Francis Marion University’s Career Center offers many services to our business community.
Employers can post full time, part-time, and internship opportunities via Handshake.
If your organization already uses Handshake, please request to connect with Francis Marion University. If your organization does not use Handshake, you may activate an account (for free) and then request to connect with Francis Marion University. This online platform allows employers to post job openings and to network with students for internships/jobs. All of these employer services are free of charge.
Please contact Dr. Jennifer Kunka with questions regarding Handshake.

Handshake is an extremely useful tool for furthering your career. Students can browse posts for full-time, part-time, and internship positions, and employers can post them. To access Handshake, please click the button below.
If your organization would like to arrange a virtual job recruitment meeting with students, please contact our office at 843.661.1676.