Campus Technology

Need Help?

You can visit the pages above to find help with log-in, technical, and mechanical issues.

You can also reach the Campus Technology Help Desk by calling 843-661-1111 or visiting the Stanton Academic Computer Center, Room 108.

Our Staff

Chief Information Officer

John Dixon

Director of Network Operations and Systems

H. Vashon Brown

Systems Administrator

Emmanuel Sarmiento

Network Administrator

Dominic Davis

Campus Technology Office Manager & Telecommunications

Hannah Amerson

Director of Campus Applications and Data Services

Alicia Campbell


Carla Rogers


Johnathon Keller


Roland Vu

Director of User Services & Desktop Support

Dennis Sullen

Desktop Support Technician

Justin Smalls

Desktop Support Technician

Darry Russ

Desktop Support Technician

Nesha Mitchell

Our Vision

We envision a campus community which incorporates technology as a transforming influence in teaching and learning. A community where students and faculty are comfortable using and integrating technology across the curriculum; where administrative functions are fully automated, thereby allowing more of the energy and resources of the University system to be focused on teaching/learning as the central reality; and where technology can support the institution in realizing its distinctive mission through a trained and caring information technology team of professionals.

Our Mission

Our mission is to facilitate and promote the effective use and integration of information technology in teaching and learning, scholarship and creative activity, business processes, and community engagement and service.

Our Values

We believe that those who use our services define quality for us, and that collaboration and consensus are essential to achieving our goals.  We are committed to continuously improving our services and to working productively in self-managed teams.


  • We regard quality service to our customers as critical.
  • We each recognize a personal responsibility to solve problems for the institution.
  • We believe that resources make things possible but that people make things happen.
  • We recognize teaching/learning as the central reality for the University and prioritize all activities accordingly.
  • We value the sharing of information, expertise, decision-making, and ideas so that all people have a stake in events.
  • We strive to optimize the use of resources in cost-effective ways.
  • We treat all people with honesty and with consistent respect for their contributions, capabilities, and knowledge.
  • We communicate openly and consistently.
  • We believe in working together in effective teams.
  • We always seek to improve all areas of our responsibility.
  • We concentrate on solving immediate problems and learning to eliminate repetitive problems.