Forum Information
Enter a Name for the Forum. This is a required field. The Name becomes the link that users click to access the Forum to read and post Threads.
Enter a Description of the Forum in the text box. The description can contain formatted text, links, images, and attachments. Use the Description to provide information about the Forum and any instructions for posting. This information is optional, but can help users understand expectations and any associated goals and tasks.
Forum Availability
Select No to hide a Forum from users. This will make the Forum unavailable.
Date and Time Restrictions
Forums can be set to be available on a specific date and time and to stop being available on a specific date and time.
Forum Settings
Forums have many different settings that affect how users interact with the Forums. Forum postings can be graded, if you want. When a Forum is set to be graded, a Column in the Grade Center is automatically created. The Grade Center Column can be edited in the Grade Center and in the Discussion Board.
- Allow Anonymous Posts: Users can post to the Forum without revealing their Usernames. If Forums allow anonymous posts, they cannot be graded.
- Allow Author to Delete Own Posts: Users can delete all their own posts or just posts without replies. Deleted posts cannot be recovered.
- Allow Author to Edit Own Published Posts: No record of the original post is kept.
- Allow Post Tagging: Tagging is a way to add metadata to posts to make them easier to retrieve in searches. To tag items in a Forum, first select them and then click Collect. For faster Discussion Board page loading, do not allow Post Tagging.
- Allow Users to Reply with Quote: This setting is enabled by default. When users click Quote, the message they are replying to is included in the post.
- Allow File Attachments: This setting is enabled by default. Attaching large files will slow down the Discussion Board
- Allow Members to Create New Threads: This setting is enabled by default. If Threads are graded, members cannot reate new Threads and members cannot post anonymously.
- Subscribe: Subscriptions to Threads and Forums are sent to users by email. Once a subscription option is selected, users can select:
- Include body of Post in the Email: The entire post is sent in the body of the email message.
- Include link to post: A link to the post is sent in the body of the email message.
- Allow Members to Rate Posts: Users can rate the quality of the post using a five star system.
- Force Moderation of Posts: This requires all messages to be reviewed by a Moderator before they can be published to the Forum. The Instructor is the Manager of the Forum and can moderate all posts. Others can be assigned the role of Moderator to determine if posts are published to the Forum or returned to the author for editing.
- Grade: Users’s posts can be graded in two different ways.
- Users can have their overall participation in a Forum graded. This option creates a Column in the Grade Center and requires a Points Possible entry when the Forum is created.
- Users can be graded on a Thread-by-Thread basis. This option creates a Column in the Grade Center when the Discussion Board manager creates the Thread. If Threads are graded, members cannot create new Threads.