A degree in economics will help you answer these questions and many more! The Economics faculty within the School of Business is dedicated to the success of our students.
With average introductory class sizes of 35 and upper divisional class sizes of 12, students get the opportunity to interact with faculty, enhancing the learning experience.
Questions Answered by Economics
- How do people and businesses make decisions?
- Why does our economy have expansions and recessions?
- What is government’s role in the economy?
- What is the best use of natural resources?
- Is trading with other countries good for the economy?
- What should be produced in a world with limited resources?
Career Options
- Law School
- Graduate School (Master’s, Doctorate)
- Small Business Management
- Public Policy
- Business
- Law
- Academics
- Research
- Government
- Entrepreneurship
B.B.A. with Major in Business Economics
Completion of the B.B.A. Common Requirements – 102 hours
- Economics 18 hours
- 300/400 Economics (3)
- 300/400 Economics (3)
- 300/400 Economics (3)
- 300/400 Economics (3)
- School Elective (3)
- Economics 450 Senior Seminar in Economics (3)
In addition to the general economics curriculum, there are three optional specializations: Business economics, Policy and Sustainability, and Sports Economics. Each specialization is tailored to offer specific required courses with focused expertise in its respective area.
- Business Economics Specialization 18 hours
- ECON 310 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (3)
- ECON 320 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory (3)
- ECON 321 Money and Banking (3)
- ECON 325 or FIN 344 or FIN 347 (3)
- ECON 450 Senior Seminar in Economics (3)
- Economics Elective (any 300 or 400 level course) (3)
- Economics Policy and Sustainability Specialization 18 hours
- ECON 310 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory or ECON 320 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory (3)
- ECON 340 Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (3)
- ECON 450 Senior Seminar in Economics (3)
- Nine hours from:
- ECON 323 Urban and Regional Economics (3)
- ECON 341 Healthcare Economics (3)
- ECON 400 Public finance (3)
- ECON 410 Labor Economics (3)
- Sports Economics Specialization
- ECON 310 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory or ECON 320 Macroeconomic Theory (3)
- ECON 306 Economics of Sports (3)
- Economics Electives (any 300 or 400 level courses) (3)
- School Elective (3)
- BUS 467 The Business of Sports (3)
- BUS 496 Sports Industry Capstone (3)
- Total Required hours 120
Students in the Policy and Sustainability Specialization are encouraged to minor or collateral in Environmental Science and Studies. BUS 496 fulfills the Senior Seminar Requirements for students specializing in Sports Economics.
Minor in Economics
- The prerequisites for these courses must be met.
- Minors must have a 2.0 grade point average in the six courses taken as their minor.
- Required courses – 18 hours
- ECON 203 – Introduction to Microeconomics
- ECON 204 – Introduction to Macroeconomics
- ECON 310 – Intermediate Microeconomics OR ECON 320 – Intermediate Macroeconomics
- Three (3) ECON electives – 9 hours
Collateral in Economics
- Required courses – 12 hours
- ECON 203 – Introduction to Microeconomics
- ECON 204 – Introduction to Macroeconomics
- Two (2) ECON electives – 6 hours
Course Descriptions
Quick Facts: Economists
2023 Median Pay
$115,730 per year
$55.64 per hour
Typical Entry-Level Education
Master’s degree
Work Experience in a Related Occupation
On-the-job Training
Number of Jobs, 2023
Job Outlook, 2023-33
Employment Change, 2023-33
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics (http://www.bls.gov/ooh/life-physical-and-social-science/economists.htm)