January 27, 2019

Cognitive Psychology Students Visit University of Florida
Dr. Sargent and 7 student lab members flew down to the University of Florida in Gainesville for two days to visit the neuromodulation lab of Dr. Adam Woods. Students got to see demonstrations of various methods for imaging brain structure and activity, including MRI, fMRI, MRS, and EEG, as well as methods for actually manipulating brain activity using electrical and magnetic stimulation (TMS, tDCS). In addition, Dr. Woods’ post doc and graduate students presented data from various projects and the Sargent lab presented data as well. This gave the students a chance to get valuable feedback on our EEG experiments from an expert. It was a great learning experience for everyone.
Photo caption (left to right): Eric Henderson, Ronkeela Jones, Rebecca Reid, Zach Gerrald, Hallsy Kellar, Dr. Jesse Sargent, Dustin Hooks, and Madison Cox