Special Executive Session
Francis Marion University
The Cottage, Hendrick Room
Thursday, April 21, 2022 – 4:00 pm – 4:35 pm

Mr. Robert E. Lee, Chair

Mr. Jody Bryson (by web meeting)
Mr. William W. Coleman, Jr.
Mr. H. Paul Dove, Jr. (by web meeting)
Dr. H. Randall Dozier
Mr. R. Tracy Freeman (by web meeting)
Mr. William Edward Gunn (by web meeting)
Mrs. Patricia C. Hartung (by web meeting)
Mr. Kenneth W. Jackson
Mr. Stephen N. Jones
Mr. Floyd L. Keels (by web meeting)
Ms. Karen Leatherman (by web meeting)
Mr. George C. McIntyre
Mr. Mark S. Moore (by web meeting)

Others Present:
Mr. Darryl Bridges, Vice President for Finance and Facilities
Dr. Fred Carter, President
Mr. Chris Day, Morning News Reporter
Mr. Larry Falck, Director of Multimedia Services
Dr. Peter King, Provost
Mrs. Elizabeth Shefton, Executive Assistant to the President
Mrs. Allison Steadman, Associate Provost and Associate Professor of Theatre Arts – Costume Design
Mr. John Sweeney, Vice President of Communications

Mr. Lee called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm, and then he asked Mrs. Shefton to call the roll.  Mr. Lee then stated for the record that media notification was made in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, and that a quorum was present.

Executive Session:

Mr. Lee made a motion for the board to go into Executive Session to discuss legal and contractual matters. The motion was seconded by Mr. Coleman.  The board gave unanimous approval to go into Executive Session.

Mr. Lee called the trustees out of Executive Session at 4:30 and said no action was taken.


Mr. Lee presented to the board Resolution 07-22 for the Approval for Development and Restoration of Dargan’s Pond.  Mr. Jones made a motion that the resolution be approved, and Mr. McIntyre seconded the motion.  The resolution received unanimous approval by the board.

Mr. Lee presented to the board Resolution 08-22 for the Approval for the Extension of the President’s Contract.  Mr. Jackson made a motion that the resolution be approved, and Mr. Coleman seconded the motion.  The resolution received unanimous approval by the board.

Unfinished Business:


New Business:


Mr. Lee adjourned the meeting at 4:35 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Floyd L. Keels
