BIOL 106 – Biological Sciences II
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Take BIOL-106L. (Required, Concurrent). Credit Hours: Min: 4; Max: Description: A survey of the domains of life in an evolutionary framework. Includes biological evolution and the mechanisms of evolutionary change, a survey of biological diversity with examples of plant and animal structure and physiology, and general ecological principles. Includes laboratory and field experiences. Credit […]
BIOL 105 – Biological Sciences I
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: The content of this course covers broad concepts of the scientific method, biological chemistry, and the molecular and cellular basis of life. Includes the topics of cell structure, energetics and metabolism, molecular genetics, Mendelian inheritance, and cell reproduction, with selected applications at the tissue and organ levels of […]
ART 101 – Introduction to Art
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Credit Hours: Min: 3; Max: Description: Patterns of perception and understanding are established through analysis of major works of painting, sculpture, and architecture in a historical survey. The class format includes a liberal use of slides and occasional films.