatized identities have on well-being and mental health. Dr. Burke has a peer-reviewed article forthcoming in Race, Gender, and Class. This article examines psychological distress among Latino intra-ethnic and inter-ethnic relationships. She has also published a book chapter on interracial relationships and cultural metaphors, and is currently writing two book chapters for an edited volume on domestic violence. She has presented her research at various national and regional conferences, including the Society for the Study of Social Problems, the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, the Southern Sociological Society, and the American Society of Criminology.
Courses Taught:
- SOCI 201: Principles of Sociology
- SOCI 205: Marriage and Family Relations
- SOCI 310: Racial and Cultural Minorities
- SOCI 315: Sex and Gender in Social Contexts
- SOCI 361: Society and the Individual
- SOCI 375: Sociology of Health and Medicine
- SOCI 382: Sociology of Families
- SOCI 403: Survey Methodology
Burns Frances PhD, CCC-SLPFrances Burns PhD, CCC-SLP Chair of Speech-Language Pathology, Assistant Professor of Speech-Language Pathology Frances.Burns@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1897 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesSpeech Language PathologyOfficeLMEC 306Additional information
Frances Burns is an assistant professor of speech-language pathology and Chair of the Department of Speech-Language Pathology at Francis Marion University in Florence, South Carolina. Dr. Burns received her bachelor’s degree from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington in Therapeutic Recreation. She completed her master’s degree in Speech and Hearing Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with an emphasis in Early Intervention. She earned her doctorate in Communication Disorders from the University of Massachusetts Amherst with an emphasis in child language acquisition, child language disorders, and psycholinguists. She went on to complete a Research Fellowship at Vanderbilt University.
Dr. Burns is a certified and licensed speech-language pathologist and has extensive experience practicing and teaching courses in communication sciences and disorders. Child language acquisition and disorders, and Early Intervention are the primary focus for the courses she teaches. She has authored manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals, and she presents papers at conferences locally and nationally.
Dr. Burns has been invited to give workshops on distinguishing language difference from disorder, African American English, and Early Intervention both nationally and internationally for the last 13 years.
Areas of Expertise and/or Research:
Language acquisition and developmental language disorder, narrative development and pragmatics, multicultural issues and linguistic diversity, early intervention and routines-based intervention, autism spectrum disorder.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Vanderbilt University
Ph.D., Communication Disorders, University of Massachusetts Amherst
M.S., Speech and Hearing Sciences, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
B.A., Therapeutic Recreation, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Dr. Caldwell WendyDr. Wendy Caldwell Emeritus Faculty of Spanish wcaldwell@fmarion.edu DepartmentsModern LanguagesOfficeAdditional information
Dr. Caldwell specialized in the 20th and 21st century Latin American narrative and gender studies.
She received a M.A. from the University of South Carolina and the Ph.D. from The University of Georgia.
She had served on the Fulbright National Screening Committee. Her research interests included the testimonial narrative, border literature, and foreign language pedagogy. She had published articles in both English and Spanish in various peer-reviewed journals, such as Revista Iberoamericana, Cuadernos Americanos, Revista La Torre, Journal of Intercultural Disciplines, and Foreign Language Annals. Her book, Narrative Voices and the Liberation Movement in the Mexican State of Chiapas was published in 2004.
Dr. Caldwell served as a faculty advisor for the Chi Theta Chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society.
Dr. Camper Jeffrey D.Dr. Jeffrey D. Camper Professor of Biology jcamper@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1418 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 204EAdditional information
Ph.D. 1990 (Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences), Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
M.A. 1985 (Biology), Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa
B.S. 1982 (Zoology, chemistry minor), Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois
Courses Taught:
- Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy (Bio 305)
- Herpetology (Bio 312)
- Evolutionary Biology (Bio 409)
- Genetics (Bio 401)
Research Interests:
My research interests include the conservation biology, ecology, and systematics of amphibians and reptiles. Currently I am working with Ecuadorian biologists to document the herpetofauna of the Volcan Sumaco region of central Ecuador. I have worked with undergraduate students concerning the population biology and spatial ecology of local snake species. The Reptiles of South Carolina book has been submitted and is out for peer review.
Dr. Carpenter Charles G.Dr. Charles G. Carpenter Emeritus Faculty of Accounting, Years at Francis Marion University: 2005-2018 ccarpenter@fmarion.edu DepartmentsAccounting-School of BusinessSchool of BusinessOfficeAdditional information
Ph.D., University of Illinois
M.S., University of Illinois
C.P.A., Illinois
B.S., Elmhurst College
Areas of Expertise:
Financial Accounting Financial Reporting
Professor Carpenter joined the faculty in 2005, after prior years’ service at Penn State and at Miami University (Ohio) where for fifteen years he was department chair. He retired from Francis Marion 2018. He was active in professional organizations, with service including Vice-President of the American Accounting Association, Vice-President of the Ohio Society of CPAs, and President of the Accounting Programs Leadership Group. He was also active in the accreditation process for accounting programs, administered by AACSB. His research has appeared in journals such as The Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, The Journal of Accountancy, and the CPA Journal.
Dr. Carter FredDr. Fred Carter President of Francis Marion University, Professor of Political Science lcarter@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1210 DepartmentsPolitical SciencePresident's OfficeOfficeSAB 110Additional information
Ph.D. University of South Carolina
M.P.A. University of South Carolina
B.A. University of Central Florida
Cates MadisonMadison Cates Associate Co-Director of Baruch Institute for South Carolina Studies mcates@coastal.edu Phone843-349-6624 DepartmentsBaruch InstituteOfficeAdditional information
Madison Cates is an Assistant Professor of History at Coastal Carolina. Before coming to CCU, he was a visiting instructor at Georgia Southern University after receiving his Ph.D from the University of Florida in 2020. His research examines the relationship between the Black Freedom Struggle and the American environmental movement, with a focus on the coastal Southeast. This work includes a 2021 article about environmental justice issues on Hilton Head Island during the early 1970s, which appeared in the interdisciplinary journal, Southern Cultures.
Dr. Cates is currently working on a book manuscript about local movements for environmental and economic justice in South Carolina since the 1960s. In the classroom, he enjoys exploring digital humanities tools and teaching courses on the history of the Civil Rights Movement, race and memory in the New South, and American environmental history.
As a new Co-Director of the Baruch Institute in 2022, he is excited to work with students, faculty, and the community to engage in conversations about how the past shapes the places and landscapes we inhabit.
Dr. Chang EunJungDr. EunJung Chang Professor of Art Education echang@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1533 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 206Additional information
Dr. EunJung Chang is Professor of Art Education at Francis Marion University (2007- Present). She holds a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction from Indiana University, Bloomington, in 2007. Her research interests include museum education, preservice teacher education, integrated curriculum, cross-cultural education, and STEM/STEAM education. She has presented her research at state, national, and international conferences. In 2014, she received a Higher Education Level Award of the Year from the South Carolina Art Education Association. She has published articles in Studies in Art Education, Art Education, International Journal of Education Through Art, School Arts, etc. as well as book chapters in NAEA publication. She also authored a book, Personal Meaning Making: Understanding Visitors’ Art Learning Experiences from a Museum Experience.
Dr. Chapman RichardDr. Richard Chapman Faculty Emeritus of History DepartmentsHistoryOfficeAdditional information
History; U.S. Economic and Former Provost
Dr. Choi SooyeonDr. Sooyeon Choi Assistant Professor of Marketing Sooyeon.Choi@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1807 DepartmentsMarketingSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 242Additional information
Dr. Sooyeon Choi is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Francis Marion University. Her Ph. D is in Consumer Behavior from Purdue University. She has a Master’s degree in Consumer Sciences and a Bachelor’s degree in Consumer Sciences and Business Administration from Ewha Woman’s University of South Korea. Her research focuses on decision-making by consumers with substantive interests in new technology, digital marketing, and consumer well-being. She teaches marketing courses, with an emphasis on digital marketing, marketing communication, and marketing analytics.
Dr. Cintron-Gonzalez LornaDr. Lorna Cintron-Gonzalez Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering, Coordinator of Industrial Engineering lcintrongonzalez@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1463 DepartmentsIndustrial EngineeringPhysics and EngineeringOfficeMSB 101DAdditional information
Human Factors, Quality Control, Manufacturing Processes
Education P
hD, Penn State University, Industrial Engineering (2013)
MS, Georgia Institute of Technology, Health Systems (2006)
BS, University of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez, Industrial Engineering (2005)
Dr. Clark Delilah D.Dr. Delilah D. Clark Assistant Professor of English, Assistant Director of the Writing Center Delilah.Clark@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1387 DepartmentsCenter for Academic Success and AdvisementEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyWriting CenterOfficeFH 118Additional information
Dr. Clark joined the Francis Marion faculty in 2018 after completing her PhD in Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies at the University of Arkansas. Her specialization areas include modern Arabic literature and translation, Classical Arabic literature, and ecocriticism.
At Francis Marion, Dr. Clark is the Assistant Director of the Writing Center. She regularly teaches composition as well as introduction to literature courses with themes like literature and the environment and multicultural American literature. Dr. Clark has taught themed honors classes at FMU on literatures and rhetorics of disaster and cultural studies in the 21st century Levant.
Coker Sidney E. MSSidney E. Coker MS Administrative Assistant - Nursing Sidney.Coker@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1690 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 120Additional information
Sidney Coker manages graduate student preceptor paperwork for all of the graduate programs. She also serves as the liaison between practicing partners and other clinical sites where graduate students can attend for their clinical hours. She authorizes and maintains the use of the Lee Nursing Building, as well as handles all of the LNB office tasks. Coker has been working at Francis Marion University since August of 2019. She officially joined the Nursing Department in March of 2020. Coker is also an alumnus of Francis Marion University where she obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in Healthcare Administration. Since graduating from undergraduate studies, Coker pursued a Master of Science degree in Marketing: Digital Marketing and Advertising from Liberty University. She completed that degree in December of 2023. Coker has said how much she enjoys working for the university and how special it is being an alumnus of such an awesome school. It feels like a full circle moment going from being a student taught by the some of the same professors that she now works alongside.
Dr. Coleman Mary FrancesDr. Mary Frances Coleman Associate Professor of Music Industry, Director of Voice and Choral Activities mcoleman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1537 DepartmentsFine ArtsGender StudiesOfficeHFAC 112Additional information
Dr. Fran Coleman is a professional soprano and voice teacher originally hailing from Richmond, VA. She holds a BM and MM in performance, as well as a BM in music education. In 2015, Fran also earned a Doctorate of Musical Arts in Vocal Performance from Shenandoah Conservatory. Before moving to Florence, SC she sang regularly in the VA regional area with VA Opera, Aurora Opera, Washington National Chorus, Capitol Opera Raleigh, as well as with her wedding band and jazz quartet.
Fran is one of the founding artistic directors with Capitol Opera Richmond, and a deputy director with Classical Revolution RVA.
In addition to being a performer and advocate for the arts, Fran was also a small business owner. She owned a private voice studio in Midlothian, Songbird's Studio, LLC. Most recently, Fran accepted a vocal position at Francis Marion University in Florence, SC. She is excited about the new chapter she is starting there.
Collins Ashleigh H. MSP, CCC-SLPAshleigh H. Collins MSP, CCC-SLP Clinical Supervisor Ashleigh.Collins@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1628 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesSpeech Language PathologyOfficeLMEC 004Additional information
Ashleigh Collins is a clinical supervisor with the Department of Speech-Language Pathology at Francis Marion University in Florence, South Carolina. Ms. Collins received her bachelor’s degree in Speech-Language Pathology from Columbia College and completed her master’s degree in Speech-Language Pathology at the University of South Carolina.
Ms. Collins is a certified and licensed speech-language pathologist. Prior to joining the faculty at Francis Marion University, she worked as a school-based Speech-Language Pathologist for nineteen years. Her clinical experience has involved providing direct therapy for children from birth to high school through early intervention services and school-based services and engaging and educating parents, childcare providers, and teachers to ensure children’s growth and success.
Ms. Collins provides direct supervision to graduate students as they complete community speech/language/hearing screenings and serve clients in the Center for Speech, Language, and Hearing. Her research interests include clinical education and the supervisory process in speech-language pathology, speech sound disorders, language and literacy, service delivery considerations and options in school-based practice, and interprofessional collaboration.
- M.S.P., University of South Carolina
- B.A., Columbia College
Dr. Couch ToddDr. Todd Couch Associate Professor of Sociology, Co-Director African & African American Studies todd.couch@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1917 DepartmentsAfrican and African American StudiesSociologyOfficeFH 238Additional information
Ph. D. – Texas A&M University, 2014
Dr. Todd C. Couch is an Assistant Professor of Sociology. His research focuses on examining racial and ethnic relations in the United States from various theoretical perspectives. Dr. Couch's research using systemic racism theory to analyze threat narratives promoted by student gun rights organization Students for Concealed Carry on Campus was recently published in Issues in Race and Society. His current research examines racialized emotions and the influence of inverted epistemology in constructing vulnerability narratives. He also serves as an expert reviewer for The Journal of Historical Sociology. Dr. Couch has presented his research at national and regional conferences, including the American Sociological Association, the American Society of Criminology, the Association of Black Sociologists, the Southern Sociological Society, and the Southwestern Social Science Association.
Courses Taught:
SOCI 201: Principles of Sociology
SOCI 310: Racial and Cultural Minorities
SOCI 311: Economic Inequality
SOCI 375: Sociology of Health and Medicine
SOCI 389: Sociology of Religion
Dr. Cowles DavidDr. David Cowles Professor of English dcowles@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1504 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 104Additional information
Dr. David Cowles earned his BA and MA in English at Brigham Young University and his PhD in English at the University of Chicago. He specializes in later English literature with emphases in the nineteenth century English novel, nineteenth century English poetry, and nineteenth century non-fiction English prose. Before teaching at Francis Marion University, he taught at Brigham Young University for fifteen years. While at BYU he was chair and graduate coordinator for Later British Literature and directed BYU’s Study Abroad program in London. His publications include a critical theory textbook, which is soon to be published in its third edition, a memoir, and articles in a Norton critical edition, Dickens Quarterly, The Dickensian, the Forum for Modern British Studies, the American Transcendental Quarterly, and the Saul Bellow Journal (also republished in a collection), among others. He has also been a research fellow at the Yale Center for British Art. Along with teaching, David enjoys bird watching, playing piano, reading, writing articles, conference papers, and his novel, being in nature, and spending time with family.
PhD, University of Chicago
Crawley ShayShay Crawley Instructor of Spanish shay.crawley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1604 DepartmentsModern LanguagesOfficeCEMC 223Additional information
Ms. Crawley is from Monroe, Louisiana. She earned the B.A. in Spanish from Northeast Louisiana University and the M.A. in Spanish from Mississippi State University. She also received her TESOL certification from MSU. In 1997, she lived in Vigo where she taught English as a Foreign Language (EFL) at the University of Vigo. From 1998-2003, she taught Spanish and English as a Second Language (ESL) at MSU. In 2003 she lived in Seoul, Korea and taught EFL at One World American Language Institute. Ms. Crawley has also studied abroad in Mérida, Mexico, Bogotá, Colombia, and Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Her academic interests include second language acquisition, historical linguistics, and online teaching. She is a member of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, Sigma Delta Pi (National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society), Pi Delta Phi (National Collegiate French Honor Society), and the South Carolina Technical Education Association. She has been teaching at FMU since the Spring of 2005.
Dr. David Fred R.Dr. Fred R. David Emeritus Faculty of Business Administration, Years at FMU: 1988-2022 fdavid@fmarion.edu DepartmentsHuman Resource ManagementSchool of BusinessOfficeAdditional information
Emeritus Faculty of Business Administration
Ph.D., The University of South Carolina
M.B.A., Wake Forest University
B.S., Wake Forest University
Dr. Fred David joined Francis Marion faculty in 1988 and retired May 2022. He taught Strategic Management within the School of Business. His textbook Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, 16th Edition (published by Pearson, Inc.) has been utilized at over 400 universities globally and is available in eight languages. Dr. David has more than 40 journal articles published in such journals as Academy of Management Review, the Journal of Business Strategy, Academy of Management Executive, Business Horizons, and Advanced Management Journal.
Dr. de Montluzin E. LorraineDr. E. Lorraine de Montluzin Faculty Emeritus, Part-Time Lecturer in History EdeMontluzin@Fmarion.edu DepartmentsHistoryOfficeAdditional information
18th- and 19th-Century Great Britain, Medieval Europe.
FMU Distinguished Professor
Dr. DeVincenzo MarieDr. Marie DeVincenzo Palmetto Professor of Business, Area Coordinator of Marketing, Associate Professor of Marketing mdevincenzo@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1417 DepartmentsMarketingSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 229Additional information
Ph.D., University of Utah
M.S., University of Utah
B.S., University of Utah
Areas of Expertise
Consumer Behavior
Social Marketing
Marketing and Public Policy
Dr. DeVincenzo teaches principles of marketing, marketing research, and digital marketing analytics. The broad areas that she focuses on for her research include consumer behavior, social marketing, and marketing and public policy. She is particularly interested in integrating her background in environmental psychology into her marketing studies. Some examples of this integration include studies that examined: the relationship between housing density and consumer satisfaction and perceptions of safety, the impact of sense of community on environmentally conscious consumption behaviors, and how consumer gasoline usage is influenced by various forms of feedback and educational devices.
Dr. Diel StanDr. Stan Diel Chair, Associate Professor of Mass Communication sdiel@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1532 DepartmentsMass CommunicationOfficeCEMC 111CAdditional information
Dr. Diel has bachelor's degrees in economics and journalism from the University of Kansas, a master's degree in communication management from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and a doctorate in communication and information science from the University of Alabama. He spent 25 years in the news business, working at news organizations in Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, New York and Alabama.
Dr. Dike SomtochukwuDr. Somtochukwu Dike Assistant Professor of Management Somtochukwu.Dike@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1391 DepartmentsHuman Resource ManagementSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 248Additional information
Somtochukwu Emmanuel Dike hails from Nigeria. He was the best graduating student from the Doctor of Business Administration program, holds a Master of Science in Human Resource Management and a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry. He is a member of the Beta Gamma Sigma International Honor Society, Chartered Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria, and won the 2015 HR best staff merit award while working in the industry.
Prior to joining Francis Marion University as an Assistant Professor of Management, he worked in the Nigerian Communications Commission for 13 years. Also, he worked as an Adjunct Instructor in Spartanburg Methodist College and has legislative experience from an internship in the Nigerian National Assembly.
Currently, he teaches classes on Management of Organizations and Advanced Human Resource Management. His research interests include board composition and effectiveness, CEO succession planning, internationalization strategy, divestment of foreign direct investment, employee resourcing and performance capabilities.
Dr. Diop LayireDr. Layire Diop Assistant Professor of Mass Communication Layire.Diop@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1621 DepartmentsMass CommunicationOfficeCEMC 111EAdditional information
Dr. Layire Diop, who hails from Senegal, joined the Department of Mass Communication in January 2022. He holds a master’s degree in TV Management from Drexel University in Philadelphia, where he studied as a Fulbright grantee. Dr. Diop also has a Ph.D. in Communication and Media Studies from the University of Oregon. His educational journey started in Senegal where he graduated in journalism, communication, and foreign languages. He then worked for the Senegalese National Television for 15 years and occupied several leadership positions including chief editor for National Languages, Special Events and the Regions, Chief Editor for Africa and International News, and Deputy Coordinator and Secretary General of the News Department.
Dittman MaryMary Dittman Assistant Professor of Business mdittman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1495 DepartmentsBusiness AdministrationSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 222Additional information
M.B.A., Francis Marion University
B.S., Marketing, University of Nevada
Areas of Expertise
Economic Development
Career Placement
Personal Selling
Marketing Communications
Business Strategy
Mary R. Dittman is an Assistant Professor of Business and recipient of the 2006-2007 Excellence in Teaching Award. She received the Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing from the University of Nevada, Reno, and the Master of Business Administration from Francis Marion University.
She teaches a variety of business courses and has created the first-ever Business Internship Program, which affords FMU students the opportunity to work in local businesses while in school. She served as the program’s Director for more than 20 years, placing hundreds of students with organizations in the Pee Dee.
She has been the faculty advisor for Zeta Tau Alpha and Delta Sigma Pi. She founded Omicron Upsilon Chapter of Delta Sigma Pi in 2006 and started a chapter of Young Professionals FMU. She has served as a Senator on FMU’s Faculty Senate, the Faculty Nominating Committee and on the Business School Nominating Committee. She has volunteered with campus organizations and has been a speaker at numerous campus organization meetings and functions.
In the community, Professor Dittman has served as the Chair of the Marketing Committee for the Florence Downtown Development Corporation, member of the Florence Branding Steering Committee, Vice-Chair on the Board of Directors of Young Professionals of Florence, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Performing Arts Center Foundation. She served as Chair of the Florence Civic Center Commission and currently serves on the Commission for the Florence Economic Development Partnership. She is a member of the Florence Symphony Guild. Prof. Dittman also does consultancy work in marketing for various local and regional companies.
Professor Dittman is Past President of the Pee Dee Business & Professional Women’s Network, and a member of the American Marketing Association, Delta Sigma Pi, Omicron Delta Kappa and Beta Gamma Sigma. She is also a graduate of the 2003-2004 Class of Executive Leadership Florence.
Dr. Doll Jason C.Dr. Jason C. Doll Associate Professor of Fisheries Biology, Coordinator of Environmental Science Program Jason.Doll@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1481 DepartmentsBiologyFreshwater Ecology ComplexOfficeLSF 204IAdditional information
Dr. Jason Doll is an Assistant Professor of Fisheries. His area of research is quantitative fisheries ecology. He currently has active projects evaluating fisheries induced evolution in Lake Michigan yellow perch; population dynamics of striped bass in the Great Pee Dee River; age and growth of long-nose gar and catfish in the Great Pee Dee River; modeling microcystin toxin in a highly eutrophic system in Ohio; and freshwater mussel population dynamics in western North Carolina. Dr. Doll has published 35 peer reviewed manuscript in scientific journals including Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, Fisheries Research, Journal of Great Lakes Research, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Science of the Total Environment, and PLoS One.
Dr. Doll is active in the American Fisheries Society where he is the Chair of the Electronic Services Advisory Board and co-chairs the Center for Fisheries Technology and Collaboration. Dr. Doll maintains certification through the American Fisheries Society as a “Certified Fisheries Professional”.
Dr. Doll is also involved in the “fishR Core Team”, a team of fisheries scientists that develop and maintain several popular statistical packages used by fisheries managers across the globe.
Prior to joining FMU, Dr. Doll was a post-doctoral research associate at the Quantitative Fisheries Center at Michigan State University and received his Ph.D. in Environmental Science from Ball State University.
Dr. Dorsel TomDr. Tom Dorsel Professor Emeritus DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeAdditional information
Dr. Tom Dorsel is a licensed clinical psychologist and Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Francis Marion University in Florence, SC. A former President of the South Carolina Psychological Association, he received B.A., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in psychology from the Universities of Notre Dame, Kentucky, and New Mexico, respectively. He also completed post-doctoral training in clinical psychology at the University of California-Davis Medical Center. A university professor for 34 years, Dr. Dorsel has produced more than 50 publications and conference presentations in the areas of experimental, educational, clinical, health, and sport psychology.
Widely recognized for his contributions to the field of sport psychology, Dr. Dorsel has been a Sport Psychology Consultant and Visiting Professor at the University of Notre Dame where he worked with over a dozen NCAA Div. I sports. Of particular note is his work with golfers throughout the past 30 years, which has brought him special recognition from GOLF Magazine as one of golf’s leading sport psychologists and by the International Network of Golf, which awarded him the top prize for instructional writing in 2004. Dr. Dorsel has written three books, been Contributing Editor for GOLF Magazine, Technical Editor for GOLFWEEK, and featured contributor for Golf Illustrated, writing more than a 100 articles for the three publications combined over the course of his career. He has made ten appearances on ESPN’s “Inside the PGA Tour” with professional golfers Jim Gallagher, Fred Funk, Bruce Fleisher, Kirk Triplett, Bob Estes, and others. His latest book, GOLF: The Mental Game, is currently in bookstores across the country, as well as on Amazon.com. Tom is a member of the Golf Writers Association of America and has played competitive golf with a single-digit handicap for over 50 years.
