Centers of Excellence
Centers of Excellence at FMU
The Centers of Excellence Program was established by the South Carolina Education Improvement Act (EIA) of 1984. That legislation provided for the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education, in consultation with the State Board of Education, to contract with selected public or private colleges and universities, or groupings of such institutions, to provide centers of excellence in programs designed to train teachers. Funds for implementing this activity shall be appropriated annually to the Commission on Higher Education which, in consultation with the State Board of Education, monitors the performance of participating institutions.
Francis Marion University is home to two Centers of Excellence. The Center of Excellence for Teaching Children of Poverty was formed in 2004. The Center of Excellence for College and Career Readiness was formed in 2014.
Both centers are led by FMU faculty and the presence of centers enhances FMU’s academic life and educational offerings.
Learn More
To find out more about the resources, programs, and events our Centers of Excellence have to offer, please visit the links below.