How To Email

Send email to all users within a course

Select Tools from the Course Menu, and then select Send Email or select Send Email from the course Tools section of the Control Panel.

In the Send Email window, select the All Users option. An email in which the To and From fields (your name/email should appear in both fields) are already filled in should pop up; just fill in the Subject and the Message of your email and select Submit.

Send email to all student users within a course

Select Tools from the Course Menu, and then select Send Email or select Send Email from the course Tools section of the Control Panel.

In the Send Email window, select the All Student Users option. An email in which the To and From fields are already filled in should pop up; just fill in the Subject and the Message of your email and select Submit.

Send email to all teaching assistant users within a course

Select Tools from the Course Menu, and then select Send Email or select Send Email from the course Tools section of the Control Panel. In the Send Email window, select the All Users option.

In the Send Email window, select the All Teaching Assistant Users option. An email in which the To and From fields are already filled in should pop up; just fill in the Subject and the Message of your email and select Submit.

Send email to select users or select groups within a course

Select Tools from the Course Menu, and then select Send Email or select Send Email from the course Tools section of the Control Panel. In the Send Email window, select the All Users option.

In the Send Email window, select either the Select Users or Select Groups option. When sending to select users or select groups, instead of a To field that is already filled out, there are two windows: one showing the users or groups that are Available to Select and one showing the users or groups Selected, move the users or groups you would like to email from the first to the second window. The From field will already be filled in.

Next, fill in the Subject and the Message of your email and select Submit.

Send email to individual students from the Grade Center

To Send Email to individual students from the Grade Center, first make sure the edit mode set to ON, click on the Evaluation section in the Control Panel and select Grade Center.

Once in the Grade Center, move your cursor in either the First Name, Last Name, or Student ID cell of the student you would like to email, click the drop-down menu to and select Email User. The To and From fields will already be filled in; after filling in the Subject and Message fields on the Send Mail page you may check the Return Receipt and/or Attach a File if you wish, then select Submit.

Email selected users from Grade Center

To Send Email to a group of selected students, the students and their observers, or just the observers for the selected students from the Grade Center.

To Send Email to a group of selected students, the students and their observers, or just the observers for the selected students from the Grade Center, first make sure edit mode is set to ON, click on the Evaluation section in the Control Panel and select Grade Center.

From the Grade Center page, select Students in the Grade Center by checking the box adjacent to their names and then mouse over the Email button just above the Last Name and First Name Columns and select the type of recipients: Selected Students, Selected Students and their Observers, Observers for Selected Students, or Other. The To and From fields will already be filled in; after filling in the Subject and Message fields on the Send Mail page you may check the Return Receipt and/or Attach a File if you wish, then select Submit to send.