Information about individual consultation and speaking engagements, as well as Dr. Dorsel’s three books, GOLF: The Mental Game, the PUTTING MACHINE, and THE COMPLETE GOLFER: Physical Skill and Mental Toughness, can be obtained by calling Serious Sports at 843-618-4653 or by visiting Serious Sports.
Dr. Dorsel may be reached at tom@dorsel.com.
Dr. Doucet Jessica M.Dr. Jessica M. Doucet Chair, Department of Sociology, Professor of Sociology, Coordinator of Sociology, Criminal Justice, and Anthropology jdoucet@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1802 DepartmentsSociologyOfficeFH 239Additional information
Ph. D. - Louisiana State University, 2011
Dr. Jessica M. Doucet is an Associate Professor of Sociology. Since joining the FMU faculty in 2011, her research has focused on numerous aspects of crime and violence in our society. Much of her research stemming from her dissertation has studied crime in New Orleans, LA. Her current lines of research include studies on domestic and gun violence. Dr. Doucet has published articles in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Social Science Research, and the International Journal of Rural Criminology. In addition, she has authored and co-authored four book chapters for publication in edited volumes on gun violence, rural criminology, and domestic violence. She has presented her research at various local and national conferences, including the American Society of Criminology, the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, and the Southern Sociological Society.
Courses Taught:
- SOCI 201: Principles of Sociology
- SOCI 303: Quantitative Methods in Social Research
- SOCI 306: Social Problems
- SOCI 339: Sociological Theory
- SOCI 341: Criminology
- SOCI 343: Juvenile Delinquency
- SOCI 344: Violence in Society
- SOCI 352: Rural Crime
Doughty Richard G.Richard G. Doughty Instructor of Political Science and Geography rdoughty@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1612 DepartmentsGeographyPolitical ScienceOfficeFH 144Additional information
M.A. Columbia University
B.A. Williams College
Dowdy A. ReneéA. Reneé Dowdy Instructor of Mathematics adowdy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1582 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 401Additional information
Master in Mathematics Education from Francis Marion University
Master of Industrial Statistics from the University of South Carolina
Dr. Eargle Lisa A.Dr. Lisa A. Eargle Professor of Sociology, Board of Trustees Research Scholar leargle@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1653 DepartmentsSociologyOfficeFH 240Additional information
Ph. D. - University of South Carolina, 1996
Dr. Eargle is a Board of Trustees’ Research Scholar and Professor Sociology. She was chair of the department from 2013-2019. Her research focuses primarily on the areas of disasters and crime. Dr. Eargle has published six edited books: Black Beaches And Bayous: The BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Disaster (2012), Savage Sand And Surf: The Hurricane Sandy Disaster (2015), Gun Violence In American Society: Crime, Justice And Public Policy (2015), Revival, Redemption, Recovery and Resilience: The Gulf Coast 10 Years After Hurricane Katrina (2016), Dark Denials and Despicable Damage: Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault in America (2017), and On These Mean Streets, People are Dying: Police and Citizen Brutality in America (2019). She is currently working on other book projects that examine terrorism in the US and human trafficking. She has also received a McNair Center grant to study the impacts of Hurricane Matthew on the resources and well-being of residents in the Pee Dee region. Her work also appears in numerous other books and journals, and she has conducted workshops and presentations at a variety of professional conferences.
Courses Taught:
- SOCI 306: Social Problems
- SOCI 331: Environment, Power, and Opportunity
- SOCI 346: Crime and Organizations
- SOCI 347: Alcohol, Drugs and Society
- SOCI 349: Hate Crimes and Terrorism
- SOCI 374: Work in Society
- SOCI 388: Disasters and Extreme Events
- SOCI 407: Urban Sociology
- SOCI 419: Population and Society
Dr. Edwins Jo AngelaDr. Jo Angela Edwins Professor of English jedwins@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1499 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 101Additional information
Dr. Jo Angela Edwins is the Pee Dee Federal Savings Bank Professor of English at Francis Marion University. She teaches courses in composition, poetry writing, American literature, and general literature. She has published a chapbook of poems (Play, 2016), articles and reviews on the work of contemporary writers, and poems in various journals and anthologies. She has received poetry awards from Poetry Super Highway and the South Carolina Academy of Authors and is a Pushcart Prize nominee.
PhD, University of Tennessee MA, University of Tennessee BA, Augusta College
Dr. Engelhardt Larry P.Dr. Larry P. Engelhardt Professor of Physics lengelhardt@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1452 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeLSF 103BAdditional information
- Ph.D. Condensed Matter Physics (2006) (Advisor: Marshall Luban) Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011
- B.A. Physics (2000) Gustavus Adolphus College St. Peter, MN 56082
Professional Experience
- Professor of Physics (2016 - Present) Associate Professor of Physics (2011 - 2016) Assistant Professor of Physics (2006 - 2011) Francis Marion University Florence, SC 29501
- Research Assistant (2003 - 2006) Ames Laboratory Ames, IA 50011
- Teaching Assistant (2001 - 2006) Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011
Teaching Activities
- Computational Physics Courses (Phys 220, 306, 406)
- Quantum Mechanics (Phys 401)
- Introductory Physics Courses (Phys 201, 215; PSCI 101)
- Laboratories (Phys 200, 201, 202, 215, 314; PSCI 101)
Research Interests
- Development of quantum Monte Carlo computer codes
- Modeling of magnetic molecule systems
- Statistical physics of quantum spin systems
2023 Excellence in Physics Education Award from the American Physical Society
2020 Francis Marion Distinguished Professor
2019 Citation for Distinguished Service to the American Association of Physics Teachers
2014 Francis Marion Award for Excellence in Research and Scholarship
2006 Iowa State University Graduate Teaching Award
Dr. England CatherineDr. Catherine England Associate Professor of English, Interim Composition Coordinator cengland@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1527 DepartmentsComposition ProgramEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 119Additional information
Dr. England teaches a variety of composition and literature courses while also serving as the Interim Composition Coordinator for FMU’s English Department.
She is a specialist in Victorian literature with research interests that include British marriage plots, the history of the novel, cultural studies, and gender. In 2013, she completed her dissertation, The Attraction of Imperfection: Depreciating Social Capital in Victorian Marriage Plots. Using her dissertation research, she recently published the article “Slipping into Marriage: How Heroines Create Desire by Risking Their Reputations” in Victorian Review.
Additionally, she co-edited a scholarly edition of Helen Maria Williams’s Peru and Peruvian Tales, which Broadview Press published in 2014.
PhD, University of South Carolina
MA, University of South Carolina
BA, Wofford College
Dr. Eskridge-Kosmach Alena N.Dr. Alena N. Eskridge-Kosmach Professor of History aeskridgekosmach@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1556 DepartmentsHistoryOfficeFH 203Additional information
Originally from the former Soviet Union, Dr. Eskridge-Kosmach has taught in Belarus, Canada, and the United States. She has written numerous articles in the field of Eastern European history and U.S.-Eastern European relations, co-authored Tragedy of the Idols of Russian Revolution: Political Portraits of L. Trotsky (Belarussian State University Press, 1994). She is also the author of Foreign Policy of the USA toward Yugoslavia: Problems and Approaches(Belarussian State University of Education Press, 2003) and Russian Press and the Policy of Russia Towards China in 1881-1904 (Palmetto Publishing Group, 2019).
PhD, Belarusian State University, 1985
Courses Taught:
- European History since the French Revolution
- Russia and Eastern Europe Europe, 1814-1914
- History of Modern Germany
- Europe in the Era of the World Wars, 1914-1945
- Europe and the World since 1945
- Twentieth Century Communist Societies
- The Holocaust
Falck LarryLarry Falck Director of Multimedia Services lfalck@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1251 DepartmentsCommunicationsMultimedia ServicesOfficeCEMC 101FAdditional information
As Director of Multimedia Services, Larry oversees non-academic audio/visual services for the university. This includes:
- projector and audio support for areas not in classrooms,
- video conferencing,
- live stream production,
- the university's TV studio,
- operation of the City of Florence Cable Channel,
- management of the university's digital signage network,
- and daily operations of the Cauthen Education Media Center Resource Area.
B.A., Theatre Arts (Performance), Francis Marion University, 1998
B.A., Mass Communication (Public Relations), Francis Marion University, 2007
M.B.A, Business Administration, Francis Marion University, 2010
Dr. Faykus SueDr. Sue Faykus Part-time Lecturer in Psychology sfaykus@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-KAdditional information
Suzanne Faykus is a Diplomate of the American Board of School Neuropsychology, Nationally Certified School Psychologist, Licensed NC Psychologist, NC Certified School Psychologist, and a certified Level III School Psychologist in South Carolina. She completed her Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the University of South Carolina. Dr. Faykus earned her Master of Arts in Educational Psychology and Doctor of Philosophy in School Psychology from Arizona State University. Her specializations include school neuropsychology, assessment, and school consultation.
In addition to teaching, Dr. Faykus maintains a private practice. Her research interests include process-oriented assessment and RTrI.
Fenters Roblin C. OTD, MSOT, OTR/LRoblin C. Fenters OTD, MSOT, OTR/L Academic Fieldwork Coordinator, Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy Roblin.Fenters@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1920 DepartmentsOccupational TherapySchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 352Additional information
Roblin Fenters joined Francis Marion University in Summer 2023 and currently serves as the Academic Fieldwork Coordinator and Assistant Professor of the Entry-Level Occupational Therapy Doctoral Program. Roblin received a Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology from Charleston Southern University as well as Master and Post-Professional Doctor of Occupational Therapy degrees from the Medical University of South Carolina. Roblin’s practice and research interests include spirituality as a client factor, neuro-rehabilitation, therapeutic-use-of-self, fieldwork education, work-life balance, and mental health.
Prior to her role at Francis Marion, Roblin worked in acute care at McLeod Regional Medical Center and in inpatient rehabilitation at MUSC Health Florence Rehabilitation Center (formerly Carolinas Rehabilitation Hospital) where she assisted in the development of Intensive Care Unit training guides for new clinicians and facilitated transfer-training courses for non-clinical staff. Roblin has also served as a lecturer and adjunct faculty member at Presbyterian College for courses within her specialty area offered to its inaugural cohort.
Roblin grew up and still lives in Pleasant Hill, SC with her toddler. Roblin enjoys fishing and going to church with her family.
Dr. Fisher BryanDr. Bryan Fisher Emeritus Faculty of Speech, Years at Francis Marion University: 2003-2024 bfisher@fmarion.edu DepartmentsMass CommunicationOfficeAdditional information
Bryan Fisher joined the Francis Marion faculty in the Fall of 2003 after having taught various Communication courses served as the Coordinator of Speech Communication. He taught at a number of universities including, Bowling Green State University, Indiana University (both in Speech Communication and in the Kelley School of Business), and East Tennessee State University.
Ph.D. Speech Communication and American Studies, Indiana University, 2003
M.A. American Culture Studies, Bowling Green State University, 1993
B.A. American Studies, University of California, Davis, 1989
Dr. Fitzkee ThomasDr. Thomas Fitzkee Chair, Department of Mathematics, Professor of Mathematics tfitzkee@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1572 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409MAdditional information
Ph.D. in Mathematics from George Washington University
Dr. Flannagan RebeccaDr. Rebecca Flannagan Emeritus Faculty of English, 2018-2019 Distinguished Faculty, Years at Francis Marion University: 1995-2024 rflannagan@fmarion.edu DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeAdditional information
Dr. Flannagan is a former Chair of English, Modern Languages and Philosophy and the former Coordinator of the English Program. Dr. Flannagan came to FMU in 1995. She taught many courses in American literature, poetry workshop, introduction to literature, as well as freshman composition. She was elected chair of the English, Modern Languages, and Philosophy and Religious Studies department in 2017. Beckie held roles in faculty governance, culminating as FMU’s Faculty Chair from 2012 to 2017. She chaired the University’s Title IX Council. In 2004, earned the FMU Award for Excellence in Teaching. 2008, the Charlene Wages Shared Governance Award. 2018-2019 Distinguished Faculty Award
A.B History, Western Kentucky University
M.A., English, Western Kentucky University
PhD, Southern Illinois University
Dr. Franck David P.Dr. David P. Franck Emeritus Faculty of Economics, Years at FMU: 2001-2022 dfranck@fmarion.edu DepartmentsEconomicsSchool of BusinessOfficeAdditional information
Emeritus Faculty of Economics
Ph.D., The University of Georgia
M.S., University of North Carolina at Charlotte
B.S.B.A., East Carolina University
Areas of Expertise
Applied Microeconomics
International Economics
Regional Economics
Dr. David Franck joined the Francis Marion faculty in 2001 and retired May 2022.
He taught applied microeconomics courses, international economics, and principles. His research interests focused on economic development and international trade. His research has been published in practitioner and academic journals and has appeared in Commercial Lending Review, Economica, Journal of Economic Development, Journal of Economics and Finance, Natural Resources Journal, and the Southern Economic Journal.
Dr. Fries KarenDr. Karen Fries Professor of Education kfries@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1438 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 258 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Faculty Secretary
Areas of Specialization
Learning Disabilities
Fry Gregory G.Gregory G. Fry Professor of Fine Arts - Graphic Design GFry@Fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1684 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFACAdditional information
Professor Fry joined the faculty at Francis Marion University in 2002.
Professor Fry holds a Peter D. Hyman Chair in Fine Arts, and Professor of Visual Arts-Design.
M.F.A., Art, University of South Dakota
B.A., Fine Arts, Indiana University, South Bend
Dr. Fulmer Philip C.Dr. Philip C. Fulmer Professor of Physics pfulmer@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1443 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeMSB 108AAdditional information
In 1985, I entered Francis Marion University (then Francis Marion College) where I majored in health physics, a multidisciplinary degree that is aimed at protection of workers and the public from harmful effects of radiation while allowing beneficial uses of the radiation.
Following graduation in 1989, I moved to College Station, TX to attend Texas A&M University. My second year at A&M, I was asked to take on teaching responsibilities, which led to my being reclassified as an instructor teaching senior-level undergraduate classes in radiological engineering and radiation detection and instrumentation.
My research at A&M was of a practical experimental nature. For my PhD research, I experimented with novel ways to develop a thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) material that would have a flat energy response. Through design of a new type of optical filter on a standard TLD reader, I was able to achieve this purpose, thus achieving what had never been done before. Unfortunately, the sensitivity of this device could not rival the existing technology; so a commercial system based on this technology was never developed.
After graduating with my PhD, I entered the workforce; I've had some interesting jobs over the years, such as the following;
- Consultant: Halliburton NUS
- Lead Technical Specialist: Carolina Power & Light
- Consultant: Tetra Tech
- Consultant: Dade Moeller & Associates
At Carolina Power and Light Company, I was the technical lead responsible for the TLD program at CP&L's three nuclear plants. It was enjoyable and involved quite a bit of technical work and administrative work to maintain reliable records for annual dose reports as well as internal planning documents.
During my time as a consultant, I worked as project manager or deputy project manager on several high-profile projects for the Department of Energy. Most of them pertained to environmental impact statements at various locations. That required me to become fluent in several discipline areas so that I could oversee the preparation of technical sections of the document and review the work of the various subject matter experts.
In addition, I am a certified health physicist (CHP); this is a national professional certification for the multidisciplinary field of health physics. I served for 4 years on the Part II Exam Panel of the American Board of Health Physics, which involved both writing and grading part of the certification exam for other health physicists who were interested in becoming CHPs.
Gardner J. CliffJ. Cliff Gardner Part-Time Instructor of Instrumental Music jgardner@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1595 DepartmentsFine ArtsMusic IndustryOfficePAC A211Additional information
B.Mus.Ed., North Greenville University
Dr. Gause Jessica M.Dr. Jessica M. Gause Associate Professor of Chemistry, Tutoring Center Coordinator jmccutcheon@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1715 DepartmentsChemistryTutoring CenterOfficeLSF 303AAdditional informationJessica N. McCutcheon
George Tracy P. DNP, APRN-BC, CNETracy P. George DNP, APRN-BC, CNE Associate Professor of Nursing, Coordinator of Bachelor of General Studies Program, J.L. Mason Endowed Chair for School of Health Sciences tgeorge@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1683 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 351Additional information
Tracy George is an Associate Professor of Nursing, the Coordinator of the Bachelor of General Studies Program, and the J.L. Mason Endowed Chair for the School of Health Sciences at Francis Marion University. She graduated from Davidson College with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. She completed undergraduate nursing coursework and a Master of Science in Nursing from Vanderbilt University School of Nursing in 1999. During her time at Vanderbilt, she received the Luther Christman Award for Clinical Excellence. In 2014, she graduated from the doctor of nursing practice (DNP) program at the Medical University of South Carolina. She became a certified nurse educator (CNE) in 2014. She was selected as an Amy V. Cockroft Leadership Fellow for 2016-2017. In 2018, she was inducted into the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. She received the Research and Scholarship Award at Francis Marion University in 2019.
Tracy has worked as a family nurse practitioner since 1999 in Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. Tracy continues to work one day per week as a nurse practitioner. Since 2012, Tracy has taught undergraduate and graduate nursing courses at Francis Marion University.
Tracy has presented statewide and nationally on nursing and nursing education topics. She has written several peer-reviewed articles and chapters in textbooks.
Gibson Johanna H.Johanna H. Gibson Instructor of Mathematics jgibson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1569 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409UAdditional information
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Francis Marion College
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Francis Marion University
Gilbert BrittanyBrittany Gilbert Assistant Professor of Fine Arts Brittany.Gilbert@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1534 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 214Additional information
2018 MFA - Concentration in Painting
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC
2015, Summer, Mount Gretna School of Art, Mount Gretna, PA
2012 BA; cum laude - Studio Fine Arts; minors in Art History and French
Union College, Schenectady, NY
Study Abroad:
Paris, France - December 2008
Martinique - December 2009
Florence, Italy - March - June 2011
Venice Biennale - June 2017
Gittings Karen DNP, RN, CNE, CNEcl, CCRNKaren Gittings DNP, RN, CNE, CNEcl, CCRN Dean, School of Health Sciences, Professor of Nursing kgittings@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1688 DepartmentsHealthcare AdministrationNursingOccupational TherapyPhysician Assistant StudiesSchool of Health SciencesSpeech Language PathologyOfficeCCHS 231AAdditional information
Karen Gittings is a professor of nursing and Dean of the School of Health Sciences at Francis Marion University, Florence, South Carolina. Dr. Gittings received her diploma in nursing from The Washington Hospital School of Nursing, Washington, Pennsylvania and her BSN from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County campus. She earned her MSN with specialization in nursing education and her DNP at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She was a 2015 to 2016 Amy V. Cockcroft Fellow, achieved certification in online instruction in 2011, became a Certified Nurse Educator (CNE) in 2013 and earned certification as an Academic Clinical Nurse Educator (CNEcl) with the inaugural group of test-takers. Dr. Gittings has extensive experience in critical care nursing and has been a certified critical-care RN (CCRN) since 1991.
Her areas of teaching and clinical expertise are medical–surgical nursing, critical care, and cardiac nursing. She has taught students across the curriculum in the BSN, MSN, and DNP programs. Dr. Gittings has co-authored three books and eight book chapters. Dr. Gittings has also presented nationally on multiple nursing education-related topics.
She is past president of Francis Marion University’s chapter of Phi Kappa Phi, Chi Lambda Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International, and the Pee Dee Area Chapter of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses. She is a recipient of multiple Outstanding Faculty Teaching Awards at Francis Marion University and the South Carolina Palmetto Gold Award (2005).
Dr. Goff Brandon D.Dr. Brandon D. Goff Professor of Music Industry bgoff@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1540 DepartmentsFine ArtsMusic IndustryOfficePAC A209Additional information
D.M.A., University of Memphis
Brandon Goff (b.1973) is a composer with an often dramatic and always distinctive voice. Goff has been the recipient of numerous awards and commissions including the Arnold Sallop Prize for Composition, the Smit Award, the ASU Graduate Composer Award, as well as being named a finalist in the BMG Young Composers Competition and the ASCAP Morton Gould competition. Holding both a B.M. and M.M. from Arkansas State University, Goff earned his D.M.A. from the University of Memphis where his principle instructors have included Kamran Ince, John Baur, Jared Spears, and Tom O’Connor. Known for fusing rock and roll idioms within traditional ensembles Goff’s music is regularly performed throughout the United States, Europe and Asia. The chamber ensemble “Bunun Gibi” was recently premiered in Istanbul, Turkey and subsequently toured throughout France. “Full on Rumble”, a concerto for electric guitar and orchestra, is regularly performed all over the world with recent performances including New Zealand, China, Belgium and Portugal.
Along with his accomplishments as a composer, Goff is also a prolific performer, producer and lecturer. A mainstay of the Tennessee music scene, Goff has worked as a producer and session musician throughout Memphis and Nashville with countless credits to his name. Goff also regularly tours Europe with the band Willy Pete, whose focus is military support and entertainment abroad. As a solo performer Goff regularly presents concerts and lectures throughout the United States and Europe with recent shows taking place in Latvia, Turkey and Germany.As Professor of Music at Francis Marion University Goff specializes in commercial music and directs the FMU M.I. Ensemble.
Gourley A. Glen Jr.A. Glen Gourley Jr. Professor of Theatre Arts - Directing, Director of University Theatre agourley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1538 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 222Additional information
M.F.A. Theatre - Directing University of Mississippi, 1985.
B.F.A. Theatre - Directing/Acting University of Montevallo, 1981.
Mr. Gourley, a native of Sweetwater, Tennessee, has been a member of the FMU faculty since 1985. He has directed over 25 theatre productions at FMU and has been a judge, consultant or adjudicator for numerous theatre performances and pageants throughout the state. From 1985 to 1999 he held a number of positions with the "Unto These Hills" outdoor drama at Cherokee, North Carolina. He also has been involved in Ocunluftee Little Symphony, Glassboro Summer Theatre, Florence Little Theatre, Encore Theatre Co., Lake City Community Theatre, Manning Back Porch Players, Hartsville Community Theatre and many public school projects.
In April of 2004 Mr. Gourley was cited by Francis Marion University for his outstanding individual service to the University, the community and the state. In April of 2007 he received the E. Lorin Mason Distinguished Professor Award. Mr. Gourley is a Past Chair of the Faculty.
Alpha Psi Omega (National Dramatic Honorary)
Dr. Gower Drew B.Dr. Drew B. Gower Assistant Professor of Biology Drew.Gower@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1899 DepartmentsBiologyFreshwater Ecology ComplexOfficeMSB 301AAdditional information
Ph.D. Civil & Environmental Engineering - Princeton University
M.S. Geosciences - University of Wisconsin (Madison)
B.A. Environmental Science - University of Virginia
Courses Taught:
ENVR 101 Introduction to Environmental Science
ENVR 201 Water Quality and Water Resource Management
Research Interests:
I am interested in hydrological prediction, groundwater-surface water interactions, environmental sensing, and the ecohydrology of Carolina <span class="outlook-search-highlight" data-markjs="true">B</span>ays. If you’re a student interested in any of these areas, please come by my office to talk.
My dissertation research looked at the functioning of water distribution systems in central Kenya. I have also worked on projects related to agricultural yield forecasting, groundwater mapping, and colloidal transport. Prior to my career in academia, I worked as a project manager for the US Forest Service Office of International Programs and as a Peace Corps volunteer in Burkina Faso.
Prof. Gray DougProf. Doug Gray Professor of Visual Arts - Ceramics/Sculpture dgray@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1535 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 205Additional information
M.F.A., University of North Texas - Ceramics, Art History minor - 1994
B.A., University of Louisville - Art & English - 1991
Teaching Experience
2-D Design, 3-D Design, Graphic Design, Drawing, Fine Arts Appreciation, Senior Seminar, Ceramics I, Ceramics II, Primitive Pottery, Raku Pottery, Independent Studies in Mixed Media Sculpture, Web Design, Research Problems and Graduate Ceramics, Sul Ross State University, Alpine, Texas, 1996-1997.
Introduction to Ceramics, Intermediate Ceramics, Advanced Ceramics, Ceramic Sculpture, 3-D Design, Basic Drawing, and Introduction to Art, Francis Marion University, Florence, South Carolina, 1997 to present.
Gray earned his BA degree in ceramics and creative writing from the University of Louisville and his MFA degree in ceramics and art history from the University of North Texas School of Visual Arts. After graduation he taught at the University of North Texas, the University of Texas at Arlington, Sul Ross State University, and now Francis Marion University. Having worked with clay for over thirty years, his art work has been exhibited in juried and invitational exhibitions across the nation. In writing about his work Gray states, “My work might best be seen as metaphorical portraits of myself and those important to me. Whether a vessel, sculpture, or wall piece, my work often explores the perception of identity and ones place in, or connection to, larger societal constructs. Of particular interest to me are those places or moments when we find ourselves isolated or removed from others. The barriers that separate us, one from another, can be literal or figurative, sheltering or isolating, imposed or self-created. By looking at these places, these moments, I hope to comment on both the universal and individual experiences that make up this thing we call self."
The Divide
Greene Michelle R.Michelle R. Greene Part-Time Instructor of Mathematics mgreene@darlington.K12.sc.us Phone843-661-1590 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409HAdditional information
Education Master of Science in Applied Statistics from the University of Georgia
Grubbs Susan B.Susan B. Grubbs Emeritus Professor of Nursing sgrubbs@fmarion.edu DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeAdditional information
Ms. Grubbs Taught at Francis Marion University in the School of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing August 2005- May 2021, and is now Faculty Emeritus.
Ms. Grubbs received her education from the following institutions:
M.S.N. Community Mental Heath & Psychiatric Nursing- University of South Carolina
M.Ed Elementary Education, Francis Marion University
B.S.N. Nursing- University of South Carolina
Dr. Gualdi Paolo A.Dr. Paolo A. Gualdi Professor of Music Industry pgualdi@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1801 DepartmentsFine ArtsMusic IndustryOfficeRS 108Additional information
D.M.A., University of Georgia
Italian pianist Paolo André Gualdi has played recitals in Italy, France, Brazil and the United States for music organizations such as A.Gi.Mus., Accademia Ori, and Accademia Amadeus (Italy); Universidade Federal do Rio Grande so Sul and Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (Brazil); Musée Würth (France); International Piano Series of Charleston, American Liszt Society, Cincinnati Conservatory, and the Piccolo Spoleto Festival (U.S.A.). He has also appeared with many orchestras including the Georgia Philharmonic, Wilmington Symphony, Atlanta Philharmonic, Florence Symphony, DeKalb Symphony, and the Universidade de Caxias do Sul Symphony Orchestra. He has recorded for Mark Records and IFO Classics, and his performances have been broadcasted by radios such as NPR and Radio Vaticana.
Gualdi began studying piano with his father at the age of five, and continued at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in Rome, Italy. He earned his Piano Diploma with highest honours at the Conservatory Arrigo Boito in Parma with Roberto Cappello. While in the U.S., he earned a Masters Degree in Piano Performance at Carnegie Mellon University under the tutelage of Enrique Graf, and a Doctorate of Musical Arts in piano performance at the University of Georgia with Evgeny Rivkin. He has also studied with world-renown pianists György Sandor, Earl Wild, Menahem Pressler, Sergio Perticaroli, and has worked extensively with Carlo Maria Dominici (a pupil of Michelangeli and Rosina Lhévinne).
He has won the top prize in numerous piano competitions, including the European Competition of Ostuni, the Altruda National Competition of Vasto and the Françoise Grimaldi National Competition of San Polo. Winning the “De Martino Award” at the Ibla International Piano Competition enabled him to study at Elon University in North Carolina. During this period he won the First Prize in the 15th Bartók-Kabalevsky International Competition in Virginia.
Gualdi regularly gives master classes and lectures nationally and internationally at universities, conservatories and other music institutes, including New Mexico State University and College of Charleston (U.S.A.); the universities of Porto Alegre, Santa Maria and Campinas (Brazil); Cittadella della Musica (Italy), and others. Having previously served on the faculties of Elon University, Emmanuel College and Oxford College of Emory University, he is currently Associate Professor of Music at Francis Marion University and founder and artistic director of the South Carolina Chamber Music Festival.
[caption id="attachment_26475" align="aligncenter" width="600"]South Carolina Chamber Music Festival[/caption]
Dr. Gunther JeanneDr. Jeanne Gunther Professor of Education, Associate Dean, Graduate Director for the School of Education, Coordinator of EDPD jgunther@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1871Phone 2843-661-1551 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeRCC119 & SOBE 146 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Areas of Specialization
Early Childhood Education Literacy
Dr. Haggard MeganDr. Megan Haggard Chair of the Psychology Department, Associate Professor of Psychology, Chair of the Institutional Review Board mhaggard@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4685 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-GAdditional information
After earning her Bachelors of Science degree in Psychology from Furman University, Megan Haggard completed her Masters and Doctoral degrees at Baylor University under the guidance of Dr. Wade Rowatt. Her Masters Thesis examined the role of religious priming on sexist attitudes, while her dissertation research focused on investigating and testing various measures of intellectual humility, including the Limitations-Owning Intellectual Humility Scale, which she also helped to develop. Dr. Haggard then spent one year at the Institute for the Study of Human Flourishing at the University of Oklahoma, where she worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow. While at the Institute, Dr. Haggard continued to research impact of intellectual humility on emotions, cognitions, and behaviors, examined the role of curiosity in everyday life, explored the parallels between Aristotelian vice and modern theories of psychopathy, and collaborated with OU’s Philosophy department on predicting continuation in a philosophy major by gender.
Her research interests include personality psychology, particularly the virtues of curiosity and intellectual humility, differences in personal morals by gender, the influence of religion on feelings toward in-groups and out-groups, and advanced statistical analysis.
Selected Publications & Presentations
Williams, A., Haggard, M.C., & Breuninger, M.M. (2020). Feasibility of attachment-focused self-hypnosis to change insecure God attachment. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 68(2), 246-262. doi: 10.1080/00207144.2020.1724746
Haggard, M.C. (2020). Feeling Connected to Humankind and Nature: Impact of Religiosity, Spirituality, and Positive Emotions. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA.
Haggard, M.C. (2019). Stuck in the middle?: Comparing moderates’ views of connectedness to nature and humanity to conservatives’ and liberals’. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Portland, OR.
Krumrei-Mancuso, E.J., Haggard, M.C., LaBouff, J.P., & Rowatt, W.C. (2019). Links between intellectual humility and acquiring knowledge. Journal of Positive Psychology, 15(2), 155-170. doi: 10.1080/17439760.2019.1579359
Haggard, M.C. (2019). Understanding humility as intellectual virtue. In Wright, J.C. (Ed.), Humility: Reflections on its Nature and Function. Oxford University Press.
Demarest, H., Robertson, S., Haggard, M.C., Seaver, M., & Bickel, J.L. (2017). Similarity and enjoyment: Predicting continuation for women in philosophy. Analysis.
Leman, J., Haggard, M.C., Meagher, B.R., & Rowatt, W.C. (2017). Personality predictors and correlates of humility. In Worthington, E., Davis, D., & Hook, J. (Eds.), Handbook of Humility: Theory, Research, and Applications. Routledge Press.
Haggard, M.C., Kang, L., Rowatt, W.C., & Shen, M.J. (2015). Associations among religiousness and community volunteerism in national random samples of American adults. Journal for Prevention and Intervention in the Community, 43(3), 175-185. doi: 0.1080/10852352.2014.973277
Rowatt, W.C., Kang, L.L., Haggard, M.C., & Labouff, J.P. (2014). A social-personality perspective on humility, religiousness, and spirituality. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 42(1), 31-40.
Shen, M.J., Haggard, M.C., Strassburger, D.C., & Rowatt, W.C. (2014). Testing the “love thy neighbor” hypothesis: Religiosity’s association with positive attitudes toward ethnic/racial and value-violating out-groups. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 5(4), 294-303. doi:0.1037/a0033648
Dr. Hagler MatthewDr. Matthew Hagler Assistant Professor of Psychology, Clinical/Counseling Option Coordinator Matthew.Hagler@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1574 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-BAdditional information
Hagler, M. A., Christensen, K., & Rhodes, J. E. (2021). A longitudinal investigation of first-generation college students’ mentoring relationships during their transition to higher education. Journal of College Student Retention: Theory, Research & Practice. DOI: 10.1177/15210251211022741
Hagler, M. A., McQuillin, S. D., & Rhodes, J. E. (2020). Ideological profiles of U.S. adults and their support for youth mentoring. Journal of Community Psychology, 48(2), 209-224. DOI: 10.1002/jcop.22247
Christensen, K., Hagler, M., Stams, G. J., Raposa, E. B., Burton, S., & Rhodes, J. E. (2020). Non-specific versus targeted approaches to youth mentoring: A follow-up meta-analysis. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 49, 959-972. DOI: 10.1007/s10964-020-01233-x
Hagler, M., Zwiebach, L., Rhodes, J. E., & Rappaport, C. D. (2019). Mentoring interventions for children of incarcerated parents. In J. M. Eddy & J. Poehlmann-Tynan (eds.), Handbook on Children of Incarcerated Parents, Second Edition (pp. 205-217). Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-16707-3_14
Hagler, M., & Rhodes, J. E. (2018). The long-term impact of natural mentoring relationships: A counterfactual analysis. American Journal of Community Psychology, 62(1-2), 175-188. DOI: 10.1002/ajcp.12265
Hagler, M. (2018). Processes of natural mentoring that promote underrepresented students’ educational attainment: A theoretical model. American Journal of Community Psychology, 62(1-2), 150-162. DOI: 10.1002/ajcp.12251
Dr. Hanson LynnDr. Lynn Hanson Emeritus Faculty of English, Years at Francis Marion University: 1998-2020 LHanson@fmarion.edu DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeAdditional information
Dr. Lynn Hanson retired in 2020 as a Professor of English at Francis Marion University (FMU) and a founding Co-director of the Belle Baruch Institute for South Carolina Studies (2017 to 2020). During her 22-year tenure at FMU, she directed the Professional Writing program for 17 years, facilitating internships and teaching courses in business and technical communication. Her course projects and associated research often focused on Hobcaw Barony, the historic 16,000-acre research and education reserve in South Carolina. Using primary sources like business and legal documents, Dr. Hanson’s research explores the people of Hobcaw Barony, most notably the life and times of Belle W. Baruch, the reserve’s benefactor. In the past few years, she has worked to recover over 1,000 names of formerly enslaved people who labored on the property’s rice plantations up through the reconstruction period.
PhD, University of Georgia
MA, Auburn University
BA, Auburn University
Hanson Timothy L.Timothy L. Hanson Associate Professor of Mass Communication thanson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1560 DepartmentsMass CommunicationOfficeCEMC 111-BAdditional information
Tim Hanson joined the FMU faculty in 1996 after spending nearly 20 years as a newspaper writer, wire service reporter, magazine editor, news bureau chief and foreign correspondent.
After earning his bachelor's degree in journalism from Eastern Washington University, Hanson worked as a reporter for three newspapers in the Northwest - including a five-year stint with The Spokesman-Review in Spokane, Washington - before moving to Asia in 1985.
Hanson lived and worked in Asia for nearly a decade. He served as News Bureau Chief for Pacific Stars & Stripes in the Philippines and later as that paper's Assistant Pacific Editor in Tokyo. He also was South Asia Correspondent for United Press International in New Delhi and, in Hong Kong, was Managing Editor of The Reader's Digest (Asian Edition).
During his time in Asia, Hanson covered a variety of stories, including the People Power Revolution in the Philippines, the fall of Prime Minister V.P. Singh's government in India, the long-running Tamil revolt in Sri Lanka, and the Pro-Democracy Movement in Nepal.
Returning to the United States in 1994, Hanson accepted a teaching fellowship at the University of Montana's School of Journalism in Missoula where he earned his master's degree in journalism.
Hanson has received several writing and reporting awards, including one for investigative reporting from the Society of Professional Journalists. That award stemmed from a series of articles Hanson wrote about a man who had been arrested for kidnapping and armed robbery. Hanson's reporting proved that police had arrested the wrong man.
A selection of his articles and photos are available at www.timhansonclips.com
M.A., University of Montana
Dr. Harding George E. IIIDr. George E. Harding III Faculty Emeritus gharding@fmarion.edu DepartmentsModern LanguagesOfficeAdditional information
FMU Distinguished Professor
George E. Harding is a true Southerner. He was born in Alabama and has lived in every state from Texas to South Carolina, including Tennessee, and has worked in Kentucky. He studied at Birmingham-Southern College (BA German), Mississippi State University (MA German/French) and the University of Tennessee (PhD, Germanic Languages and Literatures). His field of study is medieval German and French literature. An avid traveler since 1966, when he first attended a summer school in Leysin, Switzerland, Dr. Harding has visited most of the countries in western Europe as well as Poland and the Czech Republic. In the western hemisphere, he has traveled in the Bahamas, Mexico, and Ecuador on various occasions. Since 2004 Dr. Harding has served as visiting professor in the German Language and Culture Course held every summer in Schmalkalden, Germany, and serves as faculty liaison for FMU with the University of Trier. Dr. Harding has also worked with the Atlantische Akademie in Kaiserslautern where he presented workshops on South Carolina and Southern Culture throughout the state of Rheinland-Pfalz. Additionally, he has led groups to seminars on history and political science to the PfalzAkademie in Lambrecht and in Berlin. He is married and has two sons and three grandchildren. A licensed private pilot and a certified keel boat sailor, Dr. Harding is married to Sara Harding, an adjunct professor of Spanish at FMU.
Dr. Haselden KathrynDr. Kathryn Haselden Professor of Education, Co-Director of the Center of Excellence for College and Career Readiness khaselden@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1472 DepartmentsCenter of Excellence-College and Career ReadinessSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 266 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Areas of Specialization: Special Education, Cross-Categorical Disabilities
Co-Director of Center of Excellence and Career Readiness
Heavner Kelly MEdKelly Heavner MEd Coordinator of Nursing Student Services Kelly.Heavner@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1226 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 144Additional information
In her role as the Coordinator of Nursing Student Services, Kelly supports pre-nursing students as they navigate the admission process for the upper division nursing program. Among her other duties, Kelly meets with perspective students to answer questions they may have about the nursing program. She also recruits for the BSN, RN to BSN, and graduate nursing programs by touring hospitals to speak with nursing staff, attending educational and professional development events at hospitals, speaking with technical college students at transfer events, and meeting with students from other university BSN programs about graduate opportunities at FMU.
Kelly graduated from the University of South Carolina with a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and from Liberty University with a Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction.
Henry Ashley J.Ashley J. Henry Part-Time Instructor of Music ashley.henry@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1539 DepartmentsFine ArtsMusic IndustryOfficeHFAC 109Additional information
B.S., Music Industry, Francis Marion University
M.M., Music Composition, University of Memphis
Dr. Herzog Teresa K.Dr. Teresa K. Herzog Professor Emeritus of Psychology therzog@fmarion.edu DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeAdditional information
Teresa Kamman Herzog is a Developmental Psychologist with her Bachelor of Arts from Edgewood College and both her Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Developmental Psychology from the University of Montana. She taught undergraduate courses in Careers in Psychology, Lifespan Development, Brain and Behavior, Motivation and Emotion, Psychology of Gender, and Child Development, and supervised students in their own research in the context of Beginning, and Intermediate Supervised Research as well as in Senior Research. In the Graduate program in Clinical/Counseling Psychology and School Psychology, she taught Biological Bases of Behavior and Developmental Psychology. In addition, she supervised the Introductory Psychology Laboratory (PSY 216) . She is certified in the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) and also in coding the Strange Situation for infant attachment. Additionally, she served as a reviewer for the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.
Selected Publications:
- Herzog, T. K., & Hill-Chapman, C.R. (2012). Relationship formation and early risk exposure: Diverging associations with romantic self-concept and attachment. Journal of Adult Development, 19(5), 250-265.
- Herzog, T. K., Hughes, F.M., & Jordan, J.M. (2010). What is conscious in perceived attachment? Evidence from global and specific representations. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 27(1), 283-303.
- Kamman, T., Muir, L., Koester, L.S., & Dimitrov, D. (2005). Linking maternal perceptions to behavior: Nurturing attitudes and facial expressions of affect. Parenting: Science and Practice, 5(3), 237-258.
Dr. Hester JohnDr. John Hester Professor Emeritus DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeAdditional information
Dr. John R. Hester, after serving FMC/FMU from 1980 to 2015, is now Professor Emeritus. During his 35 years Dr. Hester served in various capacities to include: Professor, Department Chair (1998-2013), Coordinator/Director of School Psychology (1990-1997), Founding Director of the Richardson Center for the Child, Associate Provost and Director of Graduate Programs.
Dr. Hester continued to serve as Adjunct Professor at FMU until May of 2017. Currently he lives in Anderson, SC and is 16 miles from Memorial Stadium (Death Valley). Any interested former students or colleagues are encouraged to contact Dr. Hester at cutigerfans@att.net.
Dr. Hill-Chapman Crystal R.Dr. Crystal R. Hill-Chapman School Option Coordinator, Professor of Psychology chillchapman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1721 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCCHS 238Additional information
Crystal Reneé Hill-Chapman is a Licensed Psychologist, Nationally Certified School Psychologist, Level III School Psychologist and has been awarded Board Certification in Clinical Child Psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychologists (ABPP). She received her Bachelor of Arts from Francis Marion University, her Master of Science in Applied Psychology from Francis Marion University, a Doctor of Philosophy from Texas A&M University – College Station, and a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in Clinical Genetics from Simmons College. She currently teaches Careers in Psychology, Introduction to Behavioral Genetics, Introduction to Pediatric Psychology, Child Development, as well as sections of the Beginning, Intermediate, and Senior Research courses for the undergraduate major in Psychology. For the graduate program in Clinical/Counseling Psychology and School Psychology, she teaches Consultation with Diverse Families and Communities; Career-Lifestyle Counseling: Theory and Practice; Child/Adolescent Counseling and Therapy; School-Wide Prevention, Intervention and Crisis Programs; Psychoeducational Assessment: Intelligence, Ability and Achievement Testing in School Psychology; as well as the related practica to accompany these courses and is Coordinator of Graduate Studies in School Psychology. She also serves as a thesis advisor/consultant for students enrolled in the Genetic Counseling Program at the University of South Carolina – School of Medicine. In addition, she serves as Graduate Program Reviewer for the National Association of School Psychologists and as a reviewer for the Journal of Genetic Counseling and Teaching Children of Poverty.
Selected Publications
- Herzog, T. K., & Hill-Chapman, C.R. (2012). Relationship formation and early risk exposure: Diverging associations with romantic self-concept and attachment. Journal of Adult Development, 19(5), 250-265.
- Hill, C. R. & Hughes, J. N. (2007). Further evidence of the convergent and discriminant validity of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire. School Psychology Quarterly, 22, 380-406.
- Hughes, J. N., Zhang, D. & Hill, C. R. (2006). Peer assessments of normative and individual teacher-student support predict social acceptance and engagement among low-achieving children. Journal of School Psychology, 43, 447-463.
Hinson Terri M. BSTerri M. Hinson BS Administrative Assistant - Occupational Therapy terri.hinson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1531 DepartmentsOccupational TherapySchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 346Additional information
Terri Hinson joined Francis Marion University in the Nursing Department as the Clinical Coordinator in August 2022. She then joined the new Occupational Therapy Department in January 2024 where she currently serves as Administrative Assistant. Terri is a proud Alumni of Francis Marion University earning her Bachelor of Science in Biology in 1994.
Terri grew up and still lives in Society Hill, SC. She enjoys spending time with her family, attending sporting events, going to church and playing with her dogs.
Hopla Deborah DNP, APRN-BC, FAANP, FAANDeborah Hopla DNP, APRN-BC, FAANP, FAAN Professor of Nursing, Director of the MSN/DNP Family Nurse Practitioner Tracks dhopla@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1693 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 359DAdditional information
Deborah is a professor and director at Francis Marion University in Florence, South Carolina. She has been a Family Nurse Practitioner for over 30 years. She attended Georgia Baptist School of Nursing. Her ADN degree is from West Georgia College (now known as West Georgia State University). Her BSN was from the Medical University of South Carolina through the satellite program at Francis Marion University. She obtained her MS/FNP and DNP for the University of South Carolina.
Deborah is the current chair for the South Carolina Advisory Committee for Nursing Education and has held leadership positions on the APRN Chapter for South Carolina and past President of the South Carolina Nurses Foundation. She has served as a preceptor, mentor and role model for Nurse Practitioner students and graduates. Deborah serves the University on Academic Affairs, and Graduate Council. Deborah is active on the Nursing Graduate Committee and the Dean’s Advisory Committee.
Deborah received the Outstanding Community Health Nurse of the Year Award from the Pee Dee Nurses Association, the Community Health Nurse of the Year from the South Carolina Nurses Association, and was awarded the AJN Excellence in Writing Award for South Carolina. Deborah won a scholarship to Beth Israel Hospital to study “Pain Management”. Her doctoral thesis “The Early Use of Insulin in Type II Diabetes: Achieving Better Glycemic Control and Preventing Adverse Complications” validates current practice for diabetic patients. Recently Deborah was awarded the Outstanding Policy award from the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF). She is a Fellow in the American Association of Nurse Practitioners and the American Academy of Nursing.
Deborah served as a team member on a Medical Mission Trip to Nicaragua and continues her outreach to vulnerable and underserved people by working part-time at Hope Health (a Community Health Care Center) in Florence South Carolina. She serves on several boards like Fact Forward and the Felician Center to facilitate vulnerable population needs. Deborah is a wife, a Mother, and a grandmother and owned by a wonderful chocolate lab.
Dr. Houle Landon L.Dr. Landon L. Houle Associate Professor of English lhoule@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1509 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 107Additional information
Dr. Landon Houle teaches the creative writing: fiction workshop in addition to courses in literature and composition. Her writing has won contests at Black Warrior Review, Crab Creek Review, and Permafrost. Her story “Travelers” was named a Pushcart Prize special mention, and her essay "The Plains We Cross" was named a notable in The Best American Essays. Other work has appeared in Baltimore Review,Crazyhorse, Natural Bridge, Harpur Palate, River Styx and elsewhere. She is the fiction editor at Raleigh Review.
Visit her website at http://www.landonhoule.com.
PhD, Texas Tech University
MA, Sul Ross State University
BA, Sul Ross State University
Dr. Howell Samuel H.Dr. Samuel H. Howell Assistant Professor of Art History showell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1543 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 209Additional information
Ph.D. (Art History) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1994. Dissertation: The Dilemma of the French History Painter, 1870-1914: Jean-Paul Laurens, Paul-Albert Besnard, Georges-Antoine Rochegrosse (Chief Adviser: Professor Steven Mansbach)
M. A. (Art History) Vanderbilt University, 1979. Master's Thesis: Lewis Mumford and the Development of a Humanized Machine Aesthetic (Adviser: Professor Thomas B. Brumbaugh)
B. A. (Art History) New College (Sarasota, Florida), 1974. Senior Thesis: The Origins of the Cult of the Virgin Mary: From Prehistory to the Council of Ephesus, 431 A.D. (Adviser: Professor Henry B. Graham, IV) Certificate of Attendance, Universita Italiana per Stranieri (Perugia, Italy), 1972.
Hucks Julia Marty MN, APRN-BC, CNEJulia Marty Hucks MN, APRN-BC, CNE Assistant Professor of Nursing jhucks@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1695 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 108Additional information
Marty Hucks is an Assistant Professor of Nursing and practices part-time as a family nurse practitioner at Internal Medicine Specialists. Marty received her BSN from The University of South Carolina Honors College (cum laude) and her MN from the University of South Carolina. She received a Certificate in Nursing Education from Francis Marion University in 2014. She became a certified nurse educator in 2016 and also holds certifications in parish nursing from St Louis University and in on-line instruction from Central Michigan University. She is an Amy V Cockcroft Nursing Fellow (2004), Oxford University Round Table delegate (2007), and a 2008 recipient of The Palmetto Gold Award.
Marty has worked as a family nurse practitioner since 1994 and has taught undergraduate nursing since 2000. She primarily teaches population-focused nursing and has developed a foreign study course, in which students have had the opportunity to study in Germany, England, Belize, Dominican Republic, Cambodia, and Thailand. She has presented at state, national, and international conferences on topics related to nursing education. She serves on the nursing curriculum committee, and is a member of the Chi Lambda Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International. She is active in the community, serving on the Boards of The Boys and Girls Club of the Pee Dee and Southeastern Medical International.
Dr. Hughes MichaelDr. Michael Hughes Professor of Finance mhughes@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1422 DepartmentsFinance-School of BusinessSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 133Additional information
Ph.D., Finance University of Central Florida
M.B.A., Business Administration University of Central Florida
B.S.E.T., Engineering Technology - Operations University of Central Florida
A.A., General Education Eastern Florida State College (formerly Brevard Community College)
A.S., Scientific Measurements Community College of the Air Force
Areas of Expertise
- Financial Markets
- Market Microstructure
- Investments
- Real Estate Finance
- Government & Defense Finance
- Business (Corporate) Finance
- Financial-Econometrics
Dr. Michael P. Hughes joined the Francis Marion faculty in 2003. He teaches Financial Markets, Real Estate Finance, Investments, and Corporate Finance. His research is focused in the areas of Market Microstructure, Financial Markets, Central Banking and Monetary Policy, Investments, Defense Finance, and Financial-Econometrics.
His scholarly research has appeared in the Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Journal of Economics and Business, Journal of Economics and Finance, International Advances in Economic Research, Journal of Business Case Studies, Journal of Case Research in Business and Economics, and Journal of Business Cases and Applications. Dr. Hughes also has published related articles in The Conversation, Scientific American, Stars & Stripes, Washington Spectator, Agence Global, UPI, Reaction, Global Defense News, Knowridge Science Report, The Commoner, Citizen Truth, The Reader, and several other periodicals. He also previously published over 65 motorcycle-related articles in American Iron, Motorcycle Tour & Cruiser, Motorcycle Tour & Travel, and Road Bike.
Prior to his joining the ranks of academia, Dr. Hughes served over 21-years in the U.S. Air Force, beginning during the Vietnam era. During that time he spent over 14-years in nuclear treaty monitoring and related activities, while the initial 7-years were in the aircraft maintenance and engineering support (propulsion) arena with F-4 and F-15 aircraft.
Hutson DanielleDanielle Hutson Housing Office Manager dhutson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1672 DepartmentsHousing and Residence LifeOfficeHousing OfficeAdditional information
A.S. Office Administration, Emmanuel College Franklin - Springs, GA
Professional/ Related Experience
- Current position in Housing since 2015
- Assistant Site Manager with Palmetto Housing Corporation
Dr. Iglesias AnaDr. Ana Iglesias Associate Professor of Management & Forrest S. Williams Professor of Entrepreneurship Ana.Iglesias@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1421 DepartmentsHuman Resource ManagementSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 244Additional information
Ph.D., Georgia State University
MBA, Mackenzie University
B.Sc., Paulista University
A Brazil native, Dr. Ana-Elisa Iglesias holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration from Georgia State University, an MBA from Mackenzie University and a B.Sc. in Computer Science from Paulista University. She is an Assistant Professor of Management at Francis Marion University, where she teaches Human Resource Management (HRM), Strategic HRM, and Management of Organizations. Previously, she was a member of the College of Business and the Healthcare Analytics Program faculty at the University of Wisconsin in La Crosse, where she fostered cooperation between the University and industry leaders. Dr. Iglesias has taught at the Robinson College of Business at Georgia State University and has been a researcher and mentor at the Freeman School of Business at Tulane University, where she taught at the undergraduate, masters, and Ph.D. levels. She has also taught in summer programs in Latin America and Europe and has presented her research at national and international conferences. Her research interests include the examination of team dynamics and managerial cognition in several contexts.
James David L. DMSc, MPAS, PA-CDavid L. James DMSc, MPAS, PA-C Director of Physician Assistant Studies Program DLJames@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4426 DepartmentsPhysician Assistant StudiesSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 359BAdditional information
David has over 30 years’ experience as a practicing Physician Assistant in Family Medicine and Urgent Care. Dr. James has practiced in both rural and urban environments, providing medical care to the communities of North Carolina.
He worked as a faculty member and Academic Coordinator for Francis Marion University Physician Assistant Program from 2017-2019. He then served as the Director of Clinical Education at Elon University in Elon, NC from 2019-2023. David went back into clinical practice in Urgent Care Medicine in North Carolina from 2023-2024 while completing his Doctor of Medical Science Degree with a concentration in Healthcare Education.
Doctor of Medical Science, Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions, Master of Physician Assistant Studies, University of Nebraska, Omaha Certificate of Physician Assistant Completion, PA Program Wake Forest School of Medicine, BA in Psychology, NC State University, and is a veteran of the US Navy and Army Reserve.
Dr. James is a member of the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA), Physician Assistant Education Association (PAEA), and a member of the South Carolina Association of Physician Assistants (SCAPA).
Jeffcoat Charles E.Charles E. Jeffcoat Professor of Visual Arts - Graphic Design, Peter D. Hyman Professor of Fine Arts cjeffcoat@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1679 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 104Additional information
View Professor Jeffcoat studio here.
Hyman Fine Arts Endowed Chair
M.F.A., University of Memphis
Early on Professor Jeffcoat was interested in art and design. Eventually, his high school art teacher encouraged him to study Graphic Design and, even though he has worked in other disciplines, design is what makes him come alive.
He graduated from The University Of South Alabama with a BFA degree (1994) in Graphic Design. After graduation he worked as an Art Director for Denson/Reed Marketing, and eventually as an account executive for Lewis Communications both in Mobile, Alabama. Most recently Charles completed a Master Of Fine Arts degree from The University Of Memphis in 2005.
Professor Jeffcoat was appointed to the Graphic Design faculty at Francis Marion in fall 2006. Prior to this appointment, Charles was an Adjunct Professor of Graphic Design at The University of Memphis in Tennessee from 2003-2006 and at The University of South Alabama from 2001-2003. Throughout his adjunct career he maintained a professional freelance design business through his own company Charles Jeffcoat Studio.
His clients included the Stax Museum of American Soul Music, The National Civil Rights Museum, Art Museum of the University of Memphis, Movie Gallery, Sony Music, Universal Records, and Warner Music. He has also donated his time and design work to several charitable organizations including St Jude Children's Research Hospital, and the National Civil Rights Museum. His work has been recognized by the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) and the Advertising Federation of Mobile.
Besides his applied professional design practice, his current research is in the cross-mediation of hypertextual environments and the two-dimensional printed book. This exploration and research will cause us to ask specific questions concerning narrative, authorship, linearity, and believability and from it we can gain knowledge applicable to the future of both the two-dimensional printed book and the hypertextual environment.
Johnson Benjamin M. BABenjamin M. Johnson BA Simulation Laboratory Specialist bmjohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4697 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 336Additional information
Benjamin runs the Sompong Kraikit Simulation Laboratory in FMU’s School of Health Sciences. He helps faculty develop simulation activities, sets up the equipment, and programs the manikins that serve as the students’ patients. He also has an active role in the school’s telehealth education efforts, maintaining the equipment and training faculty and students on its operation.
Outside the lab, Benjamin doubles as Campus Technology’s representative for FMU’s downtown buildings, which has made him familiar with a broad range of computer hardware and software as well as medical, networking, and professional audio and video equipment. If it has a cord or a power switch, he’s probably worked on it.
A recipient of FMU’s Outstanding Staff Service Award for Academic and Administrative Support Staff, Benjamin graduated from FMU with a BA in English and minors in mathematics and computer science. As a student he played bass guitar in the Music Industry Ensemble, and he continues to regularly attend their shows. Before assuming his current role he worked in the Nursing Department as their clinical coordinator.
Dr. Johnson Brad R.Dr. Brad R. Johnson Professor of Accounting, Area Coordinator of Accounting bjohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1427 DepartmentsAccounting-School of BusinessSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 227Additional information
Ph.D., University of Houston
J.D., Northwestern School of Law at Lewis and Clark College
M.B.T., University of Southern California
M.S.A., California State University
B.A., University of California at Los Angeles
Areas of Expertise:
Federal Taxation
Financial Reporting
Tax Research
Professor Brad Johnson joined the Francis Marion faculty in 2003. He teaches Tax and Financial Accounting, The Legal Environment of Business, and Financial Accounting Theory and Practice. His research has appeared in the Journal of American Academy of Business, Business Review, and the Southern Law Journal.
Dr. Johnson Christopher D.Dr. Christopher D. Johnson Professor of English cjohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1518 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 151Additional information
Christopher D. Johnson is professor of English and has been the director of the McNair Institute for Research and Service. A specialist in eighteenth-century British literature, Dr. Johnson has published A Political Biography of Sarah Fielding (Taylor and Francis, 2017), New Contexts for Eighteenth-Century British Fiction: Essays in Honor of Jerry C. Beasley (University of Delaware Press, 2011), and a critical edition of Sarah Fielding’s The Lives of Cleopatra and Octavia (Bucknell University Press, 1994).
He has published recent essays on Henry Fielding, Philip Doddridge, Oliver Goldsmith, John Dryden and others and has served as president of the Southeastern American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. The author of over sixty scholarly publications, Dr. Johnson reviews new work for a variety of journals and has served as a book review editor for XVIII: New Perspectives on the Eighteenth Century. He is currently preparing a critical edition of Philip Doddridge’s The Life of Colonel James Gardiner (1747).
Dr. Johnson is also the editor of Carolina Currents: Studies in South Carolina Culture. Click here to learn more.
PhD, University of Delaware
Dr. Johnson EricaDr. Erica Johnson Associate Professor of History, Co-Director African & African American Studies ejohnson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1497 DepartmentsAfrican and African American StudiesHistoryOfficeFH 204Additional information
A native of Oklahoma, Dr. Erica Johnson specializes in the history of the Atlantic World. She is author of a monograph, Philanthropy and Race in the Haitian Revolution, part of the Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018). She has published articles in The History Teacher, the Southern Quarterly, the Journal of Transnational American Studies, and the Journal of Western Society for French History. Her research interests include race, religion, and revolution in the greater Atlantic World. She is the faculty coordinator for FMU's Universities Studying Slavery initiative.
PhD, Florida State University, 2012
Courses Taught:
European History to the French Revolution
The Historian's Craft
Medieval Europe
Native American History and Culture
Atlantic World
Dr. Johnston CallumDr. Callum Johnston Professor of Emeritus Faculty of Education cjohnston@fmarion.edu DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeRCC 113 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Areas of Specialization
Early Childhood Education
Dr. Jokisch DerekDr. Derek Jokisch Chair, Department of Physics and Engineering, Professor of Physics djokisch@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4653 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeLSF 103CAdditional information
PhD, Nuclear Engineering Sciences (Health Physics), University of Florida
MS, Nuclear Engineering Sciences (Health Physics), University of Florida
BS, Nuclear Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Radiation protection, computational dosimetry, dosimetry of the skeleton, internal dosimetry
Recent Courses Taught
Technical Physics, Radiation Biology, Nuclear Physics, Radiation Physics
Elda Anderson Award (2010) – Given by the Health Physics Society to a young member of the HPS to recognize excellence in research or development, discovery or invention, devotion to health physics, and/or significant contributions to the profession of health physics
J. Lorin Mason Distinguished Professor Award (2011) – Given by Francis Marion University and based upon a faculty member’s contributions to teaching, scholarship, and professional service. This award is the highest honor bestowed to a faculty member by the university.
FMU Board of Trustees Research Scholar (2014-present)
FMU Faculty Service Award for Outstanding Scholarship/Research (2006)
Roberts Prize (2012) – Given by the publishers of Physics in Medicine and Biology and the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine for the best paper published in PMB during the previous year.
Most Valuable Partner Award (2006) – FMU Athletics
Professional Appointments
Francis Marion University (1999-present)
Professor and Chair
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (2014-present)
Joint Faculty Appointment in the Center for Radiation Protection Knowledge
International Commission on Radiological Protection
Member of Committee 2 – Doses from Radiation Exposure (2017-2021)
Task Group 96 (2014-present)
Task Group on Dose Calculations (2009-2014)
US Department of Energy – Russian Health Studies Program
US Scientific Review Group (2016-present)
Selected Publications
ICRP Publication 133 – The ICRP computational framework for internal dose assessment for reference adults: specific absorbed fractions. Ann. ICRP 45 (2): 1-74; 2016.
“An image-based skeletal model for the ICRP reference adult male – specific absorbed fractions for neutron-generated recoil protons.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 56:6857-6872; 2011.
“Methods for the inclusion of shallow marrow and adipose tissue in pathlength-based skeletal dosimetry.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 56:2699-2713; 2011.
“An image-based skeletal dosimetry model for the ICRP reference adult male – internal electron sources.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 56: 2309-2346; 2011.
Dr. Jones Brian E.Dr. Brian E. Jones Assistant Professor of Music Industry Brian.Jones@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1595 DepartmentsFine ArtsMusic IndustryOfficePAC A211Additional information
Ph.D., American Studies of Jazz and Politics, College of William and Mary
M.A., American Studies, College of William and Mary
B.A., History and Music, University of Richmond
Outside of the classroom, Dr. Brian Jones has worked as a freelance drummer with a wide variety of musicians ranging from John Abercrombie to Houston Person. He has toured professionally, writing music and performing jazz and avant-garde pieces, as well as producing over twenty-five records for his own Slang Sanctuary label.
Brian Jones joined the faculty of Francis Marion University in 2022 to take part in the developing Music Industry program.
Dr. Jordan Jesse J. '"Mike'"Dr. Jesse J. '"Mike'" Jordan Professor Emeritus DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeAdditional information
Dr. Mike Jordan is a Professor Emeritus after serving on the FMU faculty from 1972—2011. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology at Georgia State College in 1968, his Master of Arts degree in 1970 and his Doctor of Philosophy degree in Social Psychology in 1972 from Georgia State University.
Currently, Dr. Jordan is teaching data analysis and research methods at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington. While at FMU, Dr. Jordan served as Director of Institutional Research and retired as the Walter D. Smith Professor of Psychology. Dr. Jordan was awarded the FMU Distinguished Professor award, the first South Carolina Psychology Association Teaching of Psychology Award, and several awards for public service from non-profit organizations in the Pee Dee region of South Carolina.
Dr. Kaminski Kathleen A.Dr. Kathleen A. Kaminski Assistant Professor of Accounting Kathleen.Kaminski@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1501 DepartmentsAccounting-School of BusinessSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 251Additional information
A Certified Public Accountant, Dr. Kaminski joined the faculty in Fall 2024. As an academician, she served on the faculties of the University of Louisiana Monroe, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, the University of South Dakota, Montana State University – Billings, and Georgia College and State University.
As a professional accountant, she was employed for ten years by Shell Oil Company. Dr. Kaminski’s research interests are primarily in the areas of financial statement fraud, chaos theory, and the accounting conceptual framework. She has also explored several pedagogical issues as well as assessment and assurance of learning. Her research has been published in the Journal of Forensic and investigative Accounting, The Accounting Educators’ Journal, Advances in Public Interest Accounting, Journal of Forensic Accounting, Managerial Auditing Journal.
Dr. Kaminski’s primary teaching interest is financial accounting, including intermediate and advanced accounting. Secondary interests include managerial and cost accounting. Despite being a CPA, she does not do taxes! In fact, she hires an accountant to prepare her tax returns.
Dr. Kanaparthi MarkDr. Mark Kanaparthi Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Mark.Kanaparthi@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1548 DepartmentsMechanical EngineeringPhysics and EngineeringOfficeMSB 108 BAdditional information
Research Interests
Aerosol Fluid Mechanics, CFD modeling, Inverse problems
PhD, Clarkson University,Potsdam, NY, Mechanical Engineering (2018)
BS/MS, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune, India, Physics (2012)
Dr. Kaufman ScottDr. Scott Kaufman Professor of History VKaufman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1550 DepartmentsHistoryOfficeFH 207Additional information
Dr. Kaufman, Former Chair of the department is a Francis Marion University Board of Trustees Research Scholar, joined the Francis Marion University staff in 2001. He is the author, co-author, or editor of twelve books on diplomatic, presidential, and military history, including Project Plowshare: The Peaceful Use of Nuclear Explosives in Cold War America (Cornell University Press, 2013), Ambition, Pragmatism, and Party: A Biography of Gerald R. Ford (University Press of Kansas, 2017), and The Environment and International History (Bloomsbury, 2018). Currently, he is working on a comparative history of the Panama and Suez canals.
PhD, Ohio University, 1998
Courses Taught:
- U.S. History to 1877
- U.S. History since 1877
- The United States in the Era of World War II
- The Vietnam War
- The History of the United States in World Affairs
- U.S. Military History
- The History of the Future
Dr. Kaur DaljitDr. Daljit Kaur Professor of Education dkaur@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1478 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 257 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Areas of Specialization
Instructional Technology
Qualitative Research
Kennedy Brigid E.Brigid E. Kennedy Human Resources Manager BKennedy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1144 DepartmentsAdministrationHuman Resources OfficeOfficeSAB 105Additional information
Maintains the classification and compensation program; supervises the applicant/ interview/ hire process for classified and unclassified employees; responsible for the evaluation program for classified and unclassified employees; responsible for on-line procedures to State OHR; serves as liaison with Administrative Computing Services in requesting internal programming requests; recommends policy changes; co-coordinates and maintains HR web pages.
Dr. Kennedy Christopher M.Dr. Christopher M. Kennedy Director of Honors, Professor of History CKennedy@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1557 DepartmentsHistoryHonorsOfficeHC 104Additional information
Dr. Kennedy joined the Francis Marion University faculty in 2006. He became Chair of the History Department in 2012, and Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, and Director of Graduate Programs in 2016. Dr. Kennedy became the Vice President for Student Life July 2019, then the Director of Honors 2024.
Dr. Kennedy was awarded the Faculty award for Excellence in Teaching 2016.
Dr. Kennedy was the advisor for Alpha Theta Zeta, the FMU chapter of the history honors society, Phi Alpha Theta 2007-2018. During that time, Alpha Theta Zeta was awarded Best Chapter in the Country 10 years in a row.
Dr. Kennedy has presented papers both nationally and internationally, including, New England Historical Association, Portugal, Hungry and at Saint Patrick's College, the Marino Institute in Ireland. Additionally, he has published a number of book reviews including for the journal Providence: Studies in Western Civilization as well as a book, Genesis of the Rising 1912-1916: A Transformation of Nationalist Opinion (Peter Lang, 2009). His main research interests are in early modern, modern Irish history and the history of the British Empire.
When not teaching, Dr. Kennedy enjoys traveling, camping, fishing, hiking, running, kayaking, and spending time with his family.
PhD., University College Cork, National University of Ireland
M.A, Providence College
B.A, Northern Michigan UniversityCourses Taught:
European History to the French Revolution
European History since the French Revolution
Medieval Europe
Modern Ireland
The British Empire
Modern British Isles
Europe 1814-1914
Senior Thesis
Kennedy Colleen E.Colleen E. Kennedy Part Time Instructor of Fine Arts Colleen.Kennedy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1385 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFACAdditional information
Colleen is a graduate of Francis Marion University; she has a BA in Art Education.
She earned her MFA from Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA), specializing in painting.
Colleen has had works displayed in Art Fields, FMU's University Place gallery, and at the PAFA Alumnae gallery.
Kennedy Lynn D. MN, RNLynn D. Kennedy MN, RN Emeritus Assistant Professor of Nursing lkennedy@fmarion.edu DepartmentsNursingOfficeAdditional information
Florence, SC. She has been a medical-surgical and critical care nurse for 34 years. She received her Associate Degree in Nursing from Florence-Darlington Technical College in Florence, SC in 1978, her BSN from MUSC Satellite Program at Francis Marion University in Florence, SC in 1984 and her MN from the University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC. She is currently completing her EdD from Walden University. She has held certification in Neuroscience and Critical Care Nursing. Lynn has served as mentor and preceptor for 16 years in acute care and critical care nursing and received the Sylvester Award for outstanding new graduate in 1980. In academia, she has mentored and precepted faculty for approximately 21 years. Lynn began working in academia as a full-time clinical nursing instructor at Florence Darlington Technical College, part-time clinical faculty with University of South Carolina/Francis Marion University Satellite in 2005 and is currently full time tenured faculty with Francis Marion University. Lynn has taught Critical Care, Trauma Nursing, Advanced Trauma Nursing and various other medical-surgical and critical care topics for Pee Dee AHEC in Florence, SC, and assisted healthcare agencies in implementing stroke units and providing staff education. Lynn has instructed all levels of nursing students in all areas of medical-surgical nursing in the classroom and in the clinical setting. Lynn currently teaches Adult Health III to pre-licensure students and Pathophysiology to RN-BSN students.
Lynn is co-author of one article entitled, “Senior Nursing Student Usage and Perceptions and Staff Nurses’ Perceptions of Students Using Personal Phones to Access Healthcare Information During Clinical Education.” In addition, she has edited two books entitled, Medical Surgical Nursing Made Incredibly Easy and Prioritizing and Delegation for the NCLEX. She also co- presented at two Drexel University Simulation Conferences on Senior Nursing Student Usage and Perceptions and Staff Nurses’ Perceptions of Students Using Personal Phones to Access Healthcare Information during Clinical Education” and Intravenous Education through simulation.
Kershner Sarah PhD, MPHSarah Kershner PhD, MPH Chair, Healthcare Administration, Associate Professor of Public Health skershner@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1694 DepartmentsHealthcare AdministrationSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 128Additional information
Sarah Kershner joined Francis Marion University in Spring 2017 and currently serves as an Associate Professor of Public Health and Chair of the Healthcare Administration Department. Sarah received a Bachelor of Science degree in Health Science from Clemson University, Master of Public Health degree from the University of South Carolina, and Doctor of Philosophy degree in Health Promotion, Education and Behavior from the University of South Carolina, Arnold School of Public Health. Sarah’s interest areas include reproductive health/sexual health, research and evaluation, LGBTQ+ inclusivity in healthcare, contraceptive technologies, sexually transmitted infections, and adolescent risky behaviors.
Prior to her role at Francis Marion, Sarah worked at Fact Forward (formerly SC Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy) for over nine years where she managed a federal research study supporting the implementation of a reproductive health curricula in South Carolina middle schools aimed at reducing the teen birth rate statewide. Sarah has authored several peer-reviewed articles, presented dozens of presentations nationwide and has been involved on review teams and panels with Mathematica Policy Research, Cornell University and ETR Associates.
Sarah grew up in Florence and is happy to have returned to the Pee Dee area after living ten years in Columbia. Sarah resides in Olanta, SC with her husband, their eight-year-old son and four “furbabies.”
Dr. Kiely Kristin A.Dr. Kristin A. Kiely Professor of Spanish, Coordinator of Modern Languages - Spanish Program KKiely@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1714 DepartmentsModern LanguagesOfficeCEMC 113 EAdditional information
Kristin Kiely joined the Modern Languages faculty in the fall of 2007. She received the M.A. in Spanish from Miami University at Oxford with an emphasis on linguistics. She completed her doctorate at Florida State University in December of 2008. Her research interests are 20th century Peninsular literature, specifically literature during Franco’s regime and post-Franco, and women’s literature. She also hopes to one day research documents and information regarding the Inquisition. She is currently working on graphic novels and comics from Spain, and is working on a translation of of the novel Pergamino: la Bylina del hijo del Cazador del libros by Sergio Sierra and Meritxell Ribas. She has been published in Hispania, Encuentros, and Women Write About Comics.
Dr. Kiely was the Vice President of the FMU chapter of the AAUP (American Association of University Professors) until 2015; she was the Editor in Chief of the South Carolina Modern Language Review (SCMLR) published by the Modern Language Department until it was closed down in 2016; and she is the webmaster for the Modern Language website. Dr. Kiely is also active in the Florence community. She is a charter member of the FMU Civitan Club and performed as a guest singer in the Florence Symphony Orchestra’s production of H.M.S. Pinafore in May, 2009. Dr. Kiely was also a board member for the Philological Association of the Carolinas and is now a board member for the Southeastern Association of Cultural Studies (SEACS).
Dr. King Peter D.Dr. Peter D. King Emeritus Professor of Biology, Former Provost PKing@fmarion.edu DepartmentsBiologyOfficeYears at FMU: 1996-2023Additional information
Dr. Peter King was named Provost at FMU July 2016. Dr. King is the past chair of the Biology department, and was the Associate Provost for Enrollment Management. He is a professor of Biology and a former James K. Konduros Professor of Leadership. Dr. King retired June 30, 2023.
Dr. King was awarded the Order of the Palmetto by South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster. The Order of the Palmetto is the State of South Carolina’s highest civilian honor, and it is presented to citizens of the state for extraordinary lifetime service and achievements.
As Provost, Dr. King has been instrumental in the creation of numerous academic programs including doctoral programs in nursing practice, occupational therapy, and clinical psychology; master degrees in psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner and speech-language pathology; and bachelor degrees in engineering, environmental science, and forestry studies.
Dr. King grew up in Sydney, Australia, the youngest of five children. He attended the New South Wales Institute of Technology, in Sydney, and graduated with a Bachelor of Business in 1980. After several years in in business, King returned to the University of Armidale and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts with Class I Honours in 1992, majoring in Animal Biology. In 1992 he moved to Raleigh, N.C. attending North Carolina State University and graduated in 1996 with a Ph.D. in Zoology. Shortly after graduation he accepted a tenure-track position as an assistant professor in the department of biology at FMU.
Dr. King’s research interests focus on the ecology of turtles, and he authored and reviewed numerous scholarly articles related to the topic. In 2007, and again in 2009 King was named the Harry M. Lightsey, Jr. visiting scholar at Hobcaw Barony by The Belle Baruch Foundation. Dr. King lives in Florence with his wife Annie.
Dr. Kirby Jason R.Dr. Jason R. Kirby Assistant Professor of History, Coordinator Secondary-Education History Track jason.kirby@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1555 DepartmentsHistoryOfficeFH 211Additional information
Originally from Kentucky, Dr. Kirby joined the Francis Marion University faculty in the Fall of 2019. A certified South Carolina Social Studies/History teacher (grades 6-12), Dr. Kirby serves as the Coordinator of Secondary Education in Social Studies Program. He is currently finishing a book on General William Westmoreland. This work will place Westmoreland in the larger context of American military and political history.
PhD, University of Georgia, 2018
Courses Taught:
U.S. History since 1877
The New South, 1865 to present
America in the 1960s
The United States Between the Wars, 1918-1941
The American Civil Rights Movement
The Vietnam War
Social Studies Methods for Secondary Education
Directed Teaching for Student Teachers Completing Their Certification in History (9-12)
Dr. Kunka Jennifer L.Dr. Jennifer L. Kunka Associate Provost for Advising, Professor of English jkunka@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1520 DepartmentsCenter for Academic Success and AdvisementEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyProvost's OfficeOfficeFH 220Additional information
Schedule a CASA appointment with Dr. Kunka HERE
Dr. Jennifer Liethen Kunka is Professor of English and the Director of the FMU Writing Center. Her primary research interests include writing center practice and administration, composition and technology, and assessment. She also has interests in nineteenth- and twentieth-century British literature and gender studies. Dr. Kunka is co-author of two textbooks, the Prentice Hall Reference Guide (9th ed.) and Writer’s FAQ’s (5th ed.), both published by Pearson. She has also published articles and delivered several conference papers on writing center research, composition pedagogy, and British literature.
In addition, Dr. Kunka has served as a member of the executive board for the Southeastern Writing Center Association and on several committees for the International Writing Centers Association.
Dr. Kunka is a recipient of the FMU Faculty Award for Excellence in Professional Service and the SWCA Achievement Award.
Prior to joining the FMU faculty, Dr. Kunka worked as the Assistant/Acting Director of the Purdue University Writing Lab, where she developed many online materials for the Purdue OWL.
PhD, Purdue University
M.A., Marquette University
B.A., Marquette University
Dr. Kyer Ben L.Dr. Ben L. Kyer Emeritus Faculty of Economics, Distinguished Faculty 1992-1993, Years at Francis Marion University: 1989-2024 bkyer@fmarion.edu DepartmentsEconomicsSchool of BusinessOfficeAdditional information
Ph.D., West Virginia University
M.S., West Virginia University
B.S., Glenville State College
Distinguished Faculty 1992-1993
Benjamin Wall Ingram III Professor of Economics
Areas of Expertise
Dr. Kyer joined the Francis Marion faculty in 1989. He taught Principles of Macroeconomics, Intermediate Macroeconomics, History of Economic Thought, Public Finance, and MBA 705, Economic Analysis. His research has appeared in The Journal of Macroeconomics, The Atlantic Economic Journal, Public Finance Quarterly, Journal of Economic Education, and The American Economist.
Dr. Lasher Kevin J.Dr. Kevin J. Lasher Emeritus Faculty of Political Science, Years at FMU: 1993-2022 klasher@fmarion.edu DepartmentsPolitical ScienceOfficeAdditional information
Emeritus Faculty of Political Science
Ph.D. University of Georgia
M.A. University of Georgia
B.A. Youngstown State University
Dr. Lasher joined the faculty in 1993, served as Chair of the Department of Political Science and Geography from 2004 to 2010, and held the Neal D. Thigpen Chair of Public Affairs. He participated in the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) in 1990-91 and was based in Urawa, Japan. Dr. Lasher taught a variety of courses including U.S. Government, U.S. Foreign Policy, Soviet and Russian Politics, Asian Politics, and Politics and Film. His research interests focused upon the issue of U.S. Grand Strategy. Dr. Lasher is an avid fan of the Cleveland Browns, Cleveland Cavaliers and Cleveland Indians.
Dr. Lawrimore-Belanger KayDr. Kay Lawrimore-Belanger N.B. Baroody Professor of Marketing klawrimore@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1424 DepartmentsMarketingSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 243Additional information
Ph.D., University of South Carolina
M.B.A., University of South Carolina
B.S., Francis Marion College
Areas of Expertise
Marketing Management
Marketing Principles
Consumer Behavior
Marketing Theory
Dr. Lawrimore holds the N.B. Baroody Professorship in Marketing, and served as both the Director of the MBA program and the Coordinator of the Marketing Faculty. A long-term member of the faculty, she was elected in 2013 as “Distinguished Professor,” the highest university-level accolade which can be conferred upon a member of the faculty. Her research has appeared in the Atlantic Economic Journal, Strategic Management: Ninth Edition, and the Carolinas Business Review, as well as other professional journals.
Dr. Lipford Jody W.Dr. Jody W. Lipford Associate Professor of Economics Jody.Lipford@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1650 DepartmentsEconomicsSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 249Additional information
Jody W. Lipford is an Associate Professor of Economics at Francis Marion University in Florence, SC. He received his B.S. Degree from Francis Marion College, and his M.A. and Ph. D. degrees from Clemson University. His research interests span from environmental economics to public finance to sports economics, and he has published in Public Finance Review, The Independent Review, The Journal of Applied Sport Management, and Education Economics. In 2008 he won the Templeton prize for Article of the Year in The Journal of Private Enterprise. He served as a visiting scholar at the Property and Environmental Research Center in 2003 and as visiting scholar at the Center for the Study of Free Enterprise at Western Carolina University in 2018.
Dr. LoPresto KevinDr. Kevin LoPresto Associate Professor of Mathematics Education klopresto@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1592 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409DAdditional information
Ph.D. in Mathematics Education from the University of Texas - Austin
Dr. Love MeredithDr. Meredith Love Chair of English and Philosophy, Professor of English mlove@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1522 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 110Additional information
Meredith is a Professor of English, specializing in composition and writing studies, rhetoric and feminism, professional writing, and college and career readiness. Her research has been published in Rhetoric Review, Composition Studies, College Composition and Communication, Feminist Teacher, and Harlot.
Meredith joined the FMU faculty in 2003 after completing her doctorate at Miami University of Ohio with specialties in composition and rhetoric and performance theory. Meredith directed the first-year writing program at the university from 2005 to 2014.
Meredith teaches first-year composition, Business Writing, Theories of Writing, and Gender and Public Rhetoric.
BA, Loyola University
MA, Clemson University
PhD, Miami University of Ohio
Dr. Lowry ErikDr. Erik Lowry Dean of the School of Education, Professor of Education elowry@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1523 DepartmentsCenter for Autism StudiesCenter of Excellence for Teachers of Children of PovertyCOE - Teacher Retention & Induction in the Pee Dee (TRIP)School of EducationOfficeSOBE 151 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Areas of Specialization
Elementary/Middle Level Education
Methods of Research
Educational Leadership
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm during Fall and Spring semesters
Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 5:30pm during summer sessions
Lufkin Sylvia PhD, RNSylvia Lufkin PhD, RN Emeritus Professor of Nursing DepartmentsNursingOfficeAdditional information
Sylvia Rabb Lufkin was born in North Carolina, and earned her BSN and MSN at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. She earned the Doctorate in Education, majoring in Curriculum and Instruction, from the University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.
As first Department Chair in Nursing at Francis Marion University, she was responsible for obtaining state approvals for the program, and initial national accreditation of the program.
Before coming to FMU, Dr. Lufkin taught at the University of South Carolina College of Nursing in Columbia, SC. She earned faculty ranks of Instructor, Assistant Professor, and Associate Professor there.
In addition to academic experiences, Dr. Lufkin served in administrative positions in hospitals and public health.
She has held numerous state and regional offices in nursing professional organizations, and in Sigma Theta Tau, International.
Her primary interests in nursing have been in nursing history, human caring theory, and gerontology.
Currently, Dr. Lufkin is retired from active practice, but is very active in community service and a volunteer teaching role at the Riverbanks Zoo and Gardens.
Lundy Howard G.Howard G. Lundy Instructor and Administrative Manager hlundy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1214 DepartmentsAccounting-School of BusinessSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 231Additional information
M.A., University of South Carolina
B.S., Francis Marion College
Areas of Expertise:
Financial Accounting Systems
Auditing Financial Accounting Systems
Emphasis on Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations
Mr. Howard Lundy is a Certified Public Accountant, who has had substantial professional experience in financial management of Universities and Not-for-Profit organizations. He has served as an auditor for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Inspector General and in the role of Controller for the Medical University of South Carolina. For six years he also served on the advisory boards for GEAC and Data General aiding in the development of their accounting systems for government, higher education, and hospital industries.
Lydell Rachelle G. OTD, MSOT, OTR/LRachelle G. Lydell OTD, MSOT, OTR/L Director of the Occupational Therapy Program, Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy Rachelle.Lydell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1667 DepartmentsOccupational TherapySchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 348Additional information
Dr. Rachelle Lydell joined Francis Marion University in September 2022 and currently serves as the Director and Assistant Professor of the Entry-Level Occupational Therapy Doctoral Program. Dr. Lydell is a licensed Occupational Therapist with over 10 years of clinical experience and expertise in the field including founding Academic Fieldwork Coordinator and founding program director for an Occupational Therapy Assistant Bachelor of Science Program. Her clinical specializations include assistive technology and environmental adaptations, and treating various populations of all ages, including pediatric and adult patients with neurological impairment, cognitive, physical, developmental disabilities, and autism.
Dr. Lydell actively presents at local, state and national conferences with ongoing participation in the field of Occupational Therapy’s scholarship efforts to advance in the areas of Discovery, Integration and Teaching and Learning. Dr. Lydell’s clinical and research interests include research and evaluation, applying outcomes based/performance-based measurement to OT practice in education for knowledge retention and translation, program development, increasing access to underserved populations, health promotion, prevention & wellness, the coaching interaction style, community based, emerging areas of practice and related themes.
Prior to her role at Francis Marion, she worked at McLeod Outpatient Rehabilitation, Carolinas Hospital (now known as MUSC), several elementary schools in the Pee Dee area and has also worked in private practice. Additionally, she has worked as a behavior therapist, case manager, certified personal trainer, fitness instructor, and wellness & lifestyle coach. Her unique and varied clinical experiences have allowed her the opportunity to work with diverse and underserved populations of all ages through private practice, acute care, inpatient, outpatient, early intervention, community based, public/population health and school-based settings.
Dr. Lydell is happy to call Florence her home once again after returning to the Pee Dee area after 7 years of living and practicing in various states across America. Dr. Lydell resides in Florence with her husband, her 8-year-old son and 6 year old daughter.
Dr. Lyles Jennifer K.Dr. Jennifer K. Lyles Associate Professor of Biology, Coordinator of Pre-Physician Assistant Program jlyles@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1401 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeMSB 201AAdditional information
Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences Department of Molecular Genetics & Microbiology University of Florida, College of Medicine Gainesville, FL
B.S. in Biology, Minor in Chemistry Francis Marion University Florence, SC
Courses Taught:
- BIOL 215 – Microbiology for Healthcare Professionals (for Pre-Nursing majors)
- BIOL 311 – Microbiology (for Biology majors)
- UNIV 100 – University Life
- HNRS 200 – Honors Science Symposium
Research Interests:
I have two major research interests - one in Cell & Molecular Biology and one in Microbiology.
Within Cell & Molecular Biology, I am interested in adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors used for gene therapy and the interactions between the vector components and host cell machinery. Currently, I am analyzing the transduction efficiency of several serotypes of AAV in various mammalian cell lines. Techniques include cell culture, fluorescence microscopy, DNA extraction, qPCR, and more.
Within Microbiology, I am interested in characterizing the microbial profile of commercial probiotics, such as kefir, and understanding the relationship between the human microbiome and overall health. Techniques include culturing microbes on agar plates, streaking for isolation, microbial enumeration, Gram staining, DNA extraction, PCR, Sanger sequencing, and more.
Dr. Marley JasonDr. Jason Marley Associate Professor of English jmarley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1493 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 148Additional information
Dr. Marley specializes in Caribbean and postcolonial literature—and he regularly teaches global literature courses at Francis Marion. His research has been published in journals such as ariel, The Journal of West Indian Literature, MELUS, Criticism, College Literature, and Studies in the Novel.
His recent book, Difficult Reading: Frustration and Form in Anglophone Caribbean Fiction (University of Virginia Press, 2023), examines how experiences of readerly confusion, frustration, and perplexity can bring about new ways of understanding colonial trauma in the Caribbean.
Ph.D. University at Buffalo
M.A. University at Buffalo
B.A. Rhode Island College
Dr. Masters-Wheeler ChristineDr. Christine Masters-Wheeler Associate Professor of English, Professional Writing Program Coordinator cmasters@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1806 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 102Additional information
Christine Masters-Wheeler coordinates the Professional Writing Program at FMU and directs English internships. She teaches courses in professional and technical writing, multimedia writing, and first-year composition.
PhD, Purdue University
MA, Western Illinois University
BA, University of Washington
McClam Mack Marilyn E. M.A., CCC-SLPMarilyn E. McClam Mack M.A., CCC-SLP Coordinator of Clinical Education-Speech Language Pathology Marilyn.McClamMack@fmarion.edu Phone834-661-1664 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesSpeech Language PathologyOfficeLMEC 020Additional information
Ms. Marilyn McClam-Mack, Assistant Professor, is the Coordinator of Clinical Education for the Master for the Department of Speech-Language Pathology Program in the School of Health Sciences at Francis Marion University. She is a certified Speech Language Pathologist with the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association who received her MA in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and her BA in Professional English from South Carolina State University.
Marilyn has worked as a Speech-Language Pathologist for the last 24 years. She comes to FMU with previous experience in long-term care, hospitals, home health, private practice, public schools as an in person and tele practice SLP. She has extensive experience in long-term care and has served as a Director of Rehabilitation. In these positions she has worked with clients across the lifespan remediating receptive and expressive language, cognitive linguistic impairments speech sounds disorders, fluency disorders and disorders swallowing.
As Assistant Professor and the Coordinator of Clinical Education, Marilyn facilitates the student’s clinical placement process; provides student mentoring, supervision of clinical experiences, and course instruction in Clinical Practice.
McCoy KathyKathy McCoy Instructor of Mathematics KMcCoy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1578 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409IAdditional information
Master in Mathematics Education from Francis Marion University
Dr. McCuiston KimberlyDr. Kimberly McCuiston Associate Professor of Education, Director of Field and Clinical Experiences, Certification Officer, Co-Director - Teacher Retention and Induction in the Pee Dee (TRIP) KMcCuiston@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1462 DepartmentsCOE - Teacher Retention & Induction in the Pee Dee (TRIP)School of EducationOfficeSOBE 145 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Areas of Specialization
Instructional Planning and Assessment
Middle Level Education
McElveen Suzette R.Suzette R. McElveen Part-Time Instructor of Psychology smcelveen@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1624 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-KAdditional information
Suzette McElveen is a Licensed Professional Counselor in South Carolina. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Minor in Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior from the University of South Carolina. Suzette later earned a Master of Science in Clinical Counseling Psychology from Francis Marion University.
Dr. Medaugh MelissaDr. Melissa Medaugh Assistant Professor of Managment Melissa.Medaugh@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1436 DepartmentsHuman Resource ManagementSchool of BusinessOfficeSOEB 240Additional information
A Charleston native, Dr. Melissa Medaugh holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Science, M.A. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology, and B.A. in (organizational) Communication Studies from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. A self-proclaimed interdisciplinarian, her primary teaching interests include team-intensive, project-based courses in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship, as well as active learning pedagogy and experiential learning methods.
She especially enjoys mentoring the next generation of business leaders and first-generation college students, like herself. Dr. Medaugh’s research focuses primarily on the micro foundations of entrepreneurship strategy, emphasizing the social processes and psychological factors that influence multilevel outcomes. She also researches adjacent phenomena, such as leadership, teams, and emotions.
Dr. Medaugh has published her work in multiple management journals, written several book chapters, and presented research and pedagogy at top management conferences. Her work has earned several accolades, including best paper, best symposium, and best reviewer awards. When not working, Dr. Medaugh enjoys spending time with family, hiking, fishing, scuba diving, playing beach volleyball, traveling, and loving on her two big pups. She always looks forward to spring and summer, when the ocean is warm!
Dr. Midcalf LisaDr. Lisa Midcalf Associate Professor of Education, Co-Coordinator For Teaching Fellows, Education Club Advisor lmidcalf@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1467 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 256 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Areas of Specialization
Qualitative Research
Middleton Kellie LaVaun DNP-NEL, MSN-NE, RNKellie LaVaun Middleton DNP-NEL, MSN-NE, RN Assistant Professor of Nursing, Skills Laboratory Coordinator kellie.middleton@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1907 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 130Additional information
Dr. Kellie LaVaun Middleton is a Registered Nurse who has served the public health population since 2013. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degrees from Francis Marion University, Florence, SC (2013, 2017), and her Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree from the University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC (2020). She also holds a Certification in Simulation through Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA (2018).
Over the years, she has served as a part-time clinical instructor for Francis Marion University, Department of Nursing’s BSN program, a Graduate Mentor for Francis Marion University pre-nursing freshman students, and PRN services to a local hemodialysis clinic. She also works part-time for HopeHealth with Behavioral Health patients. Dr. Middleton is an Assistant Professor of Nursing and the Coordinator of Dr. Frank Lee Nursing Building Skills Laboratory with Francis Marion University’s School of Health Science. She teaches in graduate and undergraduate-level courses, develops simulation modules for graduate and undergraduate interprofessional students, and participates in collaborative initiatives and research that involve students, community partners, healthcare professionals, and faculty. In addition to her public health and nurse educator duties, Dr. Middleton also provides respite care for families of children with special needs and/or disabilities. She also volunteers at the Dillion Free Clinic, the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) Emergency Department, and COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics throughout the Pee Dee Region.
Dr. Middleton has presented at local, state, regional, and national conferences, as well as actively participates in several scholarly research projects. Dr. Middleton was the recipient of the Myrtle Irene Brown Fellowship Scholarship by the University of South Carolina’s College of Nursing and Doctor of Nursing Practice program for academic excellence (2018, 2019), the SC Council of Deans & Directors of Nursing Education Scholarship (2019), the Lettie Pate Whitehead Scholarship (2018, 2019), the South Carolina Nurses Foundation (SCNF) Nurses Care Scholarship (2019), and the Anna Gallagher American Nurses Foundation Scholarship (2019). Dr. Middleton is also published in the Journal of Nursing Education.
Dr. Middleton serves on several university, department, and community committees, advisory boards, and health panels. Within the Department of Nursing, she is the co-advisor for The Student Nurses Association. In the profession of Nursing, Dr. Middleton is the former President of the Chi Lambda Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau Nursing Honor Society, and currently serves as the Membership Ambassador. The South Carolina League for Nursing (SCLN), The Association of Community Health Nursing Educators (ACHNE), The Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurses Society™ (WOCN®), The Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH), and The SC Nursing Education Simulation Alliance (SCNESA) are also among her professional memberships.
Dr. Miller Shawn E.Dr. Shawn E. Miller Associate Professor of English smiller@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1716 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 145Additional information
Shawn Miller joined the Francis Marion University faculty in 2008; before that, he taught writing and literature in the University of Wisconsin system. He specializes in modern and contemporary American literature, with a particular emphasis in the literature of the American South, and he is especially interested in how Southern literature has been and continues to be defined. He has written and spoken on a range of Southern writers, including William Faulkner, Zora Neale Hurston, Cormac McCarthy, and Natasha Trethewey. He is currently working on two projects, one on Missouri novelist Daniel Woodrell and another on Edgar Allan Poe’s only novel.
PhD, University of Mississippi
MA, University of Virginia
BA, James Madison University
Mixon Julie S.Julie S. Mixon Associate Professor of Art - Photography jmixon@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1541 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 208Additional information
M.F.A. East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.
B.F.A. Barton College, Wilson NC.
Teaching Experience
Lenoir Community College, Kinston, NC
Barton College, Wilson NC.
East Carolina University
I started photography as an undergraduate student at Barton College in 2000 and went on to East Carolina University to receive my Master of Fine Arts Degree in Photography in 2004. It was at ECCU that I discovered a passion for teaching photography.
In 2004, I began my teaching career at Lenoir Community College in Kinston, North Carolina. I taught as an Art Instructor at LCC until December of 2012. In January of 2012, I began teaching photography at Francis Marion University in Florence, South Carolina. I teach classes ranging from digital, analog, and alternative processes. Yes, I'm keeping the darkroom alive!
What I love about teaching is that you never stop learning....and photography is one of those things that you never stop learning. Making art through image based media is what I do.
Outside of higher education I offer photography services that include wedding photography and portraiture and serve the Carolinas and beyond.
To see student work: https://francismarionphoto.wordpress.com/
Dr. Molinari KileyDr. Kiley Molinari Assistant Professor of Anthropology kiley.molinari@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1813 DepartmentsSociologyOfficeFH 241Additional information
Ph. D. – University of Oklahoma, 2018
Dr. Kiley Molinari is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology. Her research focuses on topics such as material culture studies, Indigenous new media, language and cultural revitalization and retention, digital cultural heritage, and collaborative research in Native North America. She has been working on various projects and presentations with the Apsáalooke People (Crow Tribe) since 2010. Dr. Molinari has an article published in the <em>Journal of Northwest Anthropology</em> concentrating on part of her MA research. She has presented her research at various national and regional anthropology conferences including, the Northwest Anthropological Conference, the Plains Anthropological Conference, the Society for Applied Anthropology, and the American Anthropological Association, as well as other symposiums relating to Heritage Studies and Museum Anthropology.
Courses Taught:
ANTH 100: Introduction to Anthropology
ANTH 205: Introduction to Biological Anthropology
ANTH 215: Language and Culture
ANTH 220: Native Peoples of North America
ANTH 230: Cultural Anthropology
Moore Whitney P. B.S.Whitney P. Moore B.S. Administrative Assistant-Speech Language Pathology Whitney.Moore@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1847 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesSpeech Language PathologyOfficeLMEC 307Additional information
Whitney Moore is the administrative assistant for the Department of Speech-Language Pathology at Francis Marion University. She received her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Francis Marion University.
Dr. Morgan Kyle J.Dr. Kyle J. Morgan Assistant Professor of Political Science Kyle.Morgan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1615 DepartmentsPolitical ScienceOfficeFH 138Additional information
Ph.D. Rutgers University
M.A. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
B.S. Farleigh Dickinson University
Dr. Morgan focuses his research and teaching on American politics, and in particular the American judiciary. Dr. Morgan has published work on the U.S. Supreme Court, American democracy, civil rights and liberties, and constitutional Law. He also continues to work in the world of public opinion.
Currently, Dr. Morgan is conducting research on criminal justice sentencing as well as the role of race and gender in judicial nominations. At Francis Marion University, Dr. Morgan offers courses on civil rights and liberties, U.S. government, criminal Justice, and criminal Law. In his spare time, he can be found spending time with his dog or outside, surfing, hiking, and camping.
Munn Allison C. PhD, RNAllison C. Munn PhD, RN Associate Professor of Nursing amunn@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1898 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 127Additional information
Dr. Allison Munn began teaching the undergraduate Nursing Pediatrics course at Francis Marion University in 2015 as an Adjunct Instructor of Nursing. In January 2017, she joined the faculty in a full-time capacity as an Assistant Professor of Nursing and is currently an associate Professor. Dr. Munn received her BSN from Clemson University in 2001, and upon graduation began her nursing career in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at McLeod Regional Medical Center. After working in the clinical field of Pediatrics for 11 years, Dr. Munn left the bedside to pursue a career in academia. In November 2016, she received her PhD in Nursing Science from the Medical University of South Carolina with a focus on vulnerable populations. Dr. Munn’s research interests include breastfeeding and Baby-Friendly practices. She is published in an international peer-reviewed journal about the impact in the United States of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative on breastfeeding and early infant health outcomes. Dr. Munn has also presented nationally the results of a mixed-methods study on factors influencing African American mothers’ adoption of Baby-Friendly practices and associated breastfeeding decisions. Dr. Munn is a native of the Pee Dee Region and has a passion for serving the healthcare needs of the area and for educating future nursing leaders of the community.
Dr. Munn Johnathan G.Dr. Johnathan G. Munn Associate Dean of School of Business, Professor of Economics, Henry Booker Sparrow Chair of Economics & Economics Forecasting jmunn@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1496 DepartmentsEconomicsSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 130Additional information
Ph.D., University of South Carolina
B.S., Clemson University
Areas of Expertise
Regional and Urban Economics
The Economics of Innovation
Health Economics
Professor Johnathan Munn joined the Francis Marion faculty in 2008. He teaches Principles of Macroeconomics, Principles of Microeconomics, International Economics, and Intermediate Microeconomics. His research interests include regional economic growth and the spatial distribution of innovation. Professor Munn is the 2008 recipient of the Barry M. Moriarty Graduate Student Award, which is presented by the Southern Regional Science Association to the best paper in the area of Regional Science. Prior to entering academia, Professor Munn worked in the private sector at one of the nation’s largest commercial banks.
Dr. Murphy Ron T.Dr. Ron T. Murphy Emeritus Faculty of Psychology, Years at FMU: 2006-2022 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeAdditional information
Ronald T. Murphy received a PhD in Clinical Psychology at the State University of New York at Binghamton in 1989. Dr. Murphy’s publications include book chapters and journal articles on substance use by incarcerated adolescents, academic functioning of children of alcoholics, psychological assessment, motivation to change among combat veterans, and the effects of the event on September 11th on stress and academic functioning among African-American college students.
His research interests include enhancement of PTSD treatment engagement among combat veterans, fostering academic engagement among first generation college students, and psychological barriers for the homeless. He had a publication reporting results from a randomized control trial of an intervention designed to increase treatment engagement among veterans in a PTSD treatment program. He has consulted to various organizations and treatment sites across the country, including VA clinics and the Department of Defense. He is a member of the Pee Dee Area Veterans Advisory Council and is involved in community work with veterans and the homeless.
Dr. Myers Jeannette M.Dr. Jeannette M. Myers Professor of Astronomy, Coordinator of Astronomy Program, Director of Dooley Planetarium jmyers@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1441 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeLSF 103FAdditional information
- Ph.D. in Astrophysics, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina, 2003.
- M.S. in Physics, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina, 1999.
- B.S. in Astronomy and Physics, Mankato State University, Mankato, Minnesota, 1996.
Research Interests
Galaxy Halo Formation
Galaxy Collisions
Star Formation
Helium Flash
Teaching Interests
I have been an astronomy professor at FMU since 2003 and am actively involved in teaching all of the astronomy courses in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. I have taught the Physics 216 (General Physics II) course during the summer sessions as well as classes for Middle School Science teachers. I have developed courses and laboratories for the Astronomy program at Francis Marion University.
Recent Conferences
- SuperComputing SC11, Seattle, WA 2011
- SuperComputing SC10, New Orleans, LA 2010
- American Physical Society, SE Section, Atlanta, GA 2009
- American Physical Society, SE Section, Nashville, TN 2007
- American Physical Society, SE Section, Williamsburg, VA 2006
- American Physical Society, SE Section, Gainesville, FL 2005
- American Astronomical Society, Minneapolis, MN 2005
- South Carolina Academy of Sciences, Rock Hill 2005
- American Physical Society, SE Section, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 2004
- American Astronomical Society, Atlanta, GA 2004
Professional Memberships and Honors
- Member, American Astronomical Society
- Member, Phi Kappa Phi
- Member, American Physical Society
- Member, Sigma Pi Sigma National Physics Honor Society
- Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society
- Member, South Carolina Academy of Science
Dr. Nagata Mary LouiseDr. Mary Louise Nagata Emeritus Faculty of History, Years at Francis Marion University: 2005-2024 mnagata@fmarion.edu DepartmentsHistoryOfficeAdditional information
Dr. Nagata joined the History Department in 2005. She is the author of Labor Contracts and Labor Relations in Early Modern Central Japan (Routledge Curzon Press, 2005) and has published numerous articles in the field of East Asian history, with a focus on family life and labor issues in Japan.
In addition to her love of travel, she has a love for music, and is a trained concert violinist. Dr. Nagata plans to reside in Japan for her retirement.
PhD, University of Hawaii, 1996
Courses Taught:
- Introduction to Modern World History
- History of Traditional East Asia
- History of Modern China
- History of Modern Japan
- History of Family and Gender in Eurasian Perspective
- 20th-Century Communist States
- The Historian's Craft
Narayan PadmaPadma Narayan Instructor of Mathematics pnarayan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1575 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409AAdditional information
Master of Science in Mathematics from the University of Bombay
Dr. Nelson LarryDr. Larry Nelson Faculty Emeritus in History, Former Chair: Department of History DepartmentsHistoryOfficeAdditional information
19th-Century U.S., American West.
Former Chair, Department of History.
FMU Distinguished Professor.
Dr. Nelson MatthewDr. Matthew Nelson Professor of English, Co-Director of the Center of Excellence for College and Career Readiness mnelson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1500 DepartmentsCenter of Excellence-College and Career ReadinessEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 109Additional information
Matthew Nelson came to FMU in 2004 from the Joint Program in English and Education at the University of Michigan. His research combines perspectives from the fields of composition and rhetoric and qualitative educational research. Matt’s research projects include an exploration of the nature of the transition students make between writing in high schools and writing at the university. Matt teaches both first-year and advanced composition courses at FMU and serves as Co-Director of the Swamp Fox Writing Project. Together with Dr. Meredith Love, he is also Co-Director of the Center of Excellence for College and Career Readiness at Francis Marion.
PhD, University of Michigan
MA, Texas A&M University
BA, Texas A&M University
Dr. Nery-Kjerfve TaniaDr. Tania Nery-Kjerfve Assistant Professor of Managment Tania.NeryKjerfve@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1431 DepartmentsHuman Resource ManagementSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 245Additional information
Dr. Nery-Kjerfve received her PhD in Human Resource Development from Texas A&M in 2015, her MA and BA in History from University Federal Fluminense in Rio De Janeiro Brazil in 1995 and 1989. Her research interests encompass International HRM, Expatriation, Career Development, Gender, and Knowledge Management, while her teaching interests include International Management, Employment Law and Labor Regulations, and Organizational Behavior.
Norman EmilyEmily Norman Academic Advisor in CASA emily.norman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1986 DepartmentsCenter for Academic Success and AdvisementOfficeFH 220Additional information
Norman Michele L. PhD, CCC-SLP, ASHA FellowMichele L. Norman PhD, CCC-SLP, ASHA Fellow Graduate Studies Coordinator, Professor of Speech-Language Pathology Michele.Norman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1885 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesSpeech Language PathologyOfficeLMEC 301Additional information
Dr. Michele L. Norman, Associate Professor, is the Graduate Studies Coordinator for the Master of Speech-Language Pathology Program in the School of Health Sciences at Francis Marion University. She is a Fellow of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association who received her PhD from The University of Memphis, MS from the University of the District of Columbia, and BA from Rutgers University–Douglass College.
Dr. Norman has been a speech-language pathologist for over 30 years in a variety of settings. Clinically, she has served populations from birth to senescence providing services to children and adults with neurologically-based disorders that impact speech, language, communication, and swallowing. During her career, she was the Coordinator of the Intensive Review for Praxis Examination for Speech-Language Pathology for the National Black Association for Speech-Language and Hearing for 18 years and a special education teacher in the public-school setting for nearly 10 years serving children with learning disabilities and severe communication deficits. Later, Dr. Norman became research faculty in Communication Sciences and Disorders at Medical University of South Carolina, where she was also the Director of the Communication and Aging Research Lab. Then, she was a tenured, Associate Professor at Longwood University and the Communication Sciences and Disorders Undergraduate Program Coordinator.
She is a published author who has written articles on various topics and textbook chapters on the evaluation and treatment of persons with dementia and Reminiscence Therapy.
Areas of Expertise and/or Research:
Neurogenics, orofacial myology, and medical speech-language pathology and their relationships to communication and swallowing disorders across diverse cultures
Dr. O'Kelley Sharon K.Dr. Sharon K. O'Kelley Professor of Mathematics, Undergraduate Program Coordinator for Secondary Mathematics, Chair of Faculty sokelley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1579 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 402Additional information
Ph.D. in Mathematics Education from The University of Georgia
Dr. Padgett Caroliniana S.Dr. Caroliniana S. Padgett John Kassab Professor of Business, Professor of Economics, Area Coordinator of Economics cpadgett@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1442 DepartmentsEconomicsSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 235Additional information
Ph.D., University of South Carolina
B.A., University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Areas of Expertise
Environmental Economics
Applied Microeconomics
Industrial Organization
Dr. Padgett joined the Francis Marion faculty in 2012. She teaches Principles of Microeconomics and Environmental Economics. Her research interests include environmental economics, health, education and technology. Dr. Padgett's research has been published in The Southern Business and Economic Journal.
Dr. Panza NicoleDr. Nicole Panza Associate Professor of Mathematics, Coordinator of First Year Initiatives npanza@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1585 DepartmentsGender StudiesMathematicsOfficeLSF 409EAdditional information
Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from North Carolina State University
Dr. Pawloski TammyDr. Tammy Pawloski Director, Center of Excellence for Teachers of Children of Poverty, Professor of Education tpawloski@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1510 DepartmentsCenter of Excellence for Teachers of Children of PovertySchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 265 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Areas of Specialization
Early Childhood Education
Children of Poverty
Dr. Peterson LeRoy Jr.Dr. LeRoy Peterson Jr. Professor of Chemistry lpeterson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1454 DepartmentsAfrican and African American StudiesChemistryOfficeMSB 301-FAdditional informationFormer Chair, Department of Chemistry
Phillips J. LeeJ. Lee Phillips Instructor of Mathematics jphillips@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1588 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409RAdditional information
Masters in Mathematical Science from Clemson University
Phillips Tiffany DNP, NP-CTiffany Phillips DNP, NP-C Associate Professor of Nursing tphillips@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1835 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 355Additional information
Tiffany Phillips is an Associate Professor of Nursing. She practices part-time as a family nurse practitioner with McLeod Occupational Health in Florence, South Carolina. Tiffany received her BSN from The Medical University of South Carolina (summa cum laude) in 2004. She worked as an emergency department nurse for 7.5 years before completing her MSN/DNP in 2012, also from The Medical University of South Carolina. She has worked full-time for McLeod Inpatient Services since becoming a nurse practitioner. Tiffany teaches in both the graduate and undergraduate nursing programs. She looks forward to positively contributing to nursing education at Francis Marion University.
Prof. Pike Lisa A.Prof. Lisa A. Pike Associate Professor of Biology lpike@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1411 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 204DAdditional information
B.S. Biology, State University of New York, Center at Binghamton, 1989
M.S. Marine Biology, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, 1991
Post Graduate Studies at James Cook University of North Queensland, Australia, 1992
Courses Taught:
- Special Topics in Biology for School Teachers (Bio 615)
- Environmental Biology (103)
- Environmental Biology Laboratory (103L)
- Organismal Biology (106)
- Organismal Biology Laboratory (106L)
- Life Science Laboratory (115L)
- Introduction to Life Science (105)
- Human Biology Laboratory (104L)
- Introductory Marine Biology (204)
- Environmental Science (ENV 201)
- Introduction to Gender Studies (GNDR 200)
- Education 497: Place Based Education (EDUC 497)
Dr. Poston Kay M.Dr. Kay M. Poston Professor of Accounting kposton@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1476 DepartmentsAccounting-School of BusinessSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 250Additional information
D.B.A., University of Tennessee-Knoxville
M.Acc., University of Tennessee-Knoxville
B.A., University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Areas of Expertise:
Cost Accounting
Managerial Accounting
Emphasis on Strategic Cost Management
A Certified Public Accountant, Dr. Poston has had substantial professional experience, including service on the faculties of the University of Missouri—Columbia, Drexel University and Arizona State-West. She has focused her research upon cost and managerial accounting, with numerous presentations and publications. She has made numerous presentations to national and regional meetings of the American Accounting Association, the national association for faculty in accounting. Additionally, her research has appeared in several edited books as well as journals such as Advances in Management Accounting, Cases from Management Accounting Practice, Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Cost Management, and The Journal of Cost Analysis.
Dr. Potter MichaelDr. Michael Potter Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Coordinator of Mechanical Engineering Michael.Potter@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1626 DepartmentsMechanical EngineeringPhysics and EngineeringOfficeMSB 101-AAdditional information
Research Interests
Wearable sensors, human biomechanics, athlete and warfighter performance, sensor fusion, dynamics, engineering education
PhD, Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (2021)
MS, Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (2019)
BSME, Mechanical Engineering, Ohio Northern University, Ada (2016)
BS, Physics, Ohio Northern University, Ada (2016)
Poulsen Cory M.Cory M. Poulsen Assistant Baseball Coach Cory.Poulsen@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4624 DepartmentsAthleticsOfficeUC234Additional information
Pressley Tiffany DNP, APRN, PMHNP-BC, CNE, CMSRNTiffany Pressley DNP, APRN, PMHNP-BC, CNE, CMSRN Assistant Professor of Nursing Coordinator of the MSN/DNP Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Tracks, & Post-Master’s Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Certificate Tiffany.Pressley@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4659 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeCCHS 359AAdditional information
Tiffany R. Pressley received her DNP in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Practice at the University of South Alabama in July 2017. She currently practices as a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner and is a university faculty member. She evaluates and treats psychiatric patients at three different tribal medicine clinics via telemedicine.
Dr. Pressley began as a full-time assistant professor and PMHNP program coordinator at Francis Marion University (FMU) in August 2020. She teaches graduate and undergraduate students didactic and clinical skills in psychiatric mental health nursing as well as other courses in FMU's School of Health Sciences.
Professionally, Dr. Pressley has worked as a high school Spanish teacher, medical-surgical registered nurse, clinical staff leader, USAF officer, and psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner. She is a United States Air Force Health Professions Scholarship Program graduate and previously served on Active Duty at Scott AFB as a PMHNP. When accepting the full-time PMHNP program coordinator position at FMU in 2020, she transitioned to the United States Air Force Reserves. She is currently a traditional reservist attached to and Aeromedical Staging Squadron at Robins AFB, GA.
She currently holds APRN licenses in Georgia, Maine, Minnesota, and South Carolina and RN licenses in Minnesota and South Carolina. She is a researcher in community-based and military research settings in a variety of areas including behavioral parent training, telepsychiatry, simulation in nursing education, and substance use disorders.
Dr. Pressley is a proud mom of three and wife of one. She enjoys time with family, listening to music, playing board/card games, and traveling. She is committed to improving access to education and mental health for rural and underserved populations within her community and the communities she serves.
Dr. Pryor Greg S.Dr. Greg S. Pryor Professor of Biology, Co-Coordinator of Medical Laboratory Science Program gpryor@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1403 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeMSB 301D
Dr. Rajagopalan HariDr. Hari Rajagopalan Dean of the School of Business, Eugene A Fallon Jr. Professor of Management HRajagopalan@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1420 DepartmentsSchool of BusinessSupply Chain ManagementOfficeSOBE 125Additional information
Ph.D., University of North Carolina - Charlotte Campus M.S., University of North Carolina - Charlotte Campus M.B.A., Delhi University B.E., Anna University
Areas of Expertise
Emergency Response Systems Location Analysis Supply Chain Management Complex Adaptive Systems
Dr. Hari K. Rajagopalan joined the Francis Marion Faculty in 2006. He is Eugene A. Fallon Professor of Management as well as Dean of the School of Business at Francis Marion University. Dr. Rajagopalan teaches business analytics, management science, operations management, and statistical model building and does research in meta-heuristic search methods, machine learning, location models, supply chain management and agent-based modeling. His research has been published in academic journals such as Journal of Operations Research Society, European Journal of Operational Research, Computers and Operations Research and Decision Support Systems. He is also an active participant in INFORMS, and Decision Sciences.
Rao PadmajaPadmaja Rao Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Area Coordinator of Computer Science mrao@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1591 DepartmentsComputer ScienceSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 236Additional information
Adviser to FMU ACM Student Chapter and CS programming contest team Coordinator of the CS internship program
M.S., Stevens Institute of Technology
B.S., University of Maryland
Area of Expertise
Software Engineering Networking
Padmaja Rao joined the Francis Marion faculty in 2005. She teaches courses in object-oriented programming, software engineering and networking. Before coming to FMU, she worked for eight years in IBM, T. J. Watson Research Center in Hawthorne, New York where her research areas included network management, directory services and security. Her work was presented at many conferences including IEEE 802.9 Working Group Task Force and Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) on secure DNS. She holds a patent in the area of network security architecture.
Razick DanageneDanagene Razick Associate Director of Human Resources- Administrative Services drazick@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1142 DepartmentsAdministrationHuman Resources OfficeOfficeSAB 105Additional information
Supervises payroll functions, personal services and fringe sections of the University budget, full-time and part-time faculty contracts, record retention, and various reports. Monitors the classification, compensation, employment, and leave programs for Human Resources.
Reeves ShaneShane Reeves Part-Time Instructor of Music sreeves@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1595 DepartmentsFine ArtsMusic IndustryOfficePAC A211Additional information
DMA in Percussion Performance/Pedagogy from the University of South Carolina
Master of Music degree in Percussion Performance from the University of Florida
Bachelors of Science in Music Education from the University of Alabama at Birmingham
Shane Reeves, a native of Birmingham, Alabama, completed his DMA in Percussion Performance at the University of South Carolina with a minor in music theory. He also holds a Master of Music degree in Percussion Performance from the University of Florida and a Bachelors of Science in Music Education from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. His primary teachers include Eric Hollenbeck, Gene Fambrough, Ken Broadway, Scott Herring, and Jim Hall. In addition, Shane has studied drum set and hand percussion with Rick Dior, West African percussion with master drummer Amara Camara and Brazilian percussion with Larry Crooke.
Shane has performed at many conferences and conventions including the Percussive Arts Society International Convention, the College Music Society National Conference, the South Carolina Chamber Music Festival, the Society of Composers National Conference, the International Conference on Thinking, the North Charleston Arts Festival, the Savannah College of Art and Design International Festival, the McCormick Marimba Festival, the Florence Arts International Festival, and the Southern Baptist Convention. He has also performed with a variety of musical ensembles including the Central Florida Symphony, Fayetteville Symphony, Gainesville Chamber Orchestra, Palmetto Opera, South Carolina Philharmonic, Wilmington Symphony, J’Ouvert Steel Band, Pantasia Steel Band, Sunshine Steelers, Jacare Brazil, and the Woyate West African Drum and Dance Ensemble. As a member of the Florence Symphony Orchestra, Shane has shared the stage with Art Garfunkel, The Indigo Girls, Point of Grace, and Cirque Musica. He was also featured as a soloist with the Florence Symphony in a performance of Jennifer Higdon’s Percussion Concerto. As a member of the USC wind ensemble, Shane participated in a recording of the music of Leonard Bernstein for the Naxos label and was the principal percussionist during the ensemble’s concert tour of China. Shane has also given recitals and clinics at universities throughout the United States.
As an educator, Shane has taught percussion at various middle and high schools in Alabama, Florida, and South Carolina. During his time as a graduate assistant at the University of Florida, he taught percussion methods classes and the beginner steel band. Currently, Shane is on the faculty at Francis Marion University and is the principal percussionist for the Florence Symphony Orchestra, principal timpanist for the Masterworks Choir, and drummer for the experimental rock group Yellodrama. Shane endorses Black Swamp Percussion, Evans Drumheads, and Innovative Percussion and is a member of the Percussive Arts Society, the College Music Society, and the National Association of College Wind and Percussion Instructors.
Dr. Reynolds MeredithDr. Meredith Reynolds Professor of English mreynolds@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1568 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 121Additional information
Meredith Reynolds joined the FMU faculty in 2008. She is a medievalist, interested especially in Sir Thomas Malory. She is a regular attendee at SEMA (Southeastern Medieval Association) and ICMS (International Congress on Medieval Studies). She is also the Director of the Writing Center.
For fun, she loves movies, both good (Mad Max: Fury Road, Atomic Blonde, A Room with a View) and bad (Tremors, Mega Python Vs. Gatoroid, Mammoth, Sharknado 1-3 and 5 [not 4: it was just plain awful]). She also loves to cook, to bake, and to hang out with friends. Finally, she owns four cats—Layla, Boo, Harley, and Cow—who are regular sources of both frustration and amusement.
PhD, Baylor University
MA, Winthrop University
BA, Converse College
Dr. Richardson Cheri L.Dr. Cheri L. Richardson Director of Housing and Resident Life crichardson@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1330 DepartmentsHousing and Residence LifeOfficeHousing OfficeAdditional information
EdD in Curriculum and Instruction, Cognate in Educational Technology
Dr. Ritter JamesDr. James Ritter Associate Professor of Education, CAEP Accreditation Coordinator, CREATE Center Director for FMU, M.A.T. - Multi-Categorical Program Coordinator James.Ritter@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1468 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 144 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Office hours are posted on each course syllabus.
Dr. Roberts TerryDr. Terry Roberts Coordinator of Music Program, Director of Instrumental Activities, Professor of Music troberts@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1681 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficePAC A210Additional information
D.M.A., Florida State University
Terry Roberts began his musical studies at the age of five, first with piano, then horn and cello. He completed his Bachelor of Music at Florida State University in 1976 and moved to Europe to further his musical studies. In 1977 he was engaged as Solo Horn of the Deutsche Oper am Rhein and in 1984 moved to Monaco as Solo Horn with l'Orchestre Philharmonic du Monte Carlo.
In 1993 he moved back to the United States and started a freelance career as soloist, chamber and orchestra musician. Dr. Roberts was a prizewinner in the 1994 American Horn Competition, Professional Division. He has performed and recorded with orchestras throughout Europe and the United States.
While performing on the horn, both as soloist and in the orchestra, he took up conducting in Europe. Dr. Roberts studied in Cologne, Germany and at the Conservatoire du Nice, France. He has been able to work with many well known conductors from all over the world such as Lorin Maazel, Daniel Barenboim and Sir Neville Mariner. Dr. Roberts was Music Director/ Conductor of the Chipola Regional Symphony Orchestra in Florida through 1998.
Having since completed his Doctorate at Florida State University, Dr. Roberts is currently a professor of music at Francis Marion University and Music Director/Conductor of the Florence Symphony Orchestra.
Dr. Rooks Pamela A.Dr. Pamela A. Rooks Emeritus Faculty of English, Distinguished Faculty, Years at Francis Marion University: 1989-2020 prooks@fmarion.edu DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeAdditional information
Dr. Pamela Rooks retired in 2020. She is an Emeritus Professor of English, and the former Coordinator of Gender Studies Program.
Pamela Rooks has studied and taught in Canada, England, Nigeria, Michigan, Iowa, and Georgia before coming to Francis Marion University in 1989. In May, 1999, she was appointed as Director of the Honors Program. In January 2013, she transitioned into coordinating the Gender Studies Program. Her teaching and scholarly interests are in modern British and postcolonial (particularly African) literature, and in Gender Studies.
DPhil (PhD), University of York (United Kingdom)
BA, Carleton University (Canada)
Dr. Rubin KonstantinDr. Konstantin Rubin Assistant Professor of Computer Science SRubin@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1542 DepartmentsComputer ScienceSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 234Additional information
PhD, M.S., University of South Carolina
B.S., Smolensk State University, Russia
Area of Expertise
High Performance Computing Parallel Programing Computer Vision
Steve received a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, focusing on Embedded Systems design. He received this Master’s degree from University of South Carolina in Columbia. While at USC he worked remotely on research projects for Texas Instruments involving High Performance Computing and Parallel Programming (OpenCL) and Computer Vision (OpenCV 3.x). Steve has also served as vice president of the Entrepreneurship Club at USC, managed two local startup companies, and co-founded a web development company called Melting Pot Solutions LLC.
Russell Nina M. DNP, FNP-C, MSN-Ed., APRNNina M. Russell DNP, FNP-C, MSN-Ed., APRN Associate Professor of Nursing, Coordinator of the RN to BSN Track nrussell@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1682 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 106Additional information
Dr. Russell is an associate professor and coordinator of the RN to BSN track in the Francis Marion University Department of Nursing. She began her nursing career in the cardiac step-down unit at McLeod Regional Medical Center in 2000.
Dr. Russell received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of South Carolina in 2009, and a Master of Science in Nursing with a focus in nursing education from the Medical University of South Carolina in 2011. After completing her graduate degree, Dr. Russell worked as a nursing instructor and simulation coordinator for Florence-Darlington Technical College for more than two years. In 2014, Dr. Russell graduated from the Medical University of South Carolina with a second Master of Science in Nursing as a family nurse practitioner. She completed her Doctorate in Nursing Practice from the Medical University of South Carolina in 2016.
As an advocate for nursing excellence, Dr. Russell is passionate about preparing future nurses to provide quality patient care.
Dr. SaizdeLaMora KitDr. Kit SaizdeLaMora Assistant Professor of Education, Coordinator of Early Childhood Education Program, Coordinator of Montessori Education Graduate Programs Kit.Saizdelamora@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1487 DepartmentsGender StudiesSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 255 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Areas of Specialty
Early Childhood Education
Sallenger Joseph W.Joseph W. Sallenger Fine Arts Center Manager jsallenger@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1385 DepartmentsFine ArtsOfficeHFAC 101Additional information
B.A., Wake Forest University
A native of Florence, South Carolina, Joe Sallenger spent much of his childhood on the farm that would later become Francis Marion University. After "going north" to school (Wake Forest University) and a spot of travel through Europe and the United States, Joe returned to the Pee Dee region with the realization that "folks are pretty much folks everywhere you go, some just talk funnier than others."
When the Hyman Fine Arts Center was constructed at Francis Marion (College), Fine Arts Chairman Jack Baker convinced Joe to take up residence in the "fish tank" off the breezeway, where he remains to this day. He tries to keep track of the Art, Music and Theatre faculty, manage various auditoriums, dabble in a bit of Art and Flute Collecting, and help out at the Anglican Church of Our Saviour. He is learning how to eat right with a whole food plant base diet. Joe also assists his wife Donna in her mission to care for Homeless Animals, dreams about the Bands he has played in, and keeps his British (Morris Minor) truck and log cabin from falling apart around him.
In an effort to preserve some of the history of the Mars Bluff region east of Florence, South Carolina, Joe has improved the internet presence of Amelia Wallace Vernon's project to document the lives of African Americans in rural South Carolina through the preservation of slave built Hewn Timber Cabins and related artifacts. He has also published a book based on his grandmother's remembrances throughout the 1900s, Mars Bluff As I Remember It by Amelia Mellichamp Wallace and Joseph Wilds Sallenger.
Dr. Sargent JesseDr. Jesse Sargent Professor of Psychology jsargent@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1634 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-EAdditional information
Jesse Sargent earned his B.A. from the University of Vermont in 1991 and his Ph.D. from George Washington University in 2009. After a three year post-doctoral fellowship at Washington University in St. Louis, he joined the faculty at Francis Marion in the fall of 2012.
Dr. Sargent is an experimental cognitive psychologist who studies memory and the brain. His focus is on spatial cognition. He is interested in how humans organize, store and manipulate mental representations of spatial locations on both larger, environmental scales (e.g. where is the library?) and smaller, figural scales (e.g., where was that file on my desktop?). Dr. Sargent’s lab collects behavioral and electrophysiological data from younger and older adults in order to understand how our brains segment and group visuospatial information, and how those processes affect memory capacity as we age.
Each semester, a small group of students (around 7, +/- 2) participate in Dr. Sargent’s lab. Research articles are discussed in weekly lab meetings and research assistants are trained to run participants in ongoing behavioral and electroencephalography (EEG) studies. Data are examined and interpreted with an eye towards designing subsequent experiments and shaping the future of the research program. Independent, student research projects are also possible for highly motivated students. Students interested in gaining research experience in cognitive neuroscience are encouraged to talk with Dr. Sargent.
Research Interests
- Spatial cognition and memory
- Event segmentation
- Cognitive aging
- Electroencephalography (EEG)
Selected/Recent Publications:
Sargent, J., Zacks, J., Hambrick, Z. & Lin, N. (2019). Event memory uniquely predicts memory for large scale space. Memory & Cognition, 47(2), 212-228. Richmond, L. L., Sargent, J. Q., Flores, S. & Zacks, J. M. (2018). Age differences in spatial memory for mediated environments. Psychology and Aging, 33(6), 892-903.
Bailey, H. R., Kurby, C. A., Sargent, J. Q., & Zacks, J. M. (2017). Attentional focus affects how events are segmented and updated in narrative reading. Memory & Cognition. 45(6), 940-955. DOI: 10.3758/s13421-017-0707-2
Eisenberg, M. L., Sargent, J. Q., & Zacks, J. M. (2016). Posttraumatic Stress and the Comprehension of Everyday Activity. Collabra, 2(1):11, 1-10. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/collabra.43
Sargent, J., Zacks, J. M., Hambrick, D. Z., Zacks, R. T., Kurby, C. A., Bailey, H. R., Eisenberg, M. L., & Beck, T. (2013). Event Segmentation uniquely predicts event memory. Cognition, 129, 241-255.
Sargent, J., Dopkins, S., Philbeck, J., & Chichka, D. (2010). Chunking in spatial memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 36, 576-589.
Sargent, J., Dopkins, S., Philbeck, J. & Modarres, R. (2008). Spatial memory during progressive disorientation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 34, 602-615.
Sauls PatsyPatsy Sauls Instructor of Computer Science psauls@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1425 DepartmentsComputer ScienceSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 233Additional information
M.B.A., Francis Marion University
B.S., Francis Marion University
Area of Expertise
Servers and Systems
Patsy Sauls joined the Francis Marion CS faculty in 2010. From 1997 to 2009, she worked in the Academic Computing Services and Campus Technology at FMU as a Coordinator of User Services and as a Server and System Specialist. She also worked as a Computer Programmer for the Department of Mathematics from 1983-1997.
Her focus for the last several years has been on installing and maintaining servers and systems such as OpenVMS, Novel, Microsoft, VMware, Cisco NAC, and packetshaper. She has earned several computer certifications including CNA (Novel 5.1) and MCSE (Microsoft 2000).
Dr. Schnibben George E. Jr.Dr. George E. Schnibben Jr. Professor Emeritus gschnibben@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1576 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409FAdditional information
Ph.D. in Mathematics from Clemson University
Dr. Scott DamonDr. Damon Scott Professor of Mathematics dscott@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1586 DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeLSF 409OAdditional information
Ph.D. in Mathematics from Duke University
Scott Gabrielle B. DNP-EHL, MSN-NE, RNGabrielle B. Scott DNP-EHL, MSN-NE, RN Instructor of Nursing GScott@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1691 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 129Additional information
Gabrielle Scott received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing (2008) and her Master of Science in Nursing with an emphasis on Nursing Education (2018) from Francis Marion University. In 2023, Scott received her Doctorate of Nursing Practice with a focus in Executive Healthcare Leadership from the University of South Carolina.
Scott has been a Registered Nurse since 2008 and her areas of expertise include Medical-Surgical, Special Procedures, and Nephrology. In 2018, Scott decided to transition into academia working part-time as a clinical instructor for Francis Marion University. Since then, she has experience teaching in an undergraduate BSN program, online RN-BSN program, and Practical Nursing program.
Scott is a member of Sigma Theta Tau International and feels she can best serve by teaching and mentoring students to care for patients holistically. She is proud to join the faculty at Francis Marion University and give back to the campus and community that started her career.
Dr. Serrano Jan M.Dr. Jan M. Serrano Professor of Finance, Area Coordinator of Finance jserrano@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1620 DepartmentsFinance-School of BusinessSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 228Additional information
Ph.D., Virginia Tech
M.B.A., Stephen F. Austin State University
B.B.A., Stephen F. Austin State University
Areas of Expertise
Financial Management
Financial Planning
Dr. Serrano joined the Francis Marion faculty in 2010. She teaches Corporate Finance and Investments. She is a Certified Financial Planner, and served as a financial advisor for a nationally recognized investment firm. Her research interests include Retirement Planning and Preparedness, Investment Selection, Issues in Financial Management and Corporate Governance, and Case Studies. Her research has appeared in The Journal of Financial Economics, The Journal of Financial Research, The Southeast Case Research Journal, The Journal of Finance Case Research, and The Journal of Business and Behavioral Science.
Dr. Setzler Hubert H. IIIDr. Hubert H. Setzler III Professor of Management, Nellie Cooke Sparrow Professor of Business, MBA Director, Area Coordinator of Management HSetzler@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1433 DepartmentsSchool of BusinessSupply Chain ManagementOfficeSOBE 131Additional information
Ph.D., University of North Carolina - Charlotte Campus
M.B.A., University of North Carolina - Charlotte Campus
B.A., Newberry College
Areas of Expertise
Supply Chain Management
Lean Six Sigma
Process Improvement and Quality Control
Business Statistics and Analytics
Dr. Hubert Setzler III joined Francis Marion University in 2007. He is the Nellie Cook Sparrow Professor of management, MBA director as well as the Coordinator of the Management Department. Dr. Setzler teaches management science, operations management, and leadership. His interests include process improvement and quality control, leadership, and supply chain management. His research has been published in academic journals such as Computers and Operations Research, Journal of Service Science Management, and Research in Higher Education. He is the coordinator of the executive training certificate programs and is an active consultant in the training and development of organizations in Lean Six Sigma and Executive Leadership.
Dr. Sharer ElizabethDr. Elizabeth Sharer Professor of Management esharer@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1808 DepartmentsSchool of BusinessSupply Chain ManagementOfficeSOBE 132Additional information
Ph.D. University of North Carolina - Charlotte Campus
B.S. University of North Carolina - Charlotte Campus
B.F.A. University of North Carolina - Charlotte Campus
Areas of Expertise
Management Science, Production Planning and Control, Supply Chain Management, Evolutionary Algorithms
Elizabeth Sharer is Professor of Management in the School of Business at Francis Marion University. Dr. Sharer teaches operations management, manufacturing planning and control, decision support systems, and does research in optimization of Supply Chain and Manufacturing. She has published scholarly papers in European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Production Economics, and other journals. She is also an active participant at INFORMS.
Dr. Shin Yong B.Dr. Yong B. Shin Professor of Management Information Systems, Area Coordinator of Management Information Systems yshin@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1426 DepartmentsInformation Systems ManagementSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 237Additional information
Ph.D., Mississippi State University
M.S., Mississippi State University
B.S., Utah State University
Areas of Expertise
Security development issues in IS and Database Systems
E-Commerce & Web-driven Database
Adoption of Web-based Information Technology
Web-based Collaborative Support Systems
Data Warehouse & Data Mining
Distance Learning: Virtual Communication Systems
Web-based programming languages (XML, Java, VB.Net, Script Languages)
Dr. Shin joined Francis Marion faculty in 2005. He teaches courses in Information Systems and System Development. His research has appeared in the Journal of AIS and Information Systems Review, Journal of Business Entrepreneur, and Journal of Insights for Technology Changes.
Dr. Simmons LindsayDr. Lindsay Simmons Associate Professor of Education, Co-Director COE - Teacher Retention and Induction in the Pee Dee (TRIP) lsimmons@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1466 DepartmentsCOE - Teacher Retention & Induction in the Pee Dee (TRIP)School of EducationOfficeSOBE 264 - Office hours are posted on syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Areas of Specialization
Elementary Education
Middle Level Education
Singleton SuzanneSuzanne Singleton Emeritus Faculty, Former Head of Reference and Archivist, Years at Francis Marion University: 1988-2024 msingleton@fmarion.edu DepartmentsRogers LibraryOfficeAdditional information
Former Betty Jean Windham Greer Professor of Library Science
Dr. Smith R. SethfieldDr. R. Sethfield Smith Pee Dee Electric Cooperative Professor of Physics rsmith@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1453 DepartmentsPhysics and EngineeringOfficeLSF 103DAdditional information
- Ph.D. in Physics, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 1987.
- M.S. in Physics, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 1985.
- B.A. in Mathematics (major), Physics (minor), Francis Marion University, Florence, South Carolina, 1983.
Research Interests – Experimental Laser Physics I am interested in many aspects of laser spectroscopy and laser design. My past work has included the following:
- Design and construction of numerous laser systems, including an open-cavity helium neon laser, a nitrogen laser, a diode laser, and a grazing-incidence dye laser
- Construction of a Cesium heat pipe, heat pipe temperature controller, ionization detection circuit, and computer-interface module
- Resonance ionization spectroscopy and multiphoton ionization spectroscopy on Cesium using a Nd:YAG-pumped dye laser system
- Diode laser fluorescence spectroscopy and saturated absorption spectroscopy on Rubidium
- Grazing-incidence dye laser performance as a function of grazing angle, pump laser intensity, dye concentration, and dye solvent.
- Experiments on polarization characteristics, transverse electromagnetic modes, and resonator stability in an open-cavity helium-neon laser.
- Design and construction of an optical detection system, photomultiplier tube housing, and scanning system for a monochromator.
Teaching Interests
I have been a physics professor at FMU since 1989 and am actively involved in teaching many of the courses in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. During my tenure as a physics professor, I have taught all of the following courses:
PSCI101-Physical Science I, PSCI101L-Physical Science I Laboratory, PSCI102-Physical Science II, PSCI102L-Physical Science II Laboratory, Phys200-Technical Physics I, PHYS200L-Technical Physics I Laboratory, Phys201-Technical Physics II, Phys201L-Technical Physics II Laboratory, Phys202-Technical Physics III, Phys202L-Technical Physics III Laboratory, Phys215-General Physics I, Phys215L-General Physics I Laboratory, Phys216-General Physics II, Phys216L-General Physics II Laboratory, Phys301-Classical Mechanics, Phys302-Electricity and Magnetism, Phys310-Electronics, Phys310L-Electronics Laboratory, Phys312-Lasers and Optics, Phys312L-Lasers and Optics Laboratory, Phys314-Modern Physics, Phys314L-Modern Physics Laboratory, Phys401-Quantum Mechanics, PHYS419-Senior Seminar in Physics, Phys420-Senior Research in Physics, and Phys497-Special Studies in Physics.
Recent Publications/Abstracts/Presentations
R. Seth Smith, “The Importance of Angular Momentum Selection Rules in Atomic Spectroscopy”, Bulletin of the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society, Volume 50, 26, 2005.
R. Seth Smith and Michelle Ghere, “Saturated Absorption Spectroscopy”, Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science, Volume LXVII, 78, 2005.
R. Seth Smith, “A Study of Moments of Inertia for Disks, Rings, and Point Masses”, Bulletin of the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society, Volume 49, No. 7, 59, 2004.
R. Seth Smith and Debra R. Gibson, “Reflection Holography Using the Denisyuk Technique”, Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science, Volume LXIV, 94, 2004.
R. Seth Smith, “Computer-Based Diffraction and Interference Experiments for Introductory Physics”, Bulletin of the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society, Volume 48, No. 9, 40, 2003.
R. Seth Smith, “A Study of Photochromism and the Properties of Photochromic Glass”, Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science, Volume LXV, 95, 2003
R. Seth Smith, “Measuring the Half-Life of Neutron-Activated Indium-116”, Bulletin of the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society, Volume 47, No. 6, 27, 2002.
R. Seth Smith, “Measurements of Sound Waves and Interference”, Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science, Volume LXIV, 95, 2002.
R. Seth Smith and David M. Peterson, “Physics in the Classroom”, 3rd Annual Conference on Using Technology in the Teaching of Mathematics and Science, Francis Marion University, 2001.
R. Seth Smith, “Flux Trapping in a NbTi Superconductor with Cylindrical Symmetry”, Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science, Volume LXII, 84, 2000.
R. Seth Smith, Timothy J. Havens, et al., “Unified Passive Shimming for Magnetic Resonance Superconducting Magnets”, patent application #15-MG-5206, 1999.
R. Seth Smith and Timothy J. Havens, “The Effects of Temperature on the Use of 1006 Carbon Steel in the Design of Superconducting Magnets”, Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Magnet Technology, 1999.
Professional Memberships and Honors
- Pee Dee Electric Cooperative Endowed Chair in Physics, 2003
- Distinguished Professor of the Year 1999-2000
- Member, Phi Kappa Phi National Scholastic Honor Society
- Member, Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society
- Member, Sigma Pi Sigma National Physics Honor Society
- Member, American Physical Society Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society
- Member, South Carolina Academy of Science Co-Advisor, Society of Physics and Engineering Students, Francis Marion University
Dr. Smolen-Morton ShawnDr. Shawn Smolen-Morton Chair, Modern Languages, Professor of English ssmolenmorton@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1508 DepartmentsEnglishModern LanguagesOfficeCEMC 113 BAdditional information
Dr. Smolen-Morton joined the English faculty in Fall 2006. With a doctorate in Comparative Literature from the University of Massachusetts, he specializes in Film and Cultural Studies centered on gender issues. An avid bird watcher, Dr. Smolen-Morton is a freelance writer, and researcher for the National Audubon Society. His wife, Kate, teaches English at South Florence High School.
PhD, Comparative Literature, University of Massachusetts
B.A, Comparative Literature, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Sneed TammyTammy Sneed Administrative Assistant - English and Philosophy tsneed@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1371 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyPhilosophy & Religious StudiesOfficeFH 155Additional information
Mrs. Tammy Sneed and her husband Robert are originally from Burlington, NC. She has one son, Matthew, who is a student at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina. She joined the staff of the English Department in the fall of 2013.
Dr. Spear Rachel N.Dr. Rachel N. Spear Associate Professor of English, Director of Gender Studies Program rspear@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1506 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyGender StudiesOfficeHC 109Additional information
Dr. Spear is an Associate Professor of English and the Director of Gender Studies. Joining FMU in 2014, she directed the First-Year Composition program from 2015 to 2021. Prior to FMU, she held the Interim Expanded Composition Coordinator position at the University of Southern Mississippi, taught general education courses at the University of North Carolina – Wilmington, and worked with Communication across the Curriculum at Louisiana State University. She received her doctorate in Comparative Literature in 2010 from LSU, focusing on writing studies, and was awarded the Ann Veronica Simon Outstanding Gender Studies Dissertation Award.
Her research relies on an interdisciplinary approach to investigate women’s life-writing post-trauma and the transformative benefits of writing one’s story. Concentrating primarily on writing, cultural, and pedagogical studies, Spear has spoken at a number of conferences, including the Conference on College Composition and Communication and the Northeast Modern Language Association, where she served as Women’s and Gender Studies Board Representative. Publications range from creative nonfiction to theoretical work and include “Uprooted” in NOLA Diaspora and “Let Me Tell You a Story’: On Teaching Trauma Narratives, Writing, and Healing” in Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture. At FMU, Dr. Spear primarily teaches first-year writing, upper-level writing courses, and courses affiliated with the Gender Studies program.
PhD, Louisiana State University
EdS, Louisiana State University
MA, Louisiana State University
BA, Millsaps College
Springs Christina MSN-NE, RNChristina Springs MSN-NE, RN Instructor of Nursing Christina.Springs@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4658 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 107Additional information
Christina Springs received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing (2016) and her Master of Science in Nursing with an emphasis on Nursing Education (2023) from Francis Marion University. She will be pursuing her Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) in the Fall of 2025.
Springs has been a Registered Nurse since 2016 and her areas of expertise include medical-surgical and cardiovascular surgery. In 2021, Springs decided to transition into academia working part-time as a clinical instructor for Francis Marion University. Now teaching in the undergraduate BSN program.
Springs is a member of Sigma Theta Tau International and feels she can best serve by teaching and mentoring students to care for patients holistically. She is proud to be a member of the faculty at Francis Marion University and give back to the campus and community that started her career.
Steadman Allison M.Allison M. Steadman Associate Provost, Professor of Theatre Arts - Costume Design, Administrative Liaison with the National Consortium of Universities Studying Slavery ASteadman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1685 DepartmentsAfrican and African American StudiesFine ArtsProvost's OfficeOfficeHFAC 225Additional information
Masters of Fine Arts, Costume Design May 1999- University of Tennessee, Knoxville Projects in Lieu of Thesis: Costume Design/Developmental Collaboration, Adaptation of The Threepenny Opera, Director: Beth Craven Costume Design, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Modern Interpretation, Director: Liviu Ciulei
Bachelor of Arts, Theatre May 1996- Mississippi University for Women, Columbus
Originally from Pensacola, FL., I have been designing in educational and professional theaters since 1992. I received my BA degree in Theatre from Mississippi University for Women and my MFA degree in Costume Design from The University of Tennessee. I have also trained at the Skoulli Art School with Frank Hänig.
As a Costume Designer and Theatre Artist, I strive to create designs that inform and enhance the production through the development of character as supported by the text. I am at my best working in a collaborative environment where I can develop my designs with the director and actors as the characters evolve through the rehearsal process. I also enjoy the challenge of creating designs in a fast-paced repertory setting.
As an Educator, I believe in fostering students’ passion and talents in a nurturing and challenging environment. Whenever possible I create opportunities for learner-centered practical application of theory. I feel that students learn best when permitted to take risks and learn from their mistakes as well as their successes. It is the educator’s responsibility to share their knowledge and to provide the student with clear guidelines and a method of evaluation and assessment. The why is as important as the how.
As a Costume Technologist I have experience in all levels and types of costume and costume craft construction from draping to tailoring to millinery. I am a draper with a particular interest in corsetry.
Dr. Steinmetz Jeffrey A.Dr. Jeffrey A. Steinmetz Professor of Biology, Director of the Freshwater Ecology Center jsteinmetz@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1404 DepartmentsBiologyFreshwater Ecology ComplexOfficeMSB 201EAdditional information
Research Focus: Aquatic Ecology
Courses Taught:
- Biology 103: Environmental Biology
- Biology 105: Introduction to Life Science
- Biology 202: Vertebrate Zoology
- Biology 308: Aquatic Ecology
- Biology 402: Terrestrial Ecology
- Biology 411: Ecology
- Biology 413: Biological Research Methods
Research Interests: I am interested in behavioral, population and community ecology, as well as conservation biology. If you’re a student interested in working on any of the projects or areas listed below, come talk to me!
My thesis work focused on the effects of avian predators on the behavior, population dynamics and community ecology of stream fish. Other projects have included alarm calling in yellow-bellied marmots; various water quality projects; GPS/GIS work in Yap, Federated States of Micronesia; physiological responses of fish to avian predators; community-based research projects; monitoring frog populations as a regional coordinator of the North American Amphibian Monitoring Project; zooplankton biodiversity in South Carolina lakes, and biodiversity of aquatic systems in Ecuador.
Stephens CharlotteCharlotte Stephens Senior Administrative Assistant - Psychology cstephens@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1641 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 109-HAdditional information
Charlotte Stephens is the Administrative Assistant in the Psychology Department. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Francis Marion University. She is a lifetime member of Psi Chi.
Dr. Tatum Dillon S.Dr. Dillon S. Tatum Chair, Department of Political Science & Geography, Coordinator of Political Science and Criminal Justice, Associate Professor of Political Science dtatum@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1632 DepartmentsPolitical ScienceOfficeFH 129Additional information
Ph.D. George Washington University
M.A. George Washington University (Political Science)
M.A. George Washington University (Middle East Studies)
B.A. University of Arizona
Dr. Tatum, the current Chair of the Political Science Department, specializes in international relations and political theory. His research and teaching interests focus on international relations theory, global social and political theory, and security studies—particularly regarding issues relating to the liberalization of world politics.
In 2021, Dr. Tatum published his first book Liberalism and Transformation: The Global Politics of Violence and Intervention (University of Michigan Press). He has also authored numerous articles in academic journals such as International Studies Review, Political Studies Review, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, and the British Journal of Politics and International Relations.
Dr. Titanski-Hooper JenniferDr. Jennifer Titanski-Hooper Director of McNair Institute for Research and Service, Associate Professor of Geography jtitanskihooper@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1619 DepartmentsGeographyPolitical ScienceRobert E. McNair Center for Research and ServiceOfficeHC 108Additional information
Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University
M.A. West Virginia University
B.S. Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Titanski-Hooper specializes in geopolitics and cultural geography, with focuses on nationalism and development. She is an alumna of the Fulbright Program, and a former recipient of The Department of Education’s Foreign Language Area Studies (FLAS) Grants.
In 2022, Dr. Titanski-Hooper became the Director of the McNair Institute for Research and Service at FMU, and was also appointed FMU’s Fulbright Program Advisor for the Institute of International Education (IIE).
Courses Taught: Cultural Geography, GIS, Model United Nations, Physical Geography, World Regions, and various upper-level courses in Geography and Political Science.
Todd ErinErin Todd Academic Advisor in CASA erin.todd@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1987 DepartmentsCenter for Academic Success and AdvisementOfficeFH 220Additional information
Turner Pamela P.Pamela P. Turner Assistant Professor of Accounting pturner@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1804 DepartmentsAccounting-School of BusinessSchool of BusinessOfficeSOBE 239Additional information
M.B.A., Francis Marion University
B.S., University of South Carolina
Areas of Expertise:
Management Advisory Services
Pamela P. Turner is a Certified Public Accountant with significant professional experience. She spent many years in public accounting and has continued to do various projects in public practice while teaching accounting. She received her B. S. in Accounting from the University of South Carolina – Coastal Campus and her M. B. A. from Francis Marion University. She is a member of the AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) and of SCACPA (South Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants) where she is a past member of the Board of Directors and recipient of the President's Award. She is a frequent speaker on the topic of financial literacy. Ms. Turner currently serves as the treasurer of the Florence Symphony Orchestra, the Masterworks Choir and Southeast Case Research Association. Ms. Turner is a past president of Sidney Lanier Literary Club and a past treasurer of the Women’s Symphony Guild of Florence.
Dr. Tuttle JonDr. Jon Tuttle Emeritus Faculty of English, 2013-2014 Distinguished Faculty, Years at Francis Marion University: 1990-2024 jtuttle@fmarion.edu DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeAdditional information
Dr. Jon Tuttle a 2013-2014 Distinguished Faculty, served as the Director of FMU’s Honors Program, and was a Board of Trustee’s Research Scholar. Jon is a specialist in Modern and American Drama, Playwriting and the literature of the Vietnam War. His own plays, which include The Hammerstone, Drift, Holy Ghost, The Sweet Abyss, The Palace of the Moorish Kings, and Boy About Ten, have been produced at Trustus Theatre (where he is Playwright-in-Residence) and at theaters across the country. His plays have been published individually, and in the collections: The Trustus Plays and Two South Carolina Plays. Jon retired 2024 after 34 years of distinguished service to Francis Marion.
PhD, University of New Mexico, 1989
MA, University of New Mexico, 1984
BS, University of Utah, 1982
Dr. Vacharasin JanayDr. Janay Vacharasin Assistant Professor of Biology Janay.Vacharasin@FMarion.edu Phone843-661-1566 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 204JAdditional information
Dr. Janay Vacharasin is an Assistant Professor at Francis Marion University. She earned her degrees from the University of South Carolina and graduated with several honors. She has been featured on top Autism journals, podcasts, serves as a journal editor, incorporates interactive teaching methods, has done several presentations/publications, and is involved with several national, local, and worldwide organizations. To become involved with the Vacharasin Lab, please check out the laboratory website or send her an email at janay.vacharasin@fmarion.edu.
Ph.D. Biological Sciences - University of South Carolina (Columbia)
B.S. Biological Sciences - University of South Carolina (Columbia)
Courses Taught:
BIOL 104 - Human Biology
BIOL 105 - Biological Sciences I
BIOL 205 - Human Anatomy
Research and Service Interests:
Pee Dee Moms Demand action, involved in SC NIH idea programs, FMU McNair center, conferences, recruiting, Society for Neuroscience, supporting Biology related clubs, African American Faculty and Staff Coalition, BlackinX groups (one of the leaders), serving on various committees, FMU science symposium, and more.
Dr. Venters LouisDr. Louis Venters Professor of History lventers@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1593 DepartmentsAfrican and African American StudiesHistoryOfficeFH 273Additional information
Dr. Venters began teaching at Francis Marion in 2007. He is a co-author of the award-winning public history study "African Americans in Camden, South Carolina" (2006), No Jim Crow Church: The Origins of South Carolina's Bahá'i Community (University Press of Florida, 2015) and A History of the Bahá'i Faith in South Carolina (The History Press, 2019). He is particularly interested in the history of race, religion, and social change in the United States, as well as issues of rural and urban planning and the intersection of cultural and environmental stewardship. A Pee Dee native, he has lived and traveled extensively in Africa, Central America, and Europe.
PhD, University of South Carolina, 2010
Courses Taught:
- U.S. History since 1877
- The New South, 1865 to the Present
- History of Black Americans Since 1865
- African History
- South Carolina History
Wada Rebekah E. PhD, CCC-SLPRebekah E. Wada PhD, CCC-SLP Assistant Professor of Speech Language Pathology Rebekah.Wada@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1887 DepartmentsSchool of Health SciencesSpeech Language PathologyOfficeLMEC 302Additional information
Rebekah Wada is an assistant professor of speech-language pathology at Francis Marion University in Florence, South Carolina. Dr. Wada earned her bachelor’s degree in Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education from Utah State University. She completed her master’s degree in Speech-Language Pathology from Utah State University. She received her doctorate in Disability Disciplines with an emphasis in speech-language pathology and implementation science from Utah State University.
Dr. Wada is a licensed and certified speech-language pathologist with experience practicing in sub-acute rehabilitation and skilled nursing facilities. She teaches courses related to anatomy and physiology, phonetics, speech sound disorders, and autism spectrum disorders.
Dr. Wada has authored one book chapter and multiple manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals and she presents at national conferences. Her research focuses on the comprehension and production of complex syntax by school-age children with language disorders. She also examines the effective implementation of evidence-based practices within the field of speech-language pathology.
Dr. Wages CharleneDr. Charlene Wages Vice President for Administration and Planning, Hugh K. Leatherman Professor of Public Service, Professor of Psychology cwages@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1140 DepartmentsAdministrationCounseling and Testing CenterHuman Resources OfficeInstitutional Planning, Research, and EffectivenessOfficeSAB 105Additional information
Principal administrative officer with institutional responsibility for the supervision and overall management of Human Resources, administrative and academic computing, instructional technology, inventory, payroll, telecommunications, and institutional research.
Walton DavidDavid Walton Assistant Professor of Archaeology David.Walton@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1376 DepartmentsArchaeologyHistoryOfficeFH 212Additional information
A native of Ohio along the shores of Lake Erie, Dr. Walton joined Francis Marion University in 2025 to conduct archaeological research in the Pee Dee Region of South Carolina. His research and teaching are focused on North America and Mesoamerica, specifically through the lenses of household archaeology, historical archaeology, ritual practices, and the study of ancient technologies. In addition to field surveys and excavations, he specializes in the study of stone tools through experimental archaeology and high-power use-wear analysis. Consequently, flint knapping lessons for students are included in his classes.
In addition to many technical reports completed for cultural resource management projects, his academic publications have appeared in journals such as Antiquity, Ancient Mesoamerica, Journal of Field Archaeology, and Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory. To help reach the popular audience, he has appeared on television episodes of The UnXplained on History and co-hosted a documentary special called Lost Pyramids of the Aztecs (2020).
PhD, Boston University, 2017
BA, The College of Wooster, 2009
Courses Taught:
Introduction to Archaeology
Archaeology of the Southeastern United States
Archaeology in South Carolina
Mesoamerican Archaeology
North American Archaeology
Dr. Ward Russell E.Dr. Russell E. Ward Professor of Sociology, Joan and Garry Gladstone Professor of Sociology rward@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4632 DepartmentsSociologyOfficeFH 242Additional information
Ph. D. - Kent State University, 2000
Dr. Russell (Rusty) Ward is a native of Zanesville, OH. Much of his research examines whether high school sports connect with social and cultural capital in ways that narrow or reinforce educational achievement gaps between boys and girls, racial-ethnic minorities and whites, and poor and nonpoor groups of students. Dr. Ward’s work has appeared in Michigan Sociological Review, Aggression and Violent Behavior, Sex Roles, Sociology of Sport Journal, Sociological Spectrum, Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education, and International Journal of Sport Communication. Dr. Ward is an avid bicyclist and runner, and participates in many 5k and 10k road races. He lives with his wife in Florence, SC.
Courses Taught:
- SOCI 201: Principles of Sociology
- SOCI 302: Methods of Sociology
- SOCI 342: Social Deviance
- SOCI 381: Sociology of Sports
- HNRS 250: Humor in Society
Dr. Warters T. AlissaDr. T. Alissa Warters University Provost, Dean of the Francis Marion College of Liberal Arts, Professor of Political Science twarters@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1286 DepartmentsPolitical ScienceProvost's OfficeOfficeSAB 115Additional information
Ph.D. University of Tennessee
M.A. Virginia Tech University
B.A. Virginia Tech University
Dr. Warters became the Provost and the Dean of the Francis Marion University College of Liberal Arts on July 1, 2023. Dr. Warters was the Vice President for Enrollment Management and is a Professor of Political Science.
Dr. Washington ChrisDr. Chris Washington Associate Professor of English cwashington@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1505 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 113Additional information
Chris Washington specializes in British Romantic literature, eighteenth and nineteenth-century British literature, poetry and poetics, and literary theory. He has published articles in European Romantic Review, Essays in Romanticism, Literature Compass, and another piece on teaching Jane Austen in Romantic Circles Pedagogies Commons. With Anne McCarthy he is the co-editor of Romanticism and Speculative Realism forthcoming from Bloomsbury Press. He has several other articles forthcoming as well. In his spare time he enjoys traveling, exploring, and drinking tea.
PhD, Miami University of Ohio-Oxford, OH
M.A., English Literature, Marshall University
B.A., English Literature, Marshall University
Dr. Wattles WillDr. Will Wattles Faculty Emeritus in Psychology, Former Chair: Department of Psychology, Former Walter D. Smith Professor of Psychology DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeAdditional information
William P. Wattles is a former Chair of the Psychology Department. He is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and a member of the Association for Psychological Science. Will received a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Tufts University, a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Texas-Austin and a Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical/Community Psychology from the University of South Carolina-Columbia. He taught undergraduate courses in Health Psychology and Quantitative and Psychometric Methods. For the graduate program he taught Group Counseling and Psychotherapy and Psychological Assessment: Personality and Psychopathology with associated practica for both.
Research Interests:
- Teaching of Psychology
- Technology in the classroom
- Program Assessment
- Qualitative Analysis of faculty and program evaluations
- Health Psychology
Dr. Waymyers Sophia D.Dr. Sophia D. Waymyers Professor Emerita swaymyers@fmarion.edu DepartmentsMathematicsOfficeAdditional information
Ph.D. in Biostatistics from the University of South Carolina
Wayne Megan S. PhD, MSN-Ed, RNMegan S. Wayne PhD, MSN-Ed, RN Instructor of Nursing mwayne@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-4657 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 125Additional information
Megan Wayne received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Clemson University in December of 2013 and became a Registered Nurse in 2014. She began her career as a bedside nurse in medical-surgical and critical care settings before realizing her true passion was educating patients, new nurses, and the students that rotated through her hospital unit. This led Wayne to transition to a primary care role while pursuing a Master of Science in Nursing Education which she received from Benedictine University in 2018.
Wayne began her academic career as a part-time clinical adjunct for Francis Marion University before transitioning to a full-time faculty roll in 2018. Since then, she has taught across various programs in the School of Health Sciences including the undergraduate BSN program, RN-BSN program, Healthcare Administration program, and the MSN Nurse Educator track. She is currently completing her dissertation research on mental fatigue and self-care engagement in family caregivers through the Medical University of South Carolina with plans to complete her PhD this academic year.
Weaver Dorie DNP, FNP-BC, PMHNP-BC, CNEDorie Weaver DNP, FNP-BC, PMHNP-BC, CNE Assistant Professor of Nursing, Coordinator of the MSN/Nurse Educator Track dweaver@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1692 DepartmentsNursingSchool of Health SciencesOfficeLNB 110Additional information
Dr. Dorie Weaver is a full-time Assistant Professor of Nursing at Francis Marion University (FMU). Dorie is originally from northeast Pennsylvania and has recently joined the FMU faculty in August, 2015. Dorie received her BSN from Allentown College in 1996. She completed her Master of Science in Nursing as a Family Nurse Practitioner in 2000 from DeSales University located in Center Valley, Pa. She has also earned a post-master’s certificate in nursing education from Villanova University in 2004. In December of 2017, Dorie completed her Doctor of Nursing Practice at Chatham University in Pittsburgh, Pa. Her area of focus is incorporating interprofessional education through the use of simulation to enhance collaboration and promote positive patient outcomes. Dr. Weaver obtained a post-master’s certificate in Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner at Frontier Nursing University in December 2021. She actively practices as a PMHNP in North Myrtle Beach providing in-person and telehealth medication management. She also continues to practice as a FNP in Florence. In 2023, she was senior author of three chapters and senior consultant for numerous chapters for an open-resource Pharmacology textbook designed for undergraduate nursing students.
Her nursing experience consists of working within the following specialties: Medical-Surgical, Emergency Department, Neuro/Trauma ICU and Pediatrics in long-term care. Dorie has worked mainly in the field of cardiology as a nurse practitioner. Dr. Weaver has been teaching since 2000 and has taught at varied levels (diploma, associates, baccalaureate, and graduate). She had also taught Kaplan Test Prep NCLEX-RN review courses throughout Pennsylvania for 8 years. Dr. Weaver had the opportunity to take a group of students to Mexico on a week-long service learning trip as part of her educational experience.
Dr. Weaver is an active member of Sigma Theta Tau. She is a co-advisor for the Student Nurse Association. She is a member of the Curriculum Committee, as well as, Admission, Progressions and Graduation Committee. She has completed a certification in online instruction at FMU in 2016. Dr. Weaver teaches across the curriculum in pre-licensure courses such as Adult Health, Pharmacology, and Nutrition; Health Assessment/Pathophysiology for RN-BSN online students and Advanced Pathophysiology for graduate students. In addition, she provides clinical oversight for several nurse practitioner courses. She has recently edited a chapter on simulation in a CNE review book.
Dr. Weldy LanceDr. Lance Weldy Professor of English lweldy@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1513 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 103Additional information
Dr. Lance Weldy is Professor of English and teaches classes in freshman composition and children’s and young adult literature. He has co-edited several collections of scholarship on children’s literature, including the C. S. Lewis: The Chronicles of Narnia New Casebook and a special issue on Sexualities and Children’s Culture for the Children’s Literature Association Quarterly. His current research interests include the social construction of childhood sexuality and the multivalent nature of queerness and its relation to Christian fundamentalism. His latest publications include “The Queerness of the Man-Child: Narcissism and Silencing in Astrid Lindgren’s Karlson on the Roof Series” and “Visual Identity and the Queer Aesthetics of Passing: Gay Teen Body Politics in Sebastian, Beautiful Thing, and Get Real,” both published in Barnboken: Journal of Children’s Literature Research. His most recent publication is the edited anthology, BJU and Me: Queer Voices from the World's Most Christian University, published by the University of Georgia Press (June 2022).
PhD, Texas A&M University-Commerce
MA, University of Illinois-Springfield
BA, Bob Jones University
Dr. White David R.Dr. David R. White Professor of Political Science, Coordinator of Pre-Law Programs dwhite@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1614 DepartmentsPolitical ScienceOfficeFH 136Additional information
Ph.D. University of Arizona
M.A. University of Arizona
B.A. Bucknell University
Dr. White, the former Chair of the department, has taught a variety of American politics classes at FMU, including courses on the U.S. Congress, the American presidency, state and local government, Southern politics, contemporary political issues, and the politics of sports. He coordinates the university's political science and criminal justice programs, as well as the department’s internships. He also serves as the university's pre-law advisor. His research interests are the U.S. Senate and presidential trip preparations, also known as presidential advance. After college, Dr. White worked in Washington, D.C., for nearly six years. His first two jobs were with a major political party, first in the fundraising office, and then in the chairman’s office. He then served as a trip coordinator in the advance office of a presidential campaign, before working in the press office of a U.S. senator. Dr. White grew up in Cooperstown, New York, and is an avid runner.
Dr. Williams Kenneth B.Dr. Kenneth B. Williams Faculty Emeritus in Chemistry, Professor of Chemistry DepartmentsChemistryOfficeAdditional informationDrs. Bruce and Lee Foundation Professor of Chemistry
Dr. Williams KrystinDr. Krystin Williams Assistant Professor of Education, Coordinator for Teacher Cadets (region 4) Krystin.Williams@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1465 DepartmentsSchool of EducationOfficeSOBE 268 - Office hours are posted on course syllabus. Please email to schedule an appointment.Additional information
Office hours are posted on each course syllabus.
Dr. Woosley-Goodman MeganDr. Megan Woosley-Goodman Associate Professor of English mwoosleygoodman@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1623 DepartmentsEnglishEnglish and PhilosophyOfficeFH 117Additional information
Dr. Woosley’s main area of expertise is medieval aristocratic culture and justice in the 14th and 15th centuries, but she has a solid background in Old English and Anglo-Norman literature, language, and culture. She writes about the construction of medieval identity in literature, particularly identities of the emergent middle strata. She is interested in all things Robin Hood.
Dr. Woosley has taught courses on gender and identity in romance, women’s writers, monsters, and the body. She is interested in justice, the history of the English language, technology and composition, neo-medievalisms, outlaws and resistance, and medieval women. At FMU, she teaches courses on medieval literature, British literature, the History of the English Language, sections of composition featuring archival research and podcasting, and composition I and II.
Outside of the classroom, she spends her time in Hartsville where she lives with her husband, two children, and various small animals. She enjoys cooking, gardening, and traveling.
PhD, University of Missouri
MA and BA, Southern Illinois University
Dr. Wrighten Shayna A.Dr. Shayna A. Wrighten Professor of Biology swrighten@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1383 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeLSF 204AAdditional information
Ph.D. Biomedical Sciences University of South Carolina School of Medicine Columbia, SC
B.S. Neuroscience Furman University Greenville, SC
Courses Taught:
- Biology 406 General Physiology
- Biology 104 Human Biology for non-majors
- Biology 205 Human Anatomy
- Biology 499 Senior Seminar
- Biology 309 Introduction to Neuroscience
Research Interests:
My primary research interest is in better understanding interpersonal interactions and the role of empathy in these interactions. To better understand these behaviors I use a rat model of pro-social behavior. Using a pro-social task we measure various behaviors related to empathy. The task uses a restrainer placed into a larger arena. The restrainer contains one rat (trapped rat) and the arena contains one rat (free rat). The free rat has the ability to open the restrainer door to release the trapped rat. Release of the trapped rat is measured as an empathy-like behavior. Using this task we can assess how various factors, such as maternal care, affect empathy-like behavior.
I also have concurrent human research being conducted. This research is also focused on interpersonal interactions and is conducted primarily on college students through the use of survey analysis.
Dr. Young EricaDr. Erica Young Associate Professor of Psychology ejames@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1642 DepartmentsPsychologyOfficeCEMC 236-CAdditional information
Dr. Erica L. Young earned her Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the College of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina. She went on to study in the area of Clinical/Counseling Psychology. She later earned a Master of Science in Applied Psychology from Francis Marion University. Dr. James completed her Doctoral Internship at the Counseling and Human Development Center at the University of South Carolina-Columbia as part of her doctoral training in Counseling Psychology from the University of Georgia.
Her research interests include depression and anxiety and help-seeking attitudes among minority groups. She also has a special interest in help-seeking behaviors and attitudes among African American women and mental health service utilization of college students.
Dr. Young also serves as the Cheerleading Advisor for the FMU Athletics Department.
Dr. Zahnd Elizabeth A.Dr. Elizabeth A. Zahnd Professor of French, Coordinator of Modern Languages-French Program EZahnd@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1600 DepartmentsModern LanguagesOfficeCEMC 113EAdditional information
Dr. Elizabeth A. Zahnd is a Professor of Modern Languages and French Program Coordinator at Francis Marion University. She holds a B.A. in French and Foreign Service from Baylor University (1992), a M.A. in French from the Middlebury College School in France (1993), and a Ph.D. in Francophone Studies from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1999). Dr. Zahnd teaches all levels of French literature and language as well as elementary Spanish. She was a founding editor of The South Carolina Modern Language Review and has published several peer-reviewed articles pertaining to Francophone literature and Caribbean studies, along with an intermediate ESL textbook, Let’s Get Real. Dr. Zahnd is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, a PEO national scholar, a recipient of the Sampere-Ulloa Spanish scholarship and a recipient of the Francis Marion University Distinguished Faculty Award for community service. She lives in Florence with her husband Timothy Bergfeld and their daughter Anya and son Alex.
Dr. Zwiers Paul B.Dr. Paul B. Zwiers Associate Professor of Biology pzwiers@fmarion.edu Phone843-661-1654 DepartmentsBiologyOfficeMSB 201DAdditional information
University of Maryland- College Park Ph. D. Biology, 2009 Research at The Center for Conservation and Evolutionary Biology, Smithsonian Institution Westminster College
B.S. Biology, 2000 Music Double Major University of the Virgin Islands Semester Abroad, fall of junior year
Courses Taught:
- BIO 105
- BIO 115
- BIO 106
- BIO 103
- BIO 104
Research Interests:
I am fascinated by what I see around me. I like to understand why one species looks like or does this, while another species looks or does something different. I am interested in how natural selection pressures (such as diseases) may influence the evolution of a trait, such as the immune system, within a host species. I am also interested in how sexual selection (i.e. mate choice) influences the evolution of traits. In some instances, natural and sexual selection affect the same trait. Take for instance the immune system. You would expect that host’s immune systems evolve to best protect the host. You might also hypothesize that females would choose males with a “good” immune system, so those genes are passed to her offspring. Testing these hypotheses in wild systems is of great interest to me, and can help explain how the evolution of disease, immunity, and mate choice are intertwined